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Low Carb Dieting


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Don't worry about intermittent fasting yet! It'll come after a couple weeks, but your body needs to learn it's new fuel source first. You've got this!! When's your next cruise?


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Well, I skipped breakfast this morning. About to have lunch-an omelette with cheese and bacon. Surprisingly wasn't hungry, but if I do get hungry I will eat for sure. I tend to want to do everything at once!!! I've always been that way. :)

But I need to do this right, so I have to make sure I don't sabotage myself by making it harder for myself.


My next cruise is November 17th! So almost exactly 7 months!!! Woo hoo!!

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those of you on keto, do you stay keto on the cruise? Do you take the week off? I usually cheat on vacation and feel like crap. Wondering if cruise food lends itself to low carb or a happy medium.


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This is just for me- and as I said, I lost 60 on LCHF, I cannot do LC on a cruise, not on a Carnival cruise anyway. Everything has carbs. Honestly it's cheap food, mass produced. Even the scrambled eggs in the delicious breakfast burritos has pancake batter mixed in to add fluffiness. And the Danish... no way am I saying no to Danish. I guess if I were to stand in the omelet line every day.... then have a Guy's Burger, no bun... then eat about five entrees at dinner so I could just eat the meat and not the 3/4 of the plate that is carb I could do it. But I'm on there for 14 days usually and just: no way. Back when they had salmon and shrimp at breakfast and lunch, maybe. But not now. And it's might hard to pick up low carb again after, mighty hard. So I do a Whole 30 after. Puleo including fruit and sweet potatoes. And the weight comes off.

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I just spent my morning reading this Low Carb thread and feel totally encouraged from you ladies to begin my journey into the low carb world. I'm planning my carb intake to be around 50g/day. I've been using My Fitness Pal to track my daily progress on food intake for my macros. Looking back over the last month, I've been hanging around 100-125g carbs a day :o I work out 4 days a week. A mix of Orange Theory and lifting weights/cardio at my apartment gym. Hoping that with lowering my carb intake I'll still have plenty of energy to continue my workouts at the level of intensity I'm used to.


We are cruising Nov 19 from NOLA and I just purchased an adorable bikini that I AM DETERMINED TO FIT INTO! Hoping by lowering my carb intake that will help in my journey to lose around 40-45 lbs.

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I just spent my morning reading this Low Carb thread and feel totally encouraged from you ladies to begin my journey into the low carb world. I'm planning my carb intake to be around 50g/day. I've been using My Fitness Pal to track my daily progress on food intake for my macros. Looking back over the last month, I've been hanging around 100-125g carbs a day :o I work out 4 days a week. A mix of Orange Theory and lifting weights/cardio at my apartment gym. Hoping that with lowering my carb intake I'll still have plenty of energy to continue my workouts at the level of intensity I'm used to.


We are cruising Nov 19 from NOLA and I just purchased an adorable bikini that I AM DETERMINED TO FIT INTO! Hoping by lowering my carb intake that will help in my journey to lose around 40-45 lbs.

I bet you'll feel better sms have even more energy!! I find that hovering just over 50g carbs a day I feel like crap. As soon as I'm in ketosis I get my energy!


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Yay! That's great!! So excited for you. I'm on day 4 and I feel great. Haven't really been hungry. No crazy cravings, and no huge dip in energy. And I've already lost 10 pounds! I'm sure most of that is water, but considering I have 100+ pounds to go, it's encouraging. I've been at around 20-30 carbs, but I also don't work out at all and sit at a desk all day! The best thing is knowing that all my past failures weren't really failures, since I was going about it all wrong!



I've been tracking on MyFitnessPal as well, just so I can see if I need to adjust anything. My username is DownstreamChristine if you want a friend!



I'm sailing around the same time-out of Los Angeles. :)



You'll be in that bikini in no time!





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Hey everyone!


I'm currently trying somewhat of a low carb diet (I just can't seem to give up all the fruit!), but I haven't ate any bread, starches, or added sugars in about 2 weeks. I really want to do a pure ketogenic LCHF diet, but it's hard when my job forces me to eat out daily (if not multiple times a day when I'm out of town!) I've lost 15 pounds since the beginning of February, and hoping to lose another 30 before my cruise in May! I have a total of around 60 more to lose.


