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GET your flu jab before you cruise

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Every year it is recommended that people get a flu shot to avoid spending time feeling horrendously bad over the winter. Elderly people are especially warned that without a flu shot, their health could be in serious jeopardy. In recent years, this warning has been extended to children, and more recently even teenagers. Yet there is mounting evidence that flu shots do not guarantee a healthy winter, and in fact they cause far more harm than good.


Here are 6 reasons to avoid getting a flu shot.


1.There is absolutely no evidence that flu shots actually work. The flu shot is only able to protect against certain strains of the flu, so if you come into contact with a strain that you are not protected from, then you will still get the flu. This is in fact not uncommon. In 2004, The National Vaccine Information Center reported that the vaccine given that year did not contain the flu strain that caused the majority of flu outbreaks that year. A study published in the Lancet in August revealed that there was no correlation between the flu shot and reduced risk of pneumonia. Further, a large study of 260,000 children between 23 month and 6 discovered that the flu vaccine is no more effective that a placebo. This was reported in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.


2.The flu vaccines, as well as all other vaccines contain mercury, which is a seriously health compromising heavy metal. Vaccines contain Thimerosal, which is made up of mercury. The amount of mercury contained in a multi-dose flu shot is 250 times higher in mercury than what is legally classified as hazardous waste. Side affects of mercury toxicity are vast and include depression, memory loss, attention deficit disorder, anger, oral cavity disorders, digestive disorder, anxiety, cardiovascular problems, respiratory issues, thyroid and other glandular imbalances, and low immune system to name a few.


3.The flu vaccines contain antibiotics such as neomycin, polymyxin B and gentamicin which are added to eliminate stray bacteria found in the mixture. Evidence shows that antibiotics wipe out beneficial bacteria that is needed for optimum health. Antibiotics ironically lower the immune system and cause Candida overgrowth.


4.Vaccines contain Polysorbate 80 as an emulsifier. This highly toxic agent can seriously lower the immune system and cause anaphylactic shock which can kill. According to the MSDS sheet at Science lab.com, section 11, polysorbate 80 may cause reproductive effects, cancer, and may be a mutagenic, (change the genetics), in animals. According to PubMed.Gov, neonatal rats that were injected with small doses of polysorbate 80 had serious damage to their reproductive organs, often resulting in infertility. Imagine that they are recommending this for young girls! It's no wonder that the infertility rate is skyrocketing each and every year.


5.There is growing evidence that flu shots cause Alzheimer's disease due to the aluminum and formaldehyde combined with mercury since they are even more toxic together than they are alone. Some research suggests that people who received the flu vaccine each year for 3 to 5 years had 10 times greater chance of developing Alzheimer's disease than people who did not have any flu shots.


6.With so many potential side effects, it seems clear that the flu shot is potentially dangerous while not making a difference anyway. In addition, it is also completely unnecessary. Everything that we need to enjoy amazing health is right here on planet earth. Nothing man made is ever, ever needed in order to ward off illness and live vibrantly. Here are some powerful ways that you can ensure you don't get the flu this year without injecting yourself with the extremely toxic flu shot:


·Make sure that you get plenty of sunshine over the winter research continually indicates that the winter flu is often a result of vitamin D deficiency from lack of sun. If you live in a place without sunshine, take cod liver oil, find a place that offers sunshowers (natural tanning beds), and if it is sunny go outside as much as you possibly can no matter how cold it is. Raw, unpasteurized milk is another vitamin D abundant food.

·Exercise, exercise, exercise! When you get out and get your body moving, you are much less likely to get sick. Yoga, for example is a fabulous way to get fit, relieve stress and boost the immune system.

·Eat plenty of immune boosting foods such as garlic, vitamin C containing fruits and fresh green juices (broccoli, cabbage, cucumber and celery.) A diet rich in live foods is a sure way to stay healthy all year long.

·Cut out sugar. Sugar suppresses the immune system and causes disease. Today there are so many wonderful healthy alternatives such as agave nectar and xylitol that it is totally unnecessary to ever consume sugar.

·Deal with emotional stress. Anger and stress suppress the immune system. Yoga, meditation, counselling, natural therapies and plant medicines can transform stress and help you live with abundant health in mind and body.

