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just received email from CDC re: Spirit


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just got an email from CDC today saying they are going to send everyone a survey that was on our sailing 6/11 due to a gastrointestinal illness (which we all came down with and off hand about 10 others I met and spoke with) has anyone else here received one of these before..?? thanks

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just got an email from CDC today saying they are going to send everyone a survey that was on our sailing 6/11 due to a gastrointestinal illness (which we all came down with and off hand about 10 others I met and spoke with) has anyone else here received one of these before..?? thanks


Wow, that's interesting. I didn't receive one, though I've been in the contact with the FDA (which handles NCLA, not NCL, cruises) on my own volition concerning the Aloha. I'd encourage you to fill it out as that kind of data is essential to dealing with problems.

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Hi Jean,


I got the email too. I am happy because DS was sick for almost two weeks after we left the ship. I was worried. Our doctor concluded it was norovirus (sp?) that he must of picked up on the ship.

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I returned on the SPIRIT on 6/11 and was reading the threads about some of the people getting sick on the cruise that left when I got back. Some were diagnosed with Strep, some thought food poisoning from shrimp and/or salmon and some thought Norovirus.. I wonder if they ever really can track down what happens unless they attend to it while on board. I know One man in our CC group went down to the doctor on the day of our return (6/11) to get a shot for really bad diahrea. Everyone else seemed fine on our sailing except him in our group

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I returned on the SPIRIT on 6/11 and was reading the threads about some of the people getting sick on the cruise that left when I got back. Some were diagnosed with Strep, some thought food poisoning from shrimp and/or salmon and some thought Norovirus.. I wonder if they ever really can track down what happens unless they attend to it while on board. I know One man in our CC group went down to the doctor on the day of our return (6/11) to get a shot for really bad diahrea. Everyone else seemed fine on our sailing except him in our group


MJBear, here is a portion of the CDC letter:


In our efforts to identify a source and best protect the health of cruise ship passengers, we will be conducting a survey of all passengers on this cruise. Shortly, you will receive an email message with a link to a secure, web-based survey. Participation is optional, and all information provided is strictly confidential.


Your completion of the survey is essential to identify the source of infection. It is important to complete the survey even if you did not become ill. Your participation will help explain the cause of this outbreak, and help CDC and NYSDOH continue to protect the public's health.


Sounds like they are really going to try to identify source.

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Wow, that's interesting. I didn't receive one, though I've been in the contact with the FDA (which handles NCLA, not NCL, cruises) on my own volition concerning the Aloha. I'd encourage you to fill it out as that kind of data is essential to dealing with problems.

Yeah, I was on the same ship as davidc04 June 10th week also did NOT receive this letter from CDC. I speculate could be one of two reasons:

1.) Outbreaks on US flagged ships are strictly under jurisdiction of the FDA NOT CDC (CDC only has jurisdiction over foreign flagged ships), or

2.) We filled out a CDC form for GI Ilness diorder in the infirmiry - maybe CDC has not yet gotten around to computing the data ??


Last I heard dircetly from the mouths of CDC officials , as I posted a few weelks ago - the outbreak rate on NCLA Aloha was 14.15% for the week of June 10th. >/=3% is considered an outbreak by CDC standards.

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We were on the Spirit 6/11 sailing and also received the email from the CDC. Both my son and I became ill during the sailing for a brief period of time. My son was ill with unexplained vomit


I recall reading a post stating that a young girl on the sailing was diagnosed with Salmonella afterwards. I hope that child has recovered well. I think the CDC is required to investigate the source of such. I am just wondering what they will be able to determine so far after the fact.


During the sailing I was unaware that so many people had become ill.

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Surveys like this, hopefully will minimize (spelling) the outbreak of these illnesses which seem to be reported on one line or another every week lately. HAL has really been hit this year. It seems to me last year was a little more mild and the year before was more like what we are seeing now.



