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Snow Hill

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Everything posted by Snow Hill

  1. Morning, 1C here and overcast, snow flurries forecast for this evening. I took the car in for its first service this morning, glad of heated seats and steering wheel this morning. Local primary school not back until tomorrow so not too much of a problem revering off drive this morning. I will start planning the vegetable garden this week, deciding what to grow and where, spring cabbage crop coming on well, Cauliflower not so well, think I will invest in cloche tunnel to give some additional protection from the cold.
  2. The grounding had started to revoked around the world, then last Friday when a door blew out on an Alaska Airways 737 Max leading to rapid decompression and an emergency landing, all 737 Maxs are ground in the Us, with airlines in Turkey and Central America also grounding 737 Max aircraft. This could be a further setback for 737s returning to service and complicate leasing arrangements.
  3. An evening meal out with a former work colleague of my wife’s last night, they are have finalised their move to France and leave on Tuesday to start their new life there with their 2 children. We wished them well and will pop into see them when we are in France later this year. She has a French mother and her husband's grandfather was Spanish, so they have used those connections to make the move. Both have got jobs in France that they will commence in February so we hope everything goes well for them. We had hoped to retire to France, but unfortunately that wasn’t possible in the end.
  4. I think we have moved on somewhat since the Victorian era, I quite like the “No Black Tie Black Tie Night” look as I find ties to constraining I own very few now, I gave most of mine to a local charity shop. 😬
  5. It’s been a much more pleasant day, no rain for starters, some sunny spells but quite chilly. We took down the Christmas Decorations inside the house, have left the lights up outside for a couple more days or until batteries run out. Community page has been full of armchair flood experts saying what they would do to stop the flooding ranging from taking around 3m out of the river bed, clearly not thought of consequences of doing that to building a 2m wall along the edge of the river. Don’t you just love these armchair experts, not only are they experts on floods, but some of the same names are experts on repairing roads, bus services, bin collections, and multiple other things.
  6. It has been raining non stop here since 7am, lots of standing water around as drains unable to cope with volume of water quick enough, not designed for these volumes. We have friends in the a Ironbridge Gorge where the flood barriers are in place and a peak of 5.9m is expected on Thursday as the water in the Severn is topped up by the heavy rain in Wales over the last few days, fortunately they are on higher ground and not effected, would need to rise by about 30m for them to be directly affected. Hopefully the barriers will hold out as they have before. Unfortunately those on the south bank of the river have no such protection as no solid ground to erect barriers. The forecast for the rest of the week is much drier, hopefully those under flood warning will get some respite by the weekend.
  7. We have enjoyed the 4 episodes, now with additional Disney funding, the effects are outstanding. In fact the only terrestrial programs we have watched over Christmas have been on the BBC.
  8. I believe they change the recipe for the crème eggs after Cadbury’s were taken over, I find them much to sweet now, if we have one it’s often the Galaxy equivalent. At Christmas had a box of Lindt Lindor Milk Truffles, trying to limit myself to one a day. 😂 Not yet started the mixed box of Green & Blacks Chocolate or the Gingery Orange Toblerone, plus we have 2 boxes of Heroes for sharing with visitors.
  9. Use the same system as you do in cars when seatbelt not fastened or insurance companies may decide if you are injured as a result of not using seatbelt then you won’t be covered or get get reduced compensation under insurance for any injuries.
  10. I found the article I read a few months back on the rise in CAT over the last 40 years, appears to be an increase of 55% over the North Atlantic and US, and it continues to rise as the earth warms up. I wonder how long it will be before wearing of seatbelts whilst seated is mandatory. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2377658-turbulence-on-flights-is-getting-worse-because-of-climate-change/
  11. Damp and breezy here this morning around 10C at the moment, wind has picked up in the last hour, due for gusts up to 45 mph around midday plus yet more rain. Not really “going for a walk” weather so probably get to do some of those jobs saved for wet winters day, if I can remember what those jobs were! Watched the behind the scenes program on the Coronation Yesr last night, fascinating watching a jeweller effectively dismantling the Crowns in the Crown Jewels in order to alter them for the King and Queen to wear.
