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My New Dress

esther e

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Shoes from Zappos???? Okay, we want a link!


2 kitties? Now, that's near and dear to my heart.....I got 2 cats, Molly and Simon. Molly's mostly white, fat, sheds alot, sweet as a bunny and dumber than dust. Simon is black, sleek,sweet, handsome and very smart and clever.


Glad you're going with sheer black hose and not off black!






Happy Birthday to the Love Muffin! I'm going to get killed from the rest of the posters, so let me apologize in advance for the kitten post. We have twins from the same litter, 5 months old, Katy and Ruth. They were Katy and Russell until their first vet appt. Next week they will be getting "the procedure." They are black with yellow eyes, except Ruth has one white whisker. Very cute and playful, but they are in love with our fingers and toes. One of these days I hope they stop with the love nips!!! At the first sound of the purr, we know we're in big trouble!!! They have the run of the house, except for the guest bathroom. They sleep, eat and poop in the garage (litter box!) and haven't learned to sleep in the house yet. This is their playpen, so think they. They also have food and a litter box at the pool, so when they really start to nip, out they go and I don't feel guilty. We went to PetSmart and bought them a Tower w/penthouse and little cat garage on the bottom. My daughter decided the elderly needs pets (in our case, ONLY cats) to keep us young at heart and healthy!


Now back to the fashion forum! I have no idea how to link, or I would.



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Esther, your dress sounds very pretty. It all sounded familiar, so I went into my closet and I have a couple of R&M dresses. They are always on sale!


OT Jane, I would love to live where I could walk out the door and be downtown to shop! Where I live, you have to get into the car for everything, but the parking is included in the mortgage :) .


sierraN, Just get behind me in a grocery store line, I can guarantee it will be the slowest in the store...it happens every time.


This is the first one for me. Dillards had several and really pretty ones. Sigh.....I guess I just have to keep checking them out. Even not on sale, the price is certainly reasonable.



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So let me bore you with the latest. Tomorrow my Zappos will be here; howver, I have also discovered a couple of pair of shoes in Nordstroms online. So.....one way or another, new shoes are going to be arriving!!!!


Jane, how was the restaurant?


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So let me bore you with the latest. Tomorrow my Zappos will be here; howver, I have also discovered a couple of pair of shoes in Nordstroms online. So.....one way or another, new shoes are going to be arriving!!!!


Jane, how was the restaurant?





For the Zappos shoes, just find your shoes and then do a cut & paste of the address, it'll link it here.


Dinner was incredible, thanks for asking.

We noticed a bottle of black sparkling shiraz on the wine list and we've only had this in Australia and they had it so we drank a whole bottle.


The restaurant offers a 5 course tasting menu, but it hasn't changed much in a couple of years so the maitre'd asked us if we'd like a customized multi course meal. We about fell over at the offer, said yes, put ourselves in the chef's hands and were constantly amazed all evening as course after course of the most inventive, gorgeous and delicious cuisine - followed by 4 dessert courses - were presented. It was an awesome dinner.

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Me and my flat foot are not happy with sexy strappy heels. Yes, I do have a nice pair of low-heeled strappy Easy Spirits that look great with it. Well...."great" might be stretching it. "Good" is a better word. And I have decided on the sheer off black. However, as far as shoes go......well, I can say I have everything I need, but every once in a while I hear my name being called and I follow the sound and end up in the mall. So, I'll let you know if I find other shoes! I tried on some Beverly Feldman (Ithink that's the name) and loved them, but I'd end up in traction.



Esther I have a pair of Easy Spirit sandals too. I call them my "Grandma's strappy sandals"-they are great for my diabetic feet. I read one post here from a gal who said becasue of her diabetes she would splurge on guccis as they were so comfortable. I have never done that. But I do wear a lot of Aigner, Nine West and Easy Spirit in my shoes. I have found those brands are great for my feet.

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Hi Momofmeg

Yes, I agree. My dressy ES's are really nice; however, today my shoes came from Zappos. I tried to put a photo or address in here, but cannot do it. So, I will tell you what they are. Vaneli Winner is the name. And they're black patent. You might want to try them. I was surprised how comfortable they were and I could easily walk in them. Try them. By the way, did you buy a lot yesterday on QVC?


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Hi Momofmeg

Yes, I agree. My dressy ES's are really nice; however, today my shoes came from Zappos. I tried to put a photo or address in here, but cannot do it. So, I will tell you what they are. Vaneli Winner is the name. And they're black patent. You might want to try them. I was surprised how comfortable they were and I could easily walk in them. Try them. By the way, did you buy a lot yesterday on QVC?



No I didn't. I do not do good with mail-order. I need to try things on. I did get my leather jacket though last Fri-I think from them. It was suposed to be a blazer and it is big on me. I ordered a medium as I am 37 inches up top and am supposed to wear a 32 DD but usually I just buy a 34 D-easier to find.


