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Everything posted by luvteaching

  1. Good morning, I got a call at 12:15 AM that DH was being taken to the local hospital. I got dressed quickly and beat him there. He has a bad UTI and is in sepsis. His kidneys have shut down. At this point, about 3:00 AM, my son and I made the decision for comfort care and he is in our local hospital. DS went home for a bit and now I'm home long enough to brew some tea and have a shower. I'll be heading back momentarily. When I left DH was responding to commands to squeeze my hand so he's in there but it's looking not good at all. Thank you Dailyeites! Karen
  2. Welcome to Cruise Critic! You did a wonderful review. I chuckled at you looking for a watch battery in Juneau. We were there last September with the same quest and were told to go to Sam's. They were great and my DH was very happy to have a working watch again! Karen
  3. I didn't panic - really I didn't - but it was close. Right now I'm relaxing and have a glass of Barefoot Riesling at my side as I need it tonight. I also have a mug of Earl Grey Cream tea at the ready. Anyway, DH was great today. He's having his lunch and the aides confirmed that we were being picked up at 2:00 PM so they'd be in about 1:10 to get him cleaned up, dressed, etc. Then, at 1:10 we get a phone call that the bus is there! It gets better - it's getting ready to leave and it won't wait. I'm close to tears and asking how we're supposed to get there, the tickets are expensive ($50.00) and we've been looking forward to this, etc. but no the bus can't come back. Once DH is cleaned up we go to the front desk and we try to see if we can get him in the car but the PT says no and then we see if there's anyone around to drive the facility van but no on that. We go back to the nurse's station for a minute and the receptionist comes back to say that the bus will be there in about 20 minutes. They had a driver that had a break in their schedule and they'd come and get us. I wasn't in a panic but I was teary - I was born with my bladder behind my eyes and cry easily! The concert was wonderful and I made sure we were leaving our spot as the last notes died away as I'd said 5:00 PM for a pick-up time and it was 5:08. The driver was in the lobby, we got loaded up with her grousing a bit but that ended and we had a nice chat and were back at the facility by 5:30. Dh's dinner was waiting for him and he ate all but the zucchini and then they got him into bed, cleaned up, and I headed home. I'm so glad we went but I'm tired! Have a good evening! Karen
  4. Good morning! Happy Father's Day to all who celebrate. I'll be heading in to see DH in a few minutes and DS will call while I'm there. Today is the Skagit Symphony so right after lunch we'll get DH all cleaned up and in his good clothes. The local bus service, SKAT, will pick us up with a handicapped bus at 2:00 to go to the venue (McIntyre Hall at Skagit Valley College) and will pick us up at 5:00 to bring us back. This is a free service for which I'm very grateful. The symphony is "Cloak and Dagger" with James Bond movie themes, The Pink Panther, etc I'm not someone who panics - until maybe a bit later. After all DH's medical issues I've learned to stay calm and collected! I do admit to a slight "panic mode" at 7:30 AM today when the phone rang and it was the care facility. However the nurse was quick to let me know there was no problem and she just wanted to confirm our plans for heading out today. The heart rate went back to normal very quickly! I do have a friend who goes into panic mode over little things and calls melting down but it takes a few minutes and she's back to normal. It takes all kinds, right? Have a good day everyone! Karen
  5. Good morning, It's a more overcast day here today and a rain is in the forecast. DS has been working diligently on the roofing and the front half is now all shingled and the back is all papered so we're good. Hopefully done by the end of the next week. DH is progressing and really has done well this week. It's like a switch has been turned on in his brain as he's more alert and definitely more verbal. He's insisting they get him up to go to Bingo on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Thursday he was doing an Eldergrow activity when I got there. We had his care conference yesterday and therapy continues for at least another week and then we'll set a coming home date! One goal is to be able to get in and out of the car. We love going on day trips and overnighters so getting in and out of the car is a must. Also, we drive to Seattle to board a ship so again - have to be able to get in and out. My DSIL and DBIL, years ago, had a company in Seattle that made toys for juggling for adults. They were so creative! There was a set of three penguins called "penguinis" and one called "Tossed Salad" where you juggled lettuce, tomato and something else. There was a burger one where you juggled the bun halves and the meat. I remember one with three pigs and another with the moon and stars. Today is Berry Dairy Days in a nearby town so there's a parade this morning and lawn mower races this afternoon. Have a good day and an enjoyable weekend! Karen
