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I had a similar experience with someone I thought was a friend. We met on a cruise ship and shared that interest, and actually cruised a few times together. Before we met, I had survived cancer twice in the prior 5 years, but had had a recent recurrence and was still on disability due to my condition and prognosis. She didn't know me during my diagnosis or treatments, but once she found out I was still on disability and cruising, she considered reporting me for disability fraud because I didn’t “look” or "act" disabled. She actually submitted a thread on CC asking advice from fellow cruisers on this. I haven’t talked to her since. Some people have no clue.


You are right about people not having a clue. My late wife was brain injured, and looked perfectly normal, but had problems walking. My new wife has some mobility problems, so when we go through an airport or a museum, she is in a wheelchair.

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You hit the nail on the head by saying "some people have no clue". I suffered from severe depression most of my life, but after having gone through bankruptcy, gambling addiction, alienation of family members, husband losing his job through no fault of our own. I have received therapy for it these past few months and I know that I truly hurt this person in one of my "horrible" down times and stressful periods of my life; hence, I went cruising to feel "something". I can't take it back, but I have since moved on to a more healthy lifestyle. My family is back, house is for sale, have not gambled since March and hubby has since retired. If I could take back all that was said, I would, but disability comes in all types and I understand fully what transpired from my illness. All I can do is move forward with the new tools I have found.


Whatever negativity you had going on was clearly directed towards me, and that was the last thing I needed or deserved in my life. I'm glad you are on the road to recovery. icon7.gif

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Beautiful pics to follow!


July 9, Kiel: A bautiful day. We dock only at 10AM and I wait for most of the disembarking passengers to have gone before going ashore myself. So I go swimming early and am happy to report that I achieved my 20 laps. A few hours at the cafe, sending reports and dealing with emails, but first I call my Sweetheart in Bern per Skype, whose birthday on the 6th I missed. I would like to give her as a birthday present half of the 7 day cruise price to Norwegian ports in the next few weeks - provided she shares my cabin (no other than financial considerations). It seems however, that (provided she accepts) it isn't easily done for "technical" reasons. We'll see and solve also this hurdle.

By the time I take the shuttle back to the ship, the weather has again changed and there are sprinkles of rain. I watch as we leave and record "the song"but the recording turns out badly, because of the wind blowing into the built in microphone and a vicious rain squall ends my endeavour. And, oh joy! Summer school holidays have begun and Poesia seems to be teeming with kids - tomorrow I'll find out how many there are on board.

July 10, Copenhagen. Start the day with 20 laps before breakfast, get off the ship close to 11am after many passengers disembarking here and drive to a cafe with internet which I get even though the cafe opens only later on Sundays. Afterwards I drive around and still haven't found "the little Mermaid" which is such an important icon of Copenhagen. This is ridiculous and I must ask for guidance next time.

Back on the ship I get the breakdown of the 41 nationalities represented: Germany 495, Italy 272, Russia 262l Spain 203, France 185, Turkey 150, Switzerland 139,, Austria 111; all others are from1 to 84. And there are 98 kids on board. Thank you.

In the afternoon I see my stepson Peter who has joined the ship for the 7 days cruise. He is with 60 years one year older than my son Steve und will be at my table at dinner which will see all newcomers.

Wrong! There's only one new couple (from New York) at the table, so with Peter and myself we are only 4 people. Ivan, the Maitre d', passes by an explains that another couple that was supposed to be seated with us decided to rather go to the second seating. So, since Peter doesn't drink, we three have most of the champagne and the strawberries are divided and Angelica gets her share also. Peter has booked a lot of excursions for the various places (he says about CAD$ 600 worth) so he'll see a lot.

July 11 Oslo: According to my itinerary this should have been a day at sea. I enquired about this and was told that only for this cruise the route has been reversed, but I cannot find out why.

