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Sharon, it really rained a lot yesterday morning around here. It was about 8 when it started raining here. We had thunder in the afternoon, but it never rained again. So we got well over an inch yesterday morning. Today it looks like the rain is all up your way. All clear around here. But tomorrow a different story. It looks like an all day rain or most of the day.


Well that was very good for you to have 2 boat rids in a row. All in all it sounded like you had a very full day and an enjoyable one at that. I have heard that before about breweries and giving their employees beer for their breaks. It sounds like a very good place to work. I guess that they are the best samplers.


I am sure your sister would not say anything about living there. I would be more concerned to see what her son and his family feels. But you are right about getting her own space. Everyone needs their own space.




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Thunder and rain again this morning. I took advantsge of it and slept in a little later, felt good. I wanted to finish the grass I started on Tuesday afternoon but it was too wet.


Kind of just took it easy today, seems like I have been busy lately. Worked on my puzzle again for a while. It has started to take shape now.


No plans for the weekend yet, looks like alot of rain coming both Sat and Sun. My grandson hopes to be able to get some more things out of their house this weekend. Looks like some of the water has receded.


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Sharon, yesterday in the afternoon it rained for awhile. They stopped the Air Show for some 2 hours. Now this morning the Air Show has been canceled for this morning. It has been just pouring around here.


My # 2 daughter is having a 40th birthday party for herself up at their camp ground. I had to do all of the cooking for the meat. But you cannot tell her anything. What kind of a time will she have with all of this rain. It will be all muddy and her small trailer cannot hold too many. They are pitching tents, but what is that going to do with all of this rain. For us around here they are only calling for rain today, as tomorrow is clear.


That is what I did today, just slept in as I did not have to get up early today. Sometimes it just feels good.




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Well today didn't turn out as planned. I was to meet some friends to listen to a band. I got there, texted them asking if they were there, they texted back yes so I paid for 2 hrs of parking. Then I went to find them, looked in 2 different restaurants and the lake front but couldn't find them. Texted them again got no response. Gave up and headed home. On the way home got a text saying they were at a different restaurant, didn't I know? Well if I had known I wouldn't have went to the wrong place! I was really upset and cried on the way home. But got home changed my clothes and cut the grass.


Try to put it behiid me and hope tomorrow is better.


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Sharon, that does not sound good at all. It almost sounds like they had set you up. Too bad, but as you say, today is another day.


Bill had rehearsal yesterday afternoon and once he came home we had dinner and then drove to the north side, actually Wrigleyville to see a play that our friend was in.


Turned off the A/C last night and when we woke up this morning the temp was in the 50's. It looks like our game could get rained out for Wednesday. But a lot can change form now until then.


I hope today will be a much better day for you.




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I turned off the air conditioning too yesterday. It was wonderfully cool outside. Tonight I have the windows open but there is no breeze.


What play did you see last night? Did you like it?


I did zumba this morning then finished cutting the grass. I don't like to do it on a Monday because by the weekend it will look bad. But its supposed to rain again so went ahead to get it done. I think I am going to have to call a landscaper. I had put some plants and bushes on the side of the hill when we moved in but now trees have started to come up.


You are right, if its going to rain it will do it on a Wednesday.


Tomorrow afternoon I might give my new bike a ride. The friend that sold it to me had called Saturday and asked if I wanted to go for a ride with her. She has been riding while I haven't but I have been doing squats so hopefull I won't get too tired.



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Sharon, I thought it was going to be a play as that is what Bill had told me, but it was actually improv and it only lasted 1 hour. We saw that guy who does the commercial and he says I do not have a middle name and the other guy says please fill out line 4 B.


Yes, the past few days have been very pleasant with very low humidity and nice cool breezes.


You should go out for a bike ride. I should be going to buy a new or like new bike as well. We have a new bike that we could trade in for a bike for me. That is nice that lady has called you up to go riding with her.


Well we only have 3 more game to play and 2 rainout's. So It would be nice to get our games in tomorrow, but right now the forecast is for rain.