  6. Good morning, DS is on the roof working away and it's a cloudy cool morning. I have walnut cookies going for the staff at the rehab place. I do make a really good peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. I have a sewing machine that rarely gets used. I took sewing in junior high, made a nice apron and then the dress was not so nice and the only thing salvageable was the zipper. I prefer my counted cross stitch but still keep the sewing machine for occasional repairs. My mom, on the other hand, was a lovely seamstress and made a lot of our clothes. DH is making slow progress. Yesterday he hit his call button, asked the aide to get him up and moving and take him down to Bingo. That's a first - and he won a few times! We'll see how today goes. Karen
  7. I love this idea! In our district the grads are bused back to their elementary schools, this year the day before grad. If you didn't go to elementary in the district you go to a friend's elementary. At the elementary schools the grads are treated as stars, meet former teachers, get some sort of send-off, etc. In our case we had them be in the gym, they got the mike and told about their best memory of our school and what they are planning on doing. They all wear their caps and gowns. It's quite something for the younger kids to see and even more meaningful for the siblings of the grads. I wish I'd hear back from more of them. I usually only get a couple of thank you cards and I do get a few grad announcements. It's a smaller community so I often see them at the local grocery store, the big box store, etc. Somehow they've changed since 6th grade! Karen
  8. Good morning, It's another lovely day in the PNW. DS is not on the roof today - or tomorrow - due to heat, but he is working on getting our new roof on. For the cookie bakers I just took out the last sheet of oatmeal butterscotch. I take some cookies or treat in to the staff at DH's facility on a daily basis. I do take requests and they are waiting for the new treats to arrive! DH continues to improve. We tried getting into the car on Thursday but he couldn't do it. However it allowed the therapists to break the task down and now they are working on pivoting, etc. If he can get in and out of the car fairly independently it opens up so many things for us. I also paid for our September Alaska cruise on the Westerdam. I have it totally insured so if we can't make it we'll be ok. It's a powerful incentive for him to keep working so it's worth it. I'm not a gardener and DS will mow the lawn this week. I did do ok with the yo-yo and we had the Yo-Yo Man do assemblies at school for a few years. It's graduation on Friday for our local high school and I'm working on tracking down my grads (kids I had in 6th grade) so I can send them cards. So far, out of 27, I sent off 20 cards (with $5.00 Starbucks cards enclosed) yesterday. I have one in Pennsylvania, one in North Carolina, one in Montana, and one in Wyoming. It's fun to catch up with them. I also have 4 that I taught their parents! Enjoy the day! Karen
  9. Good morning everyone! There's a lot of noise here as DS is redoing our roof. It's 20 years old and definitely needed doing. I have a 40 yard dumpster in the driveway and we are a construction zone. DH is making improvements and hoping we can get him home here in a week or two. He stood for over 2 minutes yesterday so I owe him a vanilla shake today. First stop on the way in is Jack-in-the-Box! Now we have to continue work on the stamina in standing and then see if they can work on him transferring to the car. He's "feeling his oats" and can transfer fairly well. The staff has come in a few times to find he'd put himself in bed! Not necessarily the safest thing and one time he was on his knees beside the bed. Oh well. Have a fun day everyone! Karen
  10. The font and size is good on my computer. I'm on a MAC if that means anything. Karen
  11. Happy birthday @kazu! I hope you have had a wonderful day - you deserve it! Karen
  12. Hi, Sorry to hear you got sick and I hope you were able to recover and enjoy the latter part of your trip. Count me in as someone, who if I met you on a HAL ship, would enjoy visiting with you. Thanks for sharing your journey. Karen
  13. Good morning, It's a lovely day here in the Pacific Northwest with highs in the mid-70s. I can handle that. DS is a red-head and he keeps his hair long and his beard long (much to his grandmother's dismay). DH is making good progress. We had his Care Conference on Wednesday and he'll be in the rehab place for a few more weeks which is good. He's almost met the goal of standing for 2 minutes unassisted and to transfer from bed to wheelchair. His verbal skills have come back even better than before so that's good. Now we have to decide if we can do the cruise we have booked in September. I have another week to decide so we'll see how life goes. Have a Good Friday! Karen
  14. Good morning everyone! It's a cloudy and cooler morning but still quite nice out. On the DH front - we finally have his wheelchair! Friday one was delivered but it was the wrong one. Yesterday the right one was there so now the wheelchair saga can be put to rest. I got there yesterday to find him in the dining room playing Bingo and he'd won twice! I'm so glad I was finally able to get him moved to this facility. The familiarity has been a big boost for him. His verbal skills have gone through the roof (in a good way) and he's much more mobile. They were using a Hoyer lift but got a bed cane on his bed on Thursday and he's been a minimal assist one -person transfer since then. He's informed them he doesn't need the "crane" anymore. Now to get him standing for several minutes, able to transfer to the car and starting on walking again. All this stems back to the deep tissue injury last October. Yikes! Have a great Sunday! Karen
