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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! The balsamic/strawberry/basil salmon last night was a BIG hit! We'll be having that again and again, definitely. Easy to do too! Neither of us knows any Chinese, I think I've only been told once that I looked exactly like someone the person knew, and I salute all volunteers. Will pass on the drink, the wine sounds great, and like Debbie @dfish, my blood sugar does not like pasta so I have to limit that. That said, the first recipe looks the best to me, but again, between the pasta (blood sugar) and feta (kidney disease) I shouldn't have it. Tonight we'll be having salmon cakes to use up the rest of the salmon. It was previously frozen so I don't want to freeze it again. We will be in Milford Sound in March, but not the national park. Yesterday I was able to get the lawn mowed, it actually turned into a beautiful afternoon and the grass miraculously was dry even with all the rain we've had. Now I really need to get my hair cut, it's overdue because of being quarantined for a couple weeks. That may not happen until tomorrow though. Sharon @Sharon in AZ Thanks for the tip about open dining. We usually have that because that's what we prefer. But a few months ago when I learned about my kidney disease and need to limit sodium, we requested to be put into set dining. The best they could do was put us on the wait list. So that's where we are now. Sandi @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the heads up about the 2025 world cruises. Vanessa @JazzyV Safe travels and Bon Voyage!
  2. Good morning all! I love garlic and use it a lot in recipes. In the past I always hung out the laundry, but that was when we lived in sunnier places like CA. I can't remember the last time I rode a bicycle. Will pass on the red wine and pineapple drink, but do like the meal. But tonight we'll be having salmon, and I'll be making the "Balsamic Glazed Salmon with Strawberry Relish". Yum. Has anyone else made it? It was the meal of the day a few weeks ago. We've been to Norway a few times but never to Flam. I do remember it was on an itinerary of a cruise we had to cancel. Today I have a few errands and shopping to do, and IF it stops raining maybe some gardening. Last night I got an email from Netflix. After 25 years, they are discontinuing the DVDs as of the end of September. We were grandfathered in and got 2 discs/month for $5, and have gotten them for 22 years. Makes me sad, because I just don't like the idea of going to streaming -- Oh well, there are worse things! Annie @marshhawk Is today your birthday or is it Saturday? If it's today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  3. Good morning all! Another drizzly, cool day here in the PNW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLAND AMERICA!! The drink looks good (of course it does, it has chocolate!), will pass on the red wine, and I think I would like the meal. We have not been to Kralendijk. To join the recycling and yard waste discussion, we have 2 large bins (one for recycling and one for yard waste) and a small garbage can. Garbage is picked up every week, as is the yard waste year-round. Our recycling is picked up every 2 weeks, which with that large bin is perfect for us. I have 2 composters for the garden and a kitchen composter. Because of having the composters, our yard waste usually only has lawn clippings so is never very full. Yesterday DH and I were still testing positive....faint red line but there. So DH called his doctor's office just now and asked "what the heck"?? Basically he was told to stop testing. Now. It can show positive up to 90 days (we're at 2 weeks). So that was a relief! She said we're not contagious. We will continue to wear masks inside on cruises or in crowded situations but will stop worrying about it now. Whew! Jacqui @kazu Ivan looks so sweet. I hope you have a very good meeting! @Cruzin Terri Happy Birthday to your DH Jim. Tony @sailingdutchy Happy Birthday to your DW Martha. Sharon @Sharon in AZ Happy 42nd birthday to your DD! Marcia @dobiemom Good thoughts for your eye surgery tomorrow. Good idea to have the help holding your head in one position. Bruce @aliaschief I hope your head cold passes quickly. @rothbury Welcome to the Daily and thank you for the great photos! Annie @marshhawk I hope your appointment with the doctor goes well. Caron @Cruisercl Thank you for your post on our roll call re "taking discussions off the roll call". It has always been a pet peeve of mine when people suggest discussing things off the roll call. Goes against the point of a roll call IMO and sometimes can even make people feel left out.
