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Bailey & Sophie

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Posts posted by Bailey & Sophie

  1. 5 hours ago, dani negreanu said:



    That it looks like a "Seder" plate was my initial thinking too, but then, it usually says in the middle: "Passover" --   "פסח", which gave me "second thoughts". 


    But then my DH "took over", magnified it, and you can definitely see IT IS a "Seder" plate -- we can definitely identify "Karpas" (כרפס), "Charoset" (חרוסת), "Beytza" (ביצה) and "Maror" (מרור)....


    Here's a plate I've found on google....


    Karpas at the Pesach Seder | Ohr Torah Stone




    Thank you so much. Now the design and writing makes sense. 


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  2. 6 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

    Dani would know better but if purchased in the Middle East, it looks like a Passover seder plate to be filled with traditional items and displayed on the dinner table during Passover.. 6th item is usually salt water.


    Seder plate

    Arrange five items on the plate: a hard-boiled egg; a roasted shank bone; a spring vegetable such as parsley, called karpas; a mixture of fruit, wine, and nuts, called charoset; and either prepared or fresh horseradish, called maror.



    Learn About the 6 Elements of a Traditional Seder Plate | Kitchn


    Thank you!

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    I'm hoping someone can help with this.

    My aunt died a few weeks ago (90 yo) and left a house full of traveling treasures. I don't know how many HAL world cruises they were on but there were several.

    My 2 cousins are executors (glad it's not me) and are going through the house before it goes up for sale.

    I've been trying to help as I can with items that have antique value, but this has me puzzled. I think she bought it in the Middle East by the inscriptions. Can anyone help? 


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  4. 4 hours ago, singinalot said:

    They’ve only been building our pool for 2 days and it’s already coming along nicely. They’re supposed to pour the concrete tomorrow.









    and here’s a quick check in from Sam because…well, Sam 🥰



    Well, someone needs to supervise the pool work. Best done from the sofa.

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  5. 7 hours ago, grapau27 said:

    Good evening it is 23.09pm.

    We have been at 2 hospitals today with our Sarah for over 11 hours.

    Her diagnosis is a slipped disc in her spine pressing on a nerve with fluid leaking.

    She had an x-ray at one hospital and the doctor sent us to the regional Major hospital where she had a CT scan and MRI scan.


    Oh I'm so sorry to hear she is in pain. I know you will take care if her.  Praying for fast healing. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, Engineroom Snipe said:

    I would understand that to be cod, sea bass, halibut, flounder or sole. Some aficionados are sensitive to "bottom feeders" or "trash fish". I am not picky but I respect those who would like to be told what the "white fish" is.


    From what I have been reading, asking the waiter is rather hit or miss.


    We got off Harmony in Nov. Lots of tilapia. Not my fav.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Jimbo said:

    Am I the only one that doesn't have a clue about what Ozark Kid and Ocean Boy are talking about changing keyboards on a cell phone...............Or have I completely missed the boat on that conversation?


    There's a lot I don't quite follow...camera stuff, phone stuff, sports stuff.

    Kinda hard to switch keyboards on a cell phone so my mind wanders...oh look a recipe for a yummy cocktail...that gets my attention.

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  8. 17 hours ago, bobmacliberty said:


    There is a very similar Van Gogh experience happening in Jacksonville, Florida right now.  I looked it up and it's called Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience.  It also projects art on the walls and floor with an accompanying soundtrack.  Apparently, there are 5 different Van Gogh immersive experiences.


    Off to investigate buying tickets for the Jacksonville show.  Looks interesting.


    We had a Van gogh exhibition here in Minneapolis. The MIA has free admission but charges for special exhibitions.

    The special Van gogh had fewer than 15 items, most were from their permanent collection.

    No interactive display. I would have loved that.

    We also had a Frieda Kahlo exhibit several years ago. On our one day off we tried to go but the line was too long and it was below zero that day so we had to pass.

    Now that things are opening up here I'm looking forward to getting to more art and historical museums. We have a LOT of them!


    • Like 2

    We got off Harmony last Nov. We thought the Windjammer was pretty bad.

    The salad bar was very small. We're used to a larger selection of salad add-ons. Cheese selection was limited to 2-3 each night, rarely rotated. Mostly Cheddar.

    Very few fish offerings, usually tilapia. One night there was very very overcooked salmon. 

    Soups were weird. One night was fish Broth and a pumpkin-cheese bisque. I didn't see any takers.

    Most of the offerings were in some sort of gravy or stew. Lots of fish type stews and oxtail stews. 

    There was always a carrot and cauliflower mix that was very good.

    Our cruise obviously catered to kids as there were ALWAYS tacos, chicken fingers, fries, hot dogs & hamburgers.

    We always found something but we've had better. Fruit was the standard cut-up fare and was good.

