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Charlie Soto rip off


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We were on the 11/14 Coral Princess and had booked the Charlie Soto tour.

When we got on the van the first thing he said was "You are Cruise Critic people, I have to take extra good care of you."


Of the 19 people on the tour, only 3 were doing the ziplining. We first went to "The Jungle Breeze". When we got there we were informed that we could: do ziplining for $40. (we all knew the price beforehand), a "beautiful garden tour" for $15. pp, tour the garden on our own for $15.pp, or watch the ziplining for $5. !!

It took 35 minutes for the 3 people to get harnessed since there were some other folk there already. The other 16 of us just stood around till they got harnessed. We then went on the "garden tour". What a joke!! We walked thru woods, saw 2 flowering plants -both of which the guide said were ginger and that was it. No paths, no signs on anything, nothing. We then had to wait and wait for the 3 zipliners. Charlie told us there were free drinks in the refrigerator at the place. When 2 of us took drinks out, we were told they were $2.00 apiece. We told the guy to take it up with Charlie. We got there at 9:25am and left a few minutes past noon. Except for the embarassing "garden tour" of about 15 minutes, all we did was stand around and wait for the zipliners. Charlie had a cooler on the van but by the time we got back to the van, he was out of water and just about every other drink. We were in the middle of the woods so there was no other place for us to go or anything to do and it was sunny and hot, very hot.


We then went on the canal ride; saw 1 slothe and lots of other boaters. Our boat never went near the banks to get an opportunity to see if there was any other wildlife. We did pass numerous houses, people on the banks, and a refinery burning off a lot of black smoke -the canal is not in an isolated area.


We told Charlie we were concerned about seeing everything and getting back to the ship in time. Several people reminded him that we had to be back ship time, not his time. He said we'd see everything and be back in time and we were now going to the restaurant.


By this time it was 2pm, we had been with him for 5 hours already and all we had done was get taken for $15. a person and stand around for well over 2 hours in the hot, hot sun. We got to the restaurant, very crowded, nice location on the beach. Several of us ordered hamburgers, the waiter said no, it would take too long. Thinking that the rest of the food was not going to be cooked to order, we didn't order anything. About half of the group did and enjoyed what they got. It took exactly 40 minutes for them to get their food. It's now 2:45, people are just starting to eat their meals (no sandwiches or burgers). We went to the parking lot to see if we could get a taxi back to the ship. The van driver saw this and got Charlie. Charlie came to us and asked why we wanted to go back to the ship. We told him we had been on the tour for 6 hours already; had not gone to the banana plantation, had not gone to the animal rescue shelter, had not done the scenic drive, had not stopped at the grocery store and we were very concerned about getting back to the ship. We were tired from standing around so long at the ziplining and we realized there was no way we were going to get to the other things on the tour that were promised. He said the banana plantation was about 25 minutes away, which would have brought us to after 4pm just to get there; let alone tour it, and do the other things promised. We said no, it was too dragged out and it would have worked out if we had done all the promised things first and did the zipline last. That way he could have dropped off the 16 people back at the ship and gone back for the 3 ziplining people. He just looked at us and didn't offer any apology or explanation.


Some other people heard us talking and they went in and told the others and it turned out that ALL 19 wanted to leave!! We all got back on the van and Charlie forgot to take in the foot stool; the driver ran it over. We all looked at each other and thought we had a flat tire! The stool was destroyed but the tire was okay and he took us back to the pier. I know the zipline couple, perhaps another also, stayed on the van and did the banana tour. They never got to the scenic drive or animal place.


No blame on the 3 ziplining people, they had a good time. Charlie failed the other 16 people. When we got off the van at the pier we asked how much he wanted and he said $49. - with no apology for the miserable "tour" he gave us, nothing. So this tour we had all looked forward to cost us the $64. a person. Not one of the 16 had a good thing to say about Charlie or his tour and they were still talking about it days afterwards.


And that was our terrible experience with Charlie Soto.

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I'm sorry that whynotnow had such a negative adventure & write up about Charlie Soto. I like to say that Charlie did NOT failed all of the 16 people who did not ziplined. Whynotnow should not make such a blanket statement!!! It is utterly unfair, cruel and wrong. Words should not be putted into other peoples mouth without confirmation!!!


Those who continued the tour (7 people) with Charlie after the first drop off of passengers back to the ship did get to enjoy the banana plantation, city sights and shopping with Charlie. I must say that this part of the trip was really exciting and a great learning experience. We had such a great time with Charlie...he kept a close eye on us while we were shopping in town so that we wouldn't get ripped off. We bought home great coffee...just as good as coffee Brit for a fraction of the cost. Yummy...


