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Mr. Click

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Everything posted by Mr. Click

  1. Taking a week to do it is not reasonable. I would call again and push getting it down now and then follow up to make sure someone really did do it and not just "Yupping" you. Schedules are always changing, even more so now than in the past so this is a good reminder to everyone to always check the schedules and do not rely on TAs or airlines to update you.
  2. You should post this on your roll call where people on your cruise are more likely to see it. That said, allow yourself plenty of time, especially on a Monday morning. Getting into Manhattan, across it and then out the other side to LGA is no easy feat even on a good day.
  3. What we, the general population don't know yet is how the vaccine will work on variants. I do know that they are developing new types that will hopefully be even more effective but it for me it is wait and see what they come out with in the fall. What I have seen is that with each vaccine and each mutation the strength of the disease seems to weaken. We are all different, have different needs, different issues etc so we need to each make our own decisions. Mine for now is to wait and see. No, I won't get the cabin in want for the cruise I am looking at, no I might not get the best deal based on what I am seeing right now but I have to do what is best for me, just like you and others have to do what is best for you.
  4. Says? I agree that it is becoming a chase but I have yet to see any data from the the FDA or the pharma on any of this.
  5. The influx I see is people in general. While sailings were being done at around 35% of capacity people were still getting sick, getting quarantined and that is not fun. With larger passenger loads coming it means less space to maintain some distancing so it is a concern for me. We are all different in our needs, our concerns. The harsh reality for me is I am well into my 70s, I am a type 2 diabetic and 8 years ago I dodged what have been a very nasty heart attack. All of that puts me in a high risk category so I am more careful that some others. The first thing I need to see is what the fall brings in the way of new vaccines and what new protections they offer. I still do travel domesticly but for now it is more outdoor stuff, more masking on airplanes and in general just being careful. I have had two near death experiences in my life, it makes me stop and think a bit more now about the risks in what I do. My life, my choices.
  6. Feeling really good right now, that I did not already book that Caribbean cruise for Feb out of FLL. Going back to plan B to wait to see what the next round of vaccines offer in the way of coverage for newer variants, especially if they are going to allow totally unvaxxed onboard.....Yep time to put it all back on hold.
  7. That is what I would do. The last time we cruised, pre-pandemic we had a lot of OBC so I went ahead and bought a 3 night package. As soon as we boarded the ship we made a dash for the closest restaurant to make our reservations. All I got was "sorry, we don't have those times/dates/restaurants available but if you want to eat at 5pm or 9pm we can work something out" What I worked out with guest relations was a refund....and when I talked to the CC hostess she was able to get us on night that worked in the Tuscan Grill, comped. If and when we get back to cruising again I won't be bothering with dining packages.
  8. Still no cruises in our future but we did get up to Oregon last week to enjoy some cooler weather and explore the coast. My original idea was to shoot the Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach with the sun setting behind it but parking and beach access issues made me rethink it so I went down the coast a bit and worked with the late day light coming from the side as the sunset and mother nature tossed in some pretty clouds too.
  9. I know UA has it on their app and it came in handy today when our first flight was really late and we had to run with the hope of making the connection. AirTags said the bags were close, the app showed them scanned oof the first plane and on to the second plane . I was happy to have the AirTags, especially when I was thinking about having to track them down if they missed the flight we made. I can see them as a real boon in the cruise terminals, if we ever get back to cruising..
  10. I bought a 4 pack a few weeks ago and used them on our current trip in the US. Now that we live in Vegas all of the time trips mean plane changes and I worry about bags not making it. On the outbound it was easy to track the bags from the time we dropped them at LAS, while we changed in DEN and as them came out in PDX, It was nice to know where they were at all times.
