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Scenic tours transfer from Prague to Budapest


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Hi I'm hoping that someone who has done the gems of the Danube and Prague with Scenic can tell me why my docs, which i just received, show nine hours for the transfer from Prague to Nuremberg? From my research it should take about three hours, four to five if you allow for a stop for lunch.

Anyone got the answer,


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The transfer most likely includes a tour of Nuremberg. When I did the AMA cruise last year we left Prague about 9, stopped for a break after about 2 hours and then once we reached Nuremberg, there was an included bus and walking tour. By the time we got to board the ship around 3, I was exhausted and overloaded with historical info. If you stop at the McDonalds enroute to Prague, use the restrooms in the gas station, much less busy.

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Thanks Judy, I figure it must be something like that. It is even longer than yours. We leave the hotel at 8.30 and don't get to the boat until 5.30 plus we are in Nuremberg the next day also and we have a choice of tours then. Ah well I guess it will be a surprise. Thanks for the tip on the washrooms.:)

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You might be lucky and get a tour of Karlovy Vary enroute to Nuremberg. That might be your lunchtime stop, if so that would be great. I had wished AMA stopped there. Hope you have a wonderful trip. We have 5 weeks left before we leave for Amsterdam to start our cruise. How long before did you receive your documents?

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Oh wouldn't that be nice. It doesn't say they provide lunch so I assume we stop somewhere and sort it out ourselves.


We only picked the docs up on Wednesday which was two weeks ahead of the trip, however, they came in about a week or so before that. The TA we deal with works part time and she wanted to check them out thoroughly, hence the delay.

We got backpacks with laundry bags inside, plus a book. This was in a fairly large, zippered document carrier. The book is pretty good but heavy so I think we will read before we go but may not take it. I may pack my backpack in case I need to check my normal hand luggage on the way home.


We leave on the 23rd and will be gone until Mid September as we are adding time in Budapest and then ten days in Ireland.


Time to think about clothes, any tips?


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When we did Budapest to Prague with AMA, the transfer from Nuremburg to Prague was almost 7 hours - as we stopped in Karlovy Vary for a tour and lunch on our own. A lovely little town - too bad it rained the entire time we were there...


We also got backpacks when we travelled with Scenic - and love them. Well-padded straps for the shoulders, compact yet roomy --> we take them on all of our travels now. They also fit nicely in the overhead bins... (unlike some of the "carry on" that some travellers insist on dragging into the planes....)



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Thanks Fran I really hope it turns out to be that.

Yes the backpacks are good and I can see them being useful. I may be one of those people as I just bought myself a nice spinner wheeled carryon, it is very small though and once it is put up in the overhead I will not need it until we are getting off. I bought it hoping that I will be able to put enough in it to do Prague and not have to open my main case. I have a little leather backpack, very small, really a purse, that I use on the plane. My husband says we have more luggage than a luggage store.lol.

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Plan to wear an outfit at least 3 times. Lightweight tops wash well. I always take too much and regret it every trip. Colour co-ordinate....black, brown or navy capris or slacks and interchangeable tops/jackets. Last year I took 1 pair of jeans, 3 other casual slacks and 2 pairs of evening slacks. We went mid to late September so did not take capris but probably could use at this time of year. Nobody will notice if you rewear an outfit.

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Thanks again, we will be away for 25 days so I will have to rewear. Plan on taking dresses for evening. I know you are going to say I am crazy but I'm not talking very dressed up. That's what I take when I go south, only one piece mostly pull on, so no need to figure out what goes with what. They are very lightweight, take up little space and do not wrinkle. As we have different destinations I will wear stuff again at each. My main problem looking at current temps is that, as you say capris would be good, it is hot now, however we end with 10 days in Ireland and it will be cool and most likely wet there so will need long. That means a lot of pants, any suggestions to solve that? I'm thinking a way to cut down on stuff would be to limit colors and shoes as a result, does that work.


Hate to harp on it but you didn't respond to my question about liking Scenic, should I take that as a bad sign?

thanks again,


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Hi Maureen

I haven't been on my Scenic cruise yet. It is Fran you are waiting to respond to your question. I hope you enjoy your time in Ireland as well. One of my most favourite places on earth and I have not been for several years, certainly expected to be there next year but looks like that's not going to happen. I still have lots of family in the north of Ireland.


