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What to do this time around? Golf Cart? Beaches?


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Anyone that knows me around here knows that I LOVE the beaches and water and so does the family.


We were here in April and just took advantage of having a "free port" day with the beaches right at the port, using the pool, and walking down to the Conch Graveyard.


I'm thinking about doing something new this time.


I had considered Bohio and also Governors Beach. But then remembered others mentioning renting golf carts, 4 wheelers or cars to tour the island. So, I have a few questions about that.


I remember others saying not to rent from Nathans and there was a new vendor. After a little bit of research, I have found Wet Money and also Karibs for rentals. Is this pretty much my only choices? Any suggestions/experiences on either? Are they both right outside the port area? Any "stipulations" on riding any of them (like age restrictions of passengers since my daughter is 7)? Will they allow us to double, say for instance on a 4 wheeler with someone this age? Obviously you have to be an adult to drive one, but just wondering about the passenger and any experiences.


So, let's say we rent a whatever, where do you go and what are the "must see" things there? I remember others mentioning a lighthouse. Is this a lighthouse that you can go in and go to the top? Does it cost? Can you just stop at any of the beaches along the way and swim? (I have read that they are all public). What do you do with the rental while there? Will anyone mess with them when they are parked?


Has anyone took a tour around the island and how long does it take to go around the entire island? I know it's small, but yet 7 miles? We will be in port from 8-4pm.


Any suggestions for me and my "water loving" family on places to stop and visit beaches along the way would be great. I'm not sure we would be stopping to eat or anything, so not really looking for the "you gotta stop here to have lunch" type of thing. This is something we normally don't do and will usually only get some sodas along the way.


Ok, who wants a review from me and where do you want me to go while there? :D


Last of all, anyone have any awesome sites for a good map of the area that might show all the "must see" places and beaches?


Thanks in advance. :)

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First A Joyful Holiday Season to you and yours!:)


Based on my experience with both a golf cart and taxi, I'd opt for a taxi tour of the island. let the driver tell you all about the island. You can negotiate the fare. Or rent a jeep not a golf cart. I say taxi or Jeep because the golf carts are 2 seats in front and a bench seat in the rear facing rearward. You might get 3 people on the seat if one is small.


Not much John Glenn capsule, salt works, lighthouse (it's closed but they charge you $3 to wander around the grounds), downtown Cockburntown (lunch at Sandbar-more casual deck dining, or at John's Ocean View--good beach shack of a place-with lots of sand to walk around in) and a couple of small museums. Easily done in 3 hours with stops.


Beaches are public, but except for Governors and Pillory(Bohio) Beaches you'll find none have facilities and most aren't great to hanging around. You can walk all along the beach front in town though.


You guys love the water so give some thought to contacting Blue Water Divers or Grand Turk Diving and booking one of their snorkeling excursions. You can decide if you think that'll fit your family's experience in the water. There are some independent operators along the beach by the cruise center. But not sure on how good their reps are or types of boats they use or what they charge. Oasis Divers is the firm that books the cruise ship excursions. They have a good rep, if that interests you.


We're in GT in '17 and all I'm going to do is hit John's for a Turks Head beer and some grilled conch and coconut milk. Or maybe the snapper if the fish are running. Then come back to the ship unless the roll call is meeting at Jack's, which I've tried to avoid (once was enough).

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Hey Crew! Good to hear from you and I hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season as well. :)


Hmm, I was talking to the hubby and he thought a golf cart would be a great idea. We kinda like to do things on our own and it adds to the thrill and adventure. :D I'm not worried about us all having to sit in the front seat. Actually, I would probably just have the hubby and the daughter sit up there and me on the back snapping pictures along the way. I like to spread out so I can go side to side when possible.


If the only real beaches worth going to and having facilities is Bohio and Governors, it sounds like we would just go over to the lighthouse, check it out real quick, get some pictures and head over to one of the beaches for awhile and then the other before heading back to the port.


Quite honestly, I'm really not big on snorkeling tours by boat for some reason. They just make me nervous with Sakari. While she loves them, just being in the open water like that plays havoc on my nerves with her. We have been in a few situations that a tour operator was supposed to be out there with us and instead, found them back up on the boat and we were being pulled out by the current. Thank goodness there was a line thrown out ahead of time with a float at the end or I'm not sure I would have had the strength to pull me and her back. I would much rather adventure out from the shore if possible and not too deep since I have to worry about her as well. She's not the little 3 year old that was easy to pull along, hold her hand and throw her on our backs when she gets tired snorkeling, anymore. It takes a lot more effort these days (and more fighting with her to wear a life vest too). :p


Do you know how much it cost for a taxi to Bohio? What about to Governors? (Or from Bohio to Governors?). We might just grab a cab and go hit up both of those instead, since I really doubt there's much of anything I want to explore on the island and I could probably take it or leave the lighthouse. I just thought it would be a little something different to do in a port that I don't think I would feel too nervous about exploring in. (Unless there's some really awesome picture opportunities along the way).