·Get plenty of sleep. A lack of sleep suppresses the immune system, but is a reality for millions of people. Find ways to make life less hectic so that you have more time to catch those zzzzs.



Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/024624_flu_the_shot.html#ixzz2IClD1jdQ

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This topic just reminded me of the so called swine flu that was on Dawn Princess in 2009 allegedly. I did a 2 night cruise from Sydney to Brisbane and upon disembarkation in Brisbane all the port staff were wearing surgical masks to protect themselves from the flu.


The funny thing is these imbeciles had no idea that the surgical masks would not protect them. Surgical masks prevent a surgeon from coughing or spitting in a patient. It is quite easy for someone with the flu to pass anyone with a surgical mask on and cough near them and once these cough vapours come in contact with a persons eyes and even enter the ear canal then the victim can pick up the bug. So the surgical masks do no good at all to protect you.

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I had measles and chickenpox, but not the mumps even though my best friend had it and I clearly remember going to her place to play on the off chance that I would come down with it...though maybe the immunisations are working as you don't often hear of mumps now. Slap cheek and whooping cough seem to have made a comeback by the discussions I have heard between new Mum's lately.


I haven't had chickenpox, measles or mumps. Even though my brothers and sisters had it a various times, I never caught it.

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How healthy is a cruise ship?

How many of you come back home with a cold or flu type symptoms.?


Do you think it is the ship, or that you are out of your " comfort/secure zone and suddenly surrounded by thousands of coughing and sneezing passengers in a confined area?




At my work many days I get people in that are "home sick from work" No they aren't they are trying to pass their illness on to me!!! Or they bring the kid in - why is it not at school, it is home sick. No it isn't!!!


You can get sick anywhere and anytime, and it often seems to happen on holidays, as we are in confined airlines, trains, buses or ships. We also remember more how annoying it is to have paid heaps for a rare holiday only to be ill. At home sometimes it is just one of those things that happens every now and then and you don't think so much of it.


I get so mad at all the ads saying "soldier on" take our stupid tablet and you can go to work and be a hero. There has become a expectation that we get out and about as soon as we can, not even thinking about how it will spread to others. We need more of a push that if people are ill, then need to get better by resting, and also have consideration for others buy not going about and spreading things.


Anyhow, I have heard on TV here in Australia that there is no shot yet for this new strain, but they are working on it. So be careful about getting shots for strains that are gone past already. I too have issues about some of the longer term side effects, but I will stay out of that sidebar here.

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Those who get the shot, won't be convinced to not get it.


Those who do not get the shot, won't be convinced to get it.


That is what is great about choices :)


I believe that most people get sick on holiday because they are exposed to things they are not normally exposed to...changes in diet, sleeping patterns, air conditioning/heating ...or new/different strains or viruses.


Chances are, the 'flu' that is here, will not be the same as the one I could encounter in Australia in a few weeks time.

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I got a flu shot just before last Septembers overseas cruise, I am leaving again next month but I don't think I will bother to get another if they haven't another vaccine developed yet. I swear I pick up bugs on the plane. Will be wiping everything down this time. The other thing is the amount of people on the ship that happily cough and sneeze everywhere. Come on people cover up, use tissues and sneeze into your arm not all over your hands which you then touch everything with.:mad:



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Here are 6 reasons to avoid getting a flu shot.



Hi there.


Had to comment on this as I believe there is a great deal of unscientific misinformation in your post, particularly in regards to Polysorbate 80 and Thimerosal. I won't go into details and create a huge argument about this but if anyone is interested they should just do a Wikipedia search and read the referenced literature and proper scientific studies.




I strongly agree with points 1 and 6. The flu vaccine is pointless for those reasons alone.

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Well said Allis154

Those who get the shot, won't be convinced to not get it.

Those who do not get the shot, won't be convinced to get it.

That is what is great about choices 


Choice is the key here.

This was the only purpose of my post and I'm so disappointed that it had become such a heated debate.

No-one here is making anyone do anything and it is a shame that some people believe their way is the right way.

I'm no expert and do not pretend to be one, but my medical people, who I trust and question at times tell me that " I & hubby should have a flu jab each year because we fall into the "at risk" group.


