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Everything posted by USCAdventurer

  1. My bad Patty you were right I did get five vouchers. I thought I only had four but you’re right I did get five and I actually won’t be able to use all five I’ll be using four
  2. i'm very appreciative of the voucher E program from Crystal. It's certainly something they didn't have to do and i've already used three of the four voucherd i received. keith, i know you're right about this.
  3. i've got my red pen out to correct that awful letter!
  4. i can't wait to hear Lous singing again:)
  5. I was on an azamara cruise last summer and they had a white night party. i had never heard of it before since it was my first azamara cruise, but it was lots of fun and while most people wore something white, other people wore whatever they wanted to. it was lots of fun and something different.
  6. my ship does not stop at santorinij but i would like to see it while i'm in athens. is it possible to take an all day tour to santorini? thanks in advance for your answers.
  7. USCAdventurer


    i see what you mean, Keith. i just randomly went to Disney cruise board and sure enough, on the main page underneath DISNEY in bold letter it shows "write a review of Disney". they should provide that link fo reviews for crystal.
  8. what fabulous picturew of symphony. she is truly magnificent!
  9. yes, what a fabulous picture of symphony! what a beauty!
  10. thanks for your prompt reply. every month it seems to get pushed back another month or two. i remember when they told me i should expect to get my money in august. at least i haven't been disqualified so that's a plus.
  11. I got the same email. does this mean they are finally distributing the claims? i sure hope so. yes, i guess the lawyers get paid first but i hope the rest of us commoners get payments soon. is there anyway to know when we might expect payment?
  12. Can anyone recommend a good hotel in Civitavecchia please? And then can someone recommend transport from the hotel to the ship in the late morning? Much appreciated.
  13. keith, appreciate the photos of the single cabin on deck 7. i am booked in a single cabin on deck 7 on syphony and serenity and it looks fine for me.
  14. keth, thank you for taking the time and using your memory so well to review the two cruises. i really enjoyed every day you wrote about your expeiences and the food pictures were fabulous. i can't wait to see everything fore myself and i'm glad i have a symphony cruise booked for may, 2024 and serenity cruise booked for sept. 2024. your comments are insightful and realistic and i hope eveyone understands how happy you are with the New Crystal. i especially liked your comments about the crew because, after all, its the people that make the difference between a great cruise and a just ok cruise. it seems like crystal mamagement want everyone to experience a great cruise and as time goes buy, i'm sure they will meet this goal. hope your ankle is healing. thank you again for all the time you have taken to let sail with you on cruise critic.
  15. keith, thanks for your inciteful eomments on this post. your are 100% correct! just being on a luxury cruise is a gift and if one has to complain about something, complain about the weather. how is your ankle? you neve mentioned what problem anne maire is having but i hope she's doing better too. by the way, when and shere is your next crystal cruise and on which ship? turly grateful for your posts. i feel like i've been on the cruise with you.
  16. Keith was this survey for the first cruise you were on for the second cruise you were on?
  17. i agree, great film. can't wait for my symphony cruise in may, 2024
  18. Keith, everything was very well put here and thank you for making all the comments you did. I’m so glad that Crystal is back and I can’t wait to sail on the symphony and the serenity next year will you be home tomorrow night or are you staying in London overnight and flying home on Wednesday? Have a safe and wonderful trip home. Thanks again for everything you’ve done to help us follow along with you and Annmarie.
  19. keith, i thoroughly agree with you. surprises are nice and trying things for the first time is very exciting and enjoyalbe rather than knowing in advance what things will be like. by the way, who is douglas ward? its been just wonderful following you and anne marie on this journey. thank you again for taking the time to post every day.
  20. keith, hope your ankle and foot are improving. so sorry to hear what happened to you but it seems you always have a plan B just in case and your plan B was terrrific. hope you feel better today.
  21. hello 360 guy, i saw your post and thought i'd let you know i live in scottsdale too. i am booked on the serenity cruise on sept. 24, 2024 from quebec to new york. if you decide to go on it, i'd like to meet you. cheers
  22. Jimmy Cruzer thank you very much for your comments last summer. I went on Azamara Baltic sea cruise for 11 days from Copenhagen to Tallinn to Helsinki to Gdansk Stockholm. Wanna move in and ended up in Amsterdam it was a fabulous fabulous cruise. They were only 450 people on board the ship that holds 700 the crew was great. The food was great. The ports were great. I definitely would recommend Azamara to anybody.
  23. Thank you very much for your comments and advice Terry. I really appreciate it fight on Trojan’s Fight on trojans
  24. have you tried regent and/or oceana and what do you think about them?
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