I had only wished that the entire group of 19 had continued the tour as planned...I'm sure that it would had been a memorable tour for them as well and would have raved about Charlie. Being that Charlie was real accommondating and sweet, he took the nervous passengers back to the ship early and then back tract to finish the rest of the tour with 7 fun seeking passengers; thus losing about a hour time. Being that we lost about one hour, the remaining 7 decided to forgo the animal shelter ;o( although Charlie said that we can still make it. Instead we returned to the pier early and did some more shopping at the port.


I really don't understand why the above poster said that Charlie ran out of drinks...Charlie gave us soda and beer to take back to the ship..he also offered us fruits, but we declined; but I don't know whether he still have water available.


All in all, we had an WONDERFUL tour with Charlie and would highly recommend him!!!


It's entirely up to you to BOOK with Charlie or NOT based upon the postings.

But if you are nervous about getting back to the ship timely...you should NEVER NEVER book private tours but spend the extra money and book the ship's excursions!!!! Ship will always wait for their passengers on the their excursions... On our current cruise, few Panama excursions from the ship were quite late...thus our sailing out of Panama was delayed for a hour or 2.


Regarding the ziplining...not only 3 were interested, there were initially more, but after answering the waiver's questions...it was wise that they did not go ziplining. I think the majority of them enjoyed seeing the crazy 3 do the zipling and we all had a good time. Yes, the $15 for the garden tour was steep in regards to what was seen there. Unfortunately, this optional tour was uneventful...this $15 went directly to La Brisa Jungle. Therefore the rip off is by the Jungle and NOT Charlie


Unfortunately the canal tour was less than expected; we did not see many animals, crocodiles and etc. All we saw were birds, a horse (mule), slothe, turtle, crab, a butterfly and lots of greenery. We did go near the shore and pick some fruits off a tree and cracked it open and smelled it. We can't fault Charlie for the lack of wildlife on the canal tour...he has NO control on the movement of the animals.


The stop at the beach was nice but rushed due to some folks were worried about not getting back to the ship on time. The food was delicious and very reasonable. Service was a little slow due to our large group and also crowded with customers. Poor Charlie was rushed so much and razzled by some to get back to the port that he forgot to put his stepping stool back to the van and thus was ran over by the van ;o(. Sorry Charlie!!!

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Our group of 12 is booked with Charlie do do the same tour - any pointers so we don't wind up scarce of time??? Perhaps the zipline should come last??? Actually, Charlie's e-mail states that's the order he'd be taking anyway. We were also told we could do horseback riding at the Jungle Breeze stop if we chose not to zipline - was anyone involved in that???? Was it even offered???

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whynotnow - I read your post a couple of days ago and thought, "huh, that's too bad, he had a bad time...." and went on my way. Today, I feel compelled to address your post in hopes of helping others to look at things from another perspective, and not from yours alone.


First and foremost, it is too bad that you had a bad experience with Charlie Soto and that's a bummer for you, but, you get to go home to your comfortable bed and to your comfortable life and move on to making your next vacation plan (maybe). As for Charlie Soto, who has worked so hard to earn the reputation that he has made for himself for so many years (numbers don't lie, there are hundreds of satisfied customers, how can hundreds be wrong?), Charlie, get to go home that day and feel defeated and bad for not making YOU happy. See the contrast?


For you to go on the World Wide Web to discredit and damage the reputation a small-time business such as Charlie Soto is self-serving and unwarranted. Who do you think is more devastated by this experience? The devastation to Charlie Soto you may have caused is immeasurable. Your experience was an isolated incident, as stated by mamahugs (earlier post above). The events that happened described by you, may have been easily remedied with clear communication. You felt uncomfortable and anxious about the crowd and about getting back on time, you projected your "discomfort" onto Charlie Soto (expecting him to babysit you every minute of the way rather than trying to enjoy yourself....you were on VACATION, remember?) It is so easy for us to play the blame game. Unfortunately, our society has taught us how to take the easy road rather than the road less taken...


In summary, your review of Charlie Soto is unjust, irresponsible and again, self-serving on your part. Any intelligent and experienced traveler can see that your post hold no merit whatsoever.


