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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Hi Jennizor, it only shows on my cruise personalizer that I have a transfer from Southampton to Manchester. I suppose we will just have to trust them to give us the information we need Michelle
  2. Good morning everyone. Looks like it’s going to be a sunny day here today for a change. Workmen arrived just before 8 this morning, so far an electrician and plumber and just been told plasterer will be here tomorrow. I am collecting my mum this morning to take her shopping then the gym for me this afternoon. I have just started back at the gym on Sunday after not going for a while and I could tell I haven’t been going. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  3. I think he said a week to 10 days which will be great. Showers at my mums for the next few days, fortunately she only lives five minutes away. We had a wet room in our last house and it was great for me Michelle
  4. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well today. It looks pretty miserable outside today with heavy rain forecast later. A belated Happy Anniversary wish to Avril & Frank. It’s noisy in our house this morning, plumber and labourer arrived at 8am. The downstairs bathroom is coming out and all tiles to make a wet room for me so I am expecting lots of dust & mess Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  5. On a positive note Josy she is happy to come to you and more importantly feels secure in your company. You are doing an amazing job supporting them all I am sure they all appreciate it. It will mean a lot to your niece that she gets her friend a nice present because their friends are everything to them at that age. I think you are doing a brilliant job supporting them all Michelle
  6. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. Its been really windy here during the night but seems to have calmed down a bit now. I have not been out for the last couple of days because of the weather but have to go out this afternoon to take my mum for a massage. Have a good day everyone Avril, how is Frank doing? Michelle
  7. That is great news!!! I am not jealous at all!! Hope you have a lovely time Michelle
  8. I will keep my fingers crossed that your flight goes ahead tomorrow. Really windy here too, I am supposed to collect new glasses tomorrow but maybe not if it’s too windy. They are only sunglasses and I can’t see me needing them urgently anytime soon Michelle
  9. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok. It’s a busy weekend here, I collected four grandchildren yesterday, they are sleeping for two nights. They are age 15, 13, 11 & 6. The three eldest are boys and they just eat so much!! I have just had to do another Tesco shop. My daughter and her hubby are coming over tomorrow to collect them and she is going to cook for us. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  10. Amazing photos and what memories. I would love to do that Michelle
  11. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all well and keeping nice and warm during this cold spell of weather. Hope all you lucky people who have just arrived on holiday or about to go have a lovely time, I am not jealous at all - much !! I have just been to the eye hospital in Penrith with our dog, she is doing really well, it’s about 80% healed. Different meds given and another check up in three weeks. I might as well just give them free access to my bank account. It was a lovely drive up the M6 though, with snow on the mountains. The hardshoulder of the motorway was covered in ice in some parts. A rest from workmen at our house today, what a treat, it’s so quiet. They are back tomorrow though Take care everyone Michelle
  12. It’s a lovely sunny day here but very cold. Our plumber arrived just before 8, the correct colour radiator arrived yesterday so he is busy fitting that. We are expecting two joiners anytime now, they are usually here now so either they are not coming or they are at the sandwich shop. I am not doing much today except a quick trip with my mum for some shopping. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  13. Last time I was at Royal Preston Hospital there were patients outside the main entrance smoking right next to a large sign saying “This is a no smoking hospital” Michelle
  14. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well on this extremely cold day. We woke up to a light covering of snow but it has now rained and all disappeared. Still really cold though and seems quite windy outside. We have progress in hour house, flooring is down except the dining room, kitchen and conservatory(which we are having knocked into the kitchen with a proper extension making it larger). Most of skirting boards are on and they are hanging doors today. It’s beginning to look like a house at last. Avril, I am glad Frank is home and feeling better. To everyone on their holidays I hope you are having a lovely time and hopefully it is warmer than here. Take care everyone Michelle
  15. Thank you for your reply, the electronic doors sound great for me. Lifts can be a problem but it’s just one of those things. My hubby stops people stepping in front of me at the lifts Looking forward to reading your next instalment Selbourne Michelle
  16. Loving reading your blog each day Selbourne. We ate in Sindu on Azura last year and it was nice, not exceptional but nice. Purdy16, I have made chicken tikka masala for tea tonight too!! Great minds and all that… TigerB, the heavy doors would be a problem for me too, I have limited use of my left hand. We are on Arvia in March, do you know if the balcony doors are easier to open on Arvia? Michelle
  17. I hope it will be Kalos, we don’t intend to move again, it’s too stressful Michelle
  18. If it was really urgent I am sure they would get the test done immediately as Frank has to wait I would keep that as a positive Avril. Keep your chin up and keep talking to us all on here Michelle
  19. I am very relieved with the outcome of my mammogram. Think we have started to see real changes now in the house. Plasterers finished Tuesday, internal doors and radiators arrived yesterday, radiators been fitted today. We are having wood floors everywhere and they started on those yesterday, after that they start the wet room. We have had workmen here every day for four weeks so far I will be glad to get our house back. Then it all starts again at Easter, conservatory coming down and a proper extension going up and opened up between kitchen and new extension. Lots of work but we are future proofing the house, wider doors and opening it all up for me because we know eventually I will be a wheelchair Michelle
  20. I have just been catching up with all the posts, we all have lots going on don’t we? Following my second mammogram last week I had a telephone call from radiographer, all is good and no further treatment required other than another mammogram in December. On the dog front, she had a check up at the Eye Hospital in Penrith yesterday, all is going well, another check up next week. The vet will be booking a Caribbean cruise out of what we have paid out so far!!! Have a good day everyone Michelle
  21. Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit down Avril, we are all here for you to have a chat and support you. It sounds like Frank is getting excellent treatment and hopefully he will be home soon. Michelle
  22. Hope you are feeling ok after your fall and don’t have too much bruising Michelle
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