After spending some time at McD, I set out and see a lot of the city which is bustling with traffic and people; in a big park there are people picknicking on the greens in warm sunshine and it's a nice and peaceful feeling. Not realizing how far I actually had gotten from the harbour, I had to stop a passersby to tell me where I was on the map I had - he was from Sweden, talked fluent English and was able to direct me. So, after stopping somewhere, sitting on a bench, I had the yoghurt and banana I had brought along as my lunch and then got back to the ship about 3.30 and laid down for half an hour. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I did 20 laps again this morning before breakfast.

July 12 Kristiansand: Another beautiful day. Swimming in the morning was cut to only 10 laps because the water was very cold. From Peter I learn at breakfast, that they emptied all pools and jaccuzzis last night and refilled them, and that explains it. Drove into town, spend some time at McD, then roamed, saw a lot of new and excellent sand sculptures and finally went off the beaten path and up a big hill where on top I found 4 guns, pointed towards the sea, obviously used for ceremonial blasts and there also was a nice view over the city. Bless the Scooter! Never could I have done this without it and I am pretty sure none of the many tourists ever come up here. As a matter of fact, without the scooter I could never easily get into and around cities, be it for sightseeing or looking for WiFi and sure would have a tough time sending out my reports and dealing with emails.

July 13, Bergen: After my stint at McD's, I roamed around but was back at the ship shortly before 2pm. While having lunch at the restaurant, I was joined by Hans Hendrick, the MSC Port Agent in Bergen who told me that the local newspaper had been contacted by someone about me and would very much like to interview me and would I be willing? Ok, and later that afternoon it happened, but had to be done in front of the ship because the reporter was to board. A very nice guy of 37 years, speaking excellent English since he spent quite a bit of time in Toronto. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see what he comes up with; he not only took still photos but also video for the paper's website. But I never could find out who contacted the paper in the first place. I suspect that it may have been my good friend Elise who is at this same date in her native country and actually just outside Bergen where we could have met today if better communications had been achieved.

July 14, Olden. This is one of my favorite places, a paradisical area at the end of a long fjord. It's a village with maybe 300 inhabitants, on both side of the fjord are meadows rising up to high hills, some still with some snow; but further on there are high mountains. Time and again I found myself seeing the Emmental or the Niederhorn. After I had found a source of very slow WiFi, I took off and went up a road on the opposite side of where the ship was parked and quite high up found a bench, took some pictures of Poesia opposite, sat in the warm sun in utter stillness with the aroma of the meadows around and the gorgeous view before me. This was a moment of thanksgiving and I sat there for some 20 minutes, grateful to be alive. After I had coasted down again I continued further inland to where I had spied a church steeple - it is the Olden New Church, built in 1934, but there is also the old church dating back to 1759, and there have been others, noteably a stave church mentioned in a document of 1308 and coins from the second half of the 13th century were found in the foundations of the existing church.

But back to this morning when I bravely got up to the pool deck shortly after 7am with the best intention of doing 20 laps, but, oh! the water was icy and immediately shrunk everything that was not already ... so it was the warm jaccuzzi. And after I had gotten back to the ship, I again went back up in hopes that I could redeem myself, but alas there were dozens of kids jumping into the pool or floating around with inflateables, so that, after my head was drenched with the splashes of the kid's jumps and my progress forward constantly impeded by others, I gave up after about 3 laps. The other pool was empty of people and I discovered why: it's not heated and just too cold, because up here night temperatures go way and in the morning the air was a cool 50F.

July 15, at sea: With the water in the pool close to freezing (at least that's what it felt like when I dipped into it), no swim again but soothing Jaccuzzi. Now I am sitting in my favourite retreat, there where Angelica plays in the evenings, the wine bar on Deck 7; in the morning it's pretty peaceful here and I am hoping to snag an unsuspecting player with the Scrabble Box prominently displayed on the table. But there are few fish in the pond.

