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Willdra's Vivacious Carnival Vista May 14-20 Cruise


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Grand Cayman Port Day

Part 2



Included with our cabana rental, we had a hostess named Sylvie (W told me that was her name, and he's not good with names, so I will continue to call her Sylvie, until she corrects me). Sylvie checked up on us, and took great care of us throughout the day. There was free wifi also but it was overloaded with the amount of people so getting anything to load was futile. Now y'all know that W has to get in the pool straightaway so he wasted no time jumping in. I sat on the lounger for a while enjoying the DJ, who I thought was really good. He played a variety of music so there was something for everyone.









Sylvie came thru and I ordered a Palms Rum Punch. It was good and strong and $8. W tasted mine and he liked it so he got one also. We relaxed and enjoyed the vibe at the pool. I went out to the beach to take pictures because it really is gorgeous in Grand Cayman. I really did enjoy Royal Palms, even though it was somewhat pricey. It was great having our own little oasis. They really enforced the cabana fee too! They wouldn't even let people chill at the ones that were vacant for the day. As soon as someone sat down and got comfortable, the cabana popo would roll up and ask them to leave! It was kind of funny to watch. We hung out as long as we could to make sure that we got our money's worth. W does not like wasting food or money.


Royal Palms Pictures








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Grand Cayman Port Day

Part 3



Around 2, we hailed Sylvie and paid our tab, then we walked up front for a taxi. I wanted to have a little shopping time before the tender back. We were put with a large family group and it was pure chaos from beginning to end. Chaos! They were yelling and arguing with the taxi bus driver and each other. The.Whole.Entire.Time! I actually felt a little sorry for the driver, because she couldn't handle this thug nation.









When the taxi stopped at the pier, W and I almost fell down trying to get the heck out of there! That ride was Team Too Much! I found a store that had BBD, which was what I wanted, but they said delivery to The Vista had been cut off for the day, so I couldn't buy it. Dubious. W said we should go back to Tortuga, so yeah ok. They had what I wanted and they would meet me at the gate to pick it up. Now I'm not too sure about this. So I pay for it here, then you "meet" me at the gate to give it to me? Questionable. However since I was fresh out of options, and it was only $14, I conceded. I stood in line and paid which took a very long time. The store was crazy packed since they were still selling bottles for Vista passengers. The credit card machine was very slow to connect so it was taking like 15 minutes plus per transaction. It felt like Visa was sending a little old man wearing white knee socks and sandals to my bank to make sure that I had the money before they would approve the transaction. I had the cash with me, so I asked the rep to cancel it and I would just pay cash. She voided the sale, took the cash, and I was on my way. W had gone to stand in line to get a tender because it started to get very lengthy.


In case you are unfamiliar with BBD:



It's really good, and as far as I know, you can only get it in Grand Cayman



After I finished in the store I joined W in the line. This was a slow moving line so it took some time out of our lives that we will never get back. Once we got closer we saw why it was taking so long. People were just walking up and joining the line in the front. One family behind us was overit.com and they started calling people out and telling them to go to the back. They sent 3 groups of people to the back while we were standing there! Although I'm the self-appointed leader of minding your own business, I was happy that they spoke up, so I gave the dad a quick fist bump and a High 5!


We eventually made it to the gate and the Tortuga Rep was there with a cart full of alcohol. The boxes were marked with our cabin number. I gave her my number and she checked my receipt and handed me the box. That was easier than I thought! We boarded a tender and we were quickly back on board the Vista.


Now W hadn't eaten in almost 6 hours so he was starving like Marvin and about to start eating his backpack which would've been bad. Really bad. To avoid that disaster we went right to the Lido. The Marketplace was still open so we filled our plates with random food. When W could think straight again he wanted to go back to the Lanai and check out those chaise lounges out there. We relaxed out there awhile then we noticed a tender pulling up right as we were leaving port. We bet on whether we would stop for them. I lost the bet, but the passengers on the tender won! The Vista did indeed stop for them. Soon we were underway again but you couldn't tell because this ship really has very little motion. Odd.








