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BudgetQueen or Anyone--Tundra Wildlife Tour


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If we are booked on the 7 Day Inside Passage cruise on Summit from Vancouver to Seward, and are then taking the train to Denali, what is the Tundra Wildlife Tour?

The description says '...and then the afternoon and evening are at your leisure'. How long is this tour, and where does it go? Sounds like it is just a few hours.

We are interested in the 12-14 hour tour that goes all the way to Kantishna Roadhouse/Wonder Lake , not just a short tour inside the park.


Can anyone tell me?


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I am sure BQ can give you even better information but to give you some basic answers to your question, here goes. I just returned from my Alaskan adventure and participated in the Tundra Tour. It is actually an 7-8 hr. venture into the Preserve which goes to about mile 53. (In our case we went to mile 65 or so, as it was a clear day and our driver elected to continue deeper into the park since Mt. McKinley was very visible.)


Depending on how booked you may be provided with a box lunch or will need to bring your own. I highly suggest you bring additional water and snacks as it is a long day! You will see tons of beautiful scenes and amazing wildlife so keep the camera ready at all times. Enjoy!

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If you have purchased an add on cruise tour from the cruiseline, in your description for your Denali Park day, should be either Natural History tour, or Tundra Wilderness tour listed as included.


If you have 2 overnights at Denali Park it will be simple to take the Wonder Lake shuttle, you are better off at this distance, mile 85 on a day trip, since most of Kantishna is private property. But first Verify that you can be refunded your tour price. You have paid $50 for the NHT and $90 for the TWT. IF you do not have two nights included at Denali Park, most likely you will NOT be able to fit in the shuttles. On the shuttles you MUST bring in all your own food and drink.

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On the Tundra Wilderness tour, the farthest point that they can "officially" go is Stony Hill Overlook, mile 61. If they did go past Fish Creek, almost to Eielson, like the above poster states, don't count on this.

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Also, please note not all cruise tours include the TWT or NHT as part of a 2-day experience in Denali. I have heard rumblings that RCI changed one package to include something called "Discover Denali Program" or DDP, which is only a 2 hour guided tour around the visitor's center surrounding areas. This will NOT get you into "the park" which would be a huge misfortune. Doing the TWT was well worth the expense in my book.

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The tour to Kantishna is operated by private concessionaires which in-holding at the end of the Denali Road. It is primarily for guest who stay at their eco-tourist lodges ($300 per person per night or higher) but anyone can book them.

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We were there just 2 weeks ago.

The Tundra tour goes to mile marker 53 as noted above.

We were told by our guide that the guides have the option of going 9 more miles to marker 61 on a clear day. The way it was described is that the first driver of the day makes the decision whether to continue or not, and if that driver continues, then all other drivers have the option to continue. If that first driver doesn't continue, then no one on these tours is allowed out to marker 61.


On our day, the mountain was very clouded over, and our driver joked that while the first driver went to 61 (for the clear viewing of the mountain), it was obvious that that driver couldn't see it, so perhaps they hadn't seen bears yet on that first trip, and wanted to increase their chances.


In any event, the driver gave the bus the option of continuing, and it was unanimous to continue forward into the park. Our particular bus saw A LOT of wildlife, and more than what our driver said was "normal". I guess we got lucky -- which is obviously great for us.

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As another tip. Between Toklat and Eielson, is a BIG bear area. I have always seen them here. On my photos, the bear sliding down the hill was just past Eielson, we stayed and watched this bear for half an hour. :)


Overall farther is better. And I will continue to post so. :)


I am shocked at not even a NHT by RCI- what a RIPOFF. I can only speculate- and probably right on, the volumes of people who have no clue what they booked, then after, scratching their heads- wondering why people think Denali Park is so great????


I ran into a whole dining room full of RCI NHT visitors in the Talkeenta Roadhouse last year, saying this. All I could think- if you only knew???? What a costly, long way trip to have missed out on so much.

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So, if we want to go into the park as far as possible, but do not need to stay at Kantishna Roadhouse/Lodge, how can I book this? Any cost estimate?


Friends of ours took this 14 hour sdchoolbus tour four years ago and it was about $120 per person. Can the cruiseline (Celebrity) change this for us and credit us with the TWT portion of the cruisetour (fat chance, huh?)?


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So, if we want to go into the park as far as possible, but do not need to stay at Kantishna Roadhouse/Lodge, how can I book this? Any cost estimate?