I'm also not really exercising at the moment due to my work schedule (I'm a CPA smack in the middle of busy season). I'm trying to add more activity throughout my day and doing sets of 10 squats when I think of it haha! But I plan to definitely get back in the gym regular at the beginning of April when my crazy hours slow down.



First, I'd love to hear from anyone else who has done a low carb diet. In the past I've always just counted calories, have lost up to 40 lbs a few time before, but always gained it back as it seemed like I had to drastically cut calories to the point I was miserable to lose weight or even maintain.


Also, I hope someone has some experience with doing a low carb diet, and then going on a cruise and treating yourself to non diet things :) I have had absolutely no bread or starches for the past two weeks and want to continue this for at least a month, at which point I will probably start allowing myself to have them one day a week. But on the cruise, while I plan to be more sensible that I would have been in the past, I really want to enjoy myself and try all the yummy foods I love (the idea of pizza, blue cantina, and guy's burgers on a ship has me drooling - I've only cruised once before and it was a small Norwegian ship with basically just a buffet and dining room)


So my question is, am I going to feel miserable or have an upset stomach if I eat bread and other carbs daily that week?


Thanks everyone! I look forward to participating here over the next few months.


Have been on a low carb diet as others on and off for years. I find I am really good once I haven't downed carbs for about one week and do not crave them. Have never had a problem on a cruise. I have all the fish, meat, eggs and salad I want. I have even asked the maitre 'D to order me sugar free jello for dessert- They sometimes do and give me fresh whipped cream which is also allowed. I do eat green veggies, but no starch or yellow and orange veggies. I do have some alcohol on the cruise also. In addition, while I do not go to the gym, my DH and I walk much more then we do at home, so I am getting exercise. If I am really good- I do not gain weight and sometimes loose a couple of pounds.


If I make the "mistake" of sampling the desserts or carbs, I do not loose weight and will gain a couple of pounds after a one week cruise. I try to encourge my diet as I feel great and my clothes fit! Remember if you don't stick to your diet you will gain weight. It could take weeks to recover. Think about that if you want to sample dessert. Having said all of the above, my DH who is at a very good weight can easily control his intake of carbs. Counting calories works for him. He can have a small cookie and be satisfied. I cannot control my intake of sugar easily. So if you are carb sensitive like me, avoid! The cruise has so many wonderful things to enjoy and so many dining options you will do fine! Enjoy.

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Hi all, glad I found this group. 30 years ago I lost 120 ponds on WW and kept it off until about 5 years ago. Menopause was not my friend. Struggled for about a year trying to get the 50 pounds I gained back with every diet out there. I learned a lot about my body, but more about myself. I am an addict. That simple. I'm no different than a heroin user or alcoholic, I just chose food as my drug of choice. The exception is I'm an addict that has to use my drug of choice every day to live. No wonder so many of us spend lifetimes on that roller coaster of weight, binge, run from diet an to diet plan and fail again and again. So I stopped dieting. I found for me Keto works the best. How I live, not what I do anymore. Have kept my weight within 2 pounds since. No HB meds, no statins, no metformin. Nothing but a good supplement daily and the food that keeps me alive and healthy. Was a struggle at first, emotionally, physically, socially, but it was so worth it for me.

For those interested Maria Emmerich has a greater starter cookbook that covers the basics but has 7 and 30 day menus plans with the recipes for everyone of them. And I now understand how deeply I was into my addiction, how I ate as a reward and as a punishment. No more. I don't take holidays or vacations off because I'm not "on" anything anymore. This is simply how I live. Look at it this way, if you were an alcoholic would you really say"I'm in vacation so I'll drink while I'm here"? That's life for me. One bite us the same as one hit or one drink, mine is just with food. Safe journeys everyone and I hope each of you find your in path, it us so worth it.


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I have been reading through this thread. It has inspired me to try to loose 20lbs by next cruise in November (7 months away). My problem is I am addicted to sugar. So it's going to be difficult.



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Need help? Ideas for work lunch and easy dinner after getting home late from work.

Also are protein shakes good for breakfast or should I just have eggs? How many eggs are safe in a day if you have high cholesterol? Sorry for all the question - but new to this.



