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60 minutes dirty cabins show Freaking out??


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I've brought my own sheets to hotels/cruise since about 1993. I've always brought my own face towel and bath towels, but I think people think sheets are "weird." Either my DH or the housekeeper will change the sheets... I refuse to touch the mattress, etc. Ewwww.... I haven't asked for the bedspread to be changed... Don't you think they will just get me another one that might not be clean either? Or they could bring me the same one back and I wouldn't know! No?


I wear slippers in my cabin (and hate it when I forget because then I'm wearing shoes... don't like to wear shoes), but I really try hard not to get freaked out about other things. I don't want to make my daughter paranoid like me, although I don't want her to get sick either.


Great to know I'm not the only one packing sheets!

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One thing I liked on the Dawn was that there were hand sanitizer stations all over the boat. As soon as we boarded we were asked to use one. And anytime we entered a restaurant or got in the buffet line a staff member would ask us to use it.

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The boat is very clean, and if you just use common sense about washing your hands when in contact with germ prone area's you'll be fine. Life is too short to freak out over being germ obsessed. Just consider that most people are not that extreme and are still reasonably healthy! Common sense.

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The one thing that I have always been uptight about is "Pillows" just think about it, someone is breathing right into it for probably at least 6 hrs a night! Not to mention if they drool! Yeeek, I usually take a small pillow or a small blanket and cover the pillow. I think that now I will take our own sheets, I do agree that we for the most part are sanitizing our selves sick.

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I am an old Infection Control nurse with years and years of experience. I know exactly what you need to do.


1.Wash your hands frequently


2. About a week b4 your cruise go to your doctor and ask for a CHILL PILL, valium should do the trick.


Then, enjoy your cruise and have a great time! Germs are everywhere thank goodness , or we would have died a long time ago!

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I am an old Infection Control nurse with years and years of experience. I know exactly what you need to do.


1.Wash your hands frequently


2. About a week b4 your cruise go to your doctor and ask for a CHILL PILL, valium should do the trick.


Then, enjoy your cruise and have a great time! Germs are everywhere thank goodness , or we would have died a long time ago!


Great response. I don't worry about germs in the cabins or hotel rooms. I probably pick up more germs on my grocery cart at WalMart.


I take too many clothes to pack sheets, towels and pillows. :D


I guess DH and I just live on the edge. Our children are grown and haven't become seriously ill from staying at any hotel or cruise ship cabin. We just don't obsess over things like that. And we have never returned from a vacation sick. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I am an old Infection Control nurse with years and years of experience. I know exactly what you need to do.


1.Wash your hands frequently


2. About a week b4 your cruise go to your doctor and ask for a CHILL PILL, valium should do the trick.


Then, enjoy your cruise and have a great time! Germs are everywhere thank goodness , or we would have died a long time ago!


LOL! Agreed.


The 60 min show, though probably very biased, however, was a total gross out. Next cruise we plan to bring a little spray bottle of alcohol to squirt around the room on a few surfaces, one with bleach and water for the bathroom-toilet seat and sink top, remove the quilts and hope for the best.


Any time you go out in public you are exposed to all of this stuff so why do people expect sterilized cruise cabins? It's not a clean room in a tech lab, its a very cheap accommodation.


I honestly think people are trying to be cute or to get attention when they open bathroom doors with a paper towel and all that showy "See how clean I am" stuff...then they go use the railing or other doorknob 10 feet away.


Just wash your hands a lot and you'll be fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When my kids were with us I use to worry a lot more, but now I am alright, I do the same things wipe door knob, phone, (Don't forget remote control everyone does) etc I always put towels down on chairs, remove bedspread etc. but just think when room stewart cleans your room do you think he uses a clean cloth everytime, no way he use the same cloth with every room, I guess my point is we are going to be sharing our germs with everyone so lets all wash our hands and be clean. Enjoy your trip!!!!!!!!


PS if you are really worried about bed bugs spray insecticide and bring mini batty operated vac and vac everything , if that helps you relax do it



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I was pleasantly surprised to notice on my last cruise (RCL Splendor of the Seas) that before you could enter the dining rooms you had to hit the Purell dispenser. Then, a few days later it was gone. I also cruised during the SARS epidemic and passengers were constantly advised to wash often, especially when returning from shore excursions.


