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Everything posted by mysty

  1. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  2. Greetings Coolers! Today's funnies...2 for the price of 1..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  3. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  4. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  5. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  6. I found the following while researching your question..... "Arctic mosquitoes are legendary and ferocious, but you can avoid these pests by wearing a net around your hat, staying close to the sea (for the breeze) or using a repellent. Light colored clothes are less attractive to mosquitoes. I discovered the local solution to this problem is to take the leaves from the Labrador tea (qajaasat) plant, squash them in your hand and rub the juice on any exposed areas. If you must use commercial repellents, use a liquid or cream, as sprays are not eco-friendly." https://www.worldnomads.com/travel-safety/north-america/greenland/how-to-stay-safe-while-exploring-greenland#mosquitoes
  7. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  8. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny.....(naughty warning 😁) Have a great safe fun day all!
  9. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  10. Good vibes heading to you both for tomorrow! It's a very good thing that you enjoy one another's company! 🥰
  11. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  12. My mistake! I thought you were talking about Silversea. Mea Culpa!
  13. Not quite true. Our butler suggested it many times and our favourite server at the Grill provided it without request many times. It doesn't require a secret handshake! 😁
  14. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  15. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny..... Have a great safe fun day all!
  16. Now that's my kind of winter! Beautiful!
  17. We folks of a certain age need to stick together! Our value is not in our appearance. It is in the wisdom gained from navigating life's challenges. It is in our compassion, in our caring and in our respect for all the beings (be they human or animal) in our world! I join the over 69 age group in November with my head held high. I am very proud to be a member of a generation that valued honesty, respect and who understood what was really worth shaking cages for. 🥰
  18. One thing I noticed on our recent adventure is that I need a camera with a zoom option. We saw oodles of puffins and my Sony was not up for the job. I got some info from a fellow passenger and bought a Canon SX60HS. It was delivered on Friday and I went out to play with it this morning. Here are the results.... See the Moon just above the lamp post? Here is the Moon using the zoom..... I'm a happy camper!
  19. As I age my cheekiness is breaking out. I guess my filters are beginning to malfunction! 😅
  20. Greetings Coolers! Today's funny.....(slightly naughty 😅) Have a great safe fun day all!
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