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Welcome aboard.many different versions of low fat and out there. My suggestion would be to Google several of the most common ones, make some notes on each then be BRUTALLY honest with yourself about which will be best, not easiest, best for you. Figure out the basics first: why do you want to lose weight? What body changes do you want? What medical changes do you need? What is $$ commitment? Time commitment? Am I willing emotionally , socially, physically, financially to do this? Am I looking for a "diet" or to change my life? Then narrow down options to 2. Hit Barnes & Noble, get a coffee or tea and hit the books. For me it was almost a lightbulb going off, read thru Keti, found Maria's book and knew that was what I needed, not wanted, needed to do.the menus saved me. Her products lists were great. Her macronutrient breakdowns taught me what my body needed by daily. I learned a new language that my body understood. Do the groundwork, be honest, be open, be brave and you will find your plan. Safe journeys.


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PS: gotta tell ya, first 5 days were a killer for me, sugar withdrawal was ugly. Woke up day 6 and said "damn". First time in s long long time I felt really good in the morning. Now it's how I wake up every day.

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I love doing keto. I keep my carbs under 50g. It has helped heal my body and I've weaned off multiple medication and have tons of energy. It's not something you can cheat on and expect it to work though. I lost 30lbs since last July, and the last 10of that I gained and lost provably 6 times since Christmas bc of cheats. Now I'm determined to stay on track one month at a time. I made it through Easter. Next goal is my daughter's birthday in May. Or cruise is august 21 and I want to be comfortable in bathing suits by then


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So, it's day one. Read a lot of info on Diet Doctor on LCHF and intermittent fasting.

Got up this morning had black coffee (usually have heaps of milk) ate nothing till lunch, which was salad with boiled egg and mayo.

I am sure the first 5 days will be tough. Knowing this I am prepared to take it on. Feel strong now- I'll let you know in a few days how it's going.



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PS: gotta tell ya, first 5 days were a killer for me, sugar withdrawal was ugly. Woke up day 6 and said "damn". First time in s long long time I felt really good in the morning. Now it's how I wake up every day.



Looking forward to this feeling. Fed-up with being tired all the time. I want to live life again.



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So, it's day one. Read a lot of info on Diet Doctor on LCHF and intermittent fasting.

Got up this morning had black coffee (usually have heaps of milk) ate nothing till lunch, which was salad with boiled egg and mayo.

I am sure the first 5 days will be tough. Knowing this I am prepared to take it on. Feel strong now- I'll let you know in a few days how it's going.



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Don't push for intermittent fasting in the beginning. It'll come naturally after you're in ketosis. To soon and you'll feel crappy for no reason


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Don't push for intermittent fasting in the beginning. It'll come naturally after you're in ketosis. To soon and you'll feel crappy for no reason


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OK thanks - 1 step at a time.



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What is Keto flu! Might have to goggle that one.



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When you go into ketosis, it's naturally diuretic. So yippy pure out a ton of water, plus all your electrolytes in the pee. Which leads to feeling dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, headaches, palpitations etc. So supplement, and drink tons of water.


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those of you on keto, do you stay keto on the cruise? Do you take the week off? I usually cheat on vacation and feel like crap. Wondering if cruise food lends itself to low carb or a happy medium.

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I have been LCHF WOE (way of eating) not dieting for 14 months now and 80 POF (pounds of fat) GONE! I do NOT 'cheat' as this is my way of eating everyday - cruise - vacation - birthdays - parties - going outto dinner - no day is different - I eat this way everyday.


We have been gone from home since 22 March and a total of 39 days onboard Radiance from Australia - New Zealand and now Transpacific to Hawaii through Tahiti - Bora Bora and French Polynesia :)


I have been able to continue with my LCHF WOE everyday and also IF (intermittent fasting). We usually don't eat breakfast but if we do it is eggs fried to order - English Bacon - Salami - and usually cheese -


We share wine and cheese along with assorted cold meats from the buffet in our cabin while we play cribbage or dice - maybe watch a movie -


In the evening we eat at the buffet where I can get several grilled meats - salad and maybe a vegtable -


The only "Cheat" you could say I have is wine - an occasional Bloody Mary (made with very little BM mix) and my drink of choice in the Diamond Lounge at night is 2 shots of vodka - squeeze of lime and Sprite ZZero - again NO carbs!


