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Everything posted by Hoopster95

  1. Time to walk back to the station, enjoy the shorter train ride home, I stopped at the train museum, but was out of there in 10 minutes.
  2. After 7.5kms from Mrydal, we arrive at Blomhelller Station 1/2 hour early. We were told we can walk farther up the path to a farm where they have more goats, so off we went.
  3. As in typical RC fashion, this “hike” was more of a stroll. However it truly was an out 2 hours’ish long 7.5 kms. No hiking here… cleared easy pathway the entire 7.5 kms. 7.5kms took us back to Another train station to get back to flam. The remaining 13-14kms can easily be walked all the way back to Flam without a train, that would take about 4’ish hours depending on your speed The walk, the views, everything…. spectacular!
  4. We had about an Hour at the hotel… they fed us a couple of waffles and coffee/teA and we got To roam around a little bit before the “hike” starting at the famous winding and steep Rallarvegen path
  5. So after herding us into the Royal Theatre, the ushered us out like sheep in line as usual out to the pier and out to the train station. All train excursions had assigned cars. So in comparison to the Skagway Train, this one is more comfortable seating. However the seating is arranged in an awkward 3-2 configuration. Also, there not a single “outdoor” viewing area at front or back of the car. Lastly, first 15-20min out of Flam definitely the best side to sit is the right, after that mostly left is best… pick Your poison. We Stopped about 3/4 way up for the waterfall break, then continues until we reached Vatnahalsen Station. IMG_4542.mov IMG_4585.mov
  6. I wish to sincerely thank the weather Gods. I am both incredibly grateful & blessed to have had this opportunity to visit the Flam Valley today, and especially with the awesome weather we had…. Again! For the first time in years I booked an RC excursion. I discovered later that I could’ve figured this all out Myself very easily for half the cost. That does not take away the superb day I enjoyed today. Flam was one of my top 3 sights for Cruise, so I was very hopeful for today. But first maybe a few more intro pics leading up to the excursion IMG_4452.mov
  7. I can watch your videos a thousand times over! We never crossed paths this morning as I walked from deck 12 forward, down to the helipad and around deck 5. I assume you took time lapse? Thanks for all the videos twangster I’m on one of the few RC excursions I ever book… Flam train and valley hike. Hope you have a great day
  8. Good morning all! Been up since 6. great photos and video twangster i can barely type with frozen fingers Welcome to Flam everyone
  9. I did get a chance to walk around town a little, shop, etc. Here’s some randoms… people were eating fish and chips outside in the rain! Also note the reindeer and moose salami for sale
  10. Making our way back through the tunnels, we went to the old Giske church in Giske… you guessed it, very significant to the Giske family. We spent only 15 min there so i did not pick up much info
  11. I thought this was super cool… Norway is building an underground tunnel for ships!!! There video depicts Hrutiguten passenger ships within the tunnel
  12. We then headed to Alnes Fyr lighthouse by traversing 400ft underground through an extensive network of tunnel highways underground! Amazing Norwegian engineering. Easy to get down 400 ft… just point the road in a downward 8degree gradient… but how do buses and trucks Climb that? They don’t… instead the road rotates upward round as round (like a spring) allowing a more gradual ascent. Note the longest tunnel Is 4.2kms, it took about 4 minutes to get through it
  13. Last bit of the museum were the boats they used back in the day… amazing actually
  14. Birch bark roof… and the grass/etc to add weight to the roof to Hold in place, also for insulation… and how was the grass/plants/etc trimmed and Maintained from getting out of control? Goats!! I had a latte and a “swata”, which is a Norwegian pancake with butter and brown sugar. It’s eaten cold. InAmsterdam I had Poffertges which is kind of the same but served warm… liked those better. Oh, and the clerk Told me they eat the Svete by hand, so of Course I had to the same
  15. I’m normally not a museum guy, but the short 1.5 hour visit to the open air Sunnmore Museum to learn about some of Norway’s early history was actually really good The last photo… Norwegians historically from Viking days were big people? Why were the doors so short? Answer: to keep as much heat in the home as possible.
  16. Ålesund Kirke (church) and views of various islands including Godoy and Giske which we visit. IMG_4225.mov IMG_4229.mov
  17. Hey everyone, I did an excursion today with many CC’ers on the roll Called “Aselund - the Ultimate Sightseeing Tour” by Norway Excursions AS https://www.norwayexcursions.com/en/tour/alesund-the-ultimate-sightseeing-tour/?_gl=1*1tq38*_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoLTC8r7HhgMVPKWDBx144hQPEAAYASABEgLBOfD_BwE For brevity’s sake, check out their website if you wish … I’ll just post some highlights
  18. Ya right … NOT! 😆 I believe Capt also said the “main” part of the fjord transit begins at around 6’ish. Hopefully the weather co-operates once again! (Knock on wood)
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