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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Good morning. We had a misty foggy rain earlier and I thought about the sea fret that Graham @grapau27, encounters at his beach. I am at least ten miles away from the water(ocean) but near a large river by one mile. It adds to ongoing hair frizz but at least there is a bit of a facial. My DS and one grandchild are coming down from New Hampshire later today to help out for the weekend. The other grandchild has soccer tournaments and my DDIL will be with her for that. We look forward to seeing them as it has been a long week. I won’t cook tonight or tomorrow. Have a great day today.
  2. Thank you Tina. Your post brought a tear to my eyes. I had a beloved aunt who had to hide her relationship all her life and even as a young person I was aware of how much harder life was for her. Love is love.
  3. Happy Anniversary to @aliaschief, Bruce and @DWAliaschief, Sue !
  4. Good morning. It is raining yet again with temperatures going to 65 later. I keep the AC on for Tana in her room as it helps due to the pollen outside. The rest of the house is comfortable without the units going in each room. DD DH and I were set to go on a cruise that began at the port but never made it. I was hospitalized about two weeks before and not well enough to travel. I am enjoying the pictures today, thanks to @StLouisCruisers, Sandi and @Mr. Boston. @cat shepard, Ann, I am sorry that you and Bindi were huddled in the closet but glad you are safe. Tornadoes terrify me. How are things with your sister? I hope there is improvement for @Nickelpenny and @marshhawk today as well as @JazzyVfor Vanessa and BFF. Yesterday was not a good day for so many people. Take care today everyone.
  5. @marshhawk, Annie, I am sorry to hear of the long day and that Chuck could not have the operation. I hope you can get him home later without difficulty. Hugs for both of you, gently.
  6. @Nickelpenny, Pennie, I am so sorry to hear of the complications and that you are lying supine. I hope there are nice people around to keep you company, if not, there are a whole lot of us here. Sending hugs, very gentle hugs.
  7. @summer slope, Dixie and George, a very Happy 58th Anniversary to you both !
  8. Good morning. It is a nice sunny day with the temperatures going up to the high sixties. I have not been to the port. I will celebrate jumping frogs and usually make my own croutons and hummus.The recipe interests me as everyone here likes the two main ingredients. It was a sad day in history for the individuals on the eleven ships to Australia. @Nickelpenny, Pennie, my thoughts are with you today as you undergo surgery. I hope your pain is relieved. @RMLincoln, Maureen, I hope the eye check up for DH goes well. @JazzyV, I hope it is not too difficult to get BFF to the doctor today. @kazu, Jacqui, I hope things are improving for you. The pictures of the moms yesterday were wonderful.Thanks to all. I sent DS the picture of my elders and his children loved seeing it. Nice memories. i found myself a little sad yesterday as I remembered my DH always making sure Mother’s Day was special for me. Everyone here was great and we had a nice day . My brother and sister-in-law law left this morning after breakfast. I will miss them as they so helpful and low key. Have a great day everyone!
  9. Good morning and Happy Mother’s Day to our USA moms. I have not been to Japan, will celebrate the days and appreciate Mrs Roosevelts’ wisdom. We are planning a nice dinner later with both vegetarian and chicken enchiladas. We will use the kids table again which almost ends up in the living room. It has been great to have more help. Have a wonderful day today This is one of my favorite pictures with my mom and Mormor the day my son was christened.
  10. Bon Voyage to @StLouisCruisers. Sandi and Dennis. @MISTER 67, George and DW and @Niagarawine!! @marshhawk, Annie, I hope you are a little better today. Dental work can be so painful. @1ANGELCAT! I am thinking of you today and sending hugs. It is always hard to say goodbye. i used foam rollers a lot when I was working. I am glad root canals save teeth and have had RA since I turned 30. The treatments for it have vastly improved and save joints. Cobb salad is a favorite, and I have not been to Thailand. I found George Carlin very funny and saw him live once. DD DH laughed so much he cried. They had a similar sense of humor . My DB and DSIl came down yesterday to stay for two nights and help the family. They did the grocery shopping and kept Tana company while I returned to bed. We needed to add a card table to our dining table to accommodate everyone. We had a good laugh about sitting at the kids table in our seventies. We had vegetarian chili for dinner that I didn’t have to cook. Enjoy the day everyone.
