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ADF's Trip Report - 25/10 R635 Peach Sunsets

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Ok, finally getting around to writing!

Wed, 25/10

Staggered out of bed at 4.15 and picked up Janine (Lastdrinks) and Robyn. Sandra the snob (keepcruising) was flying Qantas while we slummed it on Virgin. Got out luggage checked in, proud to say I was only 22 kilos unlike the other 2 of 26 and 29, and no excess payable. Nice bloke. Had champagne (6am!!!) on the flight up and met up with Sandra at about 8.15 at Brisbane airport.

We saw a P&O rep wandering about and asked about the airport transfer. Not a problem, even though we weren’t booked on P&O flights they let us onboard and no charge. (Same going back to airport)

Time is all fuzzy now. We arrived at terminal dumped our luggage at security and collected a boarding group category ticket. Got “B” so we were second to board. Wandered about the shops picking up last minute things that we had forgotten.

I think they started boarding around 11 and we were about ½ hour behind that.

Found our cabin and it was tiny. Much smaller than Sun’s cabins and even smaller than our outside cabin from last Star cruise. Oh god, 4 girls trying to get ready – what a nightmare.

Had some lunch and parked our bums on loungers up on deck 10 for sailaway. Left about 2.20pm, lovely sailing down the river. Saw the Glasshouse Mountains and also Bribie Island and Caloundra where I spent my childhood hols.

Met up with Kezza and then wandered around looking for Witchipoo etc. Found them and sat around getting to know everyone.

Was on second seating dinner. A bit too late for my liking. One negative thing about our dining experience was that our waiter didn’t introduce herself or make an effort to smile. The other one either. I know that sounds petty but it was a shame especially when you have always had someone you felt like was your best friend. It certainly didn’t ruin our holiday. Giri however, was another waiter who served Sandra in April and remembered her and showed us many a magic trick. Actually I think everyone knew Sandra :D

Janine started getting seasick tonight and unfortunately didn’t improve over the next couple of days until the needle.

Better stop rambling or I will use up all the servers storage ;)

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26/10 – Sea day

Up early 7am? (at least Sandra and I) and off to the gym. Robyn just moaned and groaned and promised “tomorrow” and Janine was feeling quite unwell by this stage.

Had breakie and wandered about. Morning trivia at 10am. Teamed up with Witchipoo etc and formed a dream team who won just about every trivia there was. There was about 12 all up and each time we had our quota of 8.

Went to bingo, which as changed since last time. Still $10 per book but now has $20 for 3 and $40 for 6 with a bonus book for the snowball. These can’t be separated. I didn’t mind Troy as the caller but just about every number had a call, some of which I just did not get.

I had my hair done for formal night and we had our photos taken. Bought a couple from that night. Cocktail party was nice, I always seem to miss out on the free drinks. Lol

27/10 – Noumea

Did the scavenger hunt and managed to find all the items. Had difficulty finding a certain year coin but thank goodness Sandra had one in her bag. Went to the horse racing and we bought a horse at the auction. Go number 6 Pistol Star. This kept us entertained all cruise. We took him everywhere on the ship and have photos to prove it. Even had dinner with the captain. We stripped it back to its original paintwork (nice shower it had with me) and now it looks spectacular.

Arrived at Noumea a little late but didn’t matter to us because we hadn’t booked anything. Found out the train is booked out by P&O so if you want to go then you need to book through them. Janine decided to go on a bus tour and us other 3 just wandered around the City. Compulsory stop at the chocolate shop of course.

I don’t mind Noumea although it is expensive. Love looking through the supermarket and completely stuffing up my high school French.

Watched the show “love the nightlife” which was just as funny and entertaining as last time. Have your camera’s ready. No video though.

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Thanks for the installment Jane. I do hope there is more??


Think the waiters can play a big part towards the enjoyment of your dining experience, As much as I love food I think there is more to dining than just the food. You can have a great experience with good company and attentive friendly staff even if the food is not 5*, not that I have ever had a complaint about the food on board, except there is just way to much and one has to learn to say NO! :o


I look forward to meeting fellow CC's when onboard, considering we spend so much time learning about each others experiences, & opinions, will be interesting to see what we are really like.;)

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Good review ADF, love your dry humour, I am wondering what difference there was with your cabin compared to last time. I mean were you in a different part of the ship, like forward aft or middle etc. Do you think that contributed to Janine being sick or not. I have booked on Caribe Deck outside cabin towards the middle.

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28/10 – Lifou

Still a wonderful sight. As this was the first time I had visited here without kids in tow, I dragged the others over to Jinek Bay for snorkeling. The hike wasn’t as bad as I had expected and I had pictured a ladder scaling the cliffs. Not at all like that, a hike up hill and a little bit steep walking down, but the ladders was really just like a long pool ladder from a platform into either ankle deep water or sand depending on the tide. Kids could do it.

The snorkeling was wonderful. Floated around for a couple of hours. Headed back to the ship for lunch and Robyn and I headed back over again. So glad I dragged myself back. Spent another couple of hours floating around on the the pool hammock drifting over the coral.

Made it back to the ship for yet another trivia. Dressed up for the Country and Western hoe down and Janine won a bottle of Champagne for the shoot em out thingy. Had lots of fun tripping over myself during the linedancing. Gee I am unco-ordinated.

