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Everything posted by blag

  1. I had forgotten the avatar! Nikon kit. Several bodies, all digital. I hate changing lenses.
  2. I see that the spell-checker is accepting scrapping instead of scraping! I pray that there is no scrapping of my ship when I'm on board. 😉 Plus, I think you mean traverse rather than transverse. 🛳️
  3. Thank you. That sounds much more encouraging. Much appreciated. I have taken note of all the caveats.
  4. I can't say that this is very comforting. Are you saying that unless there is precipitation/additional water the levels are likely to be such that we won't be on the boat?
  5. Thanks for this. Interesting though the story may be, it doesn't really answer the question I posted, which I repeat below: We're due to go from Bucharest to Budapest from July 10 to 17. River Duchess is 110M long. (I think the draught is 1.6M) Are water levels likely to be OK? (Forgive me, but I don't understand the technical stuff!)
  6. We're due to go from Bucharest to Budapest from July 10 to 17. River Duchess is 110M long. (I think the draught is 1.6M) Are water levels likely to be OK? (Forgive me, but I don't understand the technical stuff!)
  7. I too, worried about this, and travelled without any of the meds on the banned list. I don't know why I bothered. When we arrived in Dubai, there were no controls! Just a totally disinterested official who glanced at our passports and waved us through. Of course, that doesn't mean everyone will have the same experience. The list, by the way, is download-able (don't remember exactly from where) and contains some real surprises. Oh, and don't think you can purchase the meds when you arrive. Without a UAE prescription, forget it. We tried. For the first 4-5 days of our cruise I suffered withdrawal symptoms! The upside? I no longer take the meds I was not permitted to take into the UAE.
  8. 'It' being, presumably, the date of theAzamazing evening?
  9. Pre-booking avoids the tiresome queue on board. Leaving it until you are on board may mean that you find some excursions are already fully-subscribed.
  10. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/india/entry-requirements UK passport-holders need a Visa for entry to India. Anyone tried Mastercard? 😜
  11. Booking on-line avoids the tiresome queue on board. Also, you may find some tours fully-subscribed if you leave it too late.
  12. Try the app Train Timetable Italy. There are frequent and low-cost reliable trains from Bologna Centrale to Ravenna. Taxi to and from stations. Simples.
  13. I cannot vouch for them. I have future bookings via their system, but no experience.
  14. You ask for offers, and accept the one that suits you best. No commitment until you confirm acceptance. €200 is high
  15. If nothing else, the app might give an idea of what to expect, and may serve as a fallback if the hotel is either unable to help, or finds a much more expensive service.
  16. Try the GetTransfer app. Not necessarily an inexpensive transfer, but a useful tool to start your search. Unfortunately at such short notice, you might find options limited. If you are at airport hotel, they may be able to assist you in your quest.
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