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Skinny In Italy!


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Fantastic work,

I ditched weigh-in and am heading for the gym in a few minutes.

The week´s been pretty stressful and I must admit to having retreated to sweets to get me through the day.

We have had snow again lasdt night so we are far from spring being here.


Running 5k sounds amazing, great work.

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I am wondering if it is worth pushing for those last 4.5 lbs.


I don't think you should push too hard. Just focus on eating healthy, lifestyle changes, you know. The couch to 5k program is great, I started with that.


My 7 miles went okay, still quite slow, but way better than last time. It was an hour and 33 minutes, and i walked the first half mile, then a little bit after each mile.


I have the exercise down, I just need to work on the eating healthier thing. I think a few of us could trade issues for awhile.


Hope you all have a fantastic rest of your weekend!


Happy St. Paddy's Day!!

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I don't think you should push too hard. Just focus on eating healthy, lifestyle changes, you know.



Yes - the next two weeks I am focusing on maintaining as we have family visiting this week, then Australia next week (woot!) - so as long as I don't gain, then Victory!!


I am doing the couch to 5K with my son to get him running, but do a lot of other runs with friends or my husband. I think the thing that helped me most was doing hill intervals to really push heart rate. I can go so much further on regular runs now (and my dirty little secret is that I HATE running, but my body likes it - bleh). I do like Zumba and boxfit - so I sneak a few of those in so I keep motivated. I especially like doing hiphop - which is verrrry amusing to watch (middle age mom dancing to Take Your Shirt Off!) Lol


Enjoy Spring!

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(and my dirty little secret is that I HATE running, but my body likes it - bleh).


Haha, I hate it too. Well I used to, now I don't mind it much. The fact that I committed to a marathon with a friend in a hard place next january is really keeping me motivated. I have a schedule, and if I don't stick to it I won't be able to complete the race without some undo physical pain, lol.

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I did not weigh in last Friday...:( Just didn't want to know the result!


I bought an elliptical over the weekend...No excuses not to be burning some calories!


It was 81 degrees this past Friday and I rode my bike! It is suppose to be only 38 degrees this Friday! Booooo...everyone here is sick from the up and down weather.


Hope everyone has a good week!! Drink that water!!! :)

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I just read through alllllllll the posts. I think you are all doing great. I've had my shoulder surgery. Still having to take pain medication. Right after surgery when I was having to take alot of pain killers I was eating horribly (everything I could get my hand on). My weight is not up that much. Last Friday I weighed 195lb. Think I was 193 or 194 right before the surgery and had gotten down to 189 before injury back in November.


As I've looked through the posts I'd like to emphasize that the way your clothes fit really, really does mean soooooo much more than weight loss. I may have only gained a few pound over the past month, but I can't believe how out of shape I am and how much tighter my clothes are. I've pretty much spent the last month on the couch.


I have a doctor appointment this Wed. and will find out if I can get more active. I'm not allowed to use the muscles in my arm at all and probably won't for another month. It's only the last week that walking doesn't hurt too bad. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish my cruise was a month or two later:(.

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I have a doctor appointment this Wed. and will find out if I can get more active. I'm not allowed to use the muscles in my arm at all and probably won't for another month. It's only the last week that walking doesn't hurt too bad. I can't believe I'm saying this' date=' but I wish my cruise was a month or two later:(.[/quote']


Getting your shoulder back and running should be your number one priority. Speaking as someone who is so bad with injuries. I always push it and end up making things worse. Don't stress about weight loss, just focus on eating healthy and walking once you can.


We are hitting the Mediterranean, not the Caribbean. Its all about the food, wine, and historic sites :) Just stay healthy and get prepared to walk a ton!!

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I just read through alllllllll the posts. I think you are all doing great. I've had my shoulder surgery. Still having to take pain medication. Right after surgery when I was having to take alot of pain killers I was eating horribly (everything I could get my hand on). My weight is not up that much. Last Friday I weighed 195lb. Think I was 193 or 194 right before the surgery and had gotten down to 189 before injury back in November.


As I've looked through the posts I'd like to emphasize that the way your clothes fit really' date=' really does mean soooooo much more than weight loss. I may have only gained a few pound over the past month, but I can't believe how out of shape I am and how much tighter my clothes are. I've pretty much spent the last month on the couch.


I have a doctor appointment this Wed. and will find out if I can get more active. I'm not allowed to use the muscles in my arm at all and probably won't for another month. It's only the last week that walking doesn't hurt too bad. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish my cruise was a month or two later:(.[/quote']


Healing is the most important thing for you so please don't overdo it. Just really watch your carbs (or whatever your food weakness is) and drink tons of water! Even if you can just walk at a slow pace. Any movement will burn calories.