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I'm not sure if any sort of Norovirus can be passed from person to person, but it is worth noting that my office mate's mother got quite sick on her HAL cruise, and within days of returning 3 other members of the family (non-cruising) were quite ill with similar symptoms. Is it possible to be communicated this way? Interested in the answer from those of you who are more in the know than I am.

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My understanding is: yes, it can be passed from person to person; Holland America has had several outbreaks lately with the Noro Virus as have many ships. They have had more than any other line. I don't think anyone knows what causes one line to have more trouble than another. A few years ago it was Celebrity; NCL has had almost a clean record til lately and now they seem to be getting hit pretty hard. It is so important for all of us to remember to wash our hands often, stay away from others when we feel like we may be getting sick and if we are cruising report to the ship doctor as soon as we feel something coming on. Nothing will totally control outbreaks, but the more careful we are the less likely the virus will spread. NMnita

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I'm not sure if any sort of Norovirus can be passed from person to person, but it is worth noting that my office mate's mother got quite sick on her HAL cruise, and within days of returning 3 other members of the family (non-cruising) were quite ill with similar symptoms. Is it possible to be communicated this way? Interested in the answer from those of you who are more in the know than I am.


Amongst the many ways noro viruses can be spread, people to people contact is one.


Here's the CDC web page on noro viruses.



How do people become infected with noroviruses?


Noroviruses are found in the stool or vomit of infected people. People can become infected with the virus in several ways, including:


* eating food or drinking liquids that are contaminated with norovirus;

touching surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus, and then placing their hand in their mouth;

* having direct contact with another person who is infected and showing symptoms (for example, when caring for someone with illness, or sharing foods or eating utensils with someone who is ill).

* Persons working in day-care centers or nursing homes should pay special attention to children or residents who have norovirus illness. This virus is very contagious and can spread rapidly throughout such environments.


Are noroviruses contagious?


Noroviruses are very contagious and can spread easily from person to person. Both stool and vomit are infectious. Particular care should be taken with young children in diapers who may have diarrhea.How long are people contagious?

People infected with norovirus are contagious from the moment they begin feeling ill to at least 3 days after recovery. Some people may be contagious for as long as 2 weeks after recovery. Therefore, it is particularly important for people to use good handwashing and other hygienic practices after they have recently recovered from norovirus illness.


Can norovirus infections be prevented?


Yes. You can decrease your chance of coming in contact with noroviruses by following these preventive steps:


*Frequently wash your hands, especially after toilet visits and changing diapers and before eating or preparing food.

*Carefully wash fruits and vegetables, and steam oysters before eating them.

*Thoroughly clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces immediately after an episode of illness by using a bleach-based household cleaner.

*Immediately remove and wash clothing or linens that may be contaminated with virus after an episode of illness (use hot water and soap).

*Flush or discard any vomitus and/or stool in the toilet and make sure that the surrounding area is kept clean.


Persons who are infected with norovirus should not prepare food while they have symptoms and for 3 days after they recover from their illness (see food handler information sheet). Food that may have been contaminated by an ill person should be disposed of properly.

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I hope that everyone who was on this sailing and unfortunately fell ill recovered fully and quickly. I feel bad for anyone who got sick on or after they sailed.


I agree with the posts here. If we all make sure that we wash our hands frequently (every trip to the bathroom and before eating), then we will significantly decrease the chance of contracting and/or spreading these types of viruses. That's why NCL puts the hand sanitizer at every eating venue. It is a preventative and I like it that they have it there. It makes me feel more comfortable. I think these viruses would spread particularly quickly at the buffet, though of course it can spread in other places too (pools, hot tubs, dining room, casino, children's facility, etc.). At the buffet, you could serve yourself with a serving spoon which may be contaminated with the germs of the virus. Then you go to your table and eat a piece of bread with your hand (even though you eat all the rest of your meal with a knife and fork or a spoon), and boom...you get infected with the virus. In some cases it could be something as simple as that.


