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Everything posted by ChiefMateJRK

  1. Each person in the cabin can buy up to 8. On two cruises, my wife and I both maxed out, so we came home with 16.
  2. I'm sure many are. I am. But owning those lousy 100 shares of NCLH makes me in no way concerned about NCL's P/L. I do it only for the OBC and couldn't care less about cost cutting to increase profits.
  3. Some people just don't enjoy surprises of any kind. Period. They create awkward moments and can overwhelm the "victim." I hear many more reports from people claiming "they loved my surprise" than those claiming "I loved being surprised." In fact, I can't remember a single such report. Even in this thread, we're hearing unsubstantiated claims that somebody's genius preplanned surprise will be loved by the target/victim. Let's hear from the victims.
  4. Did you receive a CN sales pitch? That just didn't sound right.
  5. Some of us have pretty much concluded that the groom is not thinking any of this through.🤣 hint: it is the posters suggesting that the OP calls the whole thing off.😎
  6. That sounds more like the Latitudes reception than a meet and greet.
  7. I've only attended one Meet and Greet. That was over a year ago and there were no beverages and snacks. How long ago were they doing that?
  8. I'll gladly pay the difference if all the whiners who swear off NCL for this stuff really do take their whining to a different cruise line.
  9. Oddly enough, wine is free and plentiful. Cookies are not. Oh well, if I had to choose...😎
  10. Yep. @bookgirl1384: "How should I set it up?" @ChiefMateJRK: "Not at all." Asked and answered. Next?
  11. So we should do as you say, not as you do. Right?? I'm guessing you already know what I'll do with that.🤣
  12. Are you folks new to internet forums?🤣 See, this person gets it. 😎
  13. Well, that was five cruises ago. We've been cruising a lot more since DW retired. Four more this year.😎
  14. Yes, and "I literally said" that the OP asked us for input. Perhaps you need to reread the OP before telling the rest of us that we're doing it wrong.
  15. So does that automatically carry over to the OP? The OP asked: Why are you telling us to mind our own business when the OP asked for input? Do we really "need" to keep our opinions to ourselves? That doesn't sound like an internet forum....🤣
  16. If they both will enjoy the vow renewal, then do it. That said, why is it important to be a surprise? That has the opposite effect of "enjoyment" on a tremendous number of people (myself included).
  17. Of course not. 12,345 posters on this forum alone have stated unequivocally that they will never set foot on another NCL ship because of the DSC increases, elimination of evening turndown and disappearance of hash browns (some say they won't "step foot" on an NCL ship, but that just sounds silly). NCL pays keen attention to this and has already fired those responsible. Once the lost passengers all return (along with the countless others who feel the same way but don't post here), NCL revenues will skyrocket and it will be happy days again! Of course, since they can't sail at any higher capacities than they already are, fares will also skyrocket. But, we'll have that fluffed pillow at nighty, night time. So we have that going for us! 😎 Or, we could just quit whining and enjoy what we have today.
  18. I believe that they are going to reinstate the evening turndown and lower the DSC's. There's an outside chance that hashbrowns will return.
  19. I'm saving them for memory care. It happens. A lot.
  20. Yes. (actually, 125) I see the same on one less than two months out.
  21. That's okay!! My doctor has been telling me that I really should put on a few pounds..... disclaimer: I really can't back that up.🤣
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