I wanted the jacket to be more fitted-like a blazer-but it is really nice-lamb leather is so soft-and the wine color compliments my two pair of Aigner boots I have in the sig-color-you kow that burgandy-cordovan so I will keep it anyway. I did see a cheapo-blazer in suede at Chadwicks- (under $50) maybe I will try ordering it-I am sure their mediums will be smaller. I just hate ordering from them too as I tend to have to send things back. Their size charts mean nothing.


One thing I did buy yesterday is one of those tiered skirts that are so popular. I bought it at Marshall's. It is ankle length which I loved and it was 100% cotton-always a plus for a woman my age-(I wear almost no synthic fiber if I can help it in the summer) This skirt was a nice coral-peachy pink. It was a siz 8 and was actually LOOSE in the waist-my problem area- so I guess my vanity got to me because of that. I just hope I am not too "old" for that look. What do you think? Is that a good look for the over 45 gals? I don't want to look like an old fool.

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If you like it and it looks good on you, then go for it. Short story: I have a friend who is 82 (81?) anyway.....she's a tiny little thing, size 6. She only wears pink and green--Lily clothes--and looks great. If you heard this without knowing her, you'd think "good grief!!!" But it's "her" and it's fine.


We were at the MD today and there was a young fellow in the office telling the receptionist about his diabetic pump. Off the topic, but I thought you'd be interested.


The sky is black and the thunder is rolling around. So I guess I'd better batten down the hatches!



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Hi Momofmeg

Yes, I agree. My dressy ES's are really nice; however, today my shoes came from Zappos. I tried to put a photo or address in here, but cannot do it. So, I will tell you what they are. Vaneli Winner is the name. And they're black patent. You might want to try them. I was surprised how comfortable they were and I could easily walk in them. Try them. By the way, did you buy a lot yesterday on QVC?





Are these the shoes?




They look very comfortable. Enjoy them!



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You are brilliant. Yes, they are the ones. And they are comfortable. I tried and tried to do what you said, but no go. Everytime I put the mouse on the address, it would go away.


Thanks. I do like them very much and was surprised at the comfort.



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If you like it and it looks good on you, then go for it. Short story: I have a friend who is 82 (81?) anyway.....she's a tiny little thing, size 6. She only wears pink and green--Lily clothes--and looks great. If you heard this without knowing her, you'd think "good grief!!!" But it's "her" and it's fine.


We were at the MD today and there was a young fellow in the office telling the receptionist about his diabetic pump. Off the topic, but I thought you'd be interested.


The sky is black and the thunder is rolling around. So I guess I'd better batten down the hatches!




Well Esther it looks good on my body just not so sure with my face-if you know what I mean. Yes I know about the insulin pump-I am fighting going on insulin-I am afraid that would be my excuse to eat anything-gain weight-go on more insulin and end up with more complications. I had been on advandamet but it was not controlling my blood sugar good enough and I developed the complication of the neuorgraphy in my legs. So I went on that south Beach diet- lost 15 pounds and now control my blood sugar mostly with just diet. I also take a herb called Holy basil which inhibits the stress hormone cortisol. This somehow keeps me from craving sugar and carbs so I am able to stick to my diet. I consider my diet a lifestyle change not a temp. fix because if I gain the weight back I will do more damage to my body as my blood sugar will be out of control again.


I was content as a 12-14 and it is not that I am happier beinga size 8 although I do like the fact my mid section is almost 4 inches smaller then last year. But also my butt is smaller and I don't like that but I guess that is my age and nothing I can do about that.


You are right -most people get smaller as they get older like in their 80's. I understand food does not taste as good. I remember as a small child my grandmother was a sz 16 but by the time I was in my early 20's she was a sz 6. I asked her about it and she said food just did not taste as good as when she was younger so she was satisfied with less. she was 58 yrs. older then me-died when I was 33. (she was 91) I still miss her after 18 yrs.

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Ah, no food does still taste mighty good. However, my body can't process it the way it used to. So, although I don't eat much (except goodies) I cannot lose weight. If I were to lose 20 pounds, guaranteed I'd gain 30 back so it's not worth the effort, to me. Fluffy is good!!!



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Ah, no food does still taste mighty good. However, my body can't process it the way it used to. So, although I don't eat much (except goodies) I cannot lose weight. If I were to lose 20 pounds, guaranteed I'd gain 30 back so it's not worth the effort, to me. Fluffy is good!!!





Esther are you saying you are your friend's age? I figured you were around my age. Have you had a stress test for your heart? the reason I ask is my mom could not lose weight either and she kept having "indigestion"-the stupid Dr. even had her on a prescription for that. Well she got so weak and then she could not sleep at night unless she was in a recliner. They found out she had been having heat attacks. they put her on blood thinner and you would not believe it-she lost 40 pounds in one week. Her body was retaining fluids because her heart was not able to work properally.