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Grand Cayman Port Day

Part 4




It was kinda warm on the Lanai because there really wasn't a breeze blowing. This sent us back to the cabin where we both just enjoyed doing nothing. Our favorite!









Tonight was elegant evening followed by the all-white party and we wanted to be on time for both. I was early and doing well with not making W wait, until I had a wardrobe malfunction. There was a mysterious stain on the white dress that I really wanted to wear. Good thing I brought 2 white dresses just in case! I didn't like the backup as much as the star but hey it was better than nothing! I did a quick dig into the shoe pile, and again I scored the shoes that I wanted quick. Victory!




They really have Your Time Dining figured out on the Vista because we haven't waited for a table yet. We check in on 5 and they always say "your table is ready". It's going to be hard not having this setup next cruise.






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Grand Cayman Port Day

Part 5



My dinner was Shrimp Cocktail, Crab Cakes,and Grilled Shrimp. W had the same appetizers with the Filet Mignon and Short Ribs. He had the Gran Marnier Soufflé and I had Warm Chocolate Melting Cake. We stuffed our faces with all of those delectables then ran back to the cabin for W to change into his white clothes.


Because you can never have too many pictures of Shrimp Cocktail:



Crab Cakes



Grilled Shrimp



Filet Mignon



Gran Marnier Soufflé



Warm Chocolate Melting Cake



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Grand Cayman Port Day

Part 6




We found front row seats on Deck 4 and we parked it there for the whole Electric White Night Party. OMG I can't rave about it enough! You must cancel any other plans that you have for that evening and join this bacchanal! We had fun singing and dancing with Matt! They also had the final Lip Sync Battle between the 2 winners from Monday. They were both really good!! It was a wrap when the girl hit that split! The crowd went nuts! She was outstanding!















At around 11:30 the party was winding down so we went back to 2282 and retired for the evening. I got my stuff ready for the gym in the morning because Cozumel would be a late port.



Before I fell asleep I said a quick prayer thanking God for bleach and toenails. Bleach to get that inexplicable stain out, and toenails because I thought mine were extra cute this week!

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Grand Cayman Port Day

.... went through the gate to Ground Transportation, and asked about a taxi to Royal Palms. We were told to follow the people in front of us. Okey dokey. No Prob Bob. We were led to a bus and I asked again to make sure we were in the right place. Yes this bus will take you there was the reply, just tell your driver. Fantastic. We went to board the bus and I told the driver we wanted to go to Royal Palms. She said ok. We waited for them to fill up her van and we were moving. The bus driver started to explain the difference between the beaches and what each had to offer. The majority of the van wanted to go to the Public Beach. Then she said do I have anyone for the other one? Silence. "What about the couple? You wanted the Royal Palms right?" I replied. "Yes we still want to go there". Again. I started to wonder whether she was judging us or was she remedial? Or maybe the owner of the taxis also owns the bars and restaurants on the other beach so there's an incentive for bringing more people there? Hard to say.


The same thing happened to us - twice. The driver went right past the beach we requested in Grand Cayman and took the other passengers to Calico Jack's. We thought about insisting but figured it was just easier to try Calico Jack's. In St. Maarten, though, the driver pulled over to the side of the road as soon as we left the port complex, got out of the front seat and opened the door to the passenger area of the van to tell us that he would take us where we asked to go if we really wanted to go there, but he was sure we would have a better time at another place. He talked the other 8-10 people into changing their plans but I stood firm. We stopped there first, everybody else got out, and then the driver of another van came over to try to talk us into staying. He was irritated when we refused to get out of the van. I just don't believe those drivers were that concerned about two strangers having a good time that day, most likely there was a kickback involved.

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The same thing happened to us - twice. The driver went right past the beach we requested in Grand Cayman and took the other passengers to Calico Jack's. We thought about insisting but figured it was just easier to try Calico Jack's. In St. Maarten, though, the driver pulled over to the side of the road as soon as we left the port complex, got out of the front seat and opened the door to the passenger area of the van to tell us that he would take us where we asked to go if we really wanted to go there, but he was sure we would have a better time at another place. He talked the other 8-10 people into changing their plans but I stood firm. We stopped there first, everybody else got out, and then the driver of another van came over to try to talk us into staying. He was irritated when we refused to get out of the van. I just don't believe those drivers were that concerned about two strangers having a good time that day, most likely there was a kickback involved.


