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Posts posted by MaiTaiMary

  1. We have been there twice, the first time we went cave tubing and the second time we went snorkeling and to Bannister Island. Loved both times. We are also going back in Feb.



    Is this an accurate picture of Bannister Island?




    If so....

    definitely not my cuppa tea. :(

  2. My DH has always wanted to visit Belize. For our next cruise, we are strongly considering a Western Caribbean cruise, because of this.


    I've been looking at reviews here off/on for the past couple of days and Belize sure doesn't get very high marks! :(


    Can somebody tell me more about your stop at Belize? What are the popular things to do here?



    ETA: If anybody has pictures they can post I'd appreciate it.



  3. Afterthoughts...

    We had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! We actually got to relax for the first time in years!


    The ship was a little more confusing that I thought it would be. I had read good things about the Spirit class, but we got turned around quite a bit.


    The kids on the ship were great! No problems with out of control kids running around unsupervised. There appeared to be very few and the ones we did see were very well mannered.


    One thing that was needed a LOT was our dollar to peso conversion feature on our phone. We used this a ton to figure out how much we were being asked to pay. Converting to pesos was worth it, but you need some kinda help with the conversion. I was surprised by the lack of English when we were in ports. I figured since the ports are high tourist areas, most cab drivers and vendors would speak fairly good English. I was surprised when they didn’t, but it was actually kinda fun having to rely on our Spanish.


    This was only our second Carnival cruise and overall we were very happy. We were thrilled that they had improved the food so much since our last Carnival cruise!


    Next cruise we’ll take the kids. Gotta do the Western Caribbean now! Thinking of the Dream October 2011. Thoughts?? heee.gif





    Thanks for taking the time to read! byebye.gif

  4. Wednesday, Day 8


    Had a 8:00a spa appoint. Headed out around 7:15a so I’d have time to get a cup of coffee and watch the water a bit before it was time. Found out when I got upstairs that we changed time again and it was only 6:15a! Pleeenty of time to sit and watch the world sail by. cute.gif


    Spa. $129 for a 50 minute massage and 25 minute facial. Wasn’t that impressed with the spa. Nothing fancy. Massage was alright. Facial wasn’t that great. Pre-consult was all about finding more out so she could sell me stuff.


    Weather was COLD and very windy when I left the spa. Turns out all of the decks were closed due to the winds. Came back to the cabin to find DH laying in bed sick. Seas were VERY rough!




    Not a lot to report on for day 8. DH had a spa appointment around noon. He started the appointment by vomiting in the masseuse’s sink. puke.gif Niiiice. (I meant to ask him if he tipped her well at least.)


    He spent the day in bed and I just explored the ship some more on my own. Went to bingo, a game show and on a tour of the galley.


    DH didn’t feel well enough go to the MDR for dinner, so we just did the buffet. Had that wonderful pizza one last time. Not nearly as fun/nice as the MDR, but it woulda been a lot easier to exit the lido deck if he had gotten sick!


    Day 8 wasn’t great. Just too windy, cold, and rocky. Overall the cruise was WONDERFUL…. just one.day.too.long. (But not Carnival’s fault there were rough seas, of course!)

  5. 3:00p- Headed up to the lido deck for the ice cream bar. They had this every sea day at 3:00p. Couldn’t pass this up, being the ice cream-aholic that I am. icecream.gif


    Tonight was the second elegant night.


    Dinner (time to strap on the feed bag again! :o )







    Me: Corn chowder and Caesar salad

    DH: Escargot and some tuna thingy



    Me: Chateaubriand (kinda tough)

    DH: Chateaubriand





    Me: Amaretto cake



    DH: Diet cheesecake (NOT good. )




    Saw a little bit of the show “The Big Easy”.


    Ended up changing back into comfy clothes and playing cards in the “Jungle” until the comedian started.


    Comedian (Meryl Hobbs) was the "R rated" comedian. He was kinda funny, but we were expecting a little more.

  6. Tuesday, Day 7


    Sea Day. Headed home.

    I was up early today (earlier than usual, that is). I was out on deck by 5:30a. Coulda done w/o In Sync and Michael Jackson blasting at that early hour while I drank my coffee. errrr.gif But still nice to sit out and watch the sun come up. coffee.gif


    Headed to the gym.

    Painful! disbelief.gif


    Tried to lay out at the pool, but it was very windy. Just couldn’t get comfy.


    We ended up getting a couple of frou-frou drinks (my first Kiss On The Lips!!!!! Yum-o!) and headed back to the cabin. Ordered room service for lunch. Oh, how we loved having people bring us “free” food! Got a hot pastrami sandwich and a shrimp salad sandwich.


    Sat out on our balcony and read. Decided what we really needed was a glass of champagne. Popped open our bottle and life was good.


  7. Back to the ship for some pizza. Yum! Pizza is much better here than on our last Carnival cruise. Very good!


    Dinner (yes, dinner in a couple more hours. We did NOT go hungry on this trip Dancing.gif ) in the MDR at around 7:30p. Didn’t get our usual table and wait staff this night. Bummer. We missed them. Kinda fun to chat with some other passengers and hear about their trip, though.





