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Everything posted by Ryder101

  1. You are not allowed to accept no less keep tips in jobs that are not tip related positions. Same for retail, etc. Because it can be seen as a bribe for a service or item, etc. Your comparing tipping and non tipping positions.
  2. They are not supposed to, and they don't. They keep the cash tips for themselves. I've asked them when handling it to them. Same answer every time. So what about common knowledge. It just means try hard to get a cash tip from the person who removed the auto gratuity.
  3. But why are the cruise lines or in this case Royal Caribbean OK with the current system? Maybe because it benefits them? They are paying themselves a fee just for processing automatic gratuities. AKA payroll. And part of the automatic gratuities pays that fee. That’s why we don't just get envelopes on the last night like years ago. The cruise lines wanted in on the action.
  4. When I talk about those who tip in cash, I'm talking about those who tip in cash. I'm not speaking for everyone who removes auto gratuities, just those who choose to and replace with cash. We get a bad rap. And check out the posting I quoted from a few above on how scores of less then 10 don't get their full share of the automatic gratuities. It's a bad system. And the cash tippers get slammed. Slam Royal for screwing those with less than perfect scores out of their tips. Again, I'm only speaking for those cash tippers who do tip cash. But Royal not giving full automatic gratuities to those with scores less than perfect tens sucks as much as those who don't tip at all. At least cash tippers have good intentions.
  5. "If they don't get tens, they don't get their full share of the tip". And the cash tippers are the bad guys? Why don't you all flip out over this sick rule. Does the rest of the tips go to those who got all tens? Or does Royal just keep the difference?
  6. They don't operate under the US. So they don't have to follow there rules or taxes.
  7. I can't believe I missed this the first time I read it. If they don't score 10s they don't get their full share of the tips. And you people wonder why some want to tip in cash????
  8. All part of the wonderful system and contract they have to sign. So even if you keep automatic gratuities on, if they don't get a perfect score of 10 they don't get all the money apparently.
  9. The problem I see with that is if you pre pay and get bad service, you have no recourse. Also Royal is making money on your money instead of it being in your bank account earning money till trip time.
  10. No, they pay me to make this up. LOL. It happened. Multiple times.
  11. Great review. Really felt very honest and genuine. The bad food has me concerned for my upcoming trip though. Was the beef/meats poor quality and fatty? Hard to chew etc? I've read here they are using low grade meat.
  12. Yes. Disney has much better quality. Never had a bad meal. Never went to guests services. No need to. Never a problem. Ever. Not even sure where it is. LOL.
  13. No. Never. I've seen them make an entire separate line at guest services day 1 to handle the volume of people removing them. I've been ask at the start of the line why I was in line and sent to a line full of people just for this purpose. I've also had plenty of problems that have had me at guest services on various days and you can't help but hear what the people on either side of you are asking about. Read how many likes my posts have gotten. I really believe it is 10 to 15%.
  14. You don't even need to say you will be tipping in cash if you don't want to. That's up to each individual. Once I was ask "May I ask if there was a problem or particular reason I could maybe help with". I said no. They said OK, and we both moved on. The rest of the times no questions. It's nothing new or unique to them. I've never ever been at guest services where either the person on my right or my left wasn't doing it. Can't help but hear the conversation/request.
  15. Like that ain't gonna happen anyway. Didn't they just raise it because everything on planet earth went up? I must have missed the part about it being raised because of the 10% that choose not to participate. LOL.
  16. I don't care. LOL. It's not my problem. And it's set up with the expectation that a certain % won't be participating. It disrupts nothing. They know it will happen.
  17. I truly believe more remove on day one to begin with. Probably because they don't ever want it on their credit card for even a few days. For crew to than give less service would be shooting themselves in the foot. Up until the last day there is the chance of getting cash tips out of people's pockets, and they are fully aware of that possibility.
  18. It really is none of your business how and when others tip. LOL.
  19. I'm not stressing over it and never have. I don't care. At all. LOL. I tip who I see who actually does something for me (like on land) after that I move on. The rest is not my problem.
  20. It's 10 to 15%. Crew members have quoted those numbers to multiple people on multiple occasions.
  21. I've never read anyone who tips cash say they give a dime to the unseen support staff.
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