Friends of ours took this 14 hour sdchoolbus tour four years ago and it was about $120 per person. Can the cruiseline (Celebrity) change this for us and credit us with the TWT portion of the cruisetour (fat chance, huh?)?




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It is said that people have no idea what they do book until its too late. One of the beauties of this board is that people get a chance to research and ask questions.


I'm continually amazed at how "isolated" many visitors are on busses, trains, and cruise ships from seeing another side of Alaska. In Anchorage, we rarely get a chance to interact with tourists unless we head to the little enclave of hotels downtown.

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So, if we want to go into the park as far as possible, but do not need to stay at Kantishna Roadhouse/Lodge, how can I book this? Any cost estimate?


Friends of ours took this 14 hour sdchoolbus tour four years ago and it was about $120 per person. Can the cruiseline (Celebrity) change this for us and credit us with the TWT portion of the cruisetour (fat chance, huh?)?




You are going to want to book the shuttle to Wonder Lake http://www.nps.gov/dena But do you have 2 nights at Denali Park???? You can't do it with only one night with a cruisetour.


For clairfication- what your friends did, I never recommend. They essentially went 90 miles into the park and had a VERY high cost meal. They certainly DID NOT have any time for the activities available via the lodges with overnight visitors. Rarely these day trippers have time for a walk about. If they had chosen the shuttle, they would have gone 5 miles less, for less than $45, a far better choice in my opinion.



To answer your last question- NO the cruiseline will NOT book any shuttle or Kantishna Roadhouse lodge for you. But there have been several posts on available refunds.


If you are going next year, redo your land portion and get the Denali Park tour you want, by going independent. Superior way to go with your preferences.

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It is said that people have no idea what they do book until its too late. One of the beauties of this board is that people get a chance to research and ask questions.


I'm continually amazed at how "isolated" many visitors are on busses, trains, and cruise ships from seeing another side of Alaska. In Anchorage, we rarely get a chance to interact with tourists unless we head to the little enclave of hotels downtown.



I see this over and over and over and over. With some people very angry at some posts. It pays to do your homework and go with the touring you prefer. My private emails are loaded EVERY day with cruisetour "fixes" that just can not be done most of the time. Denali Park is most always the common theme. The other common one is verifying transit times. Factor in even more with extended time loading and unloading buses/trains.

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In defense of "isolated tourists", I think my difficulty has been in the amount of info available re: Alaska and excursions. For some subjects, there is a ton of info and for others, not nearly enough. Denali has been especially difficult. We are currently booked through Princess for the TWT. However, we have 2 "afternoons at leisure", also. I want to make sure I understand the differences between the shuttle and the tour (other than bus color). From what I have read, it seems (and please correct me if I am wrong) that the shuttle allows you to get on/off at your pace. If we stay with the tour, I am assuming that we have to get on/off according to their schedule. Sometimes, that may be ok and sometimes, not. Also, we have a guide narration (which seems like the driver's do also) and a boxed lunch. I don't really care about either of those things. We want to experience Denali, not just do a drive-by, if you know what I mean. Should we stay with what he have currently, or try to change to the shuttle and plan to go to Fish Creek or Wonder Lake? And, keep in mind that we do have those 2 "afternoons at leisure." How long does it take to go on the shuttle from start to either of the above? And, I realize that this may vary depending on how long we stay at each stop. Thanks much- I love this board and the info has been invaluable!!

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Your accurate in your narrative. :) You do have to stay with the same bus on all TOURS. Shuttles, essentially you yell "stop" and the driver does- opens the door, and off you go. :) No trails, when you are done exploring, get back on the road and the next bus by will stop. I do suggest, you consider doing your hiking on the way BACK. This then gives you available seats on ANY bus that goes by. If you haven't reached your destination- AND say you got off your bus at Polychrome Pass, you would have to wait for a bus going to your paid destination.


With your "2 afternoon" references??? I would assume you could have a full day available???? This gives you a wonderful opportunity to get to Wonder Lake- Call Denali Princess directly- ask when their first hotel shuttle bus goes to the transportation center, get the last return time too. Wonder Lake is about 11-12- hours, Fish Creek 9-10 hours. Both are averages. BE CERTAIN to get a refund of the Tundra Wilderness tour, if you decide not to take it. AND when booking the shuttle, you will already have paid the park admission of $10, don't pay it twice. :)

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Rockmich -

Please share with me the information that Denali Princess gives regarding shuttle times to the Transportation center. I'm concerned we had a communication problem. I was planning on calling back later, but you may save me the call. Thanks.

