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Posts posted by delgirl

  1. Thank you for your replies. They are in fact my grandchildren. We were put on a waitlist originally as they only have so many places. There was space for grandson but not grandaughter. Did a dummy run a few weeks later and it was accepted. About 2 months later I had a phone call from cunard to say they had space for the children. Said I had already booked. Don't know anything about an app. Is this the one you use onboard, inn which case no good to pre register children before you go. Will have to phone them up I think, though why you have to pre register them when they know how many are onboard in each age group I have no idea.

  2. Had an e-mail for my daughter to bid on an upgrade. Says for 2 people but there are 4 of them with their children. Don't want to bid in case they give them an outside for 2. At the moment they are in an inside family room near the playzone. I know there are only so many family rooms. Has anyone else had an upgrade bid with children.

  3. 16 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

    Well I’m about to start packing soon for our next adventure- Disney world Florida for three weeks. 

    we have had such an amazing 18months of holidays. We’ve been on Britannia to Spain and France. Then we tried our hand at msc first the fjords on virtuosa then to Northern Europe on preziosa. We did the canaries on iona. Had a wonderful pre chirstmas getaway to Disneyland Paris. Although it didn’t do a patch on Florida, the chirstmas decorations were lovely. We’ve just gotten back from our fjords cruise on iona with the parents in law tagging along at the last minute and now we have 5 days to go till I’m back where I love best. 

    now my holiday pot is completely dry I have to get back to saving for the next four adventures that we have booked for the next two years. I haven’t at all got enough holidays booked for my liking (my bank balance says no though currently) so it’s been awesome while it lasted.


    if anyone wants to send me winning lottery tickets that will be much appreciated 😂 


    I know it’s a cruise board but I’ll probably post some Disney pics on here. 

    My youngest daughter is there at the monent with hubby and 2 kids (1 of each). She sent me a video from their balcony yesterday of a giraffe walking about. Looked amazing. I think they are staying at the animal kingdom?. They went monday.

    • Like 1
  4. 23 hours ago, Lanky Lad said:

    After reading how long it can take for a passport renewal, I thought I had better get mine done ready for September. I submitted my application online on Sunday 23rd April and the new one arrived today.  

    I can beat that. Did mine online 17 April delivered 21st April. Couldn't believe it. Did DH at the same time he is still waiting. Although has had a text to say it has been printed. My passport went to Corby his to Hemel Hempstead. Thought we would have to wait ages as they are on strike.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, purplesea said:

    Have had a chat with my consultant and it is not all good news. My brian tumour is growing back and have agreed to have radiation treatment before it grows any larger to save going through surgery again. Am now waiting for an oncologist to contact me in a day or two. 

    On the brighter side, I am heading out to meet my friend for coffee and among other things talk about the cruise we have coming up, as we have discovered we are on the same one. 

    Sorry to hear your news. It's never easy is it. 

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  6. Did a dummy booking for this cruise this afternoon was letting me book for 5 yr old. Phoned cunard and they said yes so all booked. Was supposed to get an e-mail telling me there was a vacancy but never got it. Thank goodness I was bored this afternoon.🤣

    • Like 2
  7. On 1/12/2023 at 9:58 PM, grapau27 said:

    Good evening.

    It is very windy here at the moment with lots of bins blown over.

    We spent 11 hours at hospital yesterday while our Sarah was getting emergency CT, x-rays and MRI scans on her back.

    She was admitted into hospital this morning and the surgeon said he would perform a dangerous operation or give her injections in a week's time so she has opted for the injections.

    As well as a slipped disc she has Cauda equina syndrome.



    Sorry to hear about your niece Sarah. I am sure she will get the best treatment.

    • Thanks 1
  8. thank you for your replies. Have phoned cunard and they say just 2-7 yr olds are at capacity. They have put us on a waitlist. She did say she thinks there is a very good chance of us being able to go. Just have to wait.

  9. Have tried to book a 3 nighter on qm2 in september. Wouldn't let me book so I phoned (TA not cunard) and they said they were at capacity for 3-7 yr olds. Is this normal as found it hard to believe that no availability for that age group. Our other grandson would be fine as he is 9.

  10. Yay hubby out of hospital after 4 weeks. Stem cell transplant went ok. Quite poorly 2nd week after chemo but now a bit better and blood counts are rising in the right direction. Next few months he will have to be extra careful as he has no immunity, all his childhood illnesses and vaccinations have gone. He is like a new born baby. Beginning to look like one too as is loosing his hair.🤐

    • Like 17
  11. 4 hours ago, indiana123 said:

    Baggage handlers are coming to get one of my cases today (I can't deal with them) and I'm trying to lighten the load for OH.  I offered to add his main case but he was stubborn and wanted to lug it about himself. (Men!)


    The dreaded dress code thread rages on C*n**d site but I have never ever felt underdressed and I don't wear dresses or stunning ball gowns, although  I admire those that do .   I do floaty tops etc and extra makeup and bling. All the arguing on there could put new cruisers right off.


    I'm here till Sunday/early Monday, but hope you will behave while I'm way or is that a lot to ask!  Have fun 🙃



    Been on cnd a number of times. Only occassionally wear dresses. Mostly top and trousers. Have yet to see anyone if a ballgown. Mostly just nice long dresses. Just enjoy most people do and they don't away dress up to the nines and over mostly just smart.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Josy1953 said:

    It has been a good news  and bad news day for us.

    My niece called round to tell me that she went for a meeting with personnel and the chief nurse at UHNS yesterday and they have agreed that she can return to work after 2.5 years fighting cancer.  It will be a phased return starting with 2 hours per week for the first month.

    My husband's cousin rang to let us that her lovely 95 year old mum had died just after 5 am this morning, she was the last of her generation in our family.

    Tried to say how sorry I was for your loss  predictive text kept changing your name to josh. Gave up after several attempts

  13. 2 hours ago, P&O SUE said:

    Hi all, sorry not been able to read all I’ve missed but wanted to check in.

    My Dad was taken into hospital last Saturday night due to bad stomach pains although the ambulance people were more concerned about his racing heart.

    It turned out to be an inflamed gall bladder. (GP on telephone consultation prescribed IBS medication 🙄)

    So a week of looking after my mum at our house as she’s very unsteady and trooping up to the hospital every afternoon.He came home Friday but he’s so unsteady and really struggles to walk. I say home but he’s come here initially for a couple of days. This morning his heart was really racing so I called an ambulance and he’s been taken in again. Mum and I are sitting here waiting for news and John’s at work. No idea what will happen now.

    keeping fingers crossed and sending love xx

    • Thanks 1
  14. When we went on princess last year after booking cabin prices went down they upgraded us to a deluxe few weeks before cruise prices went down and again they automatically upgraded us to a premium balcony which had a massive balcony at the stern. Seems some cruise lines do this and others don't.We didn't ask to be upgraded 

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