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Didn't get to connect with the bike friend, maybe tomorrow. It was actually a good thing as I went by myself. Only got a little way and could really feel it in my thighs and butt. Those bike seats are not vert comfortable. I went after lunch for about 3 miles, and then again after dinner. I know she has been riding ft or a while so c on't know if I can keep up. Will have to work on it .Guess all those squats didn't help!


Our zumba class has gotten lots bigger. The athletic club in a nearby town dropped their zumba classes so all those gals are coming. They seem to really like our instructors.


Sometimes inprov is good and sometimes not, suppose it depends on who does it. Did you like it?


Yes seems all the summer programs are coming to an end. Maybe you can win the last few games if the rain holds off.


Did I tell you my pet sitter is having another bsrn dance this Saturday? I couldn't impose on the friend I had asked the last time to go again so I asked the gal who used to teach line dancing. She was happy to come so we should have a good time. There will be a band and everyone is supposed to bring a dish to pass and what you want to drink.


Time for sone ice cream before bed,


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Sharon, I do not think you will be ridding this morning with all of the rain that is coming down. I think our whole area is getting it. We have been looking and it is hard to say if it is going to be raining this evening or if we will be able to play or not.


I know what you are saying about those bike seats. I would have to have a much bigger one to ride on.


The last two shows we have gone to up north have been improv. I have enjoyed them both. But I told Bill that we are not going to any more, as it is just too hard to find a place to park up there and the shows are only 1 hour.


You did not tell me about the barn dance. It is nice that you have your friend to go with. They sound like a lot of fun. I am sure you could have asked that person to go with again, as I am sure it was a great time to be had. We are going to a tropical party on Saturday to introduce the cast of this upcoming play. It is from 2 until ???


Stay dry,




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A tropical party sounds like fun, maybe they will have some drinks with the little umbrellas in them. Is it at the same place you went before that had the very well stocked bar? It will be nice to meet the people in the new play too.


I found out today that the band at the barn dance is a rock band! So we will have to change our wardrobe outfit. We had both planned to wear jeans, shirts and boots, but now will probably wear capris and a top and maybe sandals instead. They are supplying the corn and pulled pork so that should be good.


I think you probably got your game in because it hasn't been raining here since early this morning. It is again very humid though, ugh!


I rode my bike again today, my driveway has a slight incline and yesterday I never quite made it up the hill. So today I started pedaling harder to get to the top and made it. However when I got off my bike my legs were actually quivering. Had to stand still for a few minutes before I could walk. I also got a new seat that has memory foam. You just tie it over the regular seat so you don't have to change the whole thing. I will see tomorrow if it helps and is more comfortable.


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Where did the time go this summer

Goes by so fast it's a bummer


Some of you have done so good I can tell

Others of us haven't done that well


Why can we do good and one bite throws us on a week of eating day and night

Other times nothing stops us from staying on track eating just right


That's why we come in here to stay on out path to get healthy each day

Keeping us accountable on our weight and what we're eating till Thursday


Eating the right foods and not to much of them is the best

Some times it's really hard and a test


Some of you have exercise's you do each day down pat

Some of us just say we want to do it and just sat


But we come here and say I should exercise more

So get out of bed and don't snore


Drink your water each day really good for your body

Better than a soda or hot toddy


Glad you all came in no matter what the numbers said on the scale

We can never give up, our job is to lose weight, get healthy, that's our tale

Edited by Belle
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Sharon, yesterday morning it just poured all morning. Then again in the afternoon it poured once again. But then it stopped about 2 hours before we started the play. So everything was all good to get all of our games in. It was very humid though. Once again Bill was the only man playing and once again we won. So now that was the last game for the regular season, and now we have 2 rain out games to play. So now we should move from 4th place to 3rd place.


Well the more you ride your bike the more you will gradually build up your legs. That sounds like a good way to make your seat more comfortable, versus replacing the entire seat itself.


