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"only lost 2 pounds". Don't be so hard on yourself. Every loss should be celebrated, think about it, how would you feel if you gained 2 pounds. Something i'm trying to do, (and struggling at times) is being grateful for everything that comes my way. Trust me, it does work. The more grateful you are, the more good things come your way. "raising my glass of ice water" I toast to your 2 pound loss!.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Everyone.


and yes i'm grateful for finding this thread!


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Did my weekly weigh in this morning and i'm down another half pound for a total of 3 pounds lost. So Far I have logged a total of 125.3 miles towards Bermuda, Not bad for two weeks and I haven't worked out yet today. Since i'm off for the holiday i will do my walk away the pounds workouts today. Then up to take care of my nephew, soon to be 3 years old, that will keep me active, when he watches his movies or cartoons he takes "dance breaks" everytime a song comes on, it's cute and he expects everyone to get up and dance with him. He got upset when my grandfather wouldn't dance yesterday after dinner.


Hope everyone is doing well, i'm off to fight with the lights on my christmas tree then to workout then dance with a very happy little boy.

*HUGS* to all,


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Hi! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I felt like I did ok with my eating on Thanksgiving Day. But...the day after was another story. That was the worst day I've had in almost a month! We went shopping in the morning so we stopped at BK. I had a egg, sausage croissanwich and OJ (no hashbrowns). Then for lunch I had leftover turkey and stuffing. The biggest problem with that was that my mom stored the turkey together with the gravy. I tried to get most of the gravy off but it was still very "wet". Then we went to a friend's house for dinner. She had a lot of veggie choices so that was good but I ended up eating some of those bite size meatballs in hot sauce. They were soo good. Anyway I was sicker than a dog when I got home last night. My stomach wasn't used to all that junk, I think. Anyway I feel better this morning and I'm gonna go to the gym in a few to try to work off those meatballs!


How was everybody else's Thanksgiving? I'm anxious to hear how everyone else did! Talk to ya soon - Annette

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I did pretty good on Thanksgiving and yesterday. I just started binging here today. I'm depressed and lonely, so I had a huge bowl of fruit loops for breakfast then a supersized meal at McDonald's for lunch. My head is pounding and i'm feeling sick to my stomach. I'm just feeling as if i'm never going to be good enough for anyone. I go out of my way to make things special for everyone, and yet more and more, they all are letting me down. I was up crying all night so i think i need to go lay down and get rid of this headache.




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I haven't done any exercising this weekend. All i've done is cry all weekend. i just really believe now that everyone else is more important then I am. I told him all weekend that i needed him and he still abandoned me. How can I ever trust that he'll really be here for me. I've been there with him every step of the way, i've held his hand, cried with him, defended him and stood by him when everyone turned their back on him. Now it's my turn, i needed that support and no one was here. for all the times i go out of my way to care for everyone else, no one was here to care for me. i'm so hurt and so angry. I just can't trust. i just for once want something really wonderful to happen to me. at this point, i really need it.

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Sorry I have been MIA. I have been down with the swine flu and today is the first day I feel 1/2 human.

The good thing is I have not eaten in over 5 days. Just lots of gatoraid, ice chips, and a little chicken noodle soup.

I have slept so much these last few days, I wont need to sleep the rest of the month.


CJE19 hope things are better for you. Hang in there.


Well I'm off to go rest and drink more fluids. stay healthy everyone.

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Jods00: Sorry to hear you've been sick. This thread has been really quiet. I was wondering where everyone was. I really hope you're feeling better. This whole swine flu thing freaks me out. I've gotten my kids vaccinated but not myself yet. If you don't mind me asking... how bad was it? What were your symptoms and what did you take for it? If you don't want to answer, I understand. I'm just curious and worried. Anyway I hope you're feeling better really soon!!!


CJE19: How are you feeling? Better I hope! :)


I had a great week. I weighed in on Tuesday @ gym and lost another 4 lbs. I'm now at 17lbs in 4 weeks! Super happy!!! I had a really bizarre dream last night about a lot of random things. But in one part of it I dreampt that I ate a whole bag of those Reece's miniature cups and then I panicked because I remembered I was on my diet. It felt very real but then I woke up and realized it was just a dream. Wierd right?


I hope all of you are well! Talk to ya soon. - Annette

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I am feeling a lot better today.