July 16, Kiel: This morning I finally found the pool heated again and was able to do my 20 laps before breakfast. Afterwards into town and "my" WiFi cafe, where next week I expect to meet my "kissin' cousins" Irene and Sonja, daughters of my deceased cousin Rolf, who will come to Kiel with their spouses Fritz and Karsten- all of these are good friends of mine and I look forward to seeing them. However I look forward much more to the prospect of having my sweetheart Beatrice on board, hopefully for the 7-day cruise beginning August 6; we spoke to each other today again with Skype and she is trying to switch some arrangement she had already made for that time frame. And Allen is trying to see whether this cannot be booked right on the ship under the special circumstances; normally bookings can only be made through travel agents. Wish me luck.





: http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/index.htm

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Since discovering this thread, I don't miss a day that I don't check it to see how Egon is doing on his adventure. Just want to say thank you to "yellowbird23" and "ladysail2" for doing such a wonderful job posting his writings and the photos. I am so enjoying them and really do appreciate what the two of you do to keep everyone up on the details.


Again, I want to say thank you.

Edited by Okie1946
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Since discovering this thread, I don't miss a day that I don't check it to see how Egon is doing on his adventure. Just want to say thank you to "yellowbird23" and "ladysail2" for doing such a wonderful job posting his writings and the photos. I am so enjoying them and really do appreciate what the two of you do to keep everyone up on the details.


Again, I want to say thank you.

I think I can speak for ladysail and myself. Egon is worth it. We all are addicts to his "dream". Thanks for the kind comment...much appreciated Okie!:D:D

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I want to go on a cruise so bad, but just found out my sister is looking at a double mastectomy, as well as a pacemaker so may be headed for Albuquerque in the near future to help her out. Prayers my friends...prayers!:D


So sorry Pat. You and I have had our differences, but I wanted to let you know that your sister is in my prayers. I know all to well how difficult a cancer diagnosis is. I pray that she has a successful surgery and will be cancer free!!



Edited by Lusitano
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Thank you Carol. I do find comfort in the wonderful memories that I have...new ones keep coming into my mind every day!!! It's still hard to comprehend that she won't pick up the phone....I guess it's one day at a time!! Sorrow Fades.....Love NEVER does..... I will live by those words..:)



When I married I moved away from where I grew up, so much of my relationship with my Mom was via the telephone. So, when she passed that was what I missed, so I know what you mean by missing not being able to call. You could always tell anything to a mother and feel safe. Unfortunately, my own daughter has never followed my example and we rarely get a phone call from her.

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Since discovering this thread, I don't miss a day that I don't check it to see how Egon is doing on his adventure. Just want to say thank you to "yellowbird23" and "ladysail2" for doing such a wonderful job posting his writings and the photos. I am so enjoying them and really do appreciate what the two of you do to keep everyone up on the details.


Again, I want to say thank you.


Just echoing Yellowbird's sentiments....you're welcome. It's a pleasure to post whatever I can to continue the journey of Egon!!!!


You and your sister have my prayers too, Pat. I'm wishing her the best outcome possible!


Joyce :D

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I was looking back at posts and missed this one. I am doing ok. New concerns, but otherwise ok.

Another anniversary Laura! Almost 1 year ago you were having a CT scan right before you and Dalton took your cruise. Hope that's not the case this year and wherever you go you have a wonderful time.:) My e-mail hasn't changed if you care to talk and share.

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When I heard the news about Oslo being bombed and then the campground being attacked, my first thoughts were of Egon. Am so glad that his travels had taken him out of harm's way. Certainly hope this will not put a damper on the rest of his trip.

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Oh to be sitting on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean right now (preferably Aruba for me). I bet it's not even as hot as here in Pennsylvania. Yesterday, it was 104 with heat index of 120. Just give me the sight of clear aqua blue water crashing on the beach and I'd sit there forever (unless the gnats or sand fleas were biting...lol)....y'all have a wonderful Saturday and Sunday!:)

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Pics to come!


In Kiel, Peter tried unsuccessfully to book Poesia's next cruise (St. Petersburg), but the cruise is completely sold out, as also confirmed by Allan.