The world should not revolve around you, YOU should revolve with the world. Mishaps happen on excursions and yes, sometimes, if not most of the time, excursions don't turn out the way you want or expect them to be, this is where you should revolve with the world, be tolerant, be patient, be content, be human and enjoy the trip you worked so hard for....


I hope you don't find this message to offend you, it is not my intention to minimize your experience. It is merely my humble intention to help you and others have a better perspective about the wonders of the world while traveling abroad. :o


Live, Love, Laugh, and Cruise....:)

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We just got back from a cruise to Costa Rica where 42 of us did the Charlie Soto tour. Out of 42 people we had 42 extremely pleased tour participants. Charlie was very accomodating, friendly and extremely interested in our enjoyment of the tour. I don't know how Charlie can do such a tour to Zipline, Tortugero Canal, Bonita Beach and other places for the low price he charges $49. A tour of the Tortugero Canal from the ship was $85 and went nowhere else. Maybe Charlie tries too hard to please by trying to take his tours to as many places as possible. I cannot fault him for this I just appreciate his efforts. We all were very pleased with Charlie and the tour and would without hesitation recommend him to others. I personally hope to return and meet Charlie for another wonderful tour. Charlie Soto is not only a tour guide but now a friend. Galaxy 11-24-05.

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We were on the Charlie Soto tour 11/27 with the group of 42, but were on a seperate bus from 'Weliketogo' (Cliff) .... I was of the 14 or so on our bus that zip-lined, but I heard no complaints from those that did not .... we did Las Brisas 1st, then the Canals, then the Shelter. We decided as a group to skip lunch and go on to the Banana Plantation to make sure we have time to stop & shop in town for coffee, vanilla, hot sauce, etc. We were still back to the ship in plenty of time, and some of the group went off to shop the market area around the pier. At all times Carlos (our guide - Charlie was in bus #1) had water & drinks available, and after zip-lining we all had individual to-go containers of fresh fruit. We raved for the rest of the cruise how the tour in Costa Rica was the highlight of our trip. :D


Whynotnow ... sounds like you may have just hit one of those 'bad days' that happens to everyone at some time or another .... I'm just sorry yours was on your vacation.


And for the life of me, I can not figure out what Kulcruise is doing ... he alternates between praising Charlie on one thread, and nearly vilifying him in another .....:confused:

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We booked a tour with a competitor to Charlie at a higher price I might add. We very much appreciated the personalized service that our small group had and saw the large group that Charlie stuffed into his bus.


As I heard it, Charlie has been undercutting the other operators prices in this market and we cruisers seem to have flocked to his tours. Unfortunately, it puts a financial strain on all but him and many operators are upset.



Price is not the most important thing to us. Instead we would like to have a memorable day that optimizes our short visit to Costa Rica. If we wanted to be herded around we would have booked with the ship.


My opinion only

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We booked a tour with a competitor to Charlie at a higher price I might add. We very much appreciated the personalized service that our small group had and saw the large group that Charlie stuffed into his bus.


As I heard it, Charlie has been undercutting the other operators prices in this market and we cruisers seem to have flocked to his tours. Unfortunately, it puts a financial strain on all but him and many operators are upset.


Price is not the most important thing to us. Instead we would like to have a memorable day that optimizes our short visit to Costa Rica. If we wanted to be herded around we would have booked with the ship.


My opinion only

Actually we were in a very comfortable bus that easily held the 22 of us. In no way was our group 'stuffed' into a bus. These were not full-sized American style buses, but a medium sized travel buses with large viewing windows ..... we did not book solely on the price, but on the content of the listed tour, and that one of our CuiseCritic roll-call members was setting it up for us ......and with our group, I had an extremely wonderful, memorable day ..... No complaints here!!:D
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We were on Charlie SOTO's tour on Dec 7, 2005. We just returned from a cruise on the Carnival Legend. Here is what happened...


Charlie met us at the pier, as he said he would, with a card with our name on it as well as 4 other couples. 10 total. He had ONE couple doing the ZIPLINE tour, and then picked up another couple on the dock. Now he has 8 of us NOT doing the ZIPLINE, who had signed up with him via email, and 4 doing the ZIPLINE, only ONE of which did sign up with him, and a couple that he picked up at the pier.

