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250+ Club (5/20)

  1. It does make one wonder. Are the Ocean Ready people who help with app problems contractors? I never thought about that. I know the app is a different company. If this was just an attempt at an upsell, then I don't appreciate the misinformation that he used. Upsell is just fine as it is the way of the world but using misinformation not cool.
  2. Don't know if this is true but when talking to an Ocean Ready person this morning for another thing, he noticed that I don't have a pkg on our current booking and told me that the Premier Pkg is going up to $90 a day per person next month. When I asked what the Plus Pkg was going up to, he said they did not have that information. So your guess is as good as mine as to if this is true or not. Upselling no matter what as we usually only do Plus pkg.
  3. @PacnGoNowTried to access dining following your instructions again this morning and nothing. So called and spoke to a guy in the Ocean Ready dept. He was able to fix it right there and now I can make reservations for all of us. After fixing this, he noticed that I do not have a package for us on this sailing. I usually book with the Plus Pkg. but as some have suggested here, to just do it when we get onboard to save paying the additional insurance costs, that was my plan. Well, this young man said that the Premier Pkg is about to go up to $90 a day from the current $80 a day. I told him that we never do Premier and asked him how much the Plus Pkg is going up. He said that they had not been told that as yet. So what would you make of this? Just trying to upsell me making me think I'm getting a real deal or are the prices really going up? I guess I will never know until I actually see it. I'm now thinking about just going ahead and having my PVP add the Plus Pkg to our bookings. And @PacnGoNowI want to thank you very much for your advice and instructions on how to add my companions. Just sorry that it didn't work.
  4. Thanks. I just tried this and it says it can't access dining now. it did earlier. I will try again later. I did delete app and reinstalled it and no change. I will check to see if I don't have the latest update and try again. If still nothing, then I will call Princess and yes, will select Ocean Ready. Heaven forbid not CS!! Thank you so much for trying to help me. I never had a problem before this new version. We sailed March 2023 and no problems at all.
  5. Yep, I love that Vanilla Sky too. Discovered it last year. Really enjoying your commentary and the pictures.
  6. Yes, I see the little pencil upper right corner. But when I click on that, the next screen appears and has my picture again with a little pencil in the bottom right corner of it, and below my name in bold print, then my date of birth and my email. When I tap on the pencil lower right picture circle on this screen, a menu appears on the bottom asking "upload, Take a Photo, Cancel. Maybe I need to delete app and reload.
  7. I used the search bar and cannot fine what I am looking for. Just booked a cruise for myself, son and his girlfriend. Two different cabins. I never had a problem with the old app when we last sailed but now, I cannot find the place on the new app where I can put in their booking number and thus make dinner reservations etc. for all 3 of us. I got everything else in for myself just fine. But can't find this feature. The cruise isn't until 2/23/2025. Is it just that I am too early? I am a planner so like to do things early. The only thing that I haven't done, is order the medallion. But I don't see how that should be the problem. I also went on web version and still found nothing. Thanks for your assistance.
  8. @tothemall&beyondWell, have all my past cruise summaries and I'm with you, they all have given me double OBC for a solo booking. Can't comment on those that haven't been getting the same, just know what I have experienced and have the paperwork to refer to as a reminder. So, as I said, that is why I was surprised. And I have also been sailing with Princess since 1988, with 37 cruises, although the solo ones have been in the last 5 years since my husband passed. Will, I let this spoil my cruise, nope not a moment. And @BlerkOnenever said I wasn't happy for whatever I get from a promo, just surprised me and wanted to alert others. I'm always grateful for anything life can give me. I had to cancel the cruise that my family and I had scheduled for 4/26/2024 on the Enchanted Princess so I could have surgery for my second bout with cancer so I am pretty much thankful to just be here and be able to do this. Sorry if it sounded otherwise. Like I said, everyone enjoy their cruises, I know I will and always do.
  9. Maybe I am behind the times but I have always gotten double the OBC on previous promotions for a solo booking. As recent as last year for an April 2024 cruise. Seemed logical since I was paying double (the same base fare amount as 2 people). I booked two cabins this morning on a Caribbean cruise under the current promotion. One for my son and his girlfriend and a solo cabin for myself. I was puzzled to see that the deposit confirmation only showed $100 OBC for me in my solo balcony cabin. I emailed my PVP and inquired. It seems that Princess has changed and has now included wording in the terms that says for solo occupancy of a cabin, only one OBC will be given. It was pretty hidden in one place I read but much clearer in another place with the terms of the promotion. Just a heads up for others that have been getting the double OBC for solo bookings. This doesn't delight me but also didn't surprise me in view of some other things that Princess has been doing. Enjoy your cruises everyone. I know I will, always do.
  10. @FLAlaskaI booked 2 cabins on a Caribbean Cruise this morning. One for my son and his girlfriend and one for me. I have always gotten double the OBC when solo in the cabin, so for a balcony on this promotion 2 X $100. Not this time. They have changed the small print and it specifically says solo travelers only get one OBC. I don't understand this either since we are paying double the fare. Just Princess's way of further taking away benefits that have always been there. In this case, charging solos double but only giving us one OBC.
  11. Loving your review. My late husband and I rented an apartment in London many years ago for 2 weeks and your pictures are bringing back such wonderful memories. Looking forward to the rest of your adventures as you continue and board the ship. Have a great cruise. If you ever are in London again and have time, the War Rooms are fascinating.
  12. @FishboneMy ear piercing holes start to close up within a week if I don't wear earrings and yes forcing earrings in them does hurt a lot. The few times I have done that, I use peroxide on them a few times a day and the soreness goes away faster. Who would have thought small holes in ones earlobes could hurt so much. And @ninka26I used to color my hair a lighter blonde than it naturally was, just leave it gray now, and I once came out with orange hair and another time greenish gray. My 8 year old son got a real kick at of that. I loved your last review @Fishboneso am looking forward to this one. Thanks.
  13. @BandmanYou must have an ice bucket in your room. The "tap" water is purified and good to drink. Grab a glass of lemonade or tea without ice earlier and put it in your refrigerator and add ice when you are ready to drink. I agree that one should not have to do this. Drink dispensers should work 24/7 but it is a solution under the circumstances. I sometimes get a large glass of OJ at breakfast and store it in my refrigerator for later. Hope you are enjoying the cruise in spite of this shortcoming.
  14. Yes, a solo booking does get double the OBC. So $100 per person = $200 solo booking.
  15. A Caribbean cruise that I was checking out 2 days ago, went up $700 for a solo balcony cabin and only $200 OBC since I am a solo.
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