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Everything posted by jmh2006

  1. @Luckynana and @BonTexasNY don't forget about me! I was told "Jennifer" was the most popular girls name in 1961 (my birth year). πŸ˜‰ Also, I remember Love Story as being the first movie I bawled my eyes out too! Even today I still cry when I watch it. @FromSea2ShiningSea Thanks for the beautiful pictures Helen!
  2. @h20skibum So happy for that bit of good news Mark! I was holding my breathe as I was reading it which is only a fraction of the feelings you and your family had last week. Blessings to you all!
  3. Oh no! So sorry to hear about Linda's shoulder plus your situation as well. I hope the Monday doctor's appointment can give you some answers to the burning thigh situation and if you have a hernia. I pray you don't have to cancel Beyond!
  4. We started our married life with a real tree when we lived in Chicago, but then we always travelled to either Vermont or Michigan so artificial seemed more sensible. Then when we moved to Michigan, we added more artificial trees as we still travelled most years for Christmas. It is a lot of work, but I love all of my trees and ornaments that I have collected. Also, I usually host parties for my bunco and euchre groups πŸ˜€.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all on Dani’s wonderful thread! I wish you all a great day with family and friends. I am not hosting this year. We will be spending the day at the home of my best friend and college roommate whose son is my son’s best buddy, almost like brothers. So, I started my holiday decorating a week ago (earlier than normal) and just finished. Here are some pictures of my trees!
  6. The Lions are on fire! πŸ”₯I was doubting that they would win yesterday so I decided to go outside and finish my xmas decorations and lo and behold I saw a notification on my watch that they won! Now, let's hope Thanksgiving day against the Packers goes as well!
  7. And Sue they will playing my son's Alma Mater, the Toledo Rockets, who are 10-1. Unfortunately we will not be able to go. We did go several years ago when they played and won, I think defeating Miami of Ohio. Have a great time in Detroit!
  8. @taznremmy Pat, sorry to be late on letting you know how sorry I am your knee is bothering you. Hopefully, it is no worse than a torn meniscus and like @Sea Dog Greg said, maybe only a strain. Some good physical therapy will help you out for sure. Please let us know what the results of the MRI is and enjoy the rest of the cruise!
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