So Thanksgiving day I felt great, had a great time with friends and family, ate good food. Went to bed feeling fine.

Friday Morning woke up feeling awful, but thought it was because I had a migraine. Head was pounding, sick to my stomach feeling, all the usual symptoms of a migraine. Took some medicine and went back to bed.

4 hours later got up no more headache, but my entire body ached, and I had a cough that would not stop.


By Saturday it was the full on flu, body/muscles hurt so bad it didnt even feel good to lay flat in bed. the only relief came from a hot bath. I also went from fever to chills it would change about every hour, way to hot or to cold.


Monday went to Dr. and was told I had the Swine Flu.

She put me on Antivirals, and cough syrup that had codine in it help with my chronic cough.


So 6 days later I am starting to feel human again.

Dr. also told me I had a mild case. ( I cant imagine it being worse)


If the vaccine is available in your area, I would call your Dr. and see if they recommend that you get it.


All I know is that from now on I am going to get the flu shot, because this is the worst feeling ever.


Dont mean to scare anyone. If you are thinking about getting the shot you should talk to your doctor. I don't want to give someone bad medical advice.


I plan on taking it easy for the next few days and will start working out again on Monday, if I am healthy enough to.

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Hi, I have been reading this thread and would like to join in.


My husband booked us a cruise on May 8, 2010. However, I told him that I would not go on it with him unless I lost this weight that I have picked up. He is always buying my soda, cookies and candy so I thought that would get him to stop buying all the treats.

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Hi, I have been reading this thread and would like to join in.


My husband booked us a cruise on May 8, 2010. However, I told him that I would not go on it with him unless I lost this weight that I have picked up. He is always buying my soda, cookies and candy so I thought that would get him to stop buying all the treats.


Hi and welcome! This thread has been pretty quiet lately. I've only been on my fitness/diet plan for about a month. I had my worse weekend this weekend. I think I'll skip the weigh in tomorrow so I'm not disappointed! Well nice to meet you and good luck!!

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It has been real quiet around here, I think due to the busy holidays.


Hopefully we can help encourage you to loose some of those unwanted pounds before your cruise.


I am looking for some good healthy holiday candy recipes. Every year I usually make platers of treats for family and friends.

Here is what I normally make:

Fudge - various kinds, chocolate, butterscotch, peanut butter

No bake cookies

Almond Rocha

Chocolate Chip cookies

Peanut Butter Balls



any ideas on healthier options would be great.

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Well, since I don't bake or cook I cannot help with any recipes. We also do not celebrate holidays anymore so I won't have a problem with overeating at parties. My downfall is that I like Wendy's and pop. I have given up pop and I am mostly drinking water or diet snapple peach tea (whick is really good)


Have a great day. :)

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Not sure how much soda you drink, but my husband used to only have coffee for breakfast and then soda the rest of the day. When he quit drinking it and did nothing else different for the first month, just stopped the soda. HE lost 9 lbs in just one month. he has since stared to work out and is slowly loosing more each month, but wow we couldn't believe how much pop made a difference for him.


I quite Drinking it awhile back but did nothing for me, but I used to have maybe 1 can a day if that, was never a big soda drinker, so real easy to give up.


If I dont force myself to drink water through out the day then I just forget to drink at all. I do have milk with my meals. But I know I easily dehydrate myself, due to lack of water. My goal is to drink 6 bottles of water a day naturally not forced. I have been trying for 2 months now and still not in any natural habit of drinking water. I did finally find a good bottle of water that I like hopefully that will help, METROMINT Water.


Keep up the hard work.

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Hi Everyone, and Welcome bplazo!


I am finally doing better. We had a well needed long talk after the bad weekend and were able to make this past weekend better. Not sure how the future weekends will work, but we are both talking rather then holding the negative things in which led to my breakdown the other weekend.


I'm back to exercising and now up to 227 miles closer to Bermuda. Down a total of 5 pounds since i started and very happy with that. I started making my list of holiday baking, I do it all the week before Christmas to make sure it is all fresh. Personally I am chosing to make my goodies the way I always have. I feel that if i change them around to healthier versions I am going to feel deprived which would lead to me binging on junk later. It's the holidays so I will splurge on these treats but I won't make as much so that there are not a lot of leftovers after the holidays.


so far i'm doing my homemade marshmallow in at least 3 flavors, homemade peanut butter cups, maybe caramel cups as well. Chocolate chip cookies, short bread cookies, chocolate crinkles, sugar cookies maybe peanut butter cookies too. and maybe some merrianges. (i think i spelled that right)


so far i am doing good eating healthier, keep making sure i get my 2 servings of fruit and 3 of vegetables a day. Tonight i'm making roasted veges (just a frozen bag of stir fry veges) in the oven with crumbled goat cheese on top and thawing out a bag of frozen cooked shrimp for a simple supper. We are expecting bad weather tonight and I can't wait. I love the snow it's so pretty, until I have to drive in it.


