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Everything posted by OnTheJourney

  1. No....also don't miss those who, early in the pandemic, suggested that all us older folks just stay home if we're worried about the virus. Oh Lordy....let's not even go there. Yep! To each his own on this thing - right along with a myriad of other present-day concerns
  2. Awwww....don't you miss that tube in the morning? 😉
  3. I had the same reaction. Figured this PCR protocol was just Viking being Viking. I mean, yeah, you want to make sure people aren't infected before returning to the US (of course now, with no testing, no guarantee of that), but also assumed the greater issue was the health and safety of everyone on the ship during the voyages. Quite an abrupt turnaround in policy for sure.
  4. Just listened to Tor's video announcement...he calls (the change in testing protocol) "good news"....I agree! Let's just hope there's no need to backtrack to the stricter protocol down the road.
  5. Have to wonder if part of the decision is based on a possible reduction in the number of people sailing? Probably not..but a possibility. I relate to this change in just the opposite way - was not going to book anything further with Viking as long as the daily PCR remained in effect, and was planning to cancel my January cruise. Now...not sure. MIght still keep it.
  6. Same situation, only ours isn't till January. Had the current spit-in-a-tube protocol continued, we wouldn ot be going. So now may rethink. One can hope so..... Whoop Whoop!!!!! YEA!!!! Works for me!
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