I think that all the cruiselines in the industry try their best to maintain clean facilities. I have never been on a ship that I didn't find to be spotless, and I always see the crew cleaning constantly, around the clock. I have been on 12 different ships and always notice the cleanliness. Better than any hotel or resort I've stayed in. So, they are doing their part. We as passengers need to do our part. And I will just hope that my sailing next Saturday on the Spirit is germ-free!



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Take it from a nurse and Aloha past pax. who had 3 family memebrs infected.


Other sourses of cross-contamination that may not seem so evident but ARE modes of transmission:

Restaurant Dinner Menu,

S & P Shakers,

of course stair hand rails,

YOUR Cruise I.D . Badge guys :eek: ,

elevator buttons.


Effective hand-washing MOST effective when DONE FOR FULL 30 SECONDS, saopy warm water, lotza friction & between the fingers and under nails, get paper towel first when finished use paper towel to turn off the contaminated faucet fixtures, otherwise you just recontaminated yourself.:)


Make sure you either clean these surfaces yourself or sanitize your hands after handling & BEFORE hand goes in mouth :D


PS I did NOT get it - wahoo


Stay Safe & Healthy All:)


Nurse Wratchet:rolleyes:

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Thank you JunPOA for the great list. I would like to add (just thought of it while I was reading your list) the casino slot machines etc. I am sure we could come up with other areas to look out for.Thanks for the list.

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Other areas:

Video Arcade games

Any door handles (including to your own stateroom!)


Loungechairs (sorry to say)

Leaning on the bar


I carry my own sanitizing hand gel. I use the one that NCL provides when entering the dining room, but I also like to sanitize my hands just before eating. I didn't even think of the dinner menu, and I usually think of everything!

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Wouldn't it be cool to go mystery shopping on a cruise and go around to various public places with frequent hand touching areas and take swabs of the contact surfaces , culture them and see what ship grows what pathogens - eeek:eek: We all know there are various benign micro-organisms always existing in the environment of different varieties (bacteria, fungus, miolds, virus etc) but its the ugly pathogenic ones we have to worry about.


I dare not know the results - sorry to put the imagery in your heads but it would be interesting.


Maybe one of those network news shows like 20/20 or 48 hours or even the Travel Channel might be up for the challenge.


BTW - Since I am not a casino fan - I that idea completely slipped my mind - we should pass all of the great ideas onto the cruiselines to make the all the ships a safer environment for all of us.:)

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Wouldn't it be cool to go mystery shopping on a cruise and go around to various public places with frequent hand touching areas and take swabs of the contact surfaces , culture them and see what ship grows what pathogens - eeek:eek: We all know there are various benign micro-organisms always existing in the environment of different varieties (bacteria, fungus, miolds, virus etc) but its the ugly pathogenic ones we have to worry about.


I dare not know the results - sorry to put the imagery in your heads but it would be interesting.


Maybe one of those network news shows like 20/20 or 48 hours or even the Travel Channel might be up for the challenge.


BTW - Since I am not a casino fan - I that idea completely slipped my mind - we should pass all of the great ideas onto the cruiselines to make the all the ships a safer environment for all of us.:)

How many times have we all wished we could do something like that? As for the TV shows, no thank you! All they do is sensationize everything. We would get some good entertainment but it would be mixed with National Enquirer propaganda. Of course I am such a skeptic I probably wouldn't believe any of it anyway. I know NCL does read these boards so I am guessing all the lines do; they will see subjects like this. One thing does come to my mind: can we carry this so far that we lose our ability to fight germs? I ask this because I have had 2 doctors, one about 40 years ago and one about 3 years ago say, we as Americans are really too clean. No, they were not suggesting we not shower and both were very clean themelves, and yes, many of us know a few people that do not fit the "too clean" catagory. LOL
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How many times have we all wished we could do something like that? As for the TV shows, no thank you! All they do is sensationize everything. We would get some good entertainment but it would be mixed with National Enquirer propaganda. Of course I am such a skeptic I probably wouldn't believe any of it anyway. I know NCL does read these boards so I am guessing all the lines do; they will see subjects like this. One thing does come to my mind: can we carry this so far that we lose our ability to fight germs? I ask this because I have had 2 doctors, one about 40 years ago and one about 3 years ago say, we as Americans are really too clean. No, they were not suggesting we not shower and both were very clean themelves, and yes, many of us know a few people that do not fit the "too clean" catagory. LOL


