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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. It's the best one! I always loved going down to Rockefeller Center to view the tree and amazing decorations and of course the ice skaters, and an authentic NYC deli lunch! My Chanukah was great. Although we missed our daughter and grands ( in NJ), we got together with my sister, BIL, their married kids, their grands, some mutual friends and had the best time eating ourselves almost unconscious. For all those celebrating, a Merry Christmas to all on this wonderful thread. You've opened your hearts, shared tears and giggles. May Santa be good to all of you and may your holiday table be filled with the laughter and love of family and good friends.
  2. Love it! You're very talented and the pie and cake are perfect! Your granddaughter will absolutely love it because you made it especially for her. Words from the heart of a sensitive, loving girl.
  3. I have an android phone and bluetooth works perfectly with my aids. The only other place it's connected is my computer. It's an easy fix to turn it on or off especially with the computer thanks to you.. I often turn bluetooth off on my phone so that Jack and I can talk on speaker mode together when talking to friends/family members. I agree with @Sunshine3601 Debbie. Why not keep the appointment and see what the doctor has to say. You don't have to commit to anything but having aids for approx. 35 years has definitely enhanced the quality of my life for the better.
  4. John, it was working for over a year with no problems. I have no other connection. BUT see below, it's working now. Thanks for your advice, much appreciated. Joy, thank you so much. Now why didn't I think of that? I clicked on the link, followed instructions and got it working! This is the place to get problems solved! And speaking of this place, @dani negreanu Dani, how are you doing? @Luckynana Maryann, flocked or not your house is lovely and inviting.
  5. I need some bluetooth/computer tech help. I always listen to my computer audio via bluetooth through my hearing aids and it's wonderful and clear. Problem is it shows bluetooth is connected but can't have it connected to my hearing aids. It worked fine this morning, as it has been for the past 2 years, but something is all screwed up. I shut down, restarted my computer, I turned off bluetooth and turned it back on. No problem BUT hearing aids cannot be connected. I click "connect" when I get the phonak (hearing aids) listing but I get a red message that the hearing aids cannot be connected. I don't know what went wrong all of a sudden and I would appreciate any help I can get.
  6. We're having great weather here in the Dallas area. Mid 60s, bright, beautiful sunshine, no rain. Seems so much warmer here than when the temp was the same in NY. No jacket needed here, just a long sleeve shirt. @DaniDanielle Glad Charlie's bp has stabilized. @lenquixote66 Lenny, hope your bp has also stabilized.
  7. What a beautiful ballerina! @dani negreanu Dani, how was your train ride to see your friend? I hope you had a wonderful uneventful visit.
  8. Dani, I am so glad you were able to do something to bring you joy and peace of mind. Walking in the sand and breathing in that sea air sounds just what you needed. I hope your SIL heals quickly with minimal pain. I know from @Sea Dog Greg, and friends and family, it isn't an easy recovery. I hope she asks her doctor or at least her PT if she's cleared to use a cane.
  9. A cruise might be only one week but the memories last long after the cruise is over. Then again, you'll have lovely lights that will bring you pleasure for many years. Greg, choose whatever you feel would make you and Linda the happiest. @h20skibum @Lionesss Mark, happy birthday to your son and Sue, happy birthday!
  10. Following for sure. Great pictures. We've driven multiple times to NJ and once to Miami. I prefer it over flying although we never stop specifically to see the sights. We just stop for food and potty breaks. I like your way better! Wishing you safe travels.
  11. @Sea Dog Greg, so glad your first night out after surgery was successful. I hope today isn't too painful for you.