You won't be back before I leave on my trip so have a fantastic time and I hope Scenic lives up to your expectations. Enjoy

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So sorry Judy, still trying to get the hang of the boards, silly mistake.


If I get a good enough signal while I'm on trip I will post something to let you know how it is going. I am bringing my IPad.


Ireland is a family visit trip, hubby will golf. I will be in Newcastle, hubby on the west coast. We came to Canada from N.Ireland 35years ago.


Thanks for the good wishes, same to you.


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Maureen -


We really enjoyed our trip with Scenic - and would happily travel with them again. Scenic has taken a lot of hits on this board - so booked the trip with the attitude that it may be an "adventure"... but the price was too good to pass up. We went on the inaugural Tulip Time cruise, so were unsure if they would have everything "set up" for us. But - they exceeded expectations.


The only thing that could have been better (and, this is totally subjective...) is the desserts. But - they always had a great cheese platter out, so ate more than my fair share.


We did eat once in Portobello's, and enjoyed it. We found the food very good... We booked a table for 2 - so had a private and quiet dinner. Otherwise, we ate with another 3 couple that we met - and had a blast. Loved our waiter, so we ran to his section each night.


There were a number of complaints about the boats rattling in previous postings, but the only time we experienced that was when they had to do a 180 degree turn quite quickly (I think the Captain missed a turn... :D ). It was during the afternoon, however, so no impact on sleeping.


Hard to really compare Scenic to AMA. More similarities than differences. The CD wasn't as dynamic on AMA - but, not something you can control. And, our thoughts on "dynamic" might be different than yours...


And, I must say, it was nice not to have to worry about gratuities as the end of the trip...




P.S. What part of Ontario do you call home?

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Fran thanks for the reply. It is really nice to hear you enjoyed Scenic. The desert thing seems to be a common complaint. It may do me a favor as I won't be too tempted. It will be harder on my hubby as he is the one with the sweet tooth.


I am actually from Milton, west of Toronto. It is quite a coincidence because I see that is also Judy's home town. To add to the coincidence her parents are from the same part of Ireland that my hubby and I left 35 years ago. It is such a small world.


Thanks to both you ladies for all your tips.



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Maureen -


My DH actually liked the desserts, as there was lots of ice cream and various puddings. I am more of a "pastry" girl, so the choices were a bit of a let down. This all ties in with the chef, and his/her crew - so it may be different for you. Always lots of wine, so an extra glass with some cheese is always a good way to finish up a meal.


I know Milton fairly well - as I went to high school in Acton - and curled in Milton in my "younger" years... We live in Whitby - so the other side of TO from you.



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Just noticed that I really need to proof read in a better manner, second time today I have noticed, after the fact, that autocorrect has put in the wrong version of words. I shall put it down to age, lol.


I am a bit concerned about the food as we are on the same boat as Linda who had a bad experience. Maybe the "good" chef had some time off, we live in hope. In any case I don't think it will make or break my vacation.


We have lived in Milton for 35 years and I must admit I sometimes miss the "small" town, and yes Whitby is about as far on the other side as you could get.


Thank you again for all your posts, always interesting and equally balanced,


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The desserts we had were mostly some pieces of fruit in a cup then either mousse or a tiny scoop of Ice cream on top

A couple of time we actually had a good dessert offering;)

Breakfast they had mini pastries I think i should have snatched a few for later in the day ;)

The cookies at the coffee bar were the same old everyday

Like the waiter said one day "fresh baked from the box "


This is one of the good desserts ..Triple chocolate


This was on one of the first few days & we thought this was a sign of things to come ...NOT SO!!



Late riser breakfast & High Tea served one day when most were ashore on tours



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I am a bit concerned about the food as we are on the same boat as Linda who had a bad experience. Maybe the "good" chef had some time off, we live in hope.




I hope the GOOD CHEF is back from his time off for your cruise

If you Tivodar Toth look for desserts ashore ;)


Be sure to try the Chimney Cakes in Budapest YUMMMM


enjoy the cruise

Looking forward to seeing your review



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Be sure to try the Chimney Cakes in Budapest YUMMMM


My vote is for the strudel at the central market... baked fresh and to die for!!


DH had apple, I had cheese and apricot.


This is on my "to do... again" list when we are in Budapest next year.



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My vote is for the strudel at the central market... baked fresh and to die for!!


