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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. Never thought it was a big deal, but apparently the two I followed who had set up a M&G on the same ship, same sailing really got heated. It happened on one of the CC threads. Seems like a lot of whining and complaining just to get some chocolate covered strawberries. But, who knows what motivates some people? Can't imagine ANY ship's GM requesting someone set up a M&G. They'll participate, but I'm betting there is a policy that forbids it. I have had a GM send me some treats when I organized a M&G. But, I've also had them send me stuff randomly for no reason.
  2. Yeah.....I do it because I like to see other like minded cruise guests who just like cruising (or like NCL). The ones I've organized seem to have attendance that coincides with the size of the ship. Find the Breakaway Plus ships had better attendance than the Break/Get-Away ships. That said, my Prima sailing last October had 50+-ish attendees. The M&G I attended on the Joy last month had maybe 15-ish? No matter. I finally got to meet some long time CC-ers on both. And, I don't think I ate or drank anything NCL had available on either. EDIT...I lied. I had a couple of cookies on the Prima M&G.
  3. I agree. I had to let the folks at "the other place" know where to come to sign up for the M&G. Good for CC, as they get more people signing up as members, and good for NCL, as they get more people to show up to the M&G to interface with. It's a good thing all the way around.
  4. Yeah...first giveaway was using towels in the OL, where there's no pool. They aren't coming back any time, soon. I would give their "stuff" to one of the staff and use that chair/couch.
  5. I've arranged M&Gs where I got nothing, too. A couple of times I "think" I got strawberries, but that also may have been because of Latitudes status. Don't know for certain.
  6. You're right. I did get some chocolate covered strawberries. But, those are not my cup of tea. So, it meant nothing. I read some threads a while ago that there was a "fight" that broke out on these boards because two people arranged a M&G. Not sure how it turned out. But, I found it strange why anyone would get upset because someone else arranged a M&G. That's when I realized it was for the treats they send to the cabin, which to me anyway, is NOT a reason to arrange a M&G. Usually, I introduce myself to the F&B and the GM at one of the other events like Latitudes or the M&G. I'll give most crew credit, one thing they're good at is remembering names after the first day of the cruise if you introduce yourself. But, you are correct about getting treats.
  7. Just curious, sailed on the Joy last month. They had drinks, pastries, etc at our M&G. Is there some sort of edict someone saw that NCL won't provide that? Anytime NCL (or any cruise line, for that matter) has the opportunity to get in front of avid cruisers (like CC-ers), it would behoove them to take that opportunity. It's a chance to rub elbows with those who are active enough in the cruise community to likely cruise again. They want that business. As far as attendance, like anything else, if the host of the M&G just posts a date and time, and does nothing else, their efforts will be reflected in the attendance. I've arranged M&Gs over the years. Unless you keep engaged and keep reminding people of the M&G's date, time, place, it won't be well attended, regardless of cookies, snacks, drinks being present. No, you don't get anything for arranging them (at least nothing of much value to me). But, if you like cruising and you like interfacing with likeminded people, it's a great way to get face-to-face with them. That should be the driving force.
  8. I’ve always enjoyed the M&Gs. Always enjoy the “Captain’s Receptions”. Always enjoy the Latitudes Party! Not really a “foo-foo” drink person or the cookies, canapés, Danishes, etc that they serve. Nice gesture and NCL does a nice job with all of them. But, I go to commune with my fellow cruisers, first and foremost!
  9. Was invited to dine with the Captain a long time ago on the Solstice. Was nice. Got free wine with dinner out of it. Was with my (now ex) wife and two other couples. A lot of "fawning" over the Capt. by one of the wives, which was annoying. Kind of felt it was disrespectful to her husband, too. One of the husbands (not the fawning wife's) was determined to make it a point to let the Capt, and everyone else at the table, know he was a rich (according to him) business man. Capt was nice....explained how he became a cruise ship Capt....interesting, but you could tell he relayed that story many, many times before. Not sure why they chose us. It was our very first Celebrity cruise. We had zero status. Can't recall us doing anything that would make us stand out in any way, either. Seemed pretty random. All-in-all, not something I'd seek to do again, but wouldn't turn down if invited again.
