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*OFFICIAL* CC Group Cruise 02/15/2014 Cupid's IV Southern Caribbean - Carnival Breeze


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Barb ~ welcome, and glad you found us! As others have said, you seem to have found us, and are posting just fine. We're happy to have you here! I am one of those "west coast" peeps...knew you were talking about the west coast of FLORIDA, though. :D


EARLY here on the "actual" West Coast! Not even 6 am yet! I just woke up early this morning.


Heidi ~ glad you had a good time on your trip and didn't get the cold. Cool that the cows & babies made you think of me. :cool:


Mimi ~ yum, that buffet sounds good, except I would not eat the crawfish or any other fish.


It was COLD here yesterday! A week ago I was using my air conditioning and now I'm back to my furnace. Crazy!

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Welcome Barb - nice to hear you signed up for this cruise and keep those posts coming. This will be our first Cupid's cruise and can't wait to meet all the Cupids.


Sue - oh yea, Chef Ramsey. I'm hooked on HK, but some of these so-called chefs are a little too ridiculous, seems to be getting worse every season. Does make for good entertainment though. Rock has always been my favorite.


Heidi - glad you had an enjoyable mini-trip.


I like quaint little towns. A couple years ago we went to Holland, MI, but we took one day and went to Saugatuck. I really liked that town.


Have a great day everyone, Donna

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Those who know me, know that our family are HUGE Oregon Duck (University of Oregon) football fans....found out yesterday that our 6 season tix will be all together this year!! SO HAPPY!! Bought our 4 seats when the boys were still in school...then Greg & Mal moved to Vegas so we still only needed 4 seats. Greg & Mal moved back to Oregon, but by then Brian was working at the TV station and was always working on game day...so still only needed 4 seats. Once Brian quit his sports reporter job, then he & Staci could finally come to games with us so we bought 2 more seats last year. But they were in a different section. This year (and from now on) they will be moved to the 2 seats right next to the other 4. PERFECT!! :D

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Good morning Breeze Buddies!


It's back to reality today. I have to work the lunch shift. :( In fact, due to my little trip my schedule is changed around and I will most likely work the next 8 days in a row. Ugh!


Heidi - glad you had an enjoyable mini-trip.


I like quaint little towns. A couple years ago we went to Holland, MI, but we took one day and went to Saugatuck. I really liked that town.



Donna - We have been to Saugatuk a couple of times. It's a great little town. We also went to Holland on one of those trips. Have you ever been to Shipshewana, Indiana or Nashville, Indiana? Shipshewana is in Northern Inidana and Amish country. Nashville is South of Indianapolis. Both towns have lots of cute shops.


Have a great day! :)

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Ilaga here. Looking forward to the CC Cupid's IV Cruise, and really looking forward to making new friends to see on the cruise. Jerry and I live on the "west coast" of Florida. I think I miss stated myself, and a few folks thought we lived on the West Coast as in California. Wish we did, we have never been to California, but that could change. We live in Ellenton, Florida just south of Tampa. We have been on 5-Cruises. However, this is our first on Carnival, and from what I have read that you all posted, sounds to me like this is going to be "PURE FUN" All of our cruises have been to the Caribbean, and this cruise will hit two new ports and we can't wait to see them. I believe "Cruising" in the only vacation to have. By the way, Ilaga stands for Ila,Ga. A small town in Georgia where we lived to 16-years, before moving to Florida. I am a born and raised TEXAN. Jerry and I will be having our 34th Anniversity on Feb. 16, 2014. That will make this trip really special. Jerry is a Navy guy, and being a sea for this anniversity, really means alot to him. So this is a Special Cruise.

Looking forward to chating with all of you and becoming friends.



Hi Barb...it is me and Sue (momofzeke) who live on the "west coast" of California...and we were playing with you...knew exactly where you were talking about. ;)


There are a lot more California West Coast cruises now than there use to be...Princess has a few itineraries that are very good and one is RT San Francisco and the other is RT Los Angeles and they hit major CA coastal towns...might be a good Cupids V cruise??? ;) And they sometimes have some really good sales.


Anyway...we are glad you are with us and posting on CC. :)

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Morning Cupids...


Heidi...glad you had a good time...the little town looks great and I LOVE the hotel...well B&B. We have a couple of places like that here in California...especially in what we refer to as the gold country...Sutter Creek and Senora are my favorites.


Sue...good news about getting all your seats and the Ducks games together...sure makes it more fun. I haven't watched any of the chef shows in quite a while...but sure do like Hell's Kitchen and Chef Ramsey.


Mimi...I was thinking about putting Tapatalk on my iPhone but wondered if it would be much different than just getting the notices on my email which pop up on my phone and posting from there. Is it different?


Cat...I too hope you are feeling better...and like Heidi a tooth ache is about on the level of childbirth. :rolleyes:


Dave...are you walking today? I think about you when ever I hear anything about unions on the news...bet you are tired of it by now.


Our weather has been chilly and windy...on Monday the wind got up to 49 MPH in Yosemite...so glad that wasn't on Sunday. :eek: Still a little cool right now...supposed to get up to 75 today.