Cleanliness in your stateroom should be the least you should expect, but how much time do they give stateroom attendants to clean each unit? You could get really creeped out if you really obsessed on this. The alternative is to never leave your home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bring a cylinder of Clorox or Lysol disinfectant pull out handy wipes to clean the phone, remote control, door handles, and whatever crosses my mind to clean, not only in cruise ship cabins , but hotel rooms.


The bedspread gets tossed immediately and I bring my fleece comforter to cover up with instead of using the blanket. I keep rubber flip flops to use as slippers, even in the shower and never go barefoot anywhere on ship. I frequent those little stations of hand santizer placed throughout the ship.


All that said, I see the point of view of those above who say that such attention to detail is excessive or "paranoid." I do see crew constantly wiping down handrails. When on stairs, I hate not to hold on to the rails because I'm as clumsy as they come and if anyone falls, it will be me.


I read somewhere that the disinfectant handy wipes really don't do all that much good because they really just move the germs around, but don't kill them. Still using them gives me a (false?) sense of doing something positive, because who knows how many people have used that remote control, expecially in older ships.


Probably the worst things in the cabin are the pillows. I still haven't figured out how to handle that but who has room in their luggage to bring their own pillows?

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Just so that everyone is aware...



The human body is a fantastic machine. Your body's immune system, when challenge by a virus or germ, builds antibodies to ward off these intruders. This is the bodies way of protecting itself.


The less of these intruders, the less antibodies your body produces, and the less protection you have.


Also, the less your immune system works... the less it will work.


So...if you happen to miss that every 5 minute Purell hand clensing, you are opening yourself to attack without your bodys immune system being "fine tuned"


I am not saying don't wash your hands or practice good hygene, just don't go overboard...


My brother and his wife are examples of people who go overboard and they are sick 4-5 times a year. I sell to hospitasls and nursing homes and have 2 kids in school with one going to after school daycare. I coach 9-12 year old girls softball so I come in contact with germs all the time and I havn't been sick in 2 years. Sensible hand washing only....:)

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I agree -- don't overdo it. My mother has always been a cleanliness freak and it used to drive us nuts --- and now, if I'm not careful, I may be on the road to becoming my mother.....


When I arrive at a hotel/cruiseship, I like to clean the bathroom myself with disinfectant and request the maid/steward not to clean the bathroom for the rest of my stay. My boyfriend likes to 'sit on the potty' and I just don't like those toilette-borne illnesses. Remember, they use the same cloths to clean your toilette as they used for the toilette next door.


Other than wiping down the remote control and the bathroom drama, I don't panic too much.


Germs do a body good.....

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Just so that everyone is aware...



The human body is a fantastic machine. Your body's immune system, when challenge by a virus or germ, builds antibodies to ward off these intruders. This is the bodies way of protecting itself.


The less of these intruders, the less antibodies your body produces, and the less protection you have.


Also, the less your immune system works... the less it will work.



I agree with you 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All you need to do is wash your hands, if you go overboard with the other stuff when do you start enjoying yourself.


Another tip for you worried about germs- A large percentage of all infectious illnesses are spread by the hands so its the handwashing thats important. Also don't suck your fingers or touch your eyes or nose with your hands and you won't transfer the germs.......................................LOL.;) Ease up and enjoy yourself!


On another note- most germs on glasses and icebuckets are spread by the maids cleaning the rooms. Usually they use your dirty towels on the floor to wipe these items "clean". I have not cruised before so I am not aware of the practices of cleaning on a cruiseship.


I do agree with previous posters that lysol can be harmful rather than helpful. Purell is very helpful and not toxic but handwashing removes dirt, grime and grease from hands.


Cruisinpaige- great advice!

2. About a week b4 your cruise go to your doctor and ask for a CHILL PILL, valium should do the trick.


LOL. I agree.




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I am an old Infection Control nurse with years and years of experience. I know exactly what you need to do.


1.Wash your hands frequently


2. About a week b4 your cruise go to your doctor and ask for a CHILL PILL, valium should do the trick.


Then, enjoy your cruise and have a great time! Germs are everywhere thank goodness , or we would have died a long time ago!