  12. We have had a nice so far, start per last Friday with a meal out with my son and his girlfriend, caught on their travels this year, with their trips to Japan, Northern Italy and Turkey. We entered the restaurant at 7, left. 10:30, excellent meal and company. Christmas Eve we had visits from my daughter and other son & 2 grandchildren, a interesting 3 hours, especially when my daughter & daughter in law strayed in the world of teaching, both are Primary school teachers, and the pressure they both under in their jobs and the lack of respect their profession is getting. My grandson lost his first tooth last week and was eager to show me the gap! We had a quiet evening, we watched Toy Story 4 without grandchildren present and we both enjoyed the film, followed by the Christmas edition of Beyond Paradise, which featured op one of our favourite groups Bellowhead at the end, we have seen them 3 times over the last 10 years. Christmas Day, we had Roast Chicken, sprouts, parsnips & roast potatoes, the latter cooked in the air fryer with butter we reckoned the best roast potatoes we have ever had, washed down with an excellent German white wine, followed by the King’s broadcast and Christmas pud with Brandy Sauce. We then sat down to watch A Haunting in Venice adapted from an Agatha Christie book, a very dark Poroit film. Then an evening of BBC programmes 2 well recorded the other Call the Midwife was watched live. Looking at terrestrial channels the BBC seem to have the best options. Boxing Day a quite visit to the sales…..online and then lunch, then to decide what to watch this evening.
  13. One is Miller & Carter as looks very much like the meal I had there a few weeks ago, this No 2 must be The Glasshouse
  14. Merry Christmas everyone. This is very weird Victorian Christmas Card. 😂
  15. According to reports the Eu Entry Exit System is going live in October 2024, Simon Calder has indicated the date of Sunday 6 October 2024, this will to apply to Airports and Ports from that date, no indication what effect it will have for Cruise passengers. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/eu-ees-border-launch-2024-date-b2467028.html Indications are that ETIAS will go live 6 months later.
  16. Nipped into M&S food to pick up some GF Items, the main store is relatively quiet, the food part is a bit busier. We decided to get some sprouts as well as the farm shop hadn’t got any this morning and mine in the garden a very late. Option of prepared sprouts with bacon & maple syrup, looking at pack sprouts looked unappealing, a suspect there was only one rasher of bacon chopped up and as for maple syrup where was it? These were £3.75 or get a bag of sprouts for 65p and add your own bacon and maple syrup, for much less. The words “rip off” come to mind. The parsnips were £4 ready prepared, we got 4 large ones for 45p at the local farm shop this morning, we can prepare them ourselves.
  17. If they accept the exemption certificate without question, I would invoice P&O for the ÂŁ30.
  18. Surprisingly warm at 13C here, but very windy, a few trees down in area according to community pages, but council have been quick to deal with them where road & public safety is concerned. Noticeable from some pictures that a number are trees that have fallen from private property onto the road, so owners could be getting a bill for the removal off the highway.
  19. I access the Radio Times via my library app for free, don’t even have to buy a newspaper.
  20. It’s either that or they did their Christmas shopping a while back, I know a few people who get most of theirs done in the summer & early autumn, plus with the in crease in cost of living people have cut back on traditional present buying either getting experience related presents or even gift vouchers. We bought out Christmas Chicken and a piece of gammon back in October and stuck them in the freezer, had we waited it would go have cost us double. Not Turkey this year as only the 2 of us.
  21. I went out this afternoon to do a few final bits of Christmas shopping, things I didn’t want to or could not order online, surprised how easy it was to park, plenty of spaces, there were not many people about given the time of year I didn’t have to queue at any till. I was also surprised how quiet it was, until I realised I wasn’t wearing my hearing aids. 😂 Our daughter in law is manager of a large chain store, she has said footfall is down and people are not spending as much as expected, guess the figures for Christmas trading won’t make pleasant reading in January.
  22. Must be a day for GP sessions, I had my appointment with my GP today, made last Monday to go through recent blood tests, a problem I raised with physio regarding my right foot. No concerns with the tests, couple of abnormal returns but only minor increases, which will be monitored, suggested a few dietary changes I might wish to consider to deal with the blood sugar issue. The foot issue is Morton’s Neuroma, which is uncomfortable but can be dealt with if it gets worse, he will refer me back to the practice physio to deal with for now. oh an BP was the best it’s been for a few years.
  23. I find it odd that an iconic British cruise line chooses to price drinks etc in Dollars rather than sterling. Do they charge your credit card in dollars when settling on board account at end of cruises, thus rendering customers liable to currency exchange charges.
  24. They got 12 votes from us, glad she won, “from a complete novice to an accomplished dancer” as my wife said earlier this evening, which is what it should be.
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