We have a graduation to go to tonight then a reception...a good friend of Lisa's family is graduating and he sent us an invitation...it is a private HS so they have plenty of room for friends...his oldest brother is kind of "sweet" on DGD Kara I think.

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Good afternoon Cupids,


It's down right now. We need the rain but I was mowing when it started. :-(


Char, not walking today but will Friday and Saturday. There are no talks by the company scheduled. We are waiting on them . Lockheed wants to get rid of the insurance we have had for 20 years and use their company sponsored plan. They also want to do away with the pension for new hires. There are several other items but these are the major concerns. they say they.


Welcome to all the new Cupids.



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Char, not walking today but will Friday and Saturday. There are no talks by the company scheduled. We are waiting on them . Lockheed wants to get rid of the insurance we have had for 20 years and use their company sponsored plan. They also want to do away with the pension for new hires. There are several other items but these are the major concerns. Dave


Dave...that is not a good thing messing with health coverage and retirement...but you are already locke in aren't you? How long have you been on strike now?

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I guess you could say you "got all your Ducks in a row."




LOL! Yes, we sure did! That's hilarious. :D


Brian & Staci are putting an offer in on a home they looked at yesterday. I am HOPING they get it, cause it is just around the corner from Greg & Mal's house! :cool: It is a really beautiful home (from the pictures)...has been on the market a while, but just dropped the price. Fingers crossed!


A dock that came from Japan washed up on the Oregon coast yesterday. It came from the debris of the tsunami last March in Japan. There is writing on it in Japanese, and it has been confirmed that it came from the tsunami. Things are starting to show up here on the Oregon beaches much sooner than they anticipated.

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Good morning from sunny Rokford,Il. The temperature in Chicago today is forecasted to be the same as Sarasota,Fl. What's wrong with this picture???? Jann and Ken Hannan, Kay's sister and brother-in-law just deposited on this cruise so we'll need a table at least for six for them, us and ILga. Folks are alright although now between a rock and a hard place. Don't need assisted living but need help with errands etc. getting frail and going out is a real trial. Dad is on two crutches plus oxygen and Mom is 96. Played cards last night but only one game...too much for Mom to think about.

A side note to Cathy...we have had three PET tarantulas!! Foster son wanted his own pet, not our dog, and kept bringing home all sorts of critters and finally we offered him a tarantula (which Kay used to teach a science lesson) and his response was "waaaay cool". He accidentally kiled the first one by feeding him crickets he found on the river bank (we had to buy live crickets "farm-raised" at the pet store for Spike (yep, that was his name). the next two died molting out of their exoskeleton which is how they grow. Now before you think us totally crazy.....there are over 700 species of tarantulas in the world and only ONE is toxic to humans. That one lives in the Amazon River area and no one wants to go anywhere near them. Spike, on the other hand use to love coming out of his cage and crawling all over us and our foster son. We would play with him in the family room but had to be sure he didn't go under any of the motion furniture or he might get sqisched!

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Good morning Cupids,

Sue, I read about the dock washing ashore. I've also read about several other items washing ashore.

Char, we started week seven this week. No news on negotiations. Currently, they have not changed their stance and plan on shoving their health plan down our collective throats. LOL

Ed, will try to send some rain to you.

Hope everyone has a great day.


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Good Morning! As Rick said, it's beautiful here in Northern Illinois. it's supposed to be 75 and sunny. I love it. It's supposed to go into the 80's and even 90 one day this weekend.




A dock that came from Japan washed up on the Oregon coast yesterday. It came from the debris of the tsunami last March in Japan. There is writing on it in Japanese, and it has been confirmed that it came from the tsunami. Things are starting to show up here on the Oregon beaches much sooner than they anticipated.


Sue -that was in my newspaper this morning. That thing is HUGE!


Good morning from sunny Rokford,Il. The temperature in Chicago today is forecasted to be the same as Sarasota,Fl. What's wrong with this picture???? Jann and Ken Hannan, Kay's sister and brother-in-law just deposited on this cruise so we'll need a table at least for six for them, us and ILga. Folks are alright although now between a rock and a hard place. Don't need assisted living but need help with errands etc. getting frail and going out is a real trial. Dad is on two crutches plus oxygen and Mom is 96. Played cards last night but only one game...too much for Mom to think about.

A side note to Cathy...we have had three PET tarantulas!! Foster son wanted his own pet, not our dog, and kept bringing home all sorts of critters and finally we offered him a tarantula (which Kay used to teach a science lesson) and his response was "waaaay cool". He accidentally kiled the first one by feeding him crickets he found on the river bank (we had to buy live crickets "farm-raised" at the pet store for Spike (yep, that was his name). the next two died molting out of their exoskeleton which is how they grow. Now before you think us totally crazy.....there are over 700 species of tarantulas in the world and only ONE is toxic to humans. That one lives in the Amazon River area and no one wants to go anywhere near them. Spike, on the other hand use to love coming out of his cage and crawling all over us and our foster son. We would play with him in the family room but had to be sure he didn't go under any of the motion furniture or he might get sqisched!


