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Everything posted by gottagoacruzn

  1. Hey guys, do any of ya know of the point & shoot digital cameras that can edit pictures, like the cell phones can? Thanks. My camera, which is a kodak fz151 digital camera, was a 2013 model, I've found out that it doesn't edit.
  2. I like em. Take pictures of them when comin home, on the ship.
  3. Just a free scoop of ice cream, nothin else, within reason of course!!
  4. Hi Heidi, thats about the size of it. They look better on the camera!!
  5. Hey guys, maybe somebody could help me. Got a Kodak pixpro digital camera, took pictures of Alaska, they came out beautiful on the camera, then took the camera to cvs, an had them developed. Got the pictures back, an noticed that the pictures didn't look all that beautiful, as they did on the camera. Whats wrong, any suggestions? Thanks. Oh, I do ask when I'm in the store, how often do they calibrate the machine.
  6. Hey guys, anybody who has been on the Brilliance up to Alaska before, do you have any pictures of Alaska or the ship, that you could post? Just came home last month from Alaska, on the Crown, an will be goin again, an can't wait!!! Thanks, Virginia
  7. Hi guys, any of you who have been on the Brilliance ots, up in Alaska recently, do you have any pictures you can post of the ship, an those of Alaska? Thanks.
  8. Oh those look so yummy, gotta run in & get a glass of milk. I'm hungry!!
  9. Hey guys, just returned from an alaskan cruise, a couple of weeks ago, an forgot to take a picture when you walk in the hanger on the wharf, there's a silly sign that says, "Caution, low flyin airplanes have right of way." Have any of you have been there, did you take a picture of the sign, an if you did, can you please post it? If not, thats ok to. Thanks. Virginia
  10. Oh gee, forgot to go to the clubs on board, this means will have to go back.
  11. Does that tour you take, go to north & south Tracy arm glacier?
  12. Hey guys, anybody know the name of the house on stilts, on the seawalk in Vancouver Canada? thanks.
  13. Yup, bon voyage. I just was on the Crown, got off Sept 15th, really wanna go again. Had a wonderful time, the food was really great.
  14. Just got off the crown, last week. Had a great time. Was a breeze checkin in & gettin off. Rained in Sitka & Juneau, cloudy in skagway, Ketchikan, sunny in icy strait. Saw a few whales, a couple foxes outside skagway. Wanna go again.
  15. Yup, I agree with no1racefan1. Was on the Crown last week. Didn't even know about the excursion or cost, until I saw the boat comin along. The Captain didn't even try to get close to the glacier, cuz of the fog an ice, was a mile or so from the glacier.
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