  15. Good morning! One of our favorite museums is the Alaska State Museum in Juneau. Have visited both the old and the new one a few times. Also love the Royal BC Museum in Victoria. Dirty dishes are in the dishwasher but it takes a while to get the dishwasher filled with only me at home. Will visit DH today for several hours as I have paperwork to sign. DH's wheelchair has been located and will be delivered to us tomorrow. In all the kerfuffle on Monday with two transport companies arriving to pick him up, the first company being told no-way and then second one the one to transfer him, and the first company removing him from his chair and putting him in theirs, his got left at the facility. Tomorrow the daughter of the Director of Nursing is coming up to Bellingham so she'll bring it to us either at the current facility or I'll be nice and meet them at a Starbucks right off the freeway to save them a bit of time. DH is adapting well and I'm so glad we got him moved. The last two days I've arrived right about 11:00 AM to find him up, dressed, in the chair, and at PT. He's working on standing each day (only a short amount of time but it's standing) and he's been doing the bike attached to his chair. He's staying up a good portion of the afternoon and I'm leaving about 4:30 to head home. That's a lot more time up and engaging with others and more being done for PT and OT. We're supposed to be in the mid-70s for the next few days. Have a lovely day! Karen
  16. Good morning! Welcome back @richwmn! Happy Anniversary @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief. We have a slightly cooler day today - mid to upper 70's which is still quite warm for the Pacific Northwest. DH got moved up to Sedro-Woolley yesterday but somehow his wheelchair didn't make the trip. How that happened is up for wondering as he should have been sitting in it! I understand that at the old facility there were two different services there to pick him up and the one that got there first was the one that should have been canceled. They had him loaded up when the other service arrived. I guess, from the driver, there was some talking, arguing, etc. and then things worked out. However DH's wheelchair didn't make the transfer. Not sure if that means a drive south for me or if they'll get it to us. Another mystery today. Other than that I'm now down to a 15-17 minute commute (2 stoplights and 3 stop signs going in and 2 lights and one sign coming home). The staff was so welcoming yesterday with lots of hugs and "welcome back" comments. I supply them with cookies and took in chocolate chip - the dozen were gone by the time I headed for home so more going in today. DH is settled in and that's the main thing. Karen
  17. Good morning! Today is the start of a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest with highs in the 80's and maybe up to 90. It's a gorgeous morning out there at the moment. Thank you to everyone on the thread and I love the limerick for Sandy! Yesterday was a great day with some good news - DH gets to move back to the rehab he's been in close to home! I called them yesterday and talked to the admissions person, got the fax number and took it in to his present facility. The Nursing Director called, faxed info, etc. and yesterday afternoon we were told he will be moved on Monday!!! The transportation is taken care of and I have only 3 days left of the hour drive each way. Monday I'll stay here and meet him at the facility. Today I get to go in and pay for it but that's fine. My commute goes from an hour each way and 50 miles to 20 minutes and about 7 miles at the most. It will be so much less stress, they have a great rehab program with more equipment and I know DH will do well there. He also knows the therapists and they know him. Yay!! Off to get some lemon cookies made to take to the staff at the current facility and then to the new one to pay them before heading south. Have a great day and stay cool! Karen
  18. Good morning! Thanks for all the birthday wishes for DH and the congrats on Ivy Dawn. DH loves moscato but it's too sweet for me. I've solved a bit of the button problem for him and get him magnetic shirts from Duluth Trading Company. Best things ever! As for missing socks - we have those. I have told the staff at the facility I'll do DH's laundry (they wanted $250.00/month to do it) but it keeps being sent out even with a sign prominently displayed. Most have come back but still missing a few pairs of socks. DH is making progress. Yesterday he surprised the PT people with getting himself into a sitting position by himself and helping with the transfer to the wheelchair. He did some standing in the parallel bars as well but that was with assistance. Still working on trying to get him closer to home as it's an hour drive each way (50 miles) and it's wearing on me. Yesterday I took in mini-cupcakes to celebrate, his brother called and his sister came in (she's about 30 minutes away) and brought him a strawberry shake. Overall, I'd say he had a good day for not being home. We have a long spate of good weather coming with temps in the upper 80's by the weekend. I need to see if DS can come over and mow for me as the grass is taller than the moss! Karen