When we cruised in 2011 we fell to the nasty influenza stain on ship along with 99% of the ship. We were laid low for half of our cruise and it marred the whole experience. This time we will be prepared with a flu shot, antibiotics in hand and medical kit packed and an extra large Hands First hand sanitizer gel.


I only hope that those folks who do get ill take themselves to their cabin and minimal contact with the general population as not to contaminate others. And wish that the cruiselines had better infection control and policy for the flu as they do for Noro.


Have a great weekend all! :D

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Well said Allis154

Those who get the shot, won't be convinced to not get it.

Those who do not get the shot, won't be convinced to get it.

That is what is great about choices 

Choice is the key here.

This was the only purpose of my post and I'm so disappointed that it had become such a heated debate.

I don't believe the conversation has become heated. People are merely pointing out that is two sides of the coin. And it’s refreshing to see people discussing both sides. I don't believe anyone is stating that their way is the right way. More so, it's what works for them.

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.....and I'm so disappointed that it had become such a heated debate.



You have no need to feel disappointed.

On the contrary , thank you for bringing a topic that we are all concerned about ,

to our attention. Rather than heated I would call the discussion , robust.



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I will begin with "Don't flame me" Just an observation.


Wouldn't it be better if the cruise ship required a vax certificate indicating passenger has had flu jab.


Caught flu from passengers boarding in China last year - very very ill. Unfortunately the vax was not available in January before we left.



Just some trivia for you....some years back we did a Sydney to Sth Pacific cruise onboard the Superstar Leo. Before boarding we had to sign a declaration stating we did not have any flu symptoms ie coughing, sneezing, runny nose etc. This was during the 'Sars' virus, and before this virus hit Oz.


Like others say, it is a personal choice...and my preference is prevention or at least the chance to lessen symptoms. Not flu related, but the worse injection I have had was the Typhoid one. I suffered terribly for 48hrs afterwards.

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I don't believe the conversation has become heated. People are merely pointing out that is two sides of the coin. And it’s refreshing to see people discussing both sides. I don't believe anyone is stating that their way is the right way. More so, it's what works for them.


Exactly Sarah....well put!

To each their own.


I don't believe the hand sanitizer works against Noro either, but there are others that do and that does not make either of us right, it just means we are lucky to live somewhere where we are able to make our own decisions and be somewhat responsible for the outcome. But that is a whole other issue so lets not get started on that now :)

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No cotton wool wrapped kids when we were young. We used to play outside and climb trees. Brother fell out of the tree one day and broke his arm. Oh well said Dad..he wont do that again ....and he never has:D

How true David.I returned in November from a month long land tour of India and it made me realize how much our government has taken away personal responsibility for our actions.I'm not talking about riding your motorbike around with the whole family on the back or hanging off the roof of a bus.For instance, I listen to my ipod after the store closes and I have been told I can no longer do this in case there is a fire and I won't hear the alarm.I am prepared to take that risk.Or perhaps someone has complained about my singing:)

Regards Elaine.

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A few years ago I got swine flu,well doctor said it was swine flu? I have never been as ill in my life! Doctor fobbed it off and said Swine flu was just another flu but a lot worse than average.


Since then i have started to have the flu shot (free at work) last year it was in late May,In June half way through a mexico cruise I got the then US "Killer Flu", cant blame the cruise as I could have picked it up anywhere in The states although there were a lot of people coughing violently and this was a symptom!


Its all media hype! every flu is now a killer flu in the making:rolleyes:



Its all speculation that an animal flu will mutate into a human flu and kill a huge percentage of the population! The media has grabbed misleading info and continues to run with it every year!


Ask your GP if they have the flu shot themselves?


Last years "killer" flu in USA killed no more than the usual annual flu.


I believed that the flu jab couldnt make you sick but for the past few years more than half the people at work who get the free jab fall sick within days?


I was told that if you fall sick with the flu after the jab you must already have the flu,if this was true why did half those who refused the jab not get the same symptoms as those that did?


The yearly flu jab is just a money making industry that is really not needed by most people.


If you travel you are more likely to get sick by being in confined places with those that may already be sick.


I have had Dengue fever twice and have not yet been hospitalized,if I catch the third strain it could very well kill me as I have not had the worst strain of 3,there is no vaccine for Dengue and you could get the killer strain first! Not much mention about that even though its in parts of Australia and USA.




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