How long would you say it takes to get from the port to the Lighthouse (in a slow golf car) and then over to Bohio? That might determine if we do it or not.


Thanks for your help Crew.

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Hi Mitsuigirly,


Then a golf cart will work for you if just 3 people.


We used Nathans. He was nice and the cart was good, but his wife was a real b***h when we returned the cart. I'm hearing good things about the Wet Money place. I wonder if that's the old Tonys who did have good scooters and jeeps.


Taxis are zoned in GT. So to get to Bohio from the cruise Center it'll be around $8 pp each way. A taxi to the Lighthouse would be about $9 pp and to Governors about $4 pp. Which is why you'd want to negotiate a tour with the driver versus paying flat rates. You could walk to Governors. Its not that far from the cruise center. Best way is to head along the beach to Jack's Shack and then go out the road turn left and go past the industrial tanks to the road to your left just before the golf course (I think it's the 2nd left after Jack's, with the first being the entrance to the tanks area). It's about a 1/2 mile or maybe a little more given the path you'll need to take. Read some recent posts on Governors. Not sure if the island has completed any renos or is not supporting it any more.


If you do a cart, it'll take you about 20 minutes to head to the lighthouse, and then another 10 or so to come back to Bohio or town. There's parking at Bohio and at the lighthouse. The island is fairly easy to navigate. Cart vendor should have a map but there are maps on line too. Google Earth is your friend. To get to the lighthouse you basically keep the airport to your right and the town to your left. Go past the large salt pond on your right until you get to a Y which can look a bit like a curve. Then go right and follow the road to the lighthouse. Coming back to Bohio, just hook right past where you made the turn at the Y and then take your first left.

Edited by crewsweeper
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Hi Mitsuigirly,


Then a golf cart will work for you if just 3 people.


We used Nathans. He was nice and the cart was good, but his wife was a real b***h when we returned the cart. I'm hearing good things about the Wet Money place. I wonder if that's the old Tonys who did have good scooters and jeeps.


Taxis are zoned in GT. So to get to Bohio from the cruise Center it'll be around $8 pp each way. A taxi to the Lighthouse would be about $9 pp and to Governors about $4 pp. Which is why you'd want to negotiate a tour with the driver versus paying flat rates. You could walk to Governors. Its not that far from the cruise center. Best way is to head along the beach to Jack's Shack and then go out the road turn left and go past the industrial tanks to the road to your left just before the golf course (I think it's the 2nd left after Jack's, with the first being the entrance to the tanks area). It's about a 1/2 mile or maybe a little more given the path you'll need to take. Read some recent posts on Governors. Not sure if the island has completed any renos or is not supporting it any more.


If you do a cart, it'll take you about 20 minutes to head to the lighthouse, and then another 10 or so to come back to Bohio or town. There's parking at Bohio and at the lighthouse. The island is fairly easy to navigate. Cart vendor should have a map but there are maps on line too. Google Earth is your friend. To get to the lighthouse you basically keep the airport to your right and the town to your left. Go past the large salt pond on your right until you get to a Y which can look a bit like a curve. Then go right and follow the road to the lighthouse. Coming back to Bohio, just hook right past where you made the turn at the Y and then take your first left.


Yea, more than likely, it will just be us 3 going this time...unless Kendra schemes her way in, which she is good at doing.


The only way that we would do the Lighthouse, Bohio and Governors is if we did the golf cart. If we decide not to do the golf cart then we would only go to one of the beaches only, for the day. So, I guess that would mean paying $8 pp each way to Bohio or just walking to Governors. Thanks for the pricing. It gives me a lot to think about.


Thanks so much for all the info Crew. I really appreciate it. :)

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And if you are an animal lover you might want to feed the donkeys at the lighthouse. They are not hard to find. When you are in line at the concession stand to buy items, they will be right beside you.



Are these wild donkeys at the lighthouse? Or ones they have tied up? I remember seeing donkeys tied up at the beach when we were there last. I'm not sure what exactly they do with them (maybe rides?). But I was thinking that I had either seen pictures or someone mention that donkeys wonder around the island? So, wondering if they are wild. Do you buy food to feed them or ???


So they have a concession stand at the lighthouse too? What all do they have?

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There are horses and donkeys around on the island. Most aren't "wild" but do free roam within bounds. Not sure if you can pet them or not.