  11. Thanks for asking Joy. The shoulder is easily irritated but not as painful as the last week. Enjoy your Ladies night and the dip! Our ten year old Fred gleefully shreds any paper he finds ! I always wonder why but he is very happy with dropped tissues and such.Sorry about your glasses.
  12. Good morning. It got really warm yesterday but today will only be in the seventies.The City workers arrived early this morning to begin sidewalk and road repairs related to the gas pipe line work. Once again I bargained with the flag man and police officer on the corner to let the hospice nurse come down the street and park in our driveway.She arrived a while ago and was glad she didn’t have to walk for blocks and blocks to get here. The crustless quiche recipe looks good to me and could be an option for tonight. Thanks to Debbie @dfish. I have been to Norway but not Flam. I will celebrate Europe day. I will celebrate heroes every day. @cat shepard, Ann, you are such a kind person but please don’t worry about me. I have help for the lifting and we are now pooling financial resources to get more help. I think my aching body was telling me very strongly that I am not as able as I used to be. We just have to be more creative in our use of younger bodies more able to do what I used to do. And I have to recognize that this is beyond what I can do right now…..Thank you so much for your supportive and accurate words! @Nickelpenny, Pennie, I am sorry that you are discouraged but hope the scheduled procedure is able to help . It is a tough place to be in. Sending hugs. Enjoy the day all.
  13. @luvteachingKaren, I will be thinking of you today as you remember you DD DH on his birthday. It is so nice that your great granddaughter shares the birthday! @grapau27, Graham, the beaches look especially beautiful today. Thank you for taking us there. @marshhawk, Annie, thank goodness you are both ok but that was a close call. I am thinking of you both a lot as you navigate this difficult territory. Hugs to all. Enjoy those kittens! I am bleary eyed from lack of sleep and am returning to bed . Not a good day but we will get through it. Take care out there.
  14. @dfish, Debbie, I read what you wrote three times because I could not wrap my head around it. I don’t know what to say and I wish you had some recourse for this ridiculous situation. I am so sorry that you have to look at many more weeks of pain.
  15. Good morning. It will be 80 later today and the sun is out. We are managing here with lots of improvisation. Both DD and DSIL work primarily from home and they have been wonderful to come down and help with the more physical tasks.The hospice nurse advised us to have the AC on to filter the massive amounts of pollen trying to get inside! It has not been hot yet so I hadn’t thought of it. @kazu, Jacqui, I am sorry to read of your foot problems and hope the antibiotics can help quickly. It is awful when the pain causes one to lose sleep. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I am also sorry to read that BFF has a tib-fib fx. The day was certainly a long one for you both. So glad he is using the walker as crutches are hard to manage unless one is younger. Hugs to you both. @Haljo1935 Elizabeth, I hope all goes well with the eye procedure and the neurologist appointment. Have you found your shoulder to be less problematic since you are not at a computer all day? Take care everyone and enjoy the day if you can.
  16. Oh no! I am sorry to hear this. My mom always said “when it rains it pours” in these situations. Please let us know how things are later.
  17. Joy, around here no one gets back to you on weekends. I imagine it is the same in Texas. The one time I did hear back all they said was to go to urgent care or the ER.