1. FIRST was a tour of a banana plantation, which was very good.

2. SECOND was when the horror story started. He told us he was going to take the ZIPLINE folks to the place where they do that.. and we would then come back and pick them up.............we dropped them off, and the WAITING began. First we waited until they were fitted with the gear.. then we waited until they were instructed on HOW to do it, then Charlie said he would have to wait with them, so he put us back on his bus, with another fellow names CARLOS and took us on an HOUR ride down a very bad bumpy dirt road. That is all we did, ride on this horrid road for an hour... there was nothing to see or do. We then told CARLOS that we wanted to turn around, and go back to the ZIPLINE place, and go back to the ship... We went back to the ZIPLINE place, and there we waited another HOUR for them to return from their experience, so a TOTAL of THREE HOURS was wasted, out of the FIVE and 1/2 that her promised us.

3. THIRD.. we did do the CANAL tour of Tortega.. it was OK.

4. He stopped at a store so we could buy coffee.. (we did not)

5. Returned us to the ship with no time for shopping, very little time remained before the ship would sail.



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I guess we were the ones having ALL THE FUN on the very same tour while I can not commend on what was happening while we were doing the ziplining I can only say that Chalie and Oscar were WONDERFUL in the way they did the tour !!! The ZIP-Line took about 1,5 hours at THE MOST so you are lying about your wait and since you also mention the ather things that were done everybody can see that you are not telling the thruth because with the timeline you are painting all that would have to be done within 2 hours !!!:eek:

Please be honest!!! By the way Charklie is NOT responsible for the condition of the roads in Costa Rica !!!!:rolleyes:

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Let me ask one more time - didn't Charlie tell anyone else there are other things to do at Jungle Breezes??? If you go to their website, you'll see you could horseback ride or hike the trails(to a hilltop observation deck) as well as some sort of gardens. All of these things incur an extra charge to Charlie's price of $49 but that money goes straight to Jungle Breezes. Why did everyone stay on the bus????? Three hours of sitting on the bus was actually your own fault, do some research next time and know what is available to you. Knowledge is power and Charlie seems to like it better when his clients are well informed. Our group is booking his regular tour but we added and subtracted what we want to do then asked him if it was all possible. He loved that we had some idea of what it is he does and was happy that we picked our own itinerary.

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hmmmm, this seems like more than isolated occurrances and problems now - and that has me concerned.


Oh, and for the person who said people should find something else to do when Charlie makes a ziplining stop - thats a bunch of crap. I had planned to go with Charlie on an upcoming cruise - and I specifically emailed him where we wanted to go - and noted we did not want to go ziplining or stop there. He said fine - but it seems this is what he has told these others as well.


This is not good. false advertising and bait and switch. If he can't please everyone, fine - be upfront about it and say so - and let people decide. But don't say what you need to book the business and then change what is delivered

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Seems rather odd that up until I returned from my recent cruise, Charlie only had glowing reviews (at least that we could find!) Now a few people are really trashing him big time. I find it surprising since our group seemed to have such a good time. And as I understanding it, our other group (on a seperate bus) also had a terrific time. If any of the non-zippers were upset, bored or irrate, I didn't hear about it ..... so I wonder, are these a few isolated incidents? The 3 hour ordeal seems a bit exaggerated - from off the bus to back on the bus took us about 2 hours for zipping. and we had a large group of about 14 actually zipping. Best I can suggest is that Charlie needs to split his groups up at the pier - those on a zipping tour together and those not zipping in a different group.


I will say, that if I make it back to Costa Rica, I would book with Charlie again - no question! If was really the highlight of our 11 day trip.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We had been in Limon twice and used the same local guide both times. Eventhough we never did use Charlie's service. This is our opinion.


Most local guides will try to get as many people as they can on each ship regardless of what tour people may wish to see. So by doing that one group would get a better service than the other.


On our case - in 2004, 11 of us from the Island Princess took a tour to Canal - banana plantation - beach tour etc. with Oscar Brown enjoyed it very much. So in February 2005 cruise we (2 of us) contacted Oscar to give us a different tour of Costa Rica (pineapple plantation, Costa Flores, butterfly etc.) with a set price and a promise to take us himself (because we are his repeat customer). When we got to the pier, Oscar announces that he would go to the bigger group and left us a newphew (who is a taxi driver) with no plan, no drink and most of the time did not know where to go. We did see few different things but felt we let down and taken.


A word of advice here, you will need to find out whose else would be on your tour and if all would want to see a same. If your group has several things to do (zip line vs non-zip line), find another tour even though this guide is well recomended on this board. He can't go and do everything in one day for everybody. There are more local guides at the pier they are as good as this person and can give as good service.


We enjoyed Costa Rica very much and the country is very nice and wish to return again soon. Enjoy as much as you can while you are there.