There is a concession stand at the lighthouse, beers, sodas and perhaps food, but IMO it's a place to walk around take in the vista, including see the ships from that furthest point, but not a place to linger or lounge about.

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A couple photos of the donkeys at the lighthouse. Petting a young one and them lined up at the concession stand waiting for people to buy them treats. They will eat just about anything.


Well that's kinda neat and I know my munchkin would love this. She was fascinated by the donkeys (on a leash) at the beach and was petting them.


I assume they don't bite since they are just hanging out there at the stand wanting food?

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I assume there is some type of bar/snack place at Bohio/Pillory to get a bite to eat right? Anyone know the name(s) and maybe a menu with pricing? I've tried to research, but not sure if I'm coming up with places we could use (or even if they are actually there). Ike & Donkey? Beach Tiki Bar?


Is Pillory and Bohio the same place? What I'm getting is it's the same beach/area but Bohio is an actual resort? Just trying to figure this out.



Also, is there a concession stand of some type at Governors?

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Well that's kinda neat and I know my munchkin would love this. She was fascinated by the donkeys (on a leash) at the beach and was petting them.


I assume they don't bite since they are just hanging out there at the stand wanting food?


I don't believe you have any worry about them biting (unless you offer them a morsel in a closed fist) and they are very used to people as I saw when a slightly intoxicated girl tried to hop on one while we were there. It just walked away quickly leaving the girl to find a seat on the ground. :D

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I don't believe you have any worry about them biting (unless you offer them a morsel in a closed fist) and they are very used to people as I saw when a slightly intoxicated girl tried to hop on one while we were there. It just walked away quickly leaving the girl to find a seat on the ground. :D


I actually found some pictures on TripAdvisor that showed a guy petting one and before long, he was sitting on it. :eek: Not something I would try, but he managed to stay on it long enough for someone to obviously get a picture of him on it and the donkey just stood there. LOL

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We were in Grand Turk in April and went in to the "downtown" area, walked around and then went to the Sandbar and ate and had drinks. You can swim on the beach right in front of the Sandbar. There was no one in the water there. You had the beach to yourself. We will be back in Grand Turk in November 2016 with a large group and we plan on renting golf carts and touring the island and then ending back up at the Sandbar. It is a very small restaurant with only about 6 tables. We loved hanging out there!

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Also, is there a concession stand of some type at Governors?

There's nothing at Governor's but bathrooms and rinse-off stations. There are buildings that I think used to sell concessions, but they were all closed a few months ago when we visited.


The donkeys are quite friendly and won't bite. But they will nose through your stuff looking for treats, lol.

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We were in Grand Turk in April and went in to the "downtown" area, walked around and then went to the Sandbar and ate and had drinks. You can swim on the beach right in front of the Sandbar. There was no one in the water there. You had the beach to yourself. We will be back in Grand Turk in November 2016 with a large group and we plan on renting golf carts and touring the island and then ending back up at the Sandbar. It is a very small restaurant with only about 6 tables. We loved hanging out there!


When you say "downtown" are you referring to the little town where Bohio is locatedor am I thinking of somewhere else? I was trying to do a search online with "beach bars" etc along both Bohio/Pillory and also Governors to see what was around and I remember something called the Sandbar that kept coming up. But every time I put it in google earth, it wasn't located at either place. :cool:


Either way, I'll check it out if we get a golf cart and can drive there. :)


There's nothing at Governor's but bathrooms and rinse-off stations. There are buildings that I think used to sell concessions, but they were all closed a few months ago when we visited.


The donkeys are quite friendly and won't bite. But they will nose through your stuff looking for treats, lol.


Thanks for the info. That will help with plans.


Glad to hear they are friendly. My daughter will love that. What can you feed them? Are they at any of the beaches? Or mainly at the lighthouse?

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When you say "downtown" are you referring to the little town where Bohio is locatedor am I thinking of somewhere else? I was trying to do a search online with "beach bars" etc along both Bohio/Pillory and also Governors to see what was around and I remember something called the Sandbar that kept coming up. But every time I put it in google earth, it wasn't located at either place. :cool:


Either way, I'll check it out if we get a golf cart and can drive there. :)



The downtown area is on Front Street where the Turks & Caicos National Museum is. It is $5 per person to walk through the museum and although it is small we really enjoyed it. There really isn't much downtown. We walked from there to The Sandbar. Here is the website: http://www.grandturk-mantahouse.com/sandbar.htm#_=_ They also have a Facebook page. We walked from the museum to the Sandbar, it was just a very short walk. It is listed as the #1 place to eat on Trip Advisor. It is just a small local beach bar. There are only about 6 tables and they only take cash. We just enjoyed sitting there having a bite to eat and a couple of drinks and enjoying the view. It is right on the beach and you can walk down the steps and get in to the water.