OMG Thank you for this!!! I'm glad it wasn't just me! ;)When the driver asked us again on the bus, I felt like she was saying "Have I talked you out of going there yet????" :o Shady. We have to stay woke! ;p

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Once again loving your review! They always are awesome to read. I've been going through your other reviews and thought I would ask if you prefer Grand Cayman or Costa Maya? I'm trying to choose between those two for a Western Caribbean cruise. Thanks again! You're awesome!



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The first time you go to Alchemy, go when they have the Martini Tasting. You get to pick a few of them that you think you might like for $20 I think. That way you can see which ones are your faves. ;)


Sounds like a great idea! Looking forward to more of your review.

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Thank you so much for your review. I am really enjoying it. I have read your other reviews and am looking forward to the Cove Balcony we have booked on the Vista in 2018. It will be our first cove and first time on the Vista.

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Cozumel Port Day

Part 1



I got up around 8:15 because if I kept eating all of this food and not exercise, I wouldn't be able to fit into my going home pants! That would make me sad! I got dressed at my leisure as I was half hoping that another more desirable and fun activity would present itself. It didn't. Since I was fresh out of excuses, up the 10 flights of stairs I walked. I know it sounds all glamorous, but I have to stop halfway through to catch my breath and try not to die! I made it to the gym and surprisingly it was rather empty. I thought since this was a late port day, more people would be there, but they must've been lucky enough to get sidetracked.


After my run I went back down to the cabin to meet W and get started with our day. I washed the gym funk off, then I was ready to see and be seen. We began again with another mix and match breakfast. It was quick since there was really no lines. We brought all of our stuff with us, so after we ate, we hit the elevators and debarked at Deck 0.





We paused to take a couple of pictures on the pier after debarking. I think we were procrastinating going through the colossal tourist trap known as the Dufry! We almost always get stuck behind a family that wants to look at everything. Everything ya'll. They designed it so that there's a lot for you to turn down and hopefully something, anything will catch your eye. The problem is that when anyone stops on either side everyone behind you has to stop also. There's not a lot of room to go around since it's really just a long hallway on a pier.


Procrastination Pictures








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Cozumel Port Day

Part 2




After we finessed our way thru the crowd we were able to get to the taxi stand line with few interruptions. There were quite a few people taking taxis but the line moves quickly and if there are only 2 people in your party, they come and get you out of line. Usually. It sometimes takes longer to get a bigger vehicle for groups. We rode the short ride down the strip and walked into Paradise Beach which really feels like home. We have been here lots of times and we enjoy it every time. It's one of those no brainers for us. Going to Cozumel? No worries. Take a taxi to Paradise Beach when you get there. No excursion necessary.














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Cozumel Port Day

Part 3

We moved some chairs around so that we werein the shade, because shade is everything! Paradise Beach offers free WiFi, butjust like most of the other resorts, it is very very slow! W tried in vain to download anything on theinternet, and he quickly gave up and jumped in the pool. I sat in the shade andpeople watched for a while. Soon W got out of the pool because he was hungry.Shocker!



We flagged down our waiter and ordered myfavorite thing there, shrimp quesadillas. They were delicious and delightful asalways and we crushed them, in what seemed like, one bite! After we had eateneverything but the napkin, we asked for our check so that we would be ready togo when the time came. We set a hard stop for 3 o'clock which arrived in recordspeed! Time cheats on vacay!


We jumped in a taxi out front to take us backto Puerta Maya. The ride was $15 each way for both of us, which really is kindasteep considering it's a straight shot and only a few miles. With no airconditioning. I get that we were close to the ocean breeze and all, but notthat close! It was so hot, my flip flops started to melt, and W was turning intoa warm puddle of goo! Next time, I will ask if it costs more for AC, because whateverit is, it's worth it! Warm puddles of goo don't smell so great after awhile.


