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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Oh, my gosh, Dixie! I'm glad everything was negative, but be on the watch anyways. I think you and George should find more sedate activities for morning fun.
  2. Interesting to see how long tax returns are taking. I filed my taxes about 3 weeks ago. I received my federal tax refund a little over a week ago. The next day I received my Ohio refund and on Monday I received my Michigan refund.
  3. Good morning, everyone. It is going to be a mostly cloudy day here in mid-Michigan with temps in the high 40s. At least no rain. We're thinking of an outing to the pool this afternoon. River's cough is much better and she can probably come off the Care List. Thank you, Vanessa. I've never had Hollandaise Sauce as a meal, but it is great on your eggs benedict, asparagus, broccoli, or fish and chicken. The Greek yogurt version is an attempt to cut calories and fat. I'd give it a try, but will probably prefer the real thing. This one claims to be half the calories of regular Hollandaise. https://jenniferbanz.com/easy-greek-yogurt-hollandaise-sauce This one has slightly different seasonings in it. https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/greek-yogurt-hollandaise/ Of course, you can always take the easy way out like I do and use this. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  4. Where's my angry button? My nephew and niece in law got hit with a huge bill like that when their daughter was airlifted from Traverse City to Ann Arbor due to burn injuries. Rarely are air services like that in "network". Insurance paid a pittance and the company balance billed for the rest. @Quartzsite Cruiser I rarely have a glass of wine at home. That is a cruise activity for me. I think because I have to get up early every morning. If I have wine with dinner, I am fine. If I just have wine at night, I feel it the whole next day, even if it is only one glass. @Sharon in AZ I like Aveeno as well. We had another melt down here tonight. It was caused by having to go to bed.
  5. You'd be really surprised, Jacqui. Insurance companies here play doctor all the time. They decide if you can have an MRI or a CT. They decide how many PT appointments you can have. They decide if you can have the knee replacement surgery. All without ever laying eyes on you, let alone examining you or your films. The Cleveland Clinic has a whole department dedicated to appealing insurance company denials for service. Oh, my goodness! You never hear of that anymore and it is no surprise that you didn't think of it. @LAFFNVEGAS Happy Anniversary! @Quartzsite Cruiser So you got loaded again today? Is this a regular habit? @ger_77 Beautiful blankets. I'm sure the kids who receive them really like them. @Vict0riann I sure hope you can go on your cruise! @kazu Your pictures of Maverick reminded me of my sister's Moose except he was pure black. He was the same size and thought he was a lap dog. He loved kids and would immediately get down so they could come over and pet him. Once he ran away from home. My sister found him a block over playing with some kids. She had to drag him out as he wouldn't come when she called. He was enjoying the kids too much. Today was a good day. We went to the butterfly exhibit and held butterflies. Then we went to the canopy walk and enjoyed walking among the tree tops.
  6. Thanks for the information. I remember taking my nephew to get his cast off once because both parents were working. We had to get permission for an x-ray. His brother, who was older than 18, was able to give it. As his aunt, I was not authorized to give permission. She is covered by Medicaid. I think. More to find out.
  7. Good morning, everyone. All thoughts are with those impacted by the bridge collapse in Baltimore. What a devastating event. It is supposed to be warm here today with rain off and on. I have PT, but am looking to be released from that next week. This afternoon we are going to the butterfly exhibit at Dow Gardens. The rain is supposed to let up during the time period we'll be there. I sure hope so! We've had lasagna roll ups before, but I'm not sure if they were made with cottage cheese or not. This first recipe is meatless for the vegetarian family members. https://www.skinnytaste.com/lasagna-roll-ups-with-cottage-cheese/ This next one has Italian sausage in it, always a favorite of mine. https://www.favfamilyrecipes.com/lasagna-roll-ups/ This last one is meatless and tomatoless. I think I'd like this as something different, but the carb count is way too high for me. https://playswellwithbutter.com/pesto-lasagna-rolls-with-spinach-cottage-cheese/ Wishing everyone a great day.
  8. There is a form that can be filled out that would give us authority to seek treatment if necessary. Sue is going to talk to Christy, the other grandma, and see if we can get one and have it on hand in the event we need it. My definition is definitely more fun, at least for the time being. Not so much the next day. LOL
  9. When I first read this I did not think in reference to the motor home. I had other thoughts, probably thinking of what I wanted to do. No one is happier than I. Not only a nightmare, but I don't think we have authority to get treatment. We'd have to call her other grandma and maybe even get her mom in on it. Her symptoms are about the same today and I think it is just a childhood cold with a nasty cough. Yes, but we have to remember the potential is always there. That's good to know.
  10. But, she liked the sauce! She wanted the sauce on her noodles because she said it was so good. I don't get it. Things have been much better today. Thank goodness! @Seasick Sailor I'm sorry Allen's appointment didn't go well. Are they considering vitamin D supplements? If he likes mushrooms, they are full of it. I'm usually low in sodium as well, but not real low.