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A word of advice here, you will need to find out whose else would be on your tour and if all would want to see a same. If your group has several things to do (zip line vs non-zip line), find another tour even though this guide is well recomended on this board. He can't go and do everything in one day for everybody. There are more local guides at the pier they are as good as this person and can give as good service.



Sounds like very good advice - especially since there are just 3 of us. I would hate to be thrown in with a larger group with their own agenda

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hmmmm, this seems like more than isolated occurrances and problems now - and that has me concerned.


Oh, and for the person who said people should find something else to do when Charlie makes a ziplining stop - thats a bunch of crap. I had planned to go with Charlie on an upcoming cruise - and I specifically emailed him where we wanted to go - and noted we did not want to go ziplining or stop there. He said fine - but it seems this is what he has told these others as well.


This is not good. false advertising and bait and switch. If he can't please everyone, fine - be upfront about it and say so - and let people decide. But don't say what you need to book the business and then change what is delivered

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hmmmm, this seems like more than isolated occurrances and problems now - and that has me concerned.


Oh, and for the person who said people should find something else to do when Charlie makes a ziplining stop - thats a bunch of crap. I had planned to go with Charlie on an upcoming cruise - and I specifically emailed him where we wanted to go - and noted we did not want to go ziplining or stop there. He said fine - but it seems this is what he has told these others as well.


This is not good. false advertising and bait and switch. If he can't please everyone, fine - be upfront about it and say so - and let people decide. But don't say what you need to book the business and then change what is delivered

Recent reviews seem to indicate that Charlie is splitting up the zip-liners & the non-zippers .... which would seem to be the ideal solution. Our group was 1/2 & 1/2 but had no problems, and nothing ocurred like Grabbit97's ranting & raving post ..... (which he is duplicating verbatim all over every Charlie thread ....)
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We had an ok time with Charlie. Actually, he ended up pawning us off to another tour guide after we waited around for almost an hour. We were initially told to go on one bus, but then he filled the bus up with zipline people. We had 6 in our group, so we went in another van.


The canal is very cool, as was the banana plantation. What did bother me was that Charlie no longer takes people to the sloth sanctuary. Seems like he should lower his price because of this, or at least let people know. I was really looking forward to it. We did take a drive looking for monkeys, and were lucky enough to find them.


The roads in costa rica and panama were awful. Not something the driver can control, so it is foolish for people to complain about them.

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Just got back from Costa Rica. Used Charlie Soto for our zip lining. Would never use him again. Yes, most the people in our van did not zipline. They were bored silly while waiting for us to finish. And speaking about vans...he stuffed 24 of us into a van that should not have held more than about 18. We had to use the jumpseats in the van. Try that over bumpy roads for about an hour or so. Ziplining was a snap compared to the ride we got with Charlie. He is overpriced and cuts his costs by using substandard transportation. I know some of you think he is the greatest and we all have our own personal opinion....but my take is to find another tour or another tour guide.

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Just got back from Costa Rica. Used Charlie Soto for our zip lining. Would never use him again. Yes, most the people in our van did not zipline. They were bored silly while waiting for us to finish. And speaking about vans...he stuffed 24 of us into a van that should not have held more than about 18. We had to use the jumpseats in the van. Try that over bumpy roads for about an hour or so. Ziplining was a snap compared to the ride we got with Charlie. He is overpriced and cuts his costs by using substandard transportation. I know some of you think he is the greatest and we all have our own personal opinion....but my take is to find another tour or another tour guide.




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  • 4 months later...

I am back from my 3rd trip to Costa Rica and the Panama Canal . I try to read the threads about where I have been and where I will go next.


I see a lot of people bashing some tour operators and hear some good results from others. The only thing I wanted to say is there are a lot of good tour operators other than Charlie Soto in Costa Rica. I only hope that people that go to Costa Rica will give some of the other tour operators a chance to better their business. You will always have the right to tell the tour operator to return you to the ship if things are not going the way you were wanting them to go.


I have used the same SMALL tour guide for the last 3 times that I have been in Costa Rica and have been pleased with everything we have done. He was employed by a cruise ship in the past and is a family man and will do anything he can to please his group. He is middle age and is very knowledgeable an is a very safe driver. He is also a Mason if you know what that is. His email is augustasbeckford@gmail.com or augustasbeckford@yahoo.com or phone #(506)758 2136 AUBECK TOURS

All I ask is for everyone to give other tour operators a chance to build their business just as some of the big name operators. Hank

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