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Everything posted by travelnap

  1. Congratulations Father, hope you have many more years of your calling.
  2. Unfortunately, I have never met a doughnut that I didn't like. Raised, cake, frosted, powder sugar coated, cinnamon coated, nut covered, or one with all of the above. I am also an expert on doughnut holes, as I don't believe in wasting our natural resources, so I force myself to help out the cause by making sure they do not go to waste.
  3. This forum has been very important to all of us the last couple years. I can only speak for myself, but the posters on this forum feel like family, as we have helped each other through a not so fun time, and during our own tough times. But like all families there are occasional differences that pop up from time to time, but since we are all family, we just make the best of it. I am not a big social media person, so this has been the extent of my social media, and for that I am very grateful to the many posters that have joined us since Rich started this for us all of us. I hope that this thread continues to pop up every day so that we continue to keep track of our extended family. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this thread.
  4. Roy, Who are you sailing with on this trip and where to? Bon Voyage.
  5. I hope you are enjoying your time in Bermuda Roy.
  6. Happy Victoria Day to all of our Canadian friends. Hope you all have a great summer.
  7. Bon Voyage Roy. Hope you have a great cruise. To all those folks who are expecting a warm day, it is the other way around here. It got down into the 30's last night and I had to switch the furnace back on. Send that warmth our way please.
  8. She will soon be out of our view. Much better when they get that first spot.
  9. Zuiderdam should be coming into view soon.
  10. Quantum of the Seas pulling into the dock now. Carnival Spirit is also ahead of Zuidee who is just entering the channel to Juneau.
  11. I checked my bank balance this morning and found I am not quite a millionaire yet. It is close as I am only $999,990.00 short. Donations are appreciated if anyone wants to help put me over the top. LOL
  12. I got blocked out of CC today. I had to go in and delete the cookies and browsing history before they would let me back in. Anyone else have problems today? Thanks.
  13. Last year when I moved from Minnesota back to South Dakota I did find out that I was indeed a pack rat. I had lived there for 20 years, and it really surprised me how much "stuff" I had accumulated over the years. The majority of the stuff was given away to people that could use it or local charities as I didn't want to move it all. I also kept the trash man very busy as well. It took me over a year to get rid of everything, but it was definitely worth it, as the move was much easier when I didn't have to worry about moving what little was left after downsizing everything. I had given all the furniture in the house away to people who could use it, so when I did move it was mostly just clothes and some personal items left to move. I will never be a pack rat again. Well, I hope not, but old habits are hard to break. I may use that again, so I better keep it for a while. Yeah, right, Good Luck with that. But that was the way I was brought up, you don't waste, so I blame my parents. LOL
  14. Checking in for the last of this season for our BHB's to sail away. I see the port schedule did move her up to a 4:30 departure.
  15. Although I am quite sure that most of us have experienced the missing sock phenomena, I have been fortunate enough to find some research that explains just how this has happened. It is simple reincarnation. Every time a sock is loss it is reincarnated and comes back as a tupperware lid that does not fit any of your containers. You may have lost a sock, but now you have that lid you don't need to replace it. Really glad I was able to share this with all of you. Welcome back Jacqui, we hope you know that our thoughts and prayers are still with you.
  16. The last time I was on one of our BHB I had a bit of a cold, so I decided to try a couple of the Penicillin drinks in the Crow's Nest Bar. I enjoyed them both. The next night when I stopped in the bartender remembered me and asked if I wanted another Penicillin. I told him no, it was a miracle, as the first two cured my cold for me. With a couple Glenlivet on the rocks that night, I was good as new.
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