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Everything posted by gottagoacruzn

  1. Have a pair of binoculars that I take with me whenever I go to Alaska, my dad brought them home, from WW2, they were made in 1942. Better than the ones made today.
  2. Yes, saw that on an article earlier today. Thought oh no. What a shame.
  3. Want to know, if table 89 is a table for two, or a table for 8 or 10 people? Inquiring minds would like to know. Thanks.
  4. Hey Jeter, when you get into skagway, be sure to find the sourdough bakery there, I've heard good things about it, also in ketchikan is the jelly fish donuts.
  5. Hi, will be travelin with you, bags are packed. Will be on the Crown in Sept, an can't wait, am gettin ansy. Please be sure to take pictures. Have also been up there 10 or 12 times, so this time in Skagway, at least for now no tours, just gonna wander around an see what kind of mischief one can get into, within reason of course, got to clarify that, in case someone gets the wrong idea.
  6. Hi guys, does anyone know if there will be vendors from the walkin tour, on the dock, when the crown gets in an has anyone taken this tour before? If not, thats ok. Thanks.
  7. Oh that's terrible!! Had always wanted to sail with him at the helm, sorry.
  8. Hey Lanz, my dad grew up in Brownwood, he an my uncle were Aggies.
  9. Have always gone prepared for Alaska, this time will still be the same. Be goin in Sept, an can't wait.
  10. Hey, how far is the steam clock, from the pier? Virginia
  11. After readin your posts, an seein the pictures, makes me wanna go now, but still gotta wait. Guess you can call me, "Willa have to wait."
  12. Did you get the blues when you watch the Crown sail away without you?
  13. Thats terrible to change the sailing, an there I was all excited about seein the scenery!!!
  14. They day we pull out of Ketchikan, will be watchin the scenery.
  15. That looks so beautiful, can't wait til I'm there, hey but it might rain, but I don't mind that if it does.
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