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Bailey & Sophie

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Posts posted by Bailey & Sophie


    Our back yard a bit ago. It's been snowing for about 24 hours now. Temps are below 0, wind chill is numbing. John had to run to work today & said roads were very bad - glare ice under all the snow and very slick. We are planning on staying put for the next few days. (Red dots are from our alarm system reflecting on the glass in the door.)



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  2. 1 hour ago, brillohead said:

    I never understood how these are supposed to "save space" other than having more space between the hangers that are on the rod.  You still have the same number of clothing items in the same amount of space.


    Kinda what I thought. I can see that the bottom of the "tier" would have more bulk than the top, which would necessitate the hangers to be further apart.


    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, brillohead said:

    I do smaller loads here and there, instead of one big "laundry day".  Swimwear gets washed out daily -- I wash and rinse it before my shower, then after my shower I let it drip in the shower stall while I dry off and prep my hair, dress, etc.  Then before I leave for dinner, I roll it in the towel from my shower and walk on it, then hang it on a hanger from the ceiling with a magnetic hook.  

    When I have a couple shirts built up, I'll soak them (either overnight or during the daytime) and then do the same process.  



    I remember you posting about that before, and when I went looking for something similar, I ended up going in a different direction -- a collapsible fabric bucket (with plastic liner). When rolled up into its case, it's only about the size of a half-liter bottle of soda, so it fits into my over the door shoe organizer.



    What is this one called? Where did you get it? It looks very nice. We use those shoe organizers so I like the roll up idea.

  4. 2 hours ago, Lionesss said:

    What a long day. 

    Started at 01:30 yup AM.

    Off to Oxford Ohio. 
    5 hours later for me. I arrived. 

    10 hours labor for Christina.  Zoey arrived 
    Brandon an excellent coach at her side. 
    Meet my granddaughter. 

    More details will eventually follow when I can see again through all these happy tears. 





    Beautiful baby.

    Zoey, you are amazing.

  5. 22 minutes ago, island lady said:


    I have a system going that works well for me with using the collapsible tub.   Soak small loads for 20 minutes in the tub sitting in the shower, agitate, rinse in the sink.  Roll in towels until drip dry, hang from magnet hooks on the ceiling.  Gives me something to do on a sea day.  😉 


    Pair that with "Boil and Fry" and occasional dry cleaning...I am good to go...and smelling better.  😄 


    I think the secret to all of this is SMALL hand wash loads. We usually don't get very dirty on board so not much agitation is needed. I tend to worry more about "fresh."

    • Like 3
  6. 5 hours ago, island lady said:


    Nice...have heard of several using them.  I don't like not being able to fully dry it, and it's too bulky.  I use this.  I carry this collapsible wash tub, fits well in suitcase...dries completely.  





    Looks much nicer. I'm looking at a 37-nighter and will have to do something about laundry.

    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

    When our daughter was approx. 8, we went to Vegas for Jack's trade show at the Vegas Hilton.  Our daughter opened our hotel room door.  We were all in for a surprise but not as surprised as the couple IN the room IN bed preoccupied, definitely NOT sleeping.  They both stopped and looked like they were going to have heart attacks. We stood there like statues and then Jack quickly shut the door and we fled down to the check in desk in the lobby.  We were compted for our entire stay.  Not sure what the couple in our room got. 😏  


    Probably not a happy ending.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Luckynana said:

    My goodness, Mark!  You can never, ever, touch the elves with your hand!  We learned that several years ago...but then, my grandchildren are all older than your grandchildren., so we've been around the elves for quite some time! 😉  Our youngest is 11 years old.


    I never had an elf growing up. We had to make our own magic. 

    • Like 5
  9. 2 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

    This new deck hand if going to have an issue being subservient to Lewis.


    So he's also a captain? Why is he on a crew deck team? How soon before he spends most of his time in the bridge? Will he become bosun?

    Tune in next week for all the answers on "As the Ship Rolls."

    BTW, I don't trust him.


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  10. 14 minutes ago, Coralc said:

    It turns out there was a can of Sauerkraut, that had eaten through the bottom of the can and liquid dripped down the wall on some other items. (Cans and cooking bag pckgs.) I did not know that Sauerkraut was that corrosive. 



    I never would have thought it would do that. I love kraut.

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