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Everything posted by ceilidh1

  1. @PescadoAmarilloi ran into G at breakfast and he came and chatted with us for a while! A true gentleman and lovely to put a face to a name. Next goal is to sail with you!
  2. Just woken by captain - Belize is cancelled due to weather. We were not planning on getting off anyway, but this was my g FCC it’s morning to sleep in….sigh
  3. This evening we watched Colours of The World - seen it many times. This one was good but not the best we have seen. Afterwards we went to carol singing in the piazza. That was fun, lots of crew attended, and it snowed! IMG_5829.MOV
  4. This dinner was a bit of a bust. I ordered filet mignon without lobster as I don’t eat it. I asked for medium rare. It was raw inside so I sent it back (I never do this). The next one came and was the same - the server acknowledged it was not cooked correctly and sent it back again. The third one came and was medium. I just went with it. The desserts were not appealing at all so we went to the buffet - nothing up there for Christmas. This was the first disappointment in terms of food!
  5. This dinner was a bit of a bust. I ordered filet mignon without lobster as I don’t eat it. I asked for medium rare. It was raw inside so I sent it back (I never do this). The next one came and was the same - the server acknowledged it was not cooked correctly and sent it back again. The third one came and was medium. I just went with it. The desserts were not appealing at all so we went to the buffet - nothing up there for Christmas. This was the first disappointment in terms of food!
  6. We had booked a ship tour in this port as my teen wanted to see the monkeys. Our tour was Gumbalimba Park and Tabyana Beach. The weather was ominous when we left the ship at 8am, with dark rain clouds and rainstorms threatened. The park was about a half hour drive from the ship and our guide, Calen, was very informative giving us the history to the island, etc. At the park, they don’t allow you to take anything with you as the monkeys will try to take it. Lockers are $5 each to rent, and the bathrooms are clean. The entire time in the park was a “tour” so we were with Calen at all times - I much prefer the “on your own” type of excursion, but that wasn’t an option. While the park was beautiful and Calen gave us a lot of information, I felt the main reason we were there (the monkeys) was anticlimactic. We literally spent about ten minutes in their area, lined up to get a picture taken, and left. We also got pictures with macaws and saw iguanas and capioberas. After the park, we got back on the bus and we’re taken to the beach. We arrived at 11:45 and were told that lunch (included) was served until 12pm and the first bus back was 12:30pm, then last bus at 2:30pm. We got lunch right away - it was buffet style rice and beans, chicken, and fruit and was very good. Then we went to the beach where we were given chairs (included) and we ordered a couple of drinks. The beach was beautiful- crystal clear water with fish swimming alongside of you. Sadly, after only half hour or so, it began to rain. When it rains in Roatan it RAINS! We decided to pack up and take the bus back at 1pm. It was a good decision as it poured even more afterwards! All in all, we had a great day but I would have liked more monkey time at the park.
  7. Crown Grill this evening. I’m not sure how to rate it. The food was outstanding! Steak cooked perfectly, everything tasted great BUT unbelievably slow. To the point where we almost gave up and left! We sat down at 6:30pm and didn’t finish unt just before 9pm.
  8. We are on Ruby now and ate at Salty Dog a couple nights ago - check out my live thread for pics. The food was fine but I wouldn’t recommend as an upcharge restaurant. Nothing wrong with it, but not worth $18
  9. Crooners has been “my” bar so far this cruise. Staff are superb, service is fast, drinks are strong. Menu from Crooners - apologies if it’s out of order
  10. Captain circle party this evening. I was planning on attending but then sat at Crooners…and the rest is history
  11. I forgot to say that I filled out the “how are we doing” card. I wrote that, while staff were awesome (and they are) I was very frustrated with the inability to deliver using the app. This wasn’t a complaint, more of a “you need to be aware of this”. This evening, one of the room service supervisors called to follow up, apologize, and tell me that they were very overwhelmed on day one and two but are now at normal service levels (we did get room service without issue yesterday). This doesn’t address the fact that drinks never seem to come, but I definitely appreciated the follow up! They really do read these comments. The supervisor offered a good will gesture, which I turned down - these things are not the fault of the staff in any way, shape , or form! It’s the fault of those working behind the scenes not thinking through the scenarios. While passengers have doubled on this sailing, staff have mot. The same staff that are dealing with in person orders are expected to deal with app orders. It’s just not fair on them.
  12. I wore my N95 on the plane and had it on in the terminal before boarding. Then it kind of fell off my radar. I work with the public seven days a week maskless so hopefully I’m safe! I hope I don’t live to regret it! We did all get our boosters and flu shot before coming - something I had decided I WASNT going to do. But I did anyway. It’s not about me, it’s about others that may not be able to fight it off!
  13. Italian night tonight. We are going to Crown Grill - easy to find reservations day of for almost all times!
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