  12. Patty, we had Plan N last year and switched to an Advantage plan for 2023 because of medigap's high premium. I thought to switch back to Plan N for 2024, alone, since we discovered it was Jack's diabetes that made the N premiums high. So, for me alone it wouldn't be bad with Jack staying with our current Advantage Plan. I have some medical procedures coming up that would best be served with a medigap plan. My insurance agent assured me there would be no penalty for signing on to a Part D drug plan even after open enrollment ends. Last year with Plan N, I had ankle surgery, was in the hospital for 4 days, then in a rehab facility for 6 weeks, then 4 weeks (3x/week) out patient and my bill was zero. Premiums for Plan C and G are higher than N. We hardly travel out of the country, so that benefit isn't all that important. Lots of info out there to absorb.
  13. No wild turkeys here but I'm thoroughly enjoying reading Barbra Streisand's memoir. @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen, as always, your pictures are fabulous! Continue having a great cruise with Jane, Dave and any of his family along for the ride. I'm with @Arzeena on FB. I check in there from time to time in Bella's group, but it isn't my favorite place. Is there a non-fb place I can go to read about the World Cruise? I have 7692 points with Microsoft Rewards. I have no idea what they are, what I've done to get them and I don't want to click anything for fear I will be in notification he!!
  14. My point, exactly. I'm impressed! That must have been amazing. Dave, get an independent insurance agent that doesn't work for just one company. By now, I'm a Medicare expert. Ask me anything. Your plans sound wonderful. Enjoy every moment. Oh, Maryann, I wish I knew. Jack and I don't drink (Jack never, me hardly) but we hung out at the Schooner Bar to be with the Bella gang. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Carol and Andy and would have loved going back and forth from their table to the Bella group at the bar. Plus, we weren't Diamond so we never could attend Happy Hour. Most nights I didn't have a seat when I wasn't drinking and I just about killed my ankle standing so much. @Momof3gurlz Deb, if your friends book Bella 02, please introduce us!
  15. I need to rant a bit. This, after all, is the thread about everything! I applied for Medicare Medigap Plan N. I received a letter yesterday stating that based on my previous 2 year medical records I am in a higher premium group, premium rate not listed. The problem is, they state my medical records show I was/am treated for "atrial fibrillation" which I never had!! Jack is the one with afib and he and I both go to the same primary care doctor. I can only think that Jack's records were sent in error to United Healthcare instead of mine. I will call on Monday to try and straighten this out. I have some "minor" medical stuff coming up in 2024 and my out of pocket with my current insurance would be extensive compared to Medigap. If this gets straightened out, I think the cut off date for open enrollment, Dec. 7 would not apply. As Trainman, a much beloved CC poster said many times, "growing old ain't for sissies"! May he R.I.P.
  16. Probably lots older. No worries. There's always someone older than me. I grew up in a time with no computers, no cell phones, no cable tv, girls had to wear skirts or dresses to school. Simpler times for sure. BTW I have never seen even one episode of Star Trek but I'm nice in spite of it. 😉 Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock shows scared me lots.
  17. You want crying? I got teary eyed at the last Howdy Doody episode when Clarabelle spoke for the first and last time and said with a sad sigh "goodbye kids" People who sacrificed for us so that we can enjoy our freedom have my eternal gratitude.
  18. The bit at the end of the Seinfeld finale, when they're in jail, talking about the shirt collar button, was taken from the Seinfeld pilot. I liked the finale, good to see everyone come back. Not only didn't it go over well with some viewers but Jerry and his cohorts weren't thrilled with it either either. I agree with most who responded. For me, no way, no how. Not an experience on my bucket list. Friends of ours went one NYE in the 90's and said they were thankful they were able to finally escape the Times Square mob. Awful experience. Her husband talked her into going. For years after, she never let him forget it.
  19. Beautiful pictures, Helen. I hope Merv the Nerv isn't bothering you! Jennifer you could never be forgotten. Oh yes the tears flowed during Love Story AND Terms of Endearment. Every single episode, a classic. Loved all of them.
  20. Rusty the horse was featured in one of my favorite episodes, "The Rye". Poor Rusty, eating all of those canned beans! "The Contest" was also another winner, forgive the pun 🤣 Just when I think of one of my favorites, another one pops in my head.
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