  4. @Mr. BostonMy deepest condolences on the sudden loss of your brother. Debbie @dfish Sounds like the perfect time to paint that guestroom. Vanessa @JazzyV Yay about the "lost" money on its way to you. I don't have a lot on the agenda today, other than the usual cruise planning. That's what I'd rather be doing than working on unfinished projects (blah blah blah day). Actually there's only one project that I keep putting off, and that's going through my dear Dad's photo albums I've had since his death 5 years ago. My sister and I divided up his albums, there were a lot of them. It's hard to know what to hang onto and what to toss...and so I put it off. I hope everyone has a good day!
  5. I would much rather have it too cold than too hot, but that’s just me. I agree about the duvets!
  6. Good to hear! Yes, it was A/C problems in cabins that people talked about, and all I would care about too. And even then only at night when trying to sleep. I'm so glad you're doing this, I didn't realize you'll be on that long!
  7. Thanks Jacqui. Hard to believe, but it's been 5 years since we've sailed on an R Class (the old Rotterdam). Like this cruise, the itinerary was the reason we booked it -- and loved it. I'm sure I'll be fine.
  8. Thank you Sharon, and yes, please keep me updated. I'm so glad you're loving the ship! I also love the Pinnacle Class (more restaurants and entertainment) so it will be an adjustment to spend 94 days on a smaller ship -- but I plan to bring a lot of projects for the sea days, I know I'll never get bored. 🙂 Unfortunately the posts I saw about A/C problems were real. Apparently it isn't ship-wide or even large blocks of cabins -- but enough people had the problem that I don't think it was nitpicking. 😞 This will be a hot-weather cruise, so it got me worried -- but not enough to think of not going!
  9. Thank you Laura. We haven't sailed on the Volendam since 2010 and I'm mainly concerned about recent reports of problems with A/C and heat. I'm pretty easy-going about anything else. Of course I want to hear that none of you are having any problems! 😅
  10. Thank you Sharon, great photo! Have a wonderful time everyone! I'm anxious to hear all about the Volendam, since it will be our home for 94 days in 8 1/2 months.
  11. Good morning all! We're having a drizzly, cloudy day, it will only get up to 50F. A good day to just do some housework and laundry (yes, getting low on underwear here) 🤣 I'm all for saving the elephants. Such majestic creatures. Will pass on the fungus (mushrooms) it's a texture thing. DH was a bean counter (Supply Officer in the Navy) and does all our taxes and investments. Good thing, because math was never my strong suit. Have been to Alaska and going again this year, but have never been to Whittier. Thanks for the great photos! Will pass on the drink, red wine and meal. Last night we had beef stew and homemade biscuits, not sure what we'll have tonight. Sandi @StLouisCruisers Happy 18th birthday to Kai! And a big congratulations to Ren and his team! Lorraine @cruising sisterWhat a wonderful thing you're doing for your friend. I'm sure your son would be very proud. Bon Voyage @GTVCRUISER! Gerry @ger_77 Your dinner last night with your Ukrainian friends sounded wonderful. How cute that the 5-year-old was proud of helping. Our Ukrainian neighbor has a thingy on her phone that translates. I speak into it in English and it translates for her. Her children and grandchildren speak more English than she does but this really helps her.
  12. Thank you Brenda, I hope so too! We've had all the boosters, the last one was 7 months ago just before we cruised.
  13. I love all the spring flowers in the park -- we've only been there in May.
  14. We loved Mont-Royal when we had a full day in Montreal. It's a beautiful park at the top of a hill (we walked up and back but were younger then!) If you have a rental car it's one idea. https://www.lemontroyal.qc.ca/en
  15. This is the first time we've had it, and we tested often too. The good thing is I don't need to be around anyone for another week, and by then I better be testing negative after 18 days. But yes, I've heard you can test positive for 90 days after (!) I'm glad I'm not on a BHB, I'd never get out of my cabin. 🤣 OMG I am so jealous. It’s too cold here still for my sweet peas. Risk of frost has to be gone. I do start them early about 2 weeks out or so but have to be sure they can be moved “in time”. the cherry tomatoes I had last year (I thought I was growing them for Jose) were all from seed. You have to start them early - as I am doing now. We have some varieties that ripen faster than others. It worked last year so we’ll see what happens this year 🤞 Thanks Jacqui. I've always planted "Early Girl" here, but plants, not seeds 😉 We have such a short season, really only from July-early Sept. Cherry tomatoes is another possibility for us.