    NOTE: if you like granola for breakfast it won't be in the dispensers. It's in a large bowl by the yogurt Bowls (not the prepared yogurt cups).

    This was our impression. Others may have experienced a different cuisine.

  10. 8 hours ago, With great pleasure said:

    I have been to Labadee many times and have always enjoyed the upgraded lunch at Barefoot beach. The kabobs (shrimp, scallops, and lobster) are really good. I've also had the seafood salad and the minute steaks. Sometimes there are bbq ribs too. Enjoy


    I've never seen an upgraded buffet in Barefoot. Disappointing because you kind of pay for it.

  11. On 1/2/2023 at 9:49 AM, Jimbo said:

    So here is the Fireplace with the 2 different size mirrors








    I might be a little late to the party but the bigger mirror is better.

    The small mirror looks like an afterthought, it's too bright and because the eye is drawn to the mirror first, it acts as the focal point of the area. 

    The larger mirror works because it makes the entire fireplace area a complete unit.

    • Like 8
  12. 12 minutes ago, Coralc said:

    Real birds in an aviary? That is so cool! What a neat thing to have, I could probably watch that endlessly. I'm glad that you at least got to see your mom. Merry Christmas. ☺️


    Yup.  Very large. Lots of small birds. Can't hear them chirp tho. 

    There is also a huge aquarium in the lobby area. Lots of  stimulation for the residents.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Jimbo said:

    My Wife just went downstairs to start the Blue Crab Sauce w/Fusilli, also having Shrimp Cocktail, Cajun Krab Dip, Calamari Salad with Shrimp and  Scungilli, Stuffed Clams, Stuffed Cherry Peppers with Tuna.



    Wow. That sounds lovely.

    It's just me & John this weekend. Tonight we're having brats in kraut, little sizzlers in bbq sauce, cheese, crackers, salami, pickles, raw veggies, etc. while watching Harrison Ford movies and The Sting. It was way too cold to go shopping for anything special. 

    Tomorrow we'll visit my mom for a bit while they have a short Christmas program.

    Everyone have a blessed Christmas or Hanukkah. Looking forward to a peaceful new year - the world deserves it.

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  14. 7 hours ago, jagsfan said:

    Well, it’s been a sad happy sad month!

    I’ll be so glad when it’s over!

    My beloved brother Bill died suddenly Dec 3. He was trying to turn over in bed and told my sister-in-law he felt weak. 
    Eileen was trying to help him turn over and he went limp and was gone. She and then Rescue tried to bring him back, but it was no use. 
    If anyone was the spirit of Christmas in our family, it was Bill. Years ago he put together many collages of photos going back years and adding new family members as they came along. He picked out pages and pages of Christmas songs, including a couple in German, one in Latin, and two in Spanish. No one in our family speaks Spanish, but we sing very enthusiastically. 
    He had all of this bound and created family songbooks for our Christmas Eve singing. 
    When they started talking about moving to NC, I took one of those songbooks added to the photos, and had a local printer make up new books for my ever growing branch of the family. 
    Bill was a conscientious attorney, loving husband, brother, father, grandfather, and uncle with such a warm and giving heart. 
    He could tell true life stories that would have everyone laughing helplessly. He was curious about everything and was always researching something that struck his fancy. He had our family’s travel gene, but didn’t head for the famous landmarks. He would find interesting people with interesting life stories wherever he went. 
    Tomorrow night after our feast, my family here in Florida will pick up our songbooks and do our best without him. 
    Here’s my brother Bill, on his first trip to Russia. He had a tutor for a year so he could meet people. Being Bill, the authorities presented no problem. 
    Second is his lawyer self. Always honest, always caring. 
    Last is the Christmas ornament my granddaughters named Uncle Billy almost 30 years ago. It’s always second on the tree after Angela goes on top. 
    Hug your loved ones. Make sure they know they are loved. We are never promised tomorrow. 





    Oh I am so sorry for you and your family. May he rest in eternal peace.

    And what a lovely couple. Many happy wishes for them!

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  15. 9 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

    @Sea Dog Greg, It sure does hit quickly! It's now 18⁰ windchill 0⁰.  It's windy but from a distance the garlic covering looks like it's holding up. Maybe some of this snow will pile up on it and will help even more.  Has the snow stopped there yet?


    Right now we're at -11, feels like -33. Yuk. We're tucked in for the day. Fri should hover around 0, unk wind chill.

    Isn't Garlic like a weed and just keeps on giving?

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    Our back yard a bit ago. It's been snowing for about 24 hours now. Temps are below 0, wind chill is numbing. John had to run to work today & said roads were very bad - glare ice under all the snow and very slick. We are planning on staying put for the next few days. (Red dots are from our alarm system reflecting on the glass in the door.)



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