I am trying to go by the "how my clothes fit" instead of relying on the scale...easier said than done, but I have 2 pair of jeans that I love that I can't get into...:( Well...they are painted on and I couldn't be seen in public!!


Today is day 3 on my elliptical... 60 days til I cruise.

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Hi all!!!!


I surely needed to be in on this thread when it started at the beginning of the year! I'm on the upcoming cruise in May with Cupkayke, jason'smom, angiet75, and agottula. Somehow I missed the announcement of this thread. I stumbled on it while searching through Cupkayke's posts for the info on our Rome tour. :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, I've read through all 20 pages and congratulations to everyone on every pound lost! While it's too late for me to be skinny in Italy, it's never too late to get in shape, lose weight, and get healthy, so I'll join in. Every little bit helps! This cruise requires so much more walking and daily activity(only two sea days!) than previous cruises so I need to make sure I'm up for that!

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Hi all!!!!


I surely needed to be in on this thread when it started at the beginning of the year! I'm on the upcoming cruise in May with Cupkayke, jason'smom, angiet75, and agottula. Somehow I missed the announcement of this thread. I stumbled on it while searching through Cupkayke's posts for the info on our Rome tour. :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, I've read through all 20 pages and congratulations to everyone on every pound lost! While it's too late for me to be skinny in Italy, it's never too late to get in shape, lose weight, and get healthy, so I'll join in. Every little bit helps! This cruise requires so much more walking and daily activity(only two sea days!) than previous cruises so I need to make sure I'm up for that!


HA HA HA Welcome!! It's wayyyyy too late for me to even consider actually being SKINNY in Italy!!!! I won't even be "normal" size by Italy!! :o At this point, I'd just like to be able to keep-up with all the walking and touring we have planned in Italy!! :D

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HA HA HA Welcome!! It's wayyyyy too late for me to even consider actually being SKINNY in Italy!!!! I won't even be "normal" size by Italy!! :o At this point, I'd just like to be able to keep-up with all the walking and touring we have planned in Italy!! :D


We're in the same boat in more ways than 1! However, we don't have to stop after the cruise! We can be skinny on the next cruise! ;)

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We're in the same boat in more ways than 1! However, we don't have to stop after the cruise! We can be skinny on the next cruise! ;)




I'm hoping all of you will still be working towards your goals after the cruise - and continuing to check in here. But you still have time to lose lots of pounds before the May cruise - so keep working!


I am going out of town for the next several days and won't be around for Friday morning weigh in. I weighed in today and was down 1 pound from the last weigh in. Only 3 more pounds to goal weight. I'm worried about all the food I will face while I'm away - however that's LIFE! Gotta deal with it.


Have a good weigh in everyone.



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Welcome TravelingDiva and Welcome Back Jason'smom. I cannot believe you all head out in less than two months to Italy! I agree with Ashley - it is a place that is all about food, wine, history - and savoring all the yummy things about life.


Charlene - way to go! - enjoy your few days away.


- Alyssa

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Happy Hump Day all!


I celebrated a NSV last night... my job is Project Manager -- that includes planning client parties. We had one last night to mark the start of March Madness and of course, all of the food was "bar food."

Yes, I was the one who chose the menu for the event, but I had to keep in mind it was about the clients, not me. So there was the usual beef sliders, buffalo wings, queso and chips, and bacon wrapped chicken bites.

I'm proud to say I drank my little protein shake before heading to the venue and avoided all of the bad food!


I'm still struggling with getting my gym visits in as often as I would like, but I'm at least making some babysteps. Just inside 60 days until the cruise, so it's all "downscale" from here!


By the way - I've changed my weigh-in days to Fridays, so I can join all of ya'll in celebrating our losses!



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Happy Hump Day all!


I celebrated a NSV last night... my job is Project Manager -- that includes planning client parties. We had one last night to mark the start of March Madness and of course, all of the food was "bar food."

Yes, I was the one who chose the menu for the event, but I had to keep in mind it was about the clients, not me. So there was the usual beef sliders, buffalo wings, queso and chips, and bacon wrapped chicken bites.

I'm proud to say I drank my little protein shake before heading to the venue and avoided all of the bad food!


I'm still struggling with getting my gym visits in as often as I would like, but I'm at least making some babysteps. Just inside 60 days until the cruise, so it's all "downscale" from here!


By the way - I've changed my weigh-in days to Fridays, so I can join all of ya'll in celebrating our losses!





Great Job!! I would have such a hard time not indulging in that. Good for you in watching your diet when you haven't been hitting the gym as much as you'd like.


Keep at it!!