That party we went to before was at one of the cast members house and that was well over an hours north west from our house. This party will be in the Beverly/Morgan Park area close to the theater. It will be at one of the members house of the guild. Yes, they are providing the meat and a special tropical drink. It will be outside weather permitting.


Well just a small change to the dress for the barn party. I am sure you will both have a great time.




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Sorry some how I put the weigh-in thread

on your posts. Hope you don't mind people coming in.

Join us! We will be gone in a week.

You'll have a busy thread like it use to be.


Good to hear from you again Karen. Let us know how the cruise goes. I am sure you are excited and can't wait to get on-board.


Very good advice about drinking plenty of water. Actually we can get more dehydrated in the winter month as much in the summer. Many do not drink enough water in the winter and that is why so many can get dehydrated.


It would be nice to have this thread take off once again. Thank you Karen




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Glad to talk to you again but I'm not Karen.

Just Belle!

This post is for people who want to lose weight

before going on a cruise, now or later or just

wishing to go on one. I'm not going on one for

awhile but din in June.


I come in here once in awhile to see how you and

Sharon are doing. You both are doing good. I'm glad.

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Cruiserman.. A loss is a loss but I know disappointing

when had a better loss earlier. Bet will be a better one next week.


ZacsMom.. Two lb loss for a week is good. What do you put in a

green smoothie? How does it taste?


Diana.. Staying the same is better than a gain before a cruise.

Only two weeks to go. Maybe will get a another lb off by then

to help with cruise food.


Everyone have a good weekend.

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Hi Belle, we don't mind at all to have you add to the conversations. I have not gone on a cruise for a few years and probably won't now that don't have Bill to go with and enjoy it with me. Have thought about going alone, NCL does have some single rates but haven't looked into it any further.


Kathy seems like every time Bill plays you win, I'd keep him playing! I know its just for fun but you are so close to the end might as well win the last few. Glad you were able to get it in without any rain.


Well the Wednesday night evening went well, they had spaghetti, chicken and pork chops on the grill, a shrimp ring and veggies. Also someone had made a big loaf of bread, cut squares on the top before baking and stuffed it with cheese and Italian seasonings. It was very good. I keep telling people about the free food and I'm thinking I should be quiet because pretty soon they will show up just to eat.


Went to the pool today, lots of bees for some reason, but hardly any people. The kids being back in school has a lot to do with it.


So we both have a party with dinner to go to this weekend, unfortunately I heard it is supposed to rain, but then again they are wrong over 50% of the time, hope this is one of them.


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HI all!


Belle ~ nice sentiments as usual! Happy Birthday to you next week. I probably won't be checking in as we're going on a road trip for a while.


Sharon ~ hi! You should give NCL a try. I'm married but DH doesn't like to cruise as much as I do so I often go solo. It's easy on the new NCL ships with their studio cabins & lounge. I also go on other lines solo too & don't find it a problem.


Oppalopa ~ happy birthday to you tomorrow!:D


I'm pretty happy to say I'm only up 0.2 lbs which is amazing after all the chocolate covered almonds I ate.:o


See you sometime in September. Be good.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Jo do you ever get a balcony cabin on NCL when you go by yourself? We used to always get one and really enjoyed sitting out there watching the waves go by. Are all the Studio cabins inside cabins?


Karen, Happy Birthday to you! My sister is in Florida and says the same thing, so very hot and humid. But it has been that way in so many states this summer, I am looking forward to fall.


Kathy it just started raining here, right about midnight. So maybe our parties will be okay by the afternoon tomorrow.


Had a good time tonight, went to the dance place did a few line dances and visited with two couples that Bill and I used to meet every Friday night there. Another single friend came so I didn't feel like a 5th wheel.



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HI all!


Sharon ~ No, I have never had a balcony solo on NCL but have on Celebrity, Carnival & RCL.

The studio cabins are inside with a window to the hall.


I'm finding I prefer outside cabins the best but did love my cove balcony on CCL. I live on the water & am not an outdoors person so balconies don't matter much to me.:o

The cove was nice since it was shaded & close to the water.


Have a nice weekend.


~ Jo ~ :)

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