She died not long after that after open heart surgery. She was 71. That is why I try so hard to take care of myself because I want to live to see my eighties. I had a heart stress test last year and am due for another one now. That way hopefully they can catch it before my heart gets in the shape her's was.

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Noooooo!! I am in my mid-60's, which is probably a lot older than everyone on this board. But I'm young at heart--don't look 60, don't feel 60 and sure as h**l don't act 60!!!!! We live in Florida, and life here is very relaxed, at least for us. My only real med problem (thank God) is asthma. Now, Florida and 2 cats are not good for asthma, but so be it. I am able to walk 4 miles every day with no problem--when I feel like it. And in July and August, I don't feel like it. But as you will ALL see as you get older your metabolism goes fooey and everything is harder than when I was y;alls age!!!!


Ordered 2 more pair of shoes from Zappos and are due today. Still don't know how to put photos up, but they are Beverly Fedman Mayday sandals and Vaneli Billie (I think its Billie.) Let you know how they are.


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Noooooo!! I am in my mid-60's, which is probably a lot older than everyone on this board. But I'm young at heart--don't look 60, don't feel 60 and sure as h**l don't act 60!!!!! We live in Florida, and life here is very relaxed, at least for us. My only real med problem (thank God) is asthma. Now, Florida and 2 cats are not good for asthma, but so be it. I am able to walk 4 miles every day with no problem--when I feel like it. And in July and August, I don't feel like it. But as you will ALL see as you get older your metabolism goes fooey and everything is harder than when I was y;alls age!!!!


Ordered 2 more pair of shoes from Zappos and are due today. Still don't know how to put photos up, but they are Beverly Fedman Mayday sandals and Vaneli Billie (I think its Billie.) Let you know how they are.



Well you are just old enough to be my "big sister". I am only a decade behind you. So your taste buds are not old enough yet to be not working so good. Hey I would not mind so much if mine quit working. It would sure help me control my diabetes.


I take it you love shoes. I have a rack in my walk-in closet that holds 36 pair. My winter boots do not fit on it so I have a crate for them-but whenever I buy a pair of shoes I have to throw out a pair as my closet is too stuffed-hubby complains-my stuff is in the front of the closet- his is in the back and he hates tripping through my clutter. Maybe I should re-arange and put his stuff toward the front-that might would help keep peace.


You know we used to live in a much smaller house until 1999 and there my closet was only 6 ft. I don't know how I survived all those years. Even now about 3 or 4 times a yr. I go through my closet and donate a bunch of stuff.

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Yeah, I love shoes; however, one of my feet is totally flat and I am not able to wear what I want to! So, unfortunately when I find something (like Vanelis) I buy them, even at $90 a pair. This is outrageous, because I am 90% of the time barefooted. I only wear shoes when I have to; i.e., to the store, etc. Never in the house and stupidly, never in the yard. But even when we lived in the cold northeast I never wore shoes either unless I had to. My real fetish is handbags. Don't ask!!!! And gold and fragrance. My DH never complains about what I spend and never asks what something costs. Thank goodness!!!!!


By the way, you and I tend to get off the forum's subjects, so if you want to email me privately, do so. pwagner2@cfl.rr.com



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No more then anyone else. After all you were talking about a dress and now it is shoes from zappos which most of this thing has been. Not just us but everyone else.


The only reason I told that one person that is because she was daily posting she had bought this or that for $500 or $1000 etc. I noticed since I told her she just wanted to brag about expensive purchases, every thing she posts now is under $100. But also I am not coming here everyday anymore. I figured if that person was irritating me that much by her daily posts of all the expensive things she has bought I needed to come here less. Especially when everyone else thought I was unfair to this person. Ufcourse they probally were not coming here daily as I was so they had not read all of those posts.


So you love handbags-I love them too but I tend basially just to carry one. I had a sig. aigner actually 2. One is straw and trimed in the cordavan (spring-summer) and the other is all over cordavan. (Fall-winter) I pretty much only change every six months except if we go somewhere nice in the evening then I pull out one of my small evening bags.


Since those pocketbooks are Aigner's I only need to replace then every 5 or 6 years or so-though usually I do it every couple of years as I get bored with the pocketbook I am carrying. I do have a bunch of Aigners in other colors too but they tend to stay in my closet. I hate changing bags.


One cruise when we took one of my daughter's friends and we went out of San Juan the mom wanted me to pick out a Coach bag for her. The outlet did have good prices and the mom had gave her daughter $150 for buying her a purse. The daughter wanted ME to pick it out but I had no idea her mom's tastes and told her she (the daughter) needed to pick it out.


I did think they had nice purses but I could not see they were any better then my Aigner's so I did not buy one for myself.

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