  10. Yay....back to the scene of the crime where I first met you and your lovely bride. Have a great time!!!!!!
  11. @Sugar Magnolia Have a Tumi briefcase and two wheel roll aboard from my international work travel days....both did duty weekly for many years and were quite functional. I think both are over a decade old. And as you point out, compared to today's luggage, heavy to haul around. With no A/C you will melt away to nothing, I fear!!!!!! @debenson0723 would NEVER dream of not being in A/C!!!!
  12. I was one of the "kickstarter", "Fundme" or whatever AWAY used to get off the ground. So, I have had an Away Hardside check bag for 6-7 years. Not sure if they've changed much. The only caveat is the two sides of the clamshell have become flimsy, not broken, but hard to line up to zip shut. When I first got it, it wasn't like that. The zippers, while functional, have become "less smooth" to operate, too. Given I've gone to mostly carry on, my AWAY bag is sitting in a closet. Probably been 2+ years since I've used it, and not sure I'd pull it out for a long trip vs some sort of Costco luggage I have for long trips. I think the AWAY luggage was fairly priced on the kickstarter campaign. Now, it looks like they've gone up in price quite a bit. One final comment....GET 'YE SOME A/C! 😉
  13. What a great idea. The neighbors are nice people. I know the big "C" isn't the death watch it used to be. As I told my neighbor, being I'm retired, if I can help, I will. Seems like a hollow offer though, as I can only give the proverbial "hope and prayers". Henry...I thought of you. I was too "cheap" to pull the trigger on the big "eBags shut down" sale, where there were great deals. But, show me something shiny like that TravelPro, and my will gets weak. LOL!
  14. Well…taking the dog for a walk early this a.m. and stopped to chat with my neighbor with the TravelPro luggage setting up his garage sale. He asked if I was still interested in the luggage. Looked at it again. Seems legit, especially given he had the original tags in the box it came in. I waffled. Asked him why he was selling it. He Said it is his wife’s, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, so she wouldn’t need it for a while. Well…heart strings tugged, and I liked it. It has a little dirt in the wheels, but that’s about it. So, in my garage, just lysol-ed it (looks new inside). Wiped it down with clorox. My first use of it will hopefully be this Fall!
  15. Agree! Matter of fact, OP if you're trying to hit all the Europe hot spots on one cruise, it's not going to be on the one you're looking at. Generally speaking, Mid-Southern European ports are Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Malta, focused on Mediterranean ports. If you want that, look at those itineraries. Or, even better, do the cruise you're looking at and then book a back-to-back for a cruise that hits the ports outlined above.
  16. I keep telling myself I don’t even know when I’m traveling/sailing again. Plus, I don’t really need another roll aboard. But, it’s a great deal! And, it’s blue, one of my favorite colors (the other is red)! I can throughly clean it. My neighbor is a clean guy….as long as I’ve known him (a dozen plus years) and to my knowledge, he does not have any diseases or strange hygienic issues. Just strange that he’s selling it! I’ll sleep on it!
  17. You’re kind. Thanks! Agree with @Sugar Magnolia! Joy is a cool ship. Anxious to to hear your impressions. I’m sure you’ll have a great time!
  18. Veering off into yet another tangent! I’ve come across a cheap TravelPro PLATINUM roll aboard at a neighbors garage sale that’s happening this weekend. He says he used it twice. Looks new. Still has the box. What’s everyone’s feelings about used luggage? On one hand, it’s had someone else’s “stuff” in it. On the other hand, it’s a $360 retail piece that he said he’d sell to me for $75.
  19. GG to the rescue if I’m on the ship! Backpack and roll aboard for me. Although, I am jealous of a certain new TravelPro roll aboard that a certain someone acquired!
  20. Worth the peace of mind! I am so focused on getting less and less to pack and carry, I’ll risk, if or when getting hit by a little “grunge”. Ignoring my feeble attempt at break dancing, I’ve never had a need for more than aspirin or Aleve/Advil! That said, I do take some daily meds I always bring with me! Pet peeve of mine….speeding tickets. They are little more than municipality revenue generators. Today’s cars are way, way, way safer and more capable than when those speed limits were implemented!
  21. Interesting list….I stick with my “pack as lite as possible” mantra! Never needed motion sickness meds, for example. I stick with pain meds…tylenol, aspirin, a few bandaids, small neosporin tube. The rest, quite frankly, I’ve never needed in roughly 30 cruises over roughly 25 years!
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