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Everything posted by ceeceeDee

  1. Our P&O cruise in December is still showing New Caledonia, but we're not banking on it being open. Fortunately, if we get extra sea days it won't worry us in the slightest. Noumea is not a great loss for us. Been there several times and didn't buy the t-shirt!😄 Our itinerary has 3 Vanuatu ports, Vila, Santo and Mystery. Incidentally, MyCruise, Mystery Island is still a Mystery to us. Maybe third time lucky.
  2. Absolutely not! I'd be angling for a role in their next movie! My agent would be delighted.
  3. Caveat Emptor anyone? If the 'experts' won't do their research I guess we have to.🙄 Does the term 'having a dog and barking yourself' spring to mind.
  4. Yeah, but I don't think Chris Hemsworth or Benedict Cumberbatch would be next to me in economy. ☹️
  5. Don't forget to share your thoughts after the event, Daz
  6. Or as my journalist late father in law always said 'Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story'.🤭
  7. Sigh...... Aren't we all? I still miss Pacific Dawn. She was a bit creaky around the joints, but she was a grand old lady. I know she is still tootling around as Ambience, but I'm sure she wouldn't have the same appeal/ambience (pun definitely intended!🤣).
  8. Great advice. I was brought up on the Northern Beaches and Manly is definitely worth seeing.
  9. Ye gods and little fishes!! It's a bit of a worry when the customer is better informed than the so called 'experts'. To my knowledge P&O have NEVER had brand new ships!! New to the fleet, yes, but definitely not newly minted straight from the ship building yard. The world and his wife knows that P&O always had Princess cast offs. The mind boggles.
  10. Geoff, you're always welcome to give us your thoughts after your February cruise 🙂 I, for one, am interested in people's last hurrahs!😂
  11. It's absolutely amazing what they don't know at the P&O call centre. Half the time I'm telling them!🤣 I remember the first time we booked a Byron Mini suite, I asked if it had a Nespresso machine (at that stage the info on Byron minis on the website didn't mention it). Was told that only suites had them. Wrong! Surely to goodness staff should be issued with 'cheat sheets' with this sort of basic information, along with cabin information regarding retrofitted cabins, etc. I guess it is now or soon will be a moot point given the changeover next March. However, one wonders if the Carnival staff will be any better informed.
  12. Anything below 20 degrees is considered cold in Cairns. Well I did when I lived there.
  13. You're officially invited to the notes comparison! 😂We'll have to make a diary note for the end of December when everyone should have returned from (I would assume) their last hurrah on P&O.
  14. Did I mention SE Qld is cold.....................?🥶😮 Today's Daily Mail: Temperatures plummeted across Queensland as the minimum temperature in Brisbane Airport overnight on Monday reached 6.3C. Tropical areas were also hit by the cold blast with Townsville in the north reaching 8.6C, while Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast reached just 3.7C.
  15. Same, although we are on Encounter. We three should compare notes when we get back.🤔😂
  16. Yes, it was definitely a 'perfect storm' scenario. I really feel for people who missed the departure. So stressful and disappointing. We generally cruise out of Brisbane and I still worry that we will be caught in traffic on the highway. I'm perfectly happy to get to the terminal at least an hour before our embarkation time and wait, if necessary, to board.
  17. Yet another reason to fly in a day or two early. We weren't taking any chances when we cruised out of Florida. Had four days in Miami first. Gave us a chance to get over jet lag and do some exploring. Not to mention get somewhat accustomed to the heat.
  18. Not in that era, but I have been to Harry's Cafe de Wheels as a teenager. Ye gods, it's so long ago it's amazing I remember.🫢
  19. Yep, when it comes to details they rarely have any.☹️
  20. Don't think I would consider cruising without His Lordship. Afterall, who would do the coffee run every morning? 😮
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