July 17 Copenhagen: Peter left here and will spend a few days in town before flying back to London and Vancouver. Disappointed that he was not able to stay for the cruise but also thinks that maybe it had to be this way. It's raining here and I find cover and WiFi in an underpass close to the Internet Cafe, but after sending out the reports and answering some emails, decide to go back. Somewhere I have to hoist the scooter up a curve; it's a round one and the scooter tilts as I lift the rear and only the right wheel gets up the curb -result: I lose my balance, the scotter tips over and so do I and literally land in the gutter. A moment of reflection on the wet pavement and as I struggle to get up, a passerby comes and helps. There are always angels hovering. Facit: another slight abr:sion, this time on my left shin. Could have been worse. But in the morning I swam.


July18 at sea: No swimming again for several days, until the open scrape on my shin has healed a bit - never a dull moment! There are a total of 2909 passengers on board and those over 100 are:Germany 559, Italy 407, Austria 224. Switzerland 221, Russia 218, Denmark 192, Spain 173, France 132, Turkey 112. A total of48 nationalities are represented. Interesting! I am sitting in the winebar as I write this, but the peaceful atmosphere is broken by the screams of kids playing a game with their father at one of the tables, and these go right through me. I move away. Of course the Scrabble box next to my Netbook on the table is prominentl

y displayed, but there are no takers. Big success this afternoon with my paino playing - complete with selections for the most represented countries on board.


July 19 Stockholm : It's 2 Kilometers into town and I sat at McD's for couple of hours and then drove into the old town and lucked into the changing of the guard and marching band at the Royal Palace. Of course there were thousands of people for the impressive march- bys. I was really lucky to get there in the first place (by chance) and at the right time, also by chance. In the afternoon a Scrabble with Louise which I won.


July 20, Tallinn, Capital of Estonia with about 400.000 inhabitants. I am at the magnificent Spa building again, and even found a seat close to an electrical outlet and was glad that I took the adapter with me so I could plug the netbook in; the battery I have is getting old and does not charge more than about one third of the advertised 8 hours. Still trying to get Beatrice on board, but because she is at work I cannot reach her to know whether she has been able to switch dates in her vacation time so that she could make the Aug 6-13 Cruise; I also need her passport number and other information for this episode to come together.


July 21, St. Petersburg: I booked at 3-1/2 hr tour- there are excursions available lasting all day and I am sure there is that much, and more to see in this famous city. But I am not physically able to sustain one that long, and the prices are quite formidable, even my little tour is 35 Euros which is over US$ 50. By the way, I finally reached Beatrice; she can come fomr Aug. 6-13 and will send me the necessary informations. I can only hope that now a booking can be materialized. The bus tour was not bad; the Russian tour guide Victoria gave good commentary in quite passable English and I got quite a "feel" for this huge city of over 4 million people. But to get through the passport control at the port was an ordeal and I stood in line for 20 Minutes for that, finally facing a surly female officer who looked as if a smile would be too painful. Grateful to sit down in the airconditioned bus and recover, also from the heat that prevailed. Wherever we stopped for photo ops there were literally dozens of tour buses and hundreds of people also and to get a clear view of the object to photograph was always a challenge. And the traffic - I really admired the skill of the bus driver as he manouvered the big vehicle, at times with only inches to spare. En route, I saw not only lots of people going about their daily business but also many in parks and other green areas sunning themselves or picknicking. We got back to the ship just before 6.30pm; the drive from the city must have been all of 5 Miles and through residential areas with huge USSR vintage dreary looking apartment blocks. My tour was in the afternoon and during the morning the ship seemed all but deserted. However, I played a couple of Scrabble games with Patrick, the professor of history (and won them both). He and his wife had been to St. Petersburg before and, therefore, stayed on the ship. By the way, there are again over one hundert kids on board, who not necessarily evoke joyful feelings as they run around with earpiercing screams. There seem to be large families, including the grandmother.


