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Everything posted by ConnieTact

  1. Somehow this thread has developed into another discussion of whether roll calls are still working, which rewards (or not) are given and reasons people may not attend. I conclude from the results of the poll that although some may be put off, most would attend regardless. I am lucky to be on an active roll call where others are organising excursions and slot pulls and I am doing the M&M and a duck game on another day. I have drawn interest from a wider field and am happy to include others to join in the fun. I am experienced at running events and M&Ms and although only half attended my last one we still had 50 or so, and had a great time. There was a clash of events with a ‘question and answer session with ship engineers’ and another group, had a very large win at a slot pull so went onto celebrate! 🥳 I’m looking forward to this next one, with or without refreshments or ‘rewards’. Thanks for all who participated in the poll!
  2. I organised my last one on the Bliss in May and refreshments were provided (shown in my photo above) and most people took a hot drink or some juice. It did not say they would not be provided on that confirmation I got in May though, so it is new. I’m on the same ship again. I really hope you’re right and that we do still get some. I’m not bothered by the pasties myself but it’s quite a way from nearest bar that serves hot drinks.
  3. I have organised CC Meet & Mingles on NCL in the past and they have been well attended with officers attending. Complimentary hot drink refreshments and pastries were also kindly provided by NCL. I contacted NCL last week, to inform them I am organising one for my next cruise with 100 attending, and was surprised to be told NCL will no longer provide refreshments at Cruise Critic Meet and Mingle events, I’m very surprised and wondered if this will put people off planning an event or attending one?
  4. We had the same experience on the Inaugural sailing of the Prima. I thought we were being asked because it was the first sailing but they obviously believe in continuous improvement! It was memorable as we have sailed on lots of ships but never been asked for feedback while on the cruise.
  5. I thought it might be that when Virtuosa is ‘Home Ported’ at Southampton it is UK currency and when she her Home Port is Hamburg it is Euros.
  6. We stayed in an inside YC on Works Europa in January and it was fine. Just take less luggage! The YC was brilliant and we enjoyed the service, facilities and food too. Just as good as other YCs even though much bigger. Enjoy!! Here’s my live review if you’re interested!
  7. I have been on yacht club Virtuosa several times and when we board again on Saturday, we will actually pass up on our free speciality dine that we get with our platinum status. That is because the food and service in yacht club restaurant is much better. You can book the Carousel production, in advance much cheaper before you board. They are half hour shows and I recommend them both. I have done Live reports from Virtuosa if that helps. Here’s one. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2858604-live-report-from-msc-virtuosa-yacht-club-11-18th-june-2022-southampton-norwegian-cruise/ Enjoy your time onboard- It’s a great ship and a wonderful Yacht Club.
  8. Did you book show tickets as soon as you boarded? Is there a room you go to sign up for the shows as there is on some ships? I really don’t want to miss out when we go in May -so want to be prepared and ready!! Any suggestions? We are Sapphire Lattitudes status so wonder if I can book through concierge.
  9. Looks like it was abandoned. I wonder if it was because she was enjoying herself so much?! I hope so as we are on the shop soon and I was hoping to pick up some tips!
  10. Following with interest as we are on the Bliss in early May. Thanks for doing a Live!
  11. Must have been an error then! 😅 Never heard of paying for a cruise 7 months after it! 🤪😂
  12. Dec 2024?!?! When is your cruise?
  13. Some people used the pool. It was much warmer when we went south to Valetta, around 16°. The last day, in Barcelona, it rained so we had some days that were ok for swimming in YC pool. There is another pool that anyone can access and that was undercover and busy at times. There was also a shallower children’s pool. You never know in the Med in January but often there are some good days.
  14. Thanks for your kind words. Yes, the deals are getting scarce now! 😅
  15. I definitely agree on a Med cruise but it can be okay, with a drinks package, in a balcony cabin that is comfortable to retire to when things get too much. My suggestion to anyone who really wants a quiet comfortable place to sit and read a book would be the Polo Raj Tearoom. The teas can be included with some packages and the seats are comfortable and at times it’s almost empty! It is usually British in there as we do like our tea! The venue has an ambience comparable with serenity of YC but I would not stay in there if Olga was playing piano-as she misses lots of notes and is hard to listen to! 😅 If you do go in there please tell Shennoy that Connie Tact says hello and that you read about him online! He was so pleased I had included him in my report.
  16. That would be great @Mezqal I love meeting people through doing my live reports. If you have half the enjoyment that I did you will have a blast! Prepare to get treated well! Have you sailed YC before?
  17. I’m sure it will be of equal enjoyment. Definitely, we enjoyed it more due to the YC experience. Thanks again for encouraging words. We’re settling in at hime now…..back to the reality of unpacking and some laundry to do! 😅😂 I always write to customer services with a list of particularly great staff as well as doing the feedback questionnaire. I have just done that. Seems like extra work but if staff benefit than I am happy! They deserve it.
  18. I think the answer is yes and you can book tickets for a small fee to ensure you get a seat. I’m not sure if this helps. https://www.eurail.com/en/plan-your-trip/trip-ideas/top-destinations/great-britain-train
  19. So, this brings us up to date, in a rainy Barcelona, and draws an end to this live report. Thank you for travelling along and for your positive comments. I recommend this ship but particularly in Yacht Club. It is impeccably run by Myra and he happy, professional team are a credit to her. I was concerned the YC would be too, big but it works just as well as the smaller ones due to the high quality standards upheld throughout the yacht club. We fly home soon and then I have to uphold magnificent standards of my own to my very own VIPs!
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