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Everything posted by Mapleleafforever

  1. Bit of a leap there but ok. Good thing is there are cruise lines that don't allow children at all so there are options for everyone.
  2. Not once did I mention kids are a "problem" but thanks for your input, much appreciated. Royal doesn't believe they're a problem either thankfully.
  3. LOL. One person's looking for offence is another person's calling out overly dramatic hysterics.
  4. Yup, and that's my point. Was no fault of my daughter that she was in there, it was my Dad who brought her in. Not one person, staff included said anything apparently but that's not the point. We'd rather just not have any problems.
  5. I live in Ontario which was one of the most locked down places in the world for the past 2 years and we are now fully open with no more mask mandates and no more vaccinations needed to leave the country by plane. It's safe again, for most. But we're not about to take any steps backwards for the few. Personal responsibility needs to take over. As for the second part, apples to oranges.
  6. Was in a hostel in Amsterdam in my early 20's (cliche I know) and met 2 awesome guys from Columbus, Ohio who had Canadian flags ironed on to their backpacks. This post helps me understand why.
  7. The tacky ad has us talking about it which means it's a highly effective ad. Come on though, it's also humorous you must admit.
  8. Sorry to hear about your friend's sister and I hope she's feeling better soon. Is she in a high risk demographic by any chance? All the people I know personally know who have had it of late (many) whether vaccinated or unvaccinated have gotten over it much the same as they would a mild cold.
  9. We agree on something!!! Dang, it's starting to feel like Stockholm Syndrome has taken over.....
  10. It's all in good fun for me. My kids can definitely be hellions.....we're working on it though.
  11. I have low expectations of pretty much everyone lately. Been to a few sporting events lately and have seen some pretty embarrassing fights/arguments in the stands. Alcohol is probably easiest to blame but judging by the ages and sizes of the guys involved low T levels are probably the root cause.....that and 2 years of strict lockdowns.
  12. Only when there's a sale with free giveaway announced. Does that answer your question?
  13. Agreed. I still believe adults act worse than kids on cruises. Case in point, on our last Allure cruise my Dad took my then 2.5 year old daughter for a tour around the solarium, even grabbed her a bite to eat while there. When he came back and told us where they'd been I told him she's not allowed in there and to please not cause any problems for her. He only came back because he wanted us to put her swim diaper and suit on so he can go back to the solarium for a swim with her like he does in my parents' condo all the time. He still didn't understand.......and that's where my Mom came in......problem solved.
  14. Yeah, I get that but the initial feeling of being "horrified" baffles me. I mean, Royal advertises itself as the family friendly line, people should be expecting to see lots of kids onboard.
  15. Imagine for a minute the uproar on here should someone come on and suggest, even in jest, to intentionally trip a senior?
  16. As a parent of 2 young kids I agree 100%. It's gonna take some time though as they have all just been set back over 2 years in their development. It takes a village.......and that village needs to have some patience and empathy.
  17. Would it make you feel like a big person picking on a kid who's just trying to have fun?
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