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Everything posted by princess76021

  1. love love love your photos!! you guys look great! hugs from texas!!
  2. Welcome back to the States! I wasn't ready to come home yet!!!😕😕 thanks again for taking us along 😘😘 hugs from Texas
  3. hi, we've driven to Galveston from the DFW area more times than i want to remember. we have left as early as 5 a.m. and gotten there almost 2 we have left at 7 and gotten there at 11:30 as they have said it's a crap shoot and there is almost always some sort of construction. I finally got him to go a day early and on greg's advice we stayed in Webster at the Fairmont which he also suggested. there are plenty of eating venues there. the drive to Galveston took 20 minutes i have sort of a cruise diary starting in 2005. if you have any question ask away hugs from texas
  4. Thank you for taking the time to write this review Hugs from Texas
  5. hope your flight was great! welcome back to the oven!! hugs from texas!!
  6. I'll be extremely happy to join you!! thanks for the invite! Hugs from Texas
  7. enjoy! for this is what you will be coming home to!! hugs from the oven
  8. really not ready for you to get off!! have safe travels home! hugs from texas
  9. @Prometheus1 was this not the quickest 2 weeks ever?? not ready for you to get off! i was enjoying it too much. hugs from texas
  10. @HelloItsMeB i found the oh crap button for you!! hugs from texas but with the food mishap you can both share it!!
  11. i think to be able to stay on CC i'll just say i'm a born Bronxite and it wasn't a raspberry!! (for those that don't know, a raspberry is when you stick your tongue out and blow) hugs from texas
  12. it's in the water!! that's why pizza tastes so different (and delicious) too!!! hugs from texas (formerly from the bronx!)
  13. gave this a like it should have an oh wow button!!! hugs from home
  14. one more thing, about the subway system, that is how i met my husband!! he fell on my lap (literally) after a few not so nice words we started to talk nice after 1 1/2 years we were married! 53 years the day before he passed. love the subway for that!! hugs from texas
  15. i lived and worked in new york for the first half of my life and there is nothing that is more exhilerating than see it through a tourists eyes!! we take allot for granted because we live there and see it all the time but seeing it through your eyes makes it so much better. thank you for doing this!! (btw, i used to go to the empire state building every day to meet my cousin for lunch, she worked on the 6th floor, i never went to the 86 floor until we had out of twon guests that wanted to go!! that is what i mean by we take it for granted!!) hugs from texas
  16. 10 hours and page 2 !! loving it already! thanks for taking us along hugs from texas!!!
  17. glad you got home safe!! thanks again for taking us along! hugs from texas
  18. i'm a little slow but it's only page 2! you know i'm with you and i thank you for taking me!! hugs from the other side of the big airport
  19. i've been under allot of stress. sorry. a woman in my neighborhood was murdered and i'm stressing. she lived 5 houses away, it is a very quiet neighborhood. been here for 39 years and never had any problems now that i'm alone i am scared silly!! using that oh crap button for myself right now hugs from texas
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