July 22, at sea: And I went again swimming this morning (20 laps) but my shin abrasion hasn't really healed completely as yet and I wonder whether I should wait again, or whether the salt water would be good for it. This afternoon I'll play again and also have once more been invited to the captain's table for tonight.


July 23, Kiel: Big day! I have the visit of two daughters of my deceased cousin Rolf who was a professor of chemistry at the Berlin university. They are Irene with Fritz and Sonia with Karsten who made the long 5-1/2 hr trip von Berlin to Kiel in their motorhome and we met in "my" cafe at the Sophienhof and spent the day together. It was raining and cool outside so the venue of this big indoor shopping center, teeming with the Saturday crowds was ideal. First, however, we took the shuttle bus back to the ship so that they could at least look at it from the outside while I went back in to leave the scooter in my cabin and pick up the four MSC slippers and daily programs in German I had collected for them; they not only brought a bottle of Scotch and some chocolates for me but also invited me for lunch. Last time I saw them was in Berlin before I went to Bern in 2009. I am very fond of them, as was my sister Suzanne; they are wonderful people.


We were informed that because of the tragic events in Oslo, we will go to Gotemborg instead.






: http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/index.htm

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Another anniversary Laura! Almost 1 year ago you were having a CT scan right before you and Dalton took your cruise. Hope that's not the case this year and wherever you go you have a wonderful time.:) My e-mail hasn't changed if you care to talk and share.


Thanks. All is well now and looking forward to a well needed vacation :)!!

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What do you see nurses? . . .. . . What do you see?

What are you thinking . . . . . when you're looking at me?

A crabby old man . . . . . not very wise,

Uncertain of habit . . . . . with faraway eyes?


Who dribbles his food . . . . . and makes no reply.

When you say in a loud voice . . . . . 'I do wish you'd try!'

Who seems not to notice .. . . . . the things that you do.

And forever is losing . . . . . A sock or shoe?


Who, resisting or not . . . . . lets you do as you will,

With bathing and feeding . . . . . The long day to fill?

Is that what you're thinking? . . . . . Is that what you see?

Then open your eyes, nurse . . . . . you're not looking at me.


I'll tell you who I am. . . . . . As I sit here so still,

As I do at your bidding, . . . . . as I eat at your will.

I'm a small child of Ten . . . . .. with a father and mother,

Brothers and sisters . . . . . who love one another.


A young boy of Sixteen . . . . with wings on his feet.

Dreaming that soon now . . . . . a lover he'll meet.

A groom soon at Twenty . . . . . my heart gives a leap.

Remembering, the vows . . . . . that I promised to keep.


At Twenty-Five, now . . . .. . I have young of my own.

Who need me to guide . . . . . And a secure happy home.

A man of Thirty . . . . . My young now grown fast,

Bound to each other . . . . . With ties that should last.


At Forty, my young sons . . .. . . have grown and are gone,

But my woman's beside me . . . . . to see I don't mourn.

At Fifty, once more, babies play 'round my knee,

Again, we know children . . . . . My loved one and me.


Dark days are upon me . . . . . my wife is now dead.

I look at the future . . . . . shudder with dread.

For my young are all rearing . . . . . young of their own.

And I think of the years .. . . . . and the love that I've known.


I'm now an old man . . . . .. and nature is cruel.

Tis jest to make old age . . . . . look like a fool.

The body, it crumbles . . . . . grace and vigor, depart.

There is now a stone . . . . where I once had a heart.


But inside this old carcass . . . . . a young guy still dwells,

And now and again . . . . . my battered heart swells.

I remember the joys . . . . . I remember the pain.

And I'm loving and living . . . . . life over again.


I think of the years, all too few . . . . . gone too fast.

And accept the stark fact . . . . that nothing can last.

So open your eyes, people . . . . . open and see.

Not a crabby old man . . . . Look closer . .. . see ME!!


Anyone have tears in their eyes? I do!

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