  11. Good morning, everyone! Today is a new day and hopefully, a better day for us all. We have a balmy start to the day and the high is supposed to be 59F. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad DD made it safely to your place. That is a long drive from Cincinnati! @JazzyV Thank you for including River's respiratory illness on the Care List. Hopefully, that will include her trauma issues as well. @smitty34877 thank you for your kind words. I am hoping River can outgrow this as well as Tana and her sister did. I'm sure Tana was thrilled at being able to walk into the kitchen! Good for her! @cat shepard Happy Birthday to your DSis. Today's meal looks like a winner to me. I'd make that for Sue and me, but DB Bill would balk at it because of the peppers. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/277510/feta-roasted-red-pepper-stuffed-chicken-breasts/ The stuffing in this recipe is a little different as it uses three types of cheese. It looks pretty easy to do. https://cooktoria.com/roasted-pepper-stuffed-chicken-breast/ This one sounded good with pistachios added into the stuffing. https://www.closetcooking.com/roasted-red-pepper-pistachio-and-feta/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  12. Both of River's parents are idiots. Really, neither of them should have reproduced, but they each have three kids. River in common, with a step child in each family. So many kids with the deck stacked against them. We asked the other grandma to get custody, but she doesn't want to undermine her daughter, River's mother. And we agree that she would benefit greatly from counseling, but right now the other grandma is dragging her feet on it. River did witness her stepdad (deadbeat) beat up her mother on several occasions. She was responsible for taking care of her little sister and baby brother as well as act as barmaid for the stepdad. Way too much for a 7 year old. Fortunately, this is the first big meltdown we've had to deal with. And while it is explainable, we do have to help her manage better. I read somewhere that what they don't need in a meltdown is for us to join their chaos. We need to stay calm, so putting her in her room and letting her stay there until she'll listen, is the best course of action. Well, not at the time of the tantrum. Since then it has been explained to her and she seems to understand. Thanks, Jacqui! This parenting thing is not easy! It isn't easy with a well adjusted child, let alone one who has suffered trauma.
  13. I hope we don't catch it either! I have no idea what the issue was. I know both her parents feel Covid is a hoax (still) and she might have picked up on that. Boy, was she angry. Be careful with the suction grab bar. They often don't stick. I had one of those and eventually threw it out because it fell off more than it stayed on. Thank you! I hope we stay healthy as well. My plan was to go try and talk to her and if she was still screaming and crying to say, "I can see you're not ready to listen. I'll try again later." Then leave. I'm not going to join in on the screaming match. She was ready to listen when we went back in. Poor thing. Her mom is in jail and her dad doesn't want to see her. Her mom is looking at having her sentence increased because she defied a court order. There was a no contact order between her and her husband because of the beatings they inflicted on each other. She was calling him the next day. Well, the judge found out and is not happy. She's been calling the deadbeat all along. Personally, I think it would be good for River if she did stay in jail longer and she'd be with her other grandma and in a stable environment. But, this may explain her reactions to things. Now, to help her gain control of her emotions and behaviors. That is a long term project.
  14. This is turning into a long day and may be a long week. River is coughing up a storm and she sounds horrible. She's also got a runny nose and is crabby as all get out. Our friends asked that she take a Covid test as Covid often presents as a cold. River threw an absolute fit with screaming and crying and carrying on. So, dinner tonight is cancelled and I'm not sure when it may be rescheduled. Sue told her we can't go anywhere this week since she's sick and we don't know what it might be. That intensified the tantrum, so River is now in her room until we feel up to doing battle again. That might be tomorrow.