Hope everyone is doing well. *HUGS* to all.


Also, although i'm not a medical doctor, even as a Doctor of Physical Therapy I am advising my patients to talk with their MD's about getting the swine flu vaccine. I already got mine and feel strongly about everyone getting it.


Have a great day.


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Glad to hear things are better. When things are going good in your life it makes it easier to try and loose weight, at least for me. I eat when I'm stressed or depressed.


not sure if any of you are on facebook, but I am and if you want we can be friends. here is my info if you want to send me a friend request.


Jody Vincent, Bellingham WA. I have a pic. of my dog up. just put in the message you are from CC boards and I will know to accept your friend request.


hope everyone has a great day, back to work.

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Hi everyone! Carolyn, I'm glad you're feeling better! I don't want you to have the holiday blues! Jody, I'm not on facebook but thanks for the invite. My friends are always telling me to create an account but I just never get around to it. Maybe when I get back from my cruise. Are you feeling back to normal yet? Have you regained your strength? I hope you're feeling strong again.


Only 24 days to go until I cruise. I'm getting really excited. We haven't really talked about our cruises. Have any of you been to St. Thomas, Antigua, Tortola, Nassau, or San Juan? I've been to all but Antigua and Tortola before but I'd love some ideas for excursions. Maybe we could share info. about past excursions, experiences, hotels, etc...


I'm going to try to get an hour of cardio everyday this week. I really want to get to 30 lbs. before I leave. I am at 19 now so I think that's feasible. Wish me luck!!! - Annette

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I love Facebook. It is a good way to watch your children! I am under Brenda Plazo.


I guess I will be going to eat healthier at home. My husband had a heart attack last week and he has to be on a special diet so I guess I will be supportive and not buy junky food for the house.


We have been to Antigua and we did Eli Echo tours and it was a great time. On our next cruise to Antigua we are going to do Creole Cruises. They have a lobster bake on the beach along with hiking, boat ride and snorkeling.

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Can you give us an idea of stuff you like to do? More physical excursions? or Laid back.


In St. Thomas, my husband and I did the BOB excursion.

It is a motor scooter you ride underwater and get to see cool marine life. It is a short ride in the water. I think about 20-30 min. If i remember right. We dont know how to scuba dive and I'm not good with the whole snorkel thing, so we thought we would try this.


I liked it but it doesn't always get the best reviews.


Let us know what type of excursions you like.


Has anyone had any luck buying good (not fake) Jewelry. 2010 is our 10 year anniversary and we are thinking about getting each other new wedding rings. But not sure if we should do it in the caribbean. any thoughts?

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Jody: We are travelling with our entire family (sisters, mom, dad, etc.) so there are 17 of us. I pretty much have it figured out what we'll do in each port. I was just wondering if all of you had any good/bad experiences to share. May 2010 will be our 10th Anniversary as well. That's a nice idea to buy new rings. Has anyone did the Biobay kayaking excursion in San Juan? My son really wants to do this one. Well have a great weekend! ;)

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My step sister did the kayaking, cant remember if it was San Juan. I know she did Eastern Caribbean, but can't remember where Kayaked. But she loved it.


Only been getting in about 30 min workouts, due to so much going on with the holidays, and trying to catch up from the work I missed while sick. Oh well, at least I'm healthy again.


Have a great day everyone.


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Very busy all weekend had parties to go to, presents to buy, and candy to make. But I was good I still got in 2 workouts. I haven't lost any weight or gained so I guess that is good. Esp. with all the sweets. I did have healthy fruit last night as a late night snack.


Busy week ahead Going to be in Seattle for most of the week for work, so hubby is coming with me so we can catch some good holiday festivities in the evening.

Radio City Christmas Rockettes, and Nutcracker here I come. Hopefully get the last of the shopping done.


Have a great day everyone. I might be kind of quiet this week.

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