NMNita - You & your DR have something there. Let's not forget our bodies' natural human defenses and the concept of "herd immunity" - the DH is a physican old schooled in Korea and speciialized in grad courses in Paracitology (sp) , growing up in the midst of the Korean War and post-Korean war era he had little to no opportunities for Immunizations that we had in our country (USA). Other than smallpox he had NO immunizations as an infant and child , was in the Korean army, works outside all the time in the dirt and get cuts galore. Has he ever gotten tetanus, or rubella, or typhoid - NO !


That is not to say I advocate for not immunizing as the CDC recommends - the point is yes , we do have natural built in immune defense systems and if we are too clean to the max , we inihibit our biody's natural abiliy to build up antibodies against the bad bugs in the environment.


Still, I beleive within the cotext of an institutional like setting like a nursing home, or hospital, or kids summer camp where there is close contact; when a bug does it i, it spreads like wild fire. That is why it can't hurt to be too careful in protectnig yourself from potentially contaminated surfaces (like menus, or casino areas etc. ) - when you have knowledge of a recent outbreak (anywhere for that matter not just a cruise ship).


My husband thought it was ridiculous for me to carry my own hand sanitizers around with me on the cruise and I also fetched my own disinfectant supplies when I heard he was diagnosed and we were quarantied for me to disinfect and wipe down potential areas in my cabin (sink, light switch, door knobs, etc) that I might "catch it". AS you know he got it - I did not, what can I say?


Worked at a summer camp one year when an GI bug hit - ugh what a mess that was !:eek:

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We sailed on the Dawn in April of this year and our DD is in a wheelchair. We stopped after shopping in the ship store at a Handicapped bathroom outside the store. Someone left a fecal accident on the floor in front of the bowl, out in the open. I turned the wheelchair around immediately and opened the door ( with an unprotected hand) and went to the front desk to report the condition. Less than 24 hours later, I was aching, fever, vomitting and watery stool for the next 36 hours. We were in a penthouse and I was able to isolate myself in the main bedroom and had brought my own Immodium and advil and tums. I recovered well and by the end of the second day was able to leave the cabin and went to the Internet cafe to note on the CC board about the Norwalk Virus. In a matter of two hours I was sought out by the hotel director, Doug who received an email from Maimi about my illness. The Miami Office had read the CC entry and wanted to get to us to check out if we were contaminating the rest of the ship. He was relieved that no one else got sick but wanted me to know how important it is for the doctor on board to be notified to prevent spreading. God bless Lysol wipes, I had brought them with me and was very happy to use them.

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NMNita - You & your DR have something there. Let's not forget our bodies' natural human defenses and the concept of "herd immunity" - the DH is a physican old schooled in Korea and speciialized in grad courses in Paracitology (sp) , growing up in the midst of the Korean War and post-Korean war era he had little to no opportunities for Immunizations that we had in our country (USA). Other than smallpox he had NO immunizations as an infant and child , was in the Korean army, works outside all the time in the dirt and get cuts galore. Has he ever gotten tetanus, or rubella, or typhoid - NO !


That is not to say I advocate for not immunizing as the CDC recommends - the point is yes , we do have natural built in immune defense systems and if we are too clean to the max , we inihibit our biody's natural abiliy to build up antibodies against the bad bugs in the environment.


Still, I beleive within the cotext of an institutional like setting like a nursing home, or hospital, or kids summer camp where there is close contact; when a bug does it i, it spreads like wild fire. That is why it can't hurt to be too careful in protectnig yourself from potentially contaminated surfaces (like menus, or casino areas etc. ) - when you have knowledge of a recent outbreak (anywhere for that matter not just a cruise ship).