  15. Good morning, everyone! It is cold this morning in mid-Michigan. We are told it will be partly sunny with a high of 39. Ok, that sounds good to me. The snow is melting pretty quickly from the Friday storm. Last night's Farkle party was a success. They really enjoyed the chicken cacciatore from last week's MOD. Well, everyone except River who wouldn't eat the chicken because it had sauce on it. She liked the noodles and she liked the sauce on the noodles, but not the chicken. I know, makes no sense, but she is 7. We are going over to Mt. Pleasant this afternoon to have dinner with some friends of mine. Stacey was a student in my class, as was her brother, and I got to know the family that way. Stacey is working at Central Michigan University in the audiology department and her parents moved up here to help take care of the kids. They still have their house in Ohio and go back in the summer time. They are excited to meet River and Stacey has a daughter around the same age, so the girls can play. Today's meal sounds good to me and we might have that for dinner one night this week. I love fish tacos and you could make those as well. You can use the low carb tortillas to help in that department. https://natashaskitchen.com/shrimp-tacos/ The sauce for these tacos sounds really good. https://pinchofyum.com/spicy-shrimp-tacos-with-garlic-cilantro-lime-slaw I like some of the suggestions for serving in this recipe. It doesn't have to just be in a taco shell. You can make a shrimp bowl with rice, or use it in a shrimp salad. https://www.wellplated.com/shrimp-tacos/ @cat shepard I'm so glad your sister had a good first night at home. Here's to many more! Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  16. Good morning, everyone! We didn't get as much snow as they promised, but that is ok. It will be on the ground for a couple of days, but the driveway and road is clear. Sue should have no trouble picking up River. My plan is to hit the gym and then do some work around the house. I got the vacuum out yesterday and started straightening things in the kitchen. I threw out stuff that we hadn't looked at in over a year and found places to store things that had been sitting on the counter. Clutter is no issue to Sue, but I can't stand it. @seagarsmoker Today's meal sounds really good. It is low carb and gluten free. It sounds flavorful and I like that. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7923336/cheesy-portobello-chicken-cutlets-with-broccoli/ This one is a bit different as they make up the chicken and broccoli mixture and stuff the portabella mushrooms with it. https://sumptuousliving.net/healthy-chicken-and-broccoli-stuffed-portabella-mushrooms-2/ This one calls for regular mushrooms, but you could easily use portabella. Or Baby Bellas. https://realhousemoms.com/creamy-broccoli-and-mushroom-chicken/ I think we'll be having one of these recipes next week. Tonight I am making the chicken cacciatore from last week. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  17. @JazzyV Vanessa, while no one wants surgery, I am glad that there is a plan forward to help you. Your situation has gone on way too long. You can be sure that all the Dailyites will be reaching out to hold your hand during surgery and during your recovery. What a horrible event in Moscow. I am so saddened by what is happening. @Haljo1935 I was relieved to read that while his injuries were critical, the firefighter was stable and progressing in a favorable manner. Let's continue to pray for his full recovery.
  18. Oh, wow! I was really hoping for a better day today, but the news has not been good. Healing thoughts go out to Princess Catherine and condolences to the crew of the Nieuw Amsterdam and the families of the deceased crew members. What a horrible accident! It is still snowing here, but is supposed to stop around 7 pm. We have rescheduled Farkle to tomorrow night. Sue should have no problem picking up River as they did not get much snow further north. Tomorrow's forecast is for mostly sunny.
  19. Good morning, everyone! It is a cold and snowy morning here in mid-Michigan. Schools are closed and my water fitness class is cancelled. We may be delaying Farkle till tomorrow if it gets as bad as the forecast promises. The heavy snow is supposed to come this afternoon. What we have now is just playing with us. We're hoping that they are able to clear roads tonight as Sue is heading north to pick up River tomorrow morning. Actually, they are supposed to get less snow up there, so once she gets a bit north she should be ok. I guess today will be popcorn and Netflix. So, we're having dessert for dinner today. Oh, why not? We've been eating healthy stuff like carrots and parsnips and turnips. Time for some fun! A perfect dinner for when you're snowed in watching bad movies all day. What makes it healthy is that they substituted Greek yogurt for the butter in the batter and also for some of the cream cheese in the frosting. And the cream cheese they did use is the light stuff. I don't know how healthy it is, but it looks good! https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/coconut-raspberry-greek-yogurt-layer-cake/ This one is more like a coffee cake and might be appropriate since we're having it for a meal. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/raspberry-coconut-cake-with-coconut-streusel/ This one is paleo and gluten free. I think I'd opt for the first one with real ingredients. https://www.cookedandloved.com/recipes/paleo-raspberry-coconut-cake/ Wishing you all a wonderful day or at least better than yesterday.
  20. Goodness, Annie. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this.
  21. That is really sad, Roy. This was expected, Vanessa. The next step is to do nerve ablation. If we do that and I can walk distances without the poles, then I don't have the pounding that causes the pain in my neck. It is all related and due mostly to the fact that my shock absorbers (discs) are worn out. I used to use Dreft detergent as it was supposed to be gentle for babies. It has just been lately and I've been lathering up well with lotion today. My scalp itches, too! I use a conditioner that you leave in, hoping that will cut down on the itchiness. I guess I need baby shampoo? I have some CeraVe here. And Eucerin and another one they use in the hospitals. Aquafor. That is interesting, Bill. Thanks for mentioning it. I could keep some on hand for when the other stuff doesn't work. Thanks, Joy! I'm writing all this stuff down. That's different. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you! Oh, my, Joy! Yes, it was a crappy day. I hope tomorrow is better. I think that is the key to whatever you use - put it on right after showering. There was a great body wash that left my skin feeling so great, but I can't find it anymore. Probably too many accidents if it left the shower floor slippery. @kazu I hope the therapy will help. I have scoliosis, arthritis, stenosis, and degenerative disc disease. That last one is described as extensive and severe. Just keep moving!
  22. For mine it turns out that Michigan is not interested in the pension I receive from the Ohio Teachers Retirement System. Ohio refunded what had been paid on that because I wasn't living there. The only thing Michigan cared about was the miniscule annuity payments I was receiving and because that was so little, they declared me extremely low income and returned the taxes I had paid.
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