  19. Good evening, A quick check-in as I'm so tired and I'll update more tomorrow. DH is doing well and today was his 83rd birthday. He did well today getting up and getting in the wheelchair and we got outside to enjoy the nice weather. The best gift of all, in my opinion, was the birth this morning of our second great-granddaughter of the heart. She was born at 5:40 AM and is named Ivy Dawn! Love it! Karen
  20. Good morning everyone, Checking in. It's been a busy week. DH is making progress - slow but progress. I'm still nagging the staff about finding a place closer to home but so far no luck. DH did scare us on Tuesday - he lost consciousness as they were putting him back in bed after eating breakfast in his wheelchair. I got a call to tell me and was told he was fine but I had a very quick shower (just long enough to get the hair wet to avoid bedhead) and headed down. I got there and he was fine, chatting away, etc. Then I could relax. It was a long hour drive though! Sunday I took a day off from going south to DH and went north to see my Mom (along with a friend). Mom is 96.5 and a going concern. She lives in an independent living facility and you have to work to get on her social calendar. I hope I have inherited her longevity genes! It was a good day but another long one with driving 2 hours up and 2 hours back. I'm thinking of taking tomorrow off and staying home! We're supposed to have quite the rain event and the Friday traffic is not fun. I'm prepping DH for it. Have a good day! Karen
  21. None of them are tender ports. Icy Strait now has two docks and Sitka you dock out of town and are taken in by shuttle. They have the system down and it's' easy! Karen
  22. Good morning, We had a gorgeous day yesterday with temps in the mid-70s and lots of sunshine and today promises to be the same. It's the last weekend of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival and we locals stay a long ways away from the fields! I stopped in at our local Hallmark in downtown Mt. Vernon yesterday, left there at 10;30 and the main drag was full of cars that early and the offramps were backed up. My favorite independent book store is Parnassus Books in Ketchikan. It's just off the end of Creek Street and has great local books, note cards, etc. It's a "must do" stop every time we're there! DH wasn't doing great on Thursday with a temp of 101 and very sleepy. However, when I got there yesterday he was bright eyed and chatty, eating well, etc. He's been moved to thin liquids which is good. He was also helped into the wheelchair, went down to the gym and stood up in the parallel bars, with assistance, 4 times. It's a start - and a good one. Then we went outside and walked a bit and enjoyed the sunshine. His facility is 50 miles south of us and the drive down is usually right at 50 minutes - 1 hour. The drive home is usually right around an hour as I leave at the start of rush hour. Anyway, last night it took 2 1/2 hours to get home! It took almost 1 1/2 hours to just get out of Everett! I was tired and not a happy camper when I got in the driveway. I needed wine!! Have a great day everyone! I'm taking a day off from Everett tomorrow but going in the opposite direction. A friend and I are heading to Canada to see my mom (she's 96.5 and a going concern), do a bit of shopping, go out for lunch, then head to a friend's house for a visit before driving back down. Karen
  23. Good morning! @dfish Happy Birthday! Quick update on DH. He's truly the Energizer Bunny. Monday the physical therapist wanted DH to try standing. DH looked at him and stood up - 5 times! Most were with assistance but they were self-motivated so that was good. Yesterday DH transferred, with a lot of help, to the wheelchair, and for the first time in over a month we went for a walk in the halls and sat outside in the sunshine. Yay! Progress in small steps but it's progress. Today is starting out gloomy and wet but sun is forecast. By Friday we're supposed to be in the mid-70s. Yikes! Have a great day! Karen
  24. Good morning everyone, I've been reading here morning and evening but not posting as I'm tired at the end of the day! The drive each way is starting to wear on me. It's 100 miles round trip and about 2 hours depending on traffic. I took a day off on Thursday for my mental health and that was a good decision. I'll do one day off mid-week this week as well. DH continues to be the Love of my Life and my Energizer Bunny. The doctor came in on Wednesday, having not seen him since the previous Friday, and wanted to know who this guy was! Dh is sitting up on the edge of the bed (needing minimal assistance) and then sitting by himself so getting stronger. No transfer to wheelchair yet but we're getting closer. His appetite is good, he's talking a lot and carrying on conversations, and is asking to go home. The doctor has directed the social worker to look for facilities closer to home which would be wonderful but so far nobody has room - darn it! Today is raining and not my favorite weather to drive in. DH's sister is driving up from Edmonds for a visit so we'll look forward to seeing her. I hope @Cruising-along had a great time visiting the tulip fields and having lunch at the favorite Italian restaurant. The area traffic for downtown was bad as there was a street fair and, when I was coming home around 4:00 PM, the traffic south was heavy and slow. Off to get ready to head out - another day of driving! Karen
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