  11. If you dispute the $2500 you paid at the airport to the airline the credit card company will not allow the dispute. Your dispute is with what you paid to Celebrity for the airfare at the time of booking. I would follow up with an email to the exec offices immediately to try and get it resolved with a full refund of what you are now out of pocket. If that does not get a quick response then file with your credit card company but only for the amount you paid to Celebrity. Filing a credit card dispute for the money you paid at the airport is waste of time, both yours, the credit card company's and the airline's.
  12. Thinking about going back to sea and Celebrity just extended their Semi-annual sale, again and one of the "benefits" of the sale $500 flight credit. It sounds nice but I am still sitting on about $800 in United ETCs from past COVID cancelations and they have to be used to book before the end of 2022. So, does anyone know if I can used them with FBC??? Only thinking of doing something out of FLL in the winter so the fares are not too crazy to begin with, yet anyway. Thanks in advance to anyone who has experience with this promo.
  13. Policies definately do get more costly as we get older because the risks are higher for both medical issues and unplanned/forced cancelations. I have not needed a policy in 3 years now because COVID has kept us close to home but I am sure with all of the risks created by COVID the cost of a policy has gone up too. It is all about the risk. When I first started buying travel insurance it was to help cover the cost of rushing home in trip to be with elderly parents. I guess I am now that elderly parent and need to think about the medical side for me and I sure was glad I could recover most of my trip costs when I had to cancel 4 days out.
  14. Glad to hear it. It took me over 3 months to finally get paid and in the end they still refused to cover my $500 deposit because it was paid for with a gift card and I got for credit card points. " sorry we only cover things paid by cash, check or credit card".... I fully understand their need to document everything but they were beyond common sense and when they "lost" half of my documentation that was the end for me. I strongly suggested that they needed to confirm receipt when I re-sent it and then settle within the week or I would simply turn it all over to the state insurance commission and let them deal with it.
  15. Each airline has their own seat assignment rules. Some allow you to choose your seat at booking for free, some allow it with a fee, some require payment in full, something that FBC does not always do at booking, and some only allow you to chose your seats at check in. We had an experience a while ago with FBC when I booked TA flights on American but one way it was really a BA flight as an AA code share. FBC let me choose my seats for all 4 legs while we were on the phone, gave me the record locators for both AA and BA but when I went to check my seats, no seats on BA. Turned out they wanted $250 more for pre-assigned seats. I said no thanks. We had book biz class and planned to just sleep on the Newark to Heathrow segment so if our seats were not together, no biggie and Heathrow to AMS was only an hour so no biggie there. I had better things to spend that money on.
  16. I talked to both. Started with Squaremouth since that was the number on the policy packet to call for claims. When there were "issues" I talked to both the squaremouth and the issuer and got no help until threats of legal action were put into writing. "Oh we can't find those papers you sent in at our request a month ago" is not a reasonable excuse in my world. When I had some refund issues with Travel Guard on policies issued through the trip insurance store I emailed Steve and they got it resolved within a day. I get that there is a broker and an insurer to deal with and that squaremouth is just a broker but once you take my money I do expect some service from you when I have a problem....
  17. I highly reccomend Steve and his staff the trip insurance store. During the pandemic we had 4 trips canceled and Steve stepped up big time getting me refunds on my policy premiums because future credit was not a good idea for me. Squaremouth??? I would avoid them like the plague. The one cruise we did have to cancel when I landed in the cardiac cath lab 4 days before departure it was a trip we had insured with Squaremouth. First phone call got a quick response, after that it was "Who are you and what is it you want again???". Lots of crickets, they lost some of the paperwork we send in at their request. Made every excuse in the book to delay paying the claim. Wanted to claim it was a pre-exisiting condition but I had NEVER even seen a cardiologist, had no history of heart problems etc. Since that mis-adventure I have relied to Steve and his staff and they have been great about finding the right policy for me and dealing with the carriers when the cancelations rolled in. Oh, yes, the window for buying a policy to cover pre-exsisting conditions runs from 7 to 21 days depending on the carrier.
  18. We never cared for them. Better to just to to the OVC and get your own, get what appeals to your taste.
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