DH had apple, I had cheese and apricot.


This is on my "to do... again" list when we are in Budapest next year.



I would love to "to do ..again" many of the places we went to but NOT on a river cruise :D

There are soo many special treats to try but so little time to do it this trip

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  • 3 years later...
Hi I'm hoping that someone who has done the gems of the Danube and Prague with Scenic can tell me why my docs, which i just received, show nine hours for the transfer from Prague to Nuremberg? From my research it should take about three hours, four to five if you allow for a stop for lunch.

Anyone got the answer,




We are doing Gems of the Danube with Scenic and 3 Days in Prague in May. Can u tell me if we need money in Prague for meals or anything other than "special tourist purchases"? We are stumped with the amount of Euros to bring and Forints for Budapest. Any suggestions would be so very much appreciated.


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I did the "Gems of the Danube" at the end of August 2015 from Budapest to Nuremberg. Wonderful trip with great food, tours and extras like the concert in Vienna. I have a few of the menus and here are some to the desserts.

Please be aware that some of the translations of the names of some food are literal and don't sound that appetizing. For example, at one buffet lunch I opened the container labeled "dough buttons" to find spaetlze, a traditional German noodle dish which I immediately recognized. It would have been much better if the German name had been used with a brief description.

So here are the desserts from the menus I have:

1. Semolina pudding in a nut coat/strawberry ragout

Ice coupe "Leopold"/chocolate ice cream/Baileys Sauce


Fresh Fruit Platter

2. Crema Catalana/Orange and Ginger Salad

Walnut Ice Cream/Warmed Apple Slices

Almond Cake

Fresh Fruit Platter

3. On the Vienna Buffet Dinner menu:

"Kaiserschmarrn" Sweet Austrain Pancake/Stewed Prunes

Apricot Dumplings/Blueberries

"Donauwelle" Viennese Ice Coffee

Fresh Fruit Platter

Not certain what to order; ask for multiples.

Also, there is a dessert/sweets display case next to the bar. You can walk up and get extra treats like cheesecake, macaroons, ice cream.

At dinner, if you don't like the standard wine being offered with the meal, you can ask for something else. I saw someone taste three different wines before she found one she liked.

My only complaint is that service was a little slow a few times since there are three seating areas being served at once: the main dining room, Portobello's and Table le Rive. If you don't like the night allotted to you for Portofello's you can change it.

Someone, during the course of the cruise, decided to sample all of the scotch whiskies that were on offer.

Finally, you can ask your butler to stock your mini fridge with what you like. It was very hot last August to we asked for some beverages to be removed and replaced with our favorites. Nice to find my fav ice cold when we came back to the ship after a hot day ashore.

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Floatsinrocks, you will need Czech koruna in Prague, not euros.

Are you staying at the Marriott in Budapest? There is an ATM/Cash Point in the lobby there. Look at the directions carefully. You can choose the denominations of bank notes that you want. IMO, its good to have some small bills for small purchases.

If a shop in either Budapest or Prague accepts euros, you will be certain to get a poor exchange rate.

If you want some extra time up on castle hill, the concierage on the ship will call a taxi for you. It was 7 forint and we were dropped off by St. Matthias church. We were able to walk back down the hill to the ship via the steps from the Fisherman's Bastion. Just keep going downhill. The neighborhood seemed very safe.

We did not use Scenic's extension in Prague but I know that the Marriott was the hotel used there. IMO, if that is where you are staying go to the Marriott website and see if there is an ATM in the hotel where you can get koruna.

Ten of us from the cruise met for a "reunion" dinner one night at the Pilzen restaurant in the basement of the Municipal House. Very nice meal in a beautiful setting. Even if you don't eat there, drop by for the wonderful Art Nouveau architecture. It's only a few blocks from the Marriott.

The people who did the Scenic extension told us that the guide had a short intro tour around the area of the hotel so that people would know what was near to the hotel. The next morning, there was tour of Prague and were pleased with that.

We went on a 8 am tour with the Naked Tour Guide. If you can, get up early and get over to the Charles Bridge when hardy anyone is there except the cleaners and the guy cutting off the "love" locks. The guide was very good and we used a lot of his advice to get around Prague on our own. We also went about 40 miles outside Prague to Konopiste, Archduke Franz Ferdinand's hunting lodge.

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