I travel quite abit, and it is the same thing no matter where you go. If you are in an elevator, and someone obviously has a cold and sneezes, unless you hold your breathe you are going to get that virus...or breathe thru your shirtsleeve!

All the talk about bedbugs etc, I've never run into that in any hotel, and a ship is just that, a very nice floating hotel.


Anything else, (dark lites etc to find smoog) does not hurt you. You seriously need to only worry about airborne stuff...same as work or at play, hold your breathe or breathe thru your shirtsleeve. Viruses typically are only airborne, so someone breathing on your pillow or bed stuff has no effect on you...this stuff dies quickly.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The spray bottle with 1/4 cup of bleach to 4 cups water sounds like a good idea... just wondering, is bleach provided on the ship, or would one have to pack one of those little bottles in their luggage?

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I just watched a CSI rerun, where they are checking out a hotel room with that light thing they use. It was showing up all sorts of gross hidden spots and yukky things. One of the investigators, Sarah, says "This is why I always travel with....." and I couldn't catch what she said. It was something oxy something 9. Anybody know what the heck it is? I want to buy a case of it, I am so grossed out.

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I tend to tip the room stewart when we get on board and tell him of my concerns. I follow that with atrip to the bar and start kiling germs (and probably some brain cells) with a fine tasting alcohol like Tanqueray or Absolute and use it, not in a spray bottle, but a rocks glass with a little tonic and a twist if lime.


We do however bring our own pillows, they are light weight and stuff down into the top of our luggage and usually keep everything from moving around in our luggage.


Have a GREAT cruise, wash your hands and don't sweat the little things (like bed bugs)

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I bring a cylinder of Clorox or Lysol disinfectant pull out handy wipes to clean the phone, remote control, door handles, and whatever crosses my mind to clean, not only in cruise ship cabins , but hotel rooms.


The bedspread gets tossed immediately and I bring my fleece comforter to cover up with instead of using the blanket. I keep rubber flip flops to use as slippers, even in the shower and never go barefoot anywhere on ship. I frequent those little stations of hand santizer placed throughout the ship.


All that said, I see the point of view of those above who say that such attention to detail is excessive or "paranoid." I do see crew constantly wiping down handrails. When on stairs, I hate not to hold on to the rails because I'm as clumsy as they come and if anyone falls, it will be me.


I read somewhere that the disinfectant handy wipes really don't do all that much good because they really just move the germs around, but don't kill them. Still using them gives me a (false?) sense of doing something positive, because who knows how many people have used that remote control, expecially in older ships.


Probably the worst things in the cabin are the pillows. I still haven't figured out how to handle that but who has room in their luggage to bring their own pillows?


My advice to you is: don't ever travel. I have been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to think of a destination where you could relax and enjoy yourself and I can't think of one. Certainly any Caribbean destination is out, along with probably 90% of the continental US (forget about Hawaii). Do NOT go to Europe, Africa, Asia...


I would suggest that people not bring bleach in their suitcases unless you want to look like a total nutcase if it spills all over your clothes. Lysol wipes only if you want to become Howard Hughes. Sheets only if you want to add an extra 5 pounds to your luggage. Everything else only if you have OCD or too much time on your hands.


I have five kids and I am laughing right now.

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I just watched a CSI rerun, where they are checking out a hotel room with that light thing they use. It was showing up all sorts of gross hidden spots and yukky things. One of the investigators, Sarah, says "This is why I always travel with....." and I couldn't catch what she said. It was something oxy something 9. Anybody know what the heck it is? I want to buy a case of it, I am so grossed out.


I think she said Nonoxynol-9, a product used in cleaning agents, baby wipes and most popular as a contraceptive, it kills sperm and germs. It has also been identified as a health risk, see attached link:





I love CSI reruns!

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BTW, I have to weigh in on the side of don't worry so much. You can clean your cabin to your hearts delight, but of the many germies will be found outside of your cabin, so it won't really matter how clean you are. Wash your hands, don't touch bathroom doorknobs, elevator buttons, rails or counter tops if you are paranoid.

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