We are booking the Conquest 8 day cruise and going back to Grand Turk in November and we want to rent golf carts this time and see the entire island. My husband said we will definitely end up back at the Sandbar!


Enjoy your cruise! I am looking forward to your review when you get back.

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Thanks for all the information. I really appreciate it. There's no telling where we might end up if we have a golf cart. It sounds exciting to be able to visit all these places at your own leisure.


So looking at google earth, it seems as though there's actually a road of some type that runs right behind all the beach bar/restaurant places with the last road that can cut down to the beach being beside Jack's Shack? Does this sound right? I have tried to label all the places I have figured out over the last year. Let me know if anything looks out of place.





Do these roads have names and sign-age when you are traveling along them so you know where you are going? That's the one thing I'm worried about, passing up a street and spending more time looking for places than visiting them. :p

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One other thing...is there a way to get over to the Conch Graveyard using a golf cart? When I look at google earth, it shows a road leading over that way, but around the corner of the little peak that goes out. Just wondering if this is possible to do as well?



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We were in Grand Turk last week. Not a ton to do but seeing the donkeys was fun and Governor's beach was nice. KARIB CAR RENTAL WAS AWFUL! We booked and paid a deposit to reserve 4 carts for our group of 16 back in September. When we arrived they didn't know anything about our reservation. An hour standing in the hot sun on the side of the road...we finally got 3 carts. One with minimal gas so we had to fill it on our dime. Half our group couldn't do the carts. What a mess! No apologies, offer to fill the gas. Stay away from Karib!!

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One other thing...is there a way to get over to the Conch Graveyard using a golf cart? When I look at google earth, it shows a road leading over that way, but around the corner of the little peak that goes out. Just wondering if this is possible to do as well?


I don't think so. Not to the one on Booby Point. You'd have to come back into the cruise center and try to find the dirt road and I don't believe they'll let you.


But, if you are traveling up to the lighthouse, on the way back on your left (or up on your right) just a short distance from the lighthouse, you'll see the remains of a guard shack sitting off the road a bit. Go past it a short ways but careful not to drive too far down the hill. Then walk down to the beach, hang left and go up a ways. You'll see the remains of a resort, community house that never quite caught on. There used to be a lot of conch shells dumped there. Many have been beached white and they may be picked over by now. But worth a shot and it's a short stop. Not sure but there may be a deposit of conch shells north of town on the other side of Pillory Beach or up toward the Northeast point the other side of the North Creek lagoon from the light house. There's a road up that way.

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I don't think so. Not to the one on Booby Point. You'd have to come back into the cruise center and try to find the dirt road and I don't believe they'll let you.


But, if you are traveling up to the lighthouse, on the way back on your left (or up on your right) just a short distance from the lighthouse, you'll see the remains of a guard shack sitting off the road a bit. Go past it a short ways but careful not to drive too far down the hill. Then walk down to the beach, hang left and go up a ways. You'll see the remains of a resort, community house that never quite caught on. There used to be a lot of conch shells dumped there. Many have been beached white and they may be picked over by now. But worth a shot and it's a short stop. Not sure but there may be a deposit of conch shells north of town on the other side of Pillory Beach or up toward the Northeast point the other side of the North Creek lagoon from the light house. There's a road up that way.


Thanks for the info Crew. I found a website that showed a lot of neat information for Grand Turk and I just came across the info on all the beaches to visit (along with pictures and maps) and had noticed that they seem to have 2 "roads" (using that terms loosely since I don't know if it's an actual road or just dirt/sand) that lead toward the direction of the end of the island by the conch graveyard area over at Boaby Rock Point. It mentioned something about a helicopter pad area to turn at.



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I looked at the GT map on the website (nice website, BTW) and it does point to an entrance to the road outside the cruise port complex. Not sure if it's paved or could handle a golf cart if dirt. But assuming it can, shouldn't be hard to find (first right then first left) so give it a whirl. And if you only make it so far down before it gets too rough, it won't be that far of a walk.

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I looked at the GT map on the website (nice website, BTW) and it does point to an entrance to the road outside the cruise port complex. Not sure if it's paved or could handle a golf cart if dirt. But assuming it can, shouldn't be hard to find (first right then first left) so give it a whirl. And if you only make it so far down before it gets too rough, it won't be that far of a walk.


That's what I'm thinking too. It wasn't a hard walk by the ocean (of course we didn't go all the way down to the end last time) so it shouldn't be too bad even if the road (or path, whatever it may be) should be fairly simple as well.


Isn't that website great? It has a lot of useful information in it about what is located where around GT. :)

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