My husband thought it was ridiculous for me to carry my own hand sanitizers around with me on the cruise and I also fetched my own disinfectant supplies when I heard he was diagnosed and we were quarantied for me to disinfect and wipe down potential areas in my cabin (sink, light switch, door knobs, etc) that I might "catch it". AS you know he got it - I did not, what can I say?


Worked at a summer camp one year when an GI bug hit - ugh what a mess that was !:eek:

I too beleive in an ounce of protection but think we have to keep these things in prespective. We did take our sanitation wipes with us on one cruise, but didn't use them. Luckily no one got sick. Actaully I think I would be more concerned about being on a ship where the bug is just starting as I think a couple of sailings later everything is usually under contol. The worst I have seen is on planes with people coughing all over the place. I have yet to get the Noro Virus (thank goodness) but have picked up a few chest infections from planes. I do use a paper towel when it is convenient to open doors in public bathrooms. To be very honest I think I never pick up the virsus cause I kill the germs with booze!!! LOL

I have to admit I was totally shocked when Celebrity had no hand sanitizers anywhere on the ship last December. At least NCL is trying to do something. NMnita

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We bring a full sized container of Clorox Cleanups for each stateroom that we occupy. No one steps in the rooms until I am done. I go over every surface, all handles, knobs, hangers, hairdryer, fridge, balcony railing, chairs, telephone, remote controls, safe. Do them all. I am not a clean freak but I don't know how frequently the water is being changed when they are cleaning up, after how many guests? Or how diligent the people before us were in their washing habits (I know, no one has been in my room before, LOL). I do know that everyone I travel with washes their hands, uses the sanitizers diligently, knuckles the elevator keys :) & uses the leftover papertowel from drying their hands to open the door in the bathrooms :eek:; I was amazed at the numbers of adults that did not use the hand sanitizers that are available all over the ship. I saw more kids using the system than adults. The only way for the virus bacteria to get in your system is via your mouth. Do the math & increase your odds where you can.

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Yes, and you'd be surprised how many adults do not wash their hands after using the restroom either. I see this in all different public places...restaurants, malls, etc. And I never understand this. It takes a couple of minutes to wash your hands thoroughly. That's all. Not a waste of time, but a valuable use of time.


Kids love the hand sanitizers. It's almost like a new toy for them! Many adults don't like them because they tend to dry out the skin. This happens to me sometimes but I still use the ones provided, as well as my own. I buy the little one from Bath and Body Works, which fits right into my purse. As a teacher, I have learned to carry this stuff with me everywhere, and to use it right before I eat.


I have never wiped down anything in my cabin when I first embark, but now I'm thinking of bringing those wipes with me. Light switches, door handles, TV remote control and TV buttons, phone, etc. All places that can carry those germs. The wipes are the quickest and easiest way to get rid of those, so I will probably bring them too. I love using those at home anyway so I always have them around!


The other thing in the cabin that concerns me is the room service menu. After reading the above post about how the dinner menu can carry the germs, I realize the room service menu can too! What would you do about that one? Tell them you don't have a room service menu in your cabin and ask for a new one? Hmm..... But we still shouldn't spend all our time worrying about these things. We can only do so much to prevent this. I don't wanna spend my entire vacation wondering about something like this. It could happen anywhere.


I caught one of those viruses back in April when I went to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. I got so sick the night that we first got home, so I had to have caught it up there. But of course I would still stay at the Hilton, and I would still go there on vacation! I was pretty sick though, and then many people in my family got the same virus. Everyone but my husband and my son actually. We went to my parents' house when we got home (in the afternoon, before I got sick). About a day and a half later my niece came down with the virus and then it spread like wildfire. My sister, her other daughter, her boyfriend, my father all got it. Yet my husband, son and mother managed to escape it somehow. I was the only one in my house to get it. I would have been very upset though if I had gotten this while on vacation, especially a cruise! Hopefully it will be prevented this time!

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