    Me: Chicken tenders with thai spices (good!)

    DH: Tomato & mozzarella cheese



    Me: Fillet mignon and short ribs (short ribs were excellent!!)

    DH: Fillet mignon and short ribs



    Me: Warm chocolate melting cake (I wish I could just put this stuff in an IV and have it all day long)

    DH: Raspberry chocolate thingy



    ahhh. I miss our nightly cappachinos! mope.gif





    After dinner we saw the show- a prop comedian. Wasn’t as bad as the other comic, but not good. Enjoyed ourselves, though!

  8. Ahhhh! My new favorite salsa! dude.gif




    The resort is definitely older and not shiny and fancy, but its very nice! We had a great day here. Pool area was gorgeous. Beach…. well it was basically just a bay. Nothing exciting. We stayed by the pool and had a few pina coladas and some nachos. OMG, nachos were excellent!!


    Spent about 5 hours here. Read, read and read some more. Very relaxing. inlove.gif




    Leaving Manzanillo:


  9. Manzanillo was seriously a pit. Didn’t look like a place we would want to come back to. Luckily we had a good plan for the day!


    Got a taxi to Las Hadas (haggled a great price!)

    Took about 30 minutes to get there from the port.


    They’ve changed the way they do things and now there isn’t a “minimum charge” for people who want a day pass. We were told we can lay out at the pool and just “pay as we go”. I was worried it would be too crowded with the ship in port, but it was empty!














  10. Monday, Day 6


    Started the day with more room service, thankyouverymuch. snob.gif


    Docked in Manzanillo at 7:00a. Lovely, lovely port! Gorgeous time of the year to watch the graffiti change color! ( OK, anybody who has been to the Manzanillo port can understand this. lol.gif Very industrial and dirty. Nothing like pulling into Zihuatanejo).







    Ladies and gentlemen..... I bring you.....






















  11. Back on board the ship by 5:00p (we sailed at 6:00p).






    Tired after a long day in the sun!


    Showered and watched a bit of the Academy Awards.

    Went to the MDR around 7:00p. Time to strap on the feedbag again! eat.gif Got a pager, but only had about a 10 minute wait. Another nice meal!





    Me: Caesar salad

    DH: Smoked duck



    Me: Pasta with turkey (pretty good)

    DH: Salmon



    Me: Bitter & Blanc. (Disappointing. Not nearly as good as I had heard).

    DH: Tiramisu (YUM!)

  12. ry%3D400









    Took a taxi back into town. Ate at a restaurant recommended by our taxi driver and one of the local vendors- La Ceneda Gorda (the fat mermaid). OMG, stay far away. Bad, bad food. Bad. Fish smelled like cat food. errrr.gif Chicken was so oily it made my stomach churn. Really gross. The place was nice and clean and looked good, so we were really surprised!

    (soooo avoid this place!! lol.gif )

  13. OK, lemme see if I can get another day or two in before the kids wake up....



    Sunday, Day 5



    Pulled into the Zihuatanejo harbor early, around 7:00a. It was gorgeous!! Very quiet and tranquil.










    Unfortunately, this is a tender port. Got a tender ticket at 8:00a. Off the ship around 9:00a. Not bad.

    Vendors were a little more aggressive than I expected. Lots of them! We wandered around the shops for a while (anybody who knows me knows I HATE shopping, so this wasn’t exactly a highlight for me…) We priced out some bottles of tequila, but they were MORE expensive than on the ship! headscratch.gif




    this is what I was starting to feel like after so many heavy meals...





    We ended up taking a local bus (which was fun) to Playa La Ropa. Walked around a bit. Great beach! Parked it at La Perla. They wanted $5 to rent chairs, an umbrella, and a table. Spent the next 4 hours or so sitting her. Nice! View was gorgeous, but service was very, very slow.

  14. Took a taxi back to the ship so we could shower & change before headin’ out for the evening. We had a great taxi driver so we told him to come back for us in an hour. (Raul 1988).


    He took us to see the cliff divers. I’m glad we went because I was curious, but honestly…. we coulda skipped this. unsure.gif The view from El Mirador was wonderful. Service and drinks were not.


    Raul recommended an awesome restaurant for dinner- Las Castanedas. Loved it!!!!!! drool.gif Our best meal the entire trip. Real Mexican food!!









    Walked back to the ship. Felt very comfortable and safe in Acapulco.

  15. From there we headed to a beach across the street. Rented an umbrella and chair for only $3. Great day!! 2tup.gif It was a busy beach, but lots of locals. Very fun to people watch again. Lots of vendors came up to us, but everybody was very friendly and a simple “no gracias” sent them on their way. I had heard some not so good things about Acapulco, but we had a great time. Great people. Great beach.





  16. Saturday, Day 4


    Finally felt like it would be WARM today! bliss.gif No clouds and air was noticeably thicker.

    Ordered room service again. We could get used to this.


    Walked around a bit and enjoyed seeing the SUN again. Saw some sea turtles swimmin’ around.



    12:00p- Arrived in Acapulco. The bay was very pretty. Stayed on board for a couple of drinks while the first people got off.





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