  16. Good morning all! I appreciate my DH every day, and the fact that he takes care of all our taxes is only one reason. Our income taxes are done and the deposit will arrive on the 19th. I don't have any set laundry day, it just gets done when needed. We haven't been to Venice since 2006. Thanks for the wonderful photos today!! Will pass on the drink and red wine, but I printed off the first recipe -- I would add some garlic and more peppers, take out the snap peas. Can't wait to make this, thanks Debbie @dfish 🙂 Well darn, I'm still showing a VERY faint red line in the positive. This is day 11. I read that there are a few people who show positive long after others stop. Anyone else have this experience? DH hasn't tested yet today, but 2 days ago he was still showing positive too. Like any virus, my body just doesn't want to let go in a timely fashion. Yesterday I got the Sweet Peas all planted outside and some parsley and spinach into a pot. Waiting for the basil to show up in the nurseries. I did most of that from a chair, and had to take several rests. But it was so nice just getting outside. I'm so happy to see that Laura's @TiogaCruiserDH's bag arrived. Bon Voyage! Bon Voyage Sharon @Sharon in AZ! So glad you got much-needed rest last night. Bon Voyage Susan @AV8rix! Bon Voyage @Dismomx5! Gerry @ger_77So glad you're feeling better -- enjoy dinner tonight! Maureen @RMLincoln My condolences to the family on the death of your cousin's DH. Safe travels to NY. @Denise T Welcome to the Daily! We hope to see a lot more of you here. Jacqui @kazu It amazes me that you can grow tomatoes from seed. Here, even when we buy full-size plants, we can't be assured enough sun to ripen them all before the end of the season.
  17. Good morning all! Today is also Gardening Day and it just happens to be the only day lately that isn't raining -- so you can guess what I'll be doing. (Actually not a lot, I still get too tired too fast). But those Sweet Peas are ready to be planted, so I'll do that at least. And then probably sit in the sun. No ex spouses here thank goodness. Every day should have more than a moment of laughter and we always do. I'll probably be looking more down at the ground in the garden today, but do enjoy looking up at the sky when it isn't cloudy. I like the quote and it's true for many. Ursula Andress is now 87 years old. My only memory of her is when I was a child I remember my dear Dad calling her "Ursula UNdress" LOL. I'm sure Dad and @RedneckBobcould have shared a lot of jokes. 🙂 Wow, Prince Rupert came just in time. We have never been there, but it's on our little 5-day get away and we'll be there on May 4. The only ports on that short cruise are Prince Rupert and Ketchikan. An unusual Pacific Coastal, at least for us. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Roy @rafinmd for the photos. I hope to see more. Like Annie @marshhawk I heard there is a garden within walking distance from the port, so we'll head over to look at that. No other plans other than to browse around and hope the weather will be ok. I would like the wine, pass on the drink and don't care for fish tostadas or tacos. Vanessa @JazzyV I hope you get good news today at your doctors' appointment. Laura @TiogaCruiser What an ordeal you've had! So glad you have the air tags (we love them). Let us know when you arrive safely. Gerry @ger_77 Thank you for letting us know that Sharon @Sharon in AZ made it safely to Miami. Get some rest Sharon! Lorraine @cruising sister My deepest condolences on the death of your best friend's son. How very sad! Hugs and prayers.