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It's freeeeeeeeezing here ~ and we are slotted to get 6 to 8 inches of snow tomorrow!! :o Mother Nature is not cooperating with my spring plans of being outside & getting more exercise... nevermind getting a hint of ivory on my bright white cankles!! ;)

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Good Morning Lovely Ladies!!


Hope everyone had a good weigh-in. I'm down another .4 slow but finally broke away from 160 so that's something.


Hope everyone gets decent weather and if not go find a gym :) 24 hour does free one week trials, then after maybe spring will be here, haha.


Have a wonderful weekend!!

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Hi ladies,


I´m back to my pre-cruise weigh, so it seems as though I´m finally making progress.

I just hope that winter is coming to an end, I can´t stand any more cold and snow and am looking forward to some sunshine.

Hope everyone´s doing good.

Have a nice weekend.

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Good luck to everyone else. I'm not stopping or anything... but March has been a terrible month for me. I didn't even weigh today. :eek: I can barely believe that! I have lots and lots of excuses - but they are all just excuses. I was sick... now I am stressed-out about the CCL possible cruise changes... plus I'm stressed-out about my work/job situation (for reasons I can't write on here)... etc. I'm not necessarily overeating or eating comfort foods... I'm just not taking the time to eat healthy, to plan meals, to grab an apple instead of a cookie, etc. I am not walking. I blame the 6/8 inches of snow we have and the cold weather that came back with a venegence but really, it's my own fault. I am being terrible. I know I will get back on track... I'm in a coma right now but I'll wake-up in time to surely drop 10 more before we leave. I'm just checking-in and being honest. Sometimes, it helps to admit where you are... I am aware of my lack of exercise, increase in stress, and poor choices... but I am not totally, completely blowing it, FYI. :o

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Hi everyone!!! I did my first weigh this morning, so hopefully I'll have some loss to report next Friday. I'm going to start doing Zumba and some Wii and WiiFit games. I really need to get my money's worth,lol. I got my parents to start walking. They fell off for a week or two, but have started again this week.

I'm really proud of them.


CupKayke, honesty is the first step. It's so much easier to fall off than to keep going. It takes a lot of motivation, I know. You'll feel a lot better about everything once you start and get going. Easier said than done, I know. This weather is surely not helping. Do you have any workout DVDs? There are some programs online, on cable, and OnDemand that may help.


Here's to a great weekend and week ahead! *raises water bottle* :D

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Well I lost a pound, but it had to be muscle & I know I'm getting fatter. The nice pants that I'd planned to wear on the cruise don't fit. My belly just keeps expanding and expanding. I was told by the doctor on Wed that I could start using the muscles in my left arm a little bit :D. But ya know what that did :confused:? Causes the shoulder/arm to hurt so much that I have increased the amount of meds that I'm taking which in turn increases the amount of food I'm eating and amount of time lazing on the couch.


OK ......................................................... I'm done wining. Sorry. Thanks for listening

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Kay - vent away!! Life gets stressful and we all have setbacks, just do what you can. You can find free workout videos on youtube, i know there is at least on jillian michaels one on there. A little goes a long way even if you don't do a whole one. Just turn the moves into lower impact ones, ie, don't do jumping jacks, just raise your arms and lift one leg to the side at a time. Good luck getting back on track!!


Oh and I am going on that cruise even if I have to swim from port to port damnit!!


Stacey - that sucks, stupid shoulder. Maybe try and set an alarm to get off the couch every half hour and walk around a little, who knows could work. I need to do that since I sit at home on the computer all day and reading law books, ugh. I work out for about an hour, but that really is the extent of my movement. I think I'm going to start only using the upstairs bathroom, that way I at least need to walk a set of stairs throughout the day.


Coming on here and venting is at least the first step to keeping it on your mind :)


Have a good weekend ladies, try to do some yoga or something and let out some of that stress ;)

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Looks like I am not the only one with stress and excuses...LOL :D


I have 54 days til I cruise and MUST lose a minimum of 10 pounds! I brought proper food items to work with me so I won't be tempted to eat out or grab something bad.


Things I brought with me...Banana, 2 hard boiled eggs, lean deli turkey, laughing cow cheese wedge, Special K pop chips (15 chips is 55 calories), and I have a Lean Cuisine Entree in the freezer here at the office.


I need to run out and buy more fruit on my lunch...


I have a "how to burn 100 calories" list right in front of me and I will do that 2 times during my work day today!!


If anyone is interested in that it is: Do 40 jumping jacks, 30 crunches, 20 squats & 10 pushups! You just burned 100 calories!! My goal is to do that twice a day Mon - Friday...just getting up from my desk and doing it!


I am still trying to work myself up on the Elliptical machine...15 minutes and I am dying...hoping to do 20 minutes each night...


Here we go!!!!

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