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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Well you wouldn't get to them if your waiting in the corner, for the shed floor paint to dry Better to take a bottle in the shed next time
  2. Enjoy your anniversary and many more Happy birthday to your pup as well
  3. The place had plenty in the bar later we were there early. A bit like Harry it was ideal for us,last thing we need is crowds. Each to their own circumstances I suppose.
  4. This place has other function rooms one looked to be doing a baby shower event in one of them. We feel safe and relaxed here.
  5. Out for a Sunday dinner at Doncaster again. Had the lamb hock which just fell off the bone. Had the place to ourselves today.
  6. Sorry to hear your cruise ended with a positive test . If I may ask what prompted you both to do the test once back home ,were you feeling ill ? I only ask because onboard maybe some of the people may not go to the medical centre if they had no symptoms and felt fine yet they had the virus. Hope you both test negative soon .
  7. Yeah and we have the Stag and the Hind pubs in Rotherham so best not to mess with them if they've had a drink
  8. Good morning everyone, almost time for my breakfast, talking of which ....
  9. From my wmc club land days, the group used it between the performances .. Enjoy !
  10. Compared to what ? Oh look you've got me comparing now
  11. Hell.m4a I'll stick to my Bontempi thanks Round two will commence shortly
  12. Our next door neighbour has a big trampoline in his garden and the surrounding nets were getting covered in bird poo ,it was a right mess . He has put some Big Cheese repeller ribbon (bird and deer ). He cut it into 2ft lengths and let the wind blow it about and up to yet it has worked. Not sure if it would work for you but it's cheap enough and worth a try .
  13. Nearly choked on my cuppa when I saw the title of your post Lindy Joking apart ,good for you, glad to read the positives you have found in your time away. Hope you have many more of them
  14. We have done it, preferring a quick light meal before going drinking in the bars and catch the early shows.
  15. https://www.pocruises.com/content/dam/po/marketing-assets/onboard-activities/all-inclusive-beverages/childrens-drinks-terms.pdf please see ..Package Details and Qualifications • This package is included for any children aged 16 and under travelling in the same cabin as adults purchasing the Ultimate drinks package.
  16. I think your right ... masklophobia ? Harry's wife must have scared them witless
  17. Moron's Harry , pure ignorance at it's best , sorry your Mrs had to encounter them
  18. Though I enjoy the sport, I could never date a tennis player. Love means nothing to them. I once went to a fancy dress as a tennis ball and had no problems getting a drink at the bar, they served me straight away
  19. Morning hope you have a nice day Should your thunderstorms turn up you can track them here .. https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;z=5;y=47.3686;x=1.4282;d=2;dl=2;dc=0; Take care everyone
  20. Premier Inn don't do balcony's .....But if they did
  21. Glad I could help ,here's the film of your ship departing and if you listen carefully at the very beginning where I have set the film to run ,you will hear the figures being broadcast over ships radio .
  22. Even more funnier Brian is I had to explain that joke to my Mrs 3 times I think I'll go put the kettle on ,hard work that was
  23. Passengers onboard 2147 plus 1057 crew
  24. Do you mean Ventura which has just departed as the Arcadia left Southampton the other day and is in Torbay on new crew training at the moment ?
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