  18. Hi Bruno! LOL these photos are from prior years -- the only thing blooming now in my yard is the Hellebore, Daffodils and Grape Hyacinth. But this is what it looks like later in the spring. 😉 DH had to drive to Bellevue every morning before he retired. In order to get to work on time, he had to get up at 4:30. The drive morning or evening took a minimum of 90 minutes. I also had to drive to Bellevue, but only a couple times/week and didn't have set hours. But I hated it. Our daughter lives in Kenmore, that's as close to Seattle that I will drive!
  19. Good morning all! Every day here is plant appreciation day. I think I remember bookmobiles in childhood, but used the library. We both love peach cobbler, haven't had any in ages. Funny quote, will pass on the drink even in winter. I love rum but Hot Buttered Rum, has always seemed too sweet to me. Will pass on the red wine, and would try the 2nd recipe. We've been to Monte Carlo once. We were with DS and DBIL, we took public transportation to Eze and then to Nice. It was a very nice day, but my photos are pre-digital. Last night I slept for 10 hours, so Covid tiredness hasn't gone yet. Feeling pretty good otherwise, just tire easily. Today I took a Covid test (first since testing positive 9 days ago) and still have a very faint red line so will test again in a day or two. DH has the same. I feel bad for @TiogaCruiserand @Sharon in AZtrying to get to Fort Lauderdale for their cruises. Smart to fly to other airports! I remember back in 2017 (?) when FLL had an active shooter at the airport. We were mid-flight as it was happening, and were rerouted to Miami. A good friend had landed before us and was there as it was happening. 😞 @luvteachingI'm sorry you had to make the hard decision with DH and now have to drive to Everett to visit your DH. On the bright side, the traffic is so much easier between here and Sedro-Woolley than between here and Seattle. I know it's a long drive, but I'd do that before any drive south. Here are a few photos of my favorite flowers in the garden over the years. Hellebore Lambs' Ears, Tulips, Hosta, Ajuga, and Rhodies Side shade garden Rhodie in full bloom
  20. Thank you Bruno. Yes, it was kind of like an ice shower, ice pellets that turned to kind of like snow, and then quickly turned to rain. My Daffodils fared the worst, bent some over, poor things. Everything else is ok, it didn't hurt the tulips (they haven't opened up yet). And I'm waiting a few days to plant the Sweet Pea seedlings. It will be *slightly* warmer then.
  21. Good morning all! It's so nice to see bright sunshine this morning, especially because the previous forecast called for more of that "frozen mix". So even though it will only get up to the low 50's F, I'm enjoying the sun. Like everyone, not a fan of big wind. We have way too many trees around us. I love a good grilled cheese, especially those served in the Grand Dutch Cafe on a BHB. I don't know any lawyers now, but my first job was at a large high-powered law firm on Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C. And they were not kind, 'nuff said. I'll pass on the drink and red wine. I prefer my pesto made with basil, so not sure about the meal with arugula pesto. Last night we had the stuffed chicken with mozzarella (I left out the dill) 😉 and DH declared it a hit. Our next cruise is coming up fast (May 1), and I need to start thinking about what to pack. It's only a quick 5-day Pacific Coastal, and it's been a long time since we've sailed for so short a time. It's out of Vancouver, a 2-hour drive for us. The cruise sails at 3pm, so yesterday DH suggested we get a hotel in Bellingham the night before. Getting out of here on week day mornings can be challenging, so this way we'll cut out some time on embarkation day. I'm all for starting our vacation early! I hope everyone has a great day!
  22. Great to hear from you Bruno, and I'm happy to hear that your Dear Dad is doing better. No kidding about our weather! Today we had a ridiculous hail storm, it covered the ground and was bouncing off the roof. The sky was black. Then as quickly as it started it ended, and now we have bright sunshine. Looking forward to warmer days!
  23. Thanks Debbie. Very glad to be almost over this. Today the fatigue everyone talks about hit me like gang busters, and here I thought I was avoiding it. 😉 I'm determined to make this dish tonight though, just very slowly lol.
  24. Thank you all! We're very proud of both our DD and DS. We can't celebrate DS' birthday today (darn Covid) but will all get together at the Skagit Tulip Fields on the 22nd.
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