As for desserts - I have only had 3 and that was Pavlova - love that stuff - and if I really want a little 'cheat' I ask the waiter (or it is also at the buffet) for a small scoop of whole whipping cream!


I no long cruise to eat - I don't 'give myself permission' to go off my way of eating - THIS IS A LIFE PLAN for me and I don't want to go back --- BUT THEN AGAIN - because I have been off sugar and carbs for so very long I don't miss them.


There are so many reasons for cruising besides eating - making memories with my husband - meeting new friends - traveling and tour new countries - making our dreams come true - BEING in control of my way of eating has been a dream of mine and I am not giving that one up for anything! :)

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I have been LCHF WOE (way of eating) not dieting for 14 months now and 80 POF (pounds of fat) GONE! I do NOT 'cheat' as this is my way of eating everyday - cruise - vacation - birthdays - parties - going outto dinner - no day is different - I eat this way everyday.




We have been gone from home since 22 March and a total of 39 days onboard Radiance from Australia - New Zealand and now Transpacific to Hawaii through Tahiti - Bora Bora and French Polynesia :)




I have been able to continue with my LCHF WOE everyday and also IF (intermittent fasting). We usually don't eat breakfast but if we do it is eggs fried to order - English Bacon - Salami - and usually cheese -




We share wine and cheese along with assorted cold meats from the buffet in our cabin while we play cribbage or dice - maybe watch a movie -




In the evening we eat at the buffet where I can get several grilled meats - salad and maybe a vegtable -




The only "Cheat" you could say I have is wine - an occasional Bloody Mary (made with very little BM mix) and my drink of choice in the Diamond Lounge at night is 2 shots of vodka - squeeze of lime and Sprite ZZero - again NO carbs!




As for desserts - I have only had 3 and that was Pavlova - love that stuff - and if I really want a little 'cheat' I ask the waiter (or it is also at the buffet) for a small scoop of whole whipping cream!




I no long cruise to eat - I don't 'give myself permission' to go off my way of eating - THIS IS A LIFE PLAN for me and I don't want to go back --- BUT THEN AGAIN - because I have been off sugar and carbs for so very long I don't miss them.




There are so many reasons for cruising besides eating - making memories with my husband - meeting new friends - traveling and tour new countries - making our dreams come true - BEING in control of my way of eating has been a dream of mine and I am not giving that one up for anything! :)



Loved reading your post. Hope you enjoyed your cruise in Australia and New Zealand. We are doing New Zealand in November on Radiance. We have also done the Sydney to Hawaii cruise on Radiance (fantastic trip). I live in Australia.

I hear what you are saying about not cruising to eat, and feel motivated by how you handle WOE on board.

My first test will be a work dinner at Thai restaurant on Friday night, but intend to chose carefully.


So do you think you may have lost any weight while on board, or is there nothing left to lose?

Even just to remain the same weight is a plus.



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Loved reading your post. Hope you enjoyed your cruise in Australia and New Zealand. We are doing New Zealand in November on Radiance. We have also done the Sydney to Hawaii cruise on Radiance (fantastic trip). I live in Australia.

I hear what you are saying about not cruising to eat, and feel motivated by how you handle WOE on board.

My first test will be a work dinner at Thai restaurant on Friday night, but intend to chose carefully.


So do you think you may have lost any weight while on board, or is there nothing left to lose?

Even just to remain the same weight is a plus.


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You got this! Last cruise B2b - 14 days on Liberty - I only gained 5 pounds of water weight and it was gone in 5 days - then hit IF for a few days at a time and managed to lose another 8 POF before this cruise - I believe that my set point if FINALLY dropping - YES - I still want/need to lose another 30 POF to be withing the range I want- I started at 260 1 Jan 2016 and want to be down to 150 by year's end! that will be 110 POF GONE!

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I'm so inspired by all of your successes! Thank you for sharing them.


I'm on day 9 of eating this way. So far it's going well. I'm already down 16.5 pounds, and I definitely feel different which is great!


I've been scouring the internet and have tried different recipes to varying degrees of success.


Does anybody have a recipe they love, or a particular food that is their go to?


Thanks in advance!



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