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Everything posted by harry0

  1. Just confirming-no more signing waivers in advance?
  2. I am bringing my grandkids on the Symphony in a couple weeks-they are very competitive and I thought I can turn this into a competition. For those who do not know what I am talking about-the Oasis has telescopic 3-d art work throughout the ship
  3. I am interested in this too-we would like to snorkel from the beach-is it an option?
  4. Do away with auto tipping-raise the wages of the employees- raise the cruise fare as needed and hand out envelopes and let us determine who gets tipped. Tipping has always been a bizarre mystery to me.
  5. Hoonah-is my favorite stop-it is a quiet town with great indigenous Americans-Do a tour with them and learn some of their culture. We used Gee Sta Hun for our land based wilderness tour-everyone calls it "a bear tour". We did see bear but the town and people are my highlights-the walk to town is great too-at least do it one way.
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