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Now, I am really torn. I understand that we can cancel the TWT through Princess within 56 days of sailing. We sail on the 14th of August (cutting it close on the 56 days...). So, I thought I would try to make reservation for shuttle bus on-line first, and then cancel through Princess. However, the date that I need (August 13) is already booked. I know that 35% of seats on the shuttle can be booked 48 hours in advance. However, I don't know that I want to cancel through Princess and take the gamble that I will be able to get seats on the shuttle for the date I need. We do have 2 afternoons at leisure (getting into the Mt. McKinley Princess on 8-11 at 12:45pm and then to the Denali Princess on 8-12-06 at 11:15am). Maybe we'll plan to head to the park on one of these afternoons and try to get a shuttle seat 48 hrs prior. Any advice? Thanks

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Now, I am really torn. I understand that we can cancel the TWT through Princess within 56 days of sailing. We sail on the 14th of August (cutting it close on the 56 days...). So, I thought I would try to make reservation for shuttle bus on-line first, and then cancel through Princess. However, the date that I need (August 13) is already booked. I know that 35% of seats on the shuttle can be booked 48 hours in advance. However, I don't know that I want to cancel through Princess and take the gamble that I will be able to get seats on the shuttle for the date I need. We do have 2 afternoons at leisure (getting into the Mt. McKinley Princess on 8-11 at 12:45pm and then to the Denali Princess on 8-12-06 at 11:15am). Maybe we'll plan to head to the park on one of these afternoons and try to get a shuttle seat 48 hrs prior. Any advice? Thanks




Wait a minute- these lodges are 100 miles apart. You will not be going to Denali park from the McKinley lodge. Are you 2 nights at the DENALI Princess??? You will also have NO PROBLEM getting your desired shuttle ticket. I've done this the last 2 years since I wanted some flexability. You just need to call the 800 number 800-6227275, at 7am and you'll get your seats.


As a suggestion, if the shuttle is of interest. I would cancel the tour. It's just about a given that you will be able to rebook this independently if you decide to change your mind. The park service cancelations are far more generous.

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Thanks for your patience... I was on the correct website checking dates. Funny thing is that when I entered the date (mmddyy), I got the "no available shuutles on this date" notice. However, when I used the drop down calendar provided and picked the date, there were all kinds of choices. I have called the lodge directly and the earliest shuttle is at 7am to the park. It is only a 10 min. ride the the entrance to the park. Are we cutting it too close to try to do the 7:30am shuttle, or should we wait until 8am? And, would you recommend taking the shuttle all the way to the final destination (be it FC or WL) and then get off? And then maybe get off again on the way back at whichever stops seem interesting? Thanks again for all your patience... just trying to put together the best trip ever!!

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I think I know the answer to this problem since I encountered it myself trying to get shuttle reservations for mid-July.


The online shuttle reservation system requires you to enter the date desired; unfortunately, it doesn't tell you to enter it a certain way. If you use the drop-down menu, just select the date.


However, if you enter the date yourself, you have to do it without any slashes or dashes. Therefore, a July 10 2006 date must go in as 07102006 or 071006.

If you do 07/10/2006, the system comes back that nothing is available. Sneaky, huh?


A friend of mine works for the park service and told me about this interesting situation. Once I entered the right date, got the reservation I wanted.

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What is the physical difference between the shuttle bus and the tour bus? It would be impossible for me to handle 10+ hours sitting on a bench in a school bus. Is the tour bus more comfortable?

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Now, I am really torn. I understand that we can cancel the TWT through Princess within 56 days of sailing. We sail on the 14th of August (cutting it close on the 56 days...). So, I thought I would try to make reservation for shuttle bus on-line first, and then cancel through Princess. However, the date that I need (August 13) is already booked. I know that 35% of seats on the shuttle can be booked 48 hours in advance. However, I don't know that I want to cancel through Princess and take the gamble that I will be able to get seats on the shuttle for the date I need. We do have 2 afternoons at leisure (getting into the Mt. McKinley Princess on 8-11 at 12:45pm and then to the Denali Princess on 8-12-06 at 11:15am). Maybe we'll plan to head to the park on one of these afternoons and try to get a shuttle seat 48 hrs prior. Any advice? Thanks


By my calendar - Aug 13 is 52 days from now!

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What is the physical difference between the shuttle bus and the tour bus? It would be impossible for me to handle 10+ hours sitting on a bench in a school bus. Is the tour bus more comfortable?


School bus either way - only difference being the color of the bus. The trip to Fish Creek and back is listed as 8 hours: http://www.reservedenali.com/shuttle_bus.php

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