Thankfully, the ride is pretty short, so wehad plenty of time to get our Cozumel necessities when we got back. We took ourtime looking for what we needed at the port. Once our purchases were made westarted the race through the Dufry which is usually better going back.

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Cozumel Port Day

Part 4


After dropping off our bags in the cabin, we headed for the Sky Ride. We found it after a little hunting. When we got up there we noticed that we were improperly dressed, so back down to the cabin we went to change. Alright let's try this again. Remix!


We got back up there and the line was not very long. It is a slow loader though so we waited maybe 20 minutes. Right as it was our turn, they closed so no one else could get in line. We both rode and I took pictures along the way. I was just snapping and not really focusing on looking because I was concentrating on not plummeting to my doom. I am a little afraid of heights so actually having the camera kept me distracted so I didn't see the scary parts.









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Cozumel Port Day

Part 5


After our ride, I walked through the Lido and Serenity taking more pictures just in case the sun wasn't our friend, and avoided us the next day.













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Cozumel Port Day

Part 6



I met W back in 2282 because it was time to get ready for the Chefs Table. We've done it a few times on other ships, but I really wanted to go on The Vista because of the dedicated area and because I read somewhere that the menu may have changed. The price has gone up to $95 from $75, but it's always been worth it for us so we went for it.



Our meeting point was Atrium Lobby on Deck 3.We were really early because in my mind the letter said to be there at 6:15. It really said 6:25. Don't trust my mind. It omits. Promptly at 6:30 we were met by our Host Chef Plato. He led us through the restaurant back to the galley area. We stood at one of the prep tables and sampled olives and cheese. Then he made cotton candy and twirled it around an olive. After that he made lollipops which were really good too!














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Chef's Table Part 4









The champagne was flowing and we relaxed and got ready to be very well fed and entertained. They really make you feel like royalty! After the preliminary briefing Plato led us into the Chef's Table Dining room which is inside of the galley. It was very beautifully decorated and a welcome change from doing it at a table that they setup in the middle of the galley. We could actually hear and interact with each other in there. As soon as we were all in our assigned seats, the servers started popping bottles. We had a red and a white wine, sparkling or tap water. I liked both of the wines so I had both the whole night. Because YOLO. This was our 4th time doing Chef's Table and I must say this time was our favorite. This is another activity that I highly recommend! They give you personalized attention and this is a place where you can ask questions if you are curious about anything that goes on with food on the ship. We took lots of pictures of the food because we wanted to remember it all. We were done around 9:15. Yes, that means there's almost 3 hours of eating. W's nirvana.




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Cozumel Port Day

Part 7


Next, we went down to the Limelight Lounge and caught Russ Nagel's comedy show. He was really funny, definitely go if he's on your cruise. Guess That Song with Matt was after that in the Main Lobby. We found a good spot to watch it on Deck 4. It was a party with Matt hosting so I hated to leave, but alas we had other plans. Still!










Our last activity of the day was to catch the movie Alien: Covenant in the IMAX Theater. The theater is very large and it was cool watching a first run movie at sea. There was a gentle rocking of the ship too so it felt like we were on the spaceship in the movie. The movie started at 10:45 and we got there right then. There wasn't a line and there were still good seats open when we went in. You have to pre purchase your tickets at the iPad on the counter then the staff checks you in after that. Allow yourself 5-10 minutes for that in case there is a line. Since there wasn't one when we went it took about a minute to complete both transactions. The movie was a couple of hours so when it was over it was close to 1 am.






After all of this activity and no nap I was through! No ice cream, no tea, naught, and nil for me! I went straight to bed!


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God for vacation carbs and calories that don't count!

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Thank you so much for your review. I am really enjoying it. I have read your other reviews and am looking forward to the Cove Balcony we have booked on the Vista in 2018. It will be our first cove and first time on the Vista.




Thanks for reading my ramblings! [emoji6] You are going to love the Vista Cove Balcony! ❤️



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