  18. Good morning. It is cool and rainy here. It was 46 earlier and will only get to 54 today. Every time I think I can put my heavier coat away… @StLouisCruisers. Sandi, please congratulate Morgan for me on her graduation. Her apartment looks great and I am so glad that things are better for her. I also realize how LOUD some family gatherings can get . Last week was wild at our dinner time with our NH family here. The quiet when they leave is much harder! @kazu, Jacqui, I am so glad that you are safely home and enjoying Ivan’s company but sorry the foot is still not right. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I am amazed that you progressed to sleeping upstairs and I am so glad the pain level is decreasing. I have utilized all the physical help I can in the last week as I only make things more painful for myself if I try to do too much. Sometimes when it is just the two of us here I know I have overdone it. Our teenager and his girlfriend spent most of yesterday with Tana while I did the things that I can do without aggravating my shoulder and neck. They were so tired by the afternoon that the three of them collapsed watching a movie. It is good that one can rewatch things easily nowadays. Today I will have DD and DSIL for transfers and lifting. Have a great day everyone!
  19. Good morning. It is slightly foggy here and humid with temperatures reaching up to the mid eighties later. I have not been to Montevideo but have enjoyed the pictures, thanks to Sandi and Tina. Scurvy awareness is ok. My recent experience with life insurance was ridiculous . @marshhawk, Annie, there really are no adequate words and it sounds as if you need a doctor to coordinate things. Sending you hugs and prayers. @ger_77, I was so glad to see that Maurice has a tentative surgery date! @JazzyV, Thank you for including me on the cares list but I think I am on the mend….especially if I don’t overdo it! Enjoy the day everyone!
  20. Good morning. I have been to Juneau twice and enjoyed the trip to the top of Mt Robert’s. We also went on a whale watch tour that was great. I like the recipes, thanks to Tina @0106. I will celebrate doodle day as my grand dog is a lovely example of one. My smaller pooch, Fred is a cockapoo and I see many similarities in behavior. The rheumatologist remarked yesterday that I appear to be under a lot of stress. She felt the problem was more muscular than structural so now my job is to correct poor postures and utilize heat, ice and pain patches with lidocaine. I found it difficult to drive due to the pain and spasm but I am glad I got her opinion. The main problem here is that I can’t lift Tana and have to text for assistance. I will continue to do this because I think I made myself worse by trying to manage on my own. At least they are close by! @RMLincoln, I was so sorry to read of the complications with Richard’s newly operated eye. It had to be especially difficult to be attending the memorial service at the same time. @kazu, Jacqui, Sending hugs and everything good your way today. @marshhawk, Annie, I am also thinking if you and Chuck today and everyday. Have a great day everyone.
  21. @marshhawk, I just read your post and I am so very sorry that the doctors have not been able to help with the pain or the spread of the cancer. I am sending my prayers and hugs for you both. The long days don’t help.
  22. Good morning. It will be 80 later and is already a pleasant 65 and sunny. i have an appointment to see the rheumatologist tomorrow which I was able to get through the portal. I was amazed as sometimes there is a two months wait to see her. I think it is all the prayers and good wishes that paved the way. Thanks to all. i had just had surgery in 1990 when the Berlin Wall started to come down. It was a moving experience to watch from my hospital bed. I will celebrate the days and agree with the quote. I think my group would enjoy the recipe but we won’t get good corn until true summer. @ottahand7, Nancy, I unfortunately had a severe problem with one of the biologicals and now take no specific RA meds. I believe the years that I took them preserved many of my joints.I am glad that you have been able to take them. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  23. Good morning. It will go up to 77 later. I have not been to the port but like the quote and the days. I look forward to the recipes. i seem to have injured my left shoulder and scapular region over the past few days. The pain is quite unignorable! That probably isn’t an actual word. I think I also have an RA flare going on. Thank goodness the aide was able to come at short notice as I am less than useful. take care all
  24. Good morning. It is another pretty day going up to 60 by the afternoon. I also love this weather,like Maureen. I not been to the port, love the recipes and will cheer small doggies. My Fred is smaller than his step sister Zoey so I guess he qualifies. Today I am feeling my usual funk after the family leaves. The house seems so quiet. Tana and I are considering ordering in as I have zero ambition to be in the kitchen. I normally enjoy cooking but it has been so nice to have a vacation from it that I decided to have one more day. All the best to all of you! P.S. Graham, I also pretend I am in your car looking at the ocean and enjoy your beautiful view! I can’t use the iPhone to access CC either…..
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