Rick - are your friends booked with the group? I don't really think having a tarantula is all that weird. My son had a pet snake once. It was a ball python and we fed it live mice. I even handled it all the time. One day he had it out of the tank and it was on the floor in our family room. Eric must have gotten distracted and took his eyes off it for a minute because it disappeared and we never saw it again. It wasn't a small snake either. Maybe 3-4 feet long and about an inch in diameter. I really wasn't too freaked out because I wasn't afraid of it but since they are nocturnal I was kind of afraid I'd get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and might step on it or something. LOL. After that he got a bearded dragon lizard and we fed the live crickets to that. After Eric went away to college I got stuck caring for it. It died last year though so now we only have the dog and 2 really old cats.


Speaking of our dog, we saw her twin in Galena. Snickers is half lab and half rottweiler (or so we were told). Being that she's a mutt, we've never seen another dog who looked like her but we saw one in Galena that looked exactly like her. This dog even had a red collar like Snickers. I took a picture of it and sent it to Dave and the kids and they couldn't believe it either. She has the markings of the rottweiler but is built like a lab. She kind of looks like a rottweiler with a tail but is much more slender and her muzzle is not short and broad like the rott.


Have a great day. :)

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Hi, Breeze buddies!

Good luck, Dave with all of that and hopefully you can retire before they change to much on you.

Barb and Heidi, I will look at my paper for yesterday when I go to work on Sat. I know I saw it in there and I can't find anything online. Hopefully everything is fine.:eek:

Rain and more rain in Florida. We have received close to 2 inches today and before it is all said and done tomorrow up to 4 inches. We need rain but this is rediculous.

Well I shall look around a bit and chat later.

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Good morning, Breeze buddies and welcome to not so sunny Florida!

Kenny is off to take the dogs to get groomed and then we are both off to the gym. Grocery store as we have ziltch to eat, my physical therapy and then hopefully nothing.

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Yesterday Spencer finally met his grandmother. Love at first sight!!! Today, however, is going to be not a very good day for us. We are going to have a family "intervention" with my parents. Somehow we have to convince my 96 year old mother to give up her car keys and her car plus we have to convince her to start letting the bank do electronic transfers on their bills. I am also prepared to explain, however briefly, that us moving back to Illinois is not an option on the table. Oh how I don't want to do this!!!

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Yesterday Spencer finally met his grandmother. Love at first sight!!! Today, however, is going to be not a very good day for us. We are going to have a family "intervention" with my parents. Somehow we have to convince my 96 year old mother to give up her car keys and her car plus we have to convince her to start letting the bank do electronic transfers on their bills. I am also prepared to explain, however briefly, that us moving back to Illinois is not an option on the table. Oh how I don't want to do this!!!


It's hard for them to give up their freedom.... I remember when my uncle took over my grandmother's finances.... she was 86 and had always done things on her own.... she never drove so we didn't have that issue.... but watching them age is not an easy thing.... I hope all goes well for you...

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Yay, I slept in until 7:30 this morning! We are headed to my nephew's graduation today..a 2 hour drive for us. The graduation is tomorrow, but we are going today so I can pick up my new glasses and get fitted for them. We'll spend the night tonight, and the graduation is in the morning.


My kiddos will all be there tomorrow too, so it will be nice to see them for the day. :D


Rick ~ good luck, I don't envy you. Such a tough situation.


Have a great weekend, guys!

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I knew this phone with internet was a bad thing.....lol... sitting her drinking coffee from my keurig.....yum butter toffee... laptop on cruise critic and playing words with friends on my phone..... does anyone see a problem developing.....lol

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Yesterday Spencer finally met his grandmother. Love at first sight!!! Today, however, is going to be not a very good day for us. We are going to have a family "intervention" with my parents. Somehow we have to convince my 96 year old mother to give up her car keys and her car plus we have to convince her to start letting the bank do electronic transfers on their bills. I am also prepared to explain, however briefly, that us moving back to Illinois is not an option on the table. Oh how I don't want to do this!!!


It is not an easy task convincing the parents that they just can't do certain things anymore. My mother and MIL are both in nursing homes, with my mom being on a fast downward slide and my MIL being blind and thinking she is back home in Johnstown 40 yrs ago. God bless them both. MY FIL still lives at home and we tried for almost a year to convince him that he shouldn't drive. Finally, he stopped on his own because when he went just up the street to the store he could not remember how to get home. He never paid the bills, so that part was easy, he didn't mind anyone doing that for him.


sitting her drinking coffee from my keurig.....yum butter toffee...


Love my Keurig, best investment we made. I have auto delivery with Green Mountain, so we are never without.


Heidi - thanks for the info on quiant little towns. I just love those kind of places over visiting big cities. Definetely will have at some point check them out.


I know quite a few of you guys live in FL. We have timeshares in Englewood Beach and someday hope to become snowbirds. I have always wanted to live in the Keys, and told my DH I didn't mind living in a trailer near the water and wait tables to supplement our income. My DL dives so I told him he can clean bottoms of boats. I would just love to live life at a much slower pace. I can dream, so maybe some day.


It is going to be a very nice weekend here - in the 80s. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.



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