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Everything posted by gsgbrumuk

  1. From the main cruise port its about a 45 min walk to Ramblas but shuttle buses are available. We were not with Marella but the port buses were cheaper than the ones provided by the cruise line.
  2. Have you been dealing direct with TUI/Marella or via an agent?
  3. Down here some have to contact their GP Practice to ask them to give access to their records via the app.
  4. Certainly declare everything. My problem is I worry in case I've forgotten anything no matter how minor. The other thing with insurance is not just the premium but are the underwriters any good at paying out. Although visited medical facility a couple of times nothing major and not been worthwhile claiming due to premium excess. The last time, DW saw the Doctor on a RCI Transatlantic, he knew our home town as he used to work at one of the local'ish hospitals. About 8 years age we had to cancel one cruise at the last minute a week before Xmas and we were refunded bar a few hundred pounds by New Years Eve - all done by email. The balance was an error by the insurance company and they cleared that within another few days.
  5. You dared suggest that all was not brilliant with P&O!! - braver man than I ! Have to say such lack of hygiene has been observed on other cruise lines as well.
  6. I've seen similar on P&O and as for leaving toilets well.... Repurposing carafes as vases, very innovative.
  7. I'm always wary about doing that due to some fellow passengers having an inability to read and comply with signs and a poor take on hygiene.
  8. We go through a lot of water and normally take small bottles from the ship ashore with us, Also on sea days when walking around the deck to burn off some of the calorific intake. On other cruise lines bottled water is included in the drinks package. Deluxe/Premier packages giving a supposedly better brand (doesn't bother us).
  9. If on the premier drinks package is extra bottled water included or do you have to pay for it? Geoffrey
  10. Just booked one of these for June 2023. Not much happening on the roll call yet. Hoping to visit KSC as well.
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