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Everything posted by ROUS

  1. You know, I'm hauling less and less gear around these days. It seems like my travel load gets lighter each year and all that expensive gear of mine just sits there in my closet. I pretty much only pack my mask, my computer, and an SMB. Oh, and of course, my camera rig that weighs a ton. Basically, I tote my camera and let the local operator provide the heavy, bulky stuff.
  2. For diving, I prefer Curacao over Aruba. I've not snorkeled either, so cannot comment on that. But diving in Curacao can be excellent. (And, there's great dive operators there.) Actually, I dove Curacao with The Dive Bus with a buddy. Our wives came along and snorkeled together at the same location. The Dive Bus' house reef is across the street and is well set up for diving/snorkeling parties. Check with Mark at The Bus and get his advice. He's a good guy.
  3. Taken this morning at about 55 feet on Blue Peter Reef, Grand Cayman (Lumix LX10, red filter, blue lights)
  4. I'm on Grand Cayman this week and diving with Just Dive. We swam with this guy for a while yesterday.
  5. You might reach out to Mike at Just Dive Cayman. JDC is a great dive operator and very near the tender dock. He might have some options for you. Good outfit.
  6. When shooting from a ship deck, there will be lots of rails/posts/structures around that will help to brace a camera.
  7. In the Sangre de Christos mountains, Glorieta NM (Insta360 x2)
  8. Someone will know the answer to this, but as an alternative, it can be purchased online: 1873 Coffee Order
  9. The passengers, by and large, act like adults. I don't miss the passenger and crew antics on many other lines. We're happy to sail with grown-ups.
  10. Our last cruise was on deck six, but I can't remember the cabin number. It was fine. No issues.
  11. I adopted the line of editing tools from NCH years ago--primarily their video editing tool Video Pad. But, their Photo Pad tool enables me to do whatever I need.
  12. Interesting question. They had no issues with me diving on a shore excursion in Aruba with me aged 64. It may be up to their dive operator partner. I'd recommend calling them to ask the question, but you'd be on hold for a couple of hours and then they wouldn't know.
  13. This was taken off Santa Catalina Island in week 30, not too far from Avalon. It's from my #2 camera as it shot video of my #1 camera shooting video of a Garibaldi fish. (Lumix LX10, Nauticam WWL-C, BigBlue 4600s, red filter, blue light)
  14. Barbados for sure. Contact Peter with West Side Scuba. They use smallish boats and their crew is great.
  15. My photography mostly takes place underwater, so for this winter's cruises, I'll be packing my Lumix/Nauticam/BigBlue rig. All eleven pounds of it. 😬
  16. Unless you like diving in a crowd, avoid Red Sails.
  17. We loved our Eurodam experience. This info just doesn't seem to make sense to me.
  18. I eat the buffet sushi rolls daily.
  19. Checking in at Seattle was sooooo easy.
  20. Water bottle refill stations sprinkled across all decks. And, of course, more wifi access points near the cabins.
  21. I have eaten at this restaurant. It is excellent.
  22. I just dove Cozumel this week. Both Palancar and Santa Rosa are remarkable dives. Dives that you can do over and over again, seeing new things each time.
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