29/10 – Port Vila

Sandra and Robyn abseiled the Cascade Falls and Janine and I did the lagoon cruise along with Witchipoo etc. They loved theirs and the lagoon cruise was very relaxing and informative. The guide was an expat Aussie who grew up in Coonabarabran and one of Witchipoo’s group came from the same area and knew some of the same people.

Janine and I wandered around Vila for a few hours and she bought a “designer handbag”. She headed back to the ship and I then wandered around with Sandra and Robyn.

30/10 - Champage Bay

Well it was everything that you had all described. Absolutely gorgeous. Janine and Robyn wandered around the markets while Sandra and I headed straight for the water. Headed back to the ship for lunch and trivia and then Sandra and I went back for another swim. Paid $5 for a canoe ride, they took us out to some coral jumped ever for about $15 and then rowed back. Was a huge effort trying to drag myself back into the canoe. Sandra was most entertained.

There was a big fight between the islanders that afternoon. Thank goodness I missed it but unfortunately others saw it. I hope I have this right… One group owns the land/rights to the area and another group turned up trying to poach tourism dollars. All hell broke loose. Most people (like me) were blissfully unaware of what was happening and it only seemed to involved the locals and no passengers. I did notice the tension later on when I braved the the toilet trip – now that was an experience.

Tonight was Rock and Roll/Retro night. There were us 8 cruise critics dressed up and a few others. A fun night. Kezza entertained us with an Elvis impersonation and I failed dismally at the hula hoop comp. Had a wonderful time listening to all the favourite tunes and learnt how to hand jive.

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Good review ADF, love your dry humour, I am wondering what difference there was with your cabin compared to last time. I mean were you in a different part of the ship, like forward aft or middle etc. Do you think that contributed to Janine being sick or not. I have booked on Caribe Deck outside cabin towards the middle.


The first cruise we were in 5083or5, Caribe middle outside. Lovely and quiet. This cabin was a good foot or 2 narrower. The outside cabin had bed a gap the 2 bedside tables (about 2 feet wide joined) a gap and thend the other bed. This cabin was bed table bed. No gaps. Still had 4 robes but Sandras was near the door and at an angle. Couldn't hang hangers straight. Mine was normal and the other 2 were slightly wider. All had safes, which kept on playing up.


The cabin we were in this time was 6160 aft inside. Was very noisy and shaky during "takeoff and landing" the bunk ladders would rattle agains the beds. Didn't notice that last time. Robyn said at least we didn't have the clunk, clunk, clunk of the anchor each morning like she had in the front last time.

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Good review ADF, love your dry humour, I am wondering what difference there was with your cabin compared to last time. I mean were you in a different part of the ship, like forward aft or middle etc. Do you think that contributed to Janine being sick or not. I have booked on Caribe Deck outside cabin towards the middle.


We were on Caribe deck, outside, middle on Star (Cabin 5065) and found it fine. Not rough at all - even on the first night going through the tail edge of Cyclone Wati.



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Robyn said at least we didn't have the clunk, clunk, clunk of the anchor each morning like she had in the front last time.


My partner had a cabin next the anchor chain on one of his Fair Princess cruises - said it was a good way of getting a wake up call on Port days.

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31/10 – Luganville

Set out with determination to get a taxi to the Shark Bay Blue Hole. I had done the P&O tour there last time and thought it was wonderful. Tried to negotiate with many a taxi driver but all were charging too much. $80 was the originally offer by them. Found a driver to do it for $45 for the four of us. Think we ended up getting off cheap, gave him $50. It cost $5 each entrance to the local landowner. He also had coconuts and papaya set up for us.

It was a wonderful trip. Janine and I sat in the cab and Sandra and Robyn on the tray of the ute. What a blast. The driver told us all about the surrounds and was a great guide. Was a much better trip than last time cramped in a minivan with no fresh air at the back.

The hole was just spectacular, like the colour of Kerosene as as best as I can describe it. Floated around for about and hour and the cool fresh water. Wonderful not to taste salt. Robyn did a heroic save of my snorkel after I lost it at the bottom of the hole. I have too much flotation in my body. Lol. She dived to the bottom, a fair distance and apparently it hurt her ears. My hero.

On the way back I braved the outside tray home. What fun. Except when I decided it was toilet time and we still had another 20 mins of boneshaking bumping to go.

Back to the ship and bolted to the bathroom – ahh relief!!

Tonight was Halloween. So many people made and effort and were dressed up. Witchipoo’s group looked fantastic. They went to a major effort. Unfortunately I was feeling the effects of too much partying and not enough sleep and fell asleep at the dinner table. (lovely photo Janine). The others dragged me off to bed where I had a quick nap and made it back upstairs to join in the festivities. A big group of us got up and sang karaoke Do Re Mi. What a fine bunch we were. The witches won the best dressed competition.

1/11 – Wala

This was my sleep in day. Due to no window I stayed in bed until 9.30am. At some stage Sandra appeared, laughing telling me that it was raining. See, I had been to Wala in Janyary and refused to get off as it was pouring so I had said I have to go this time. It cleared up. Fiddled about until trivia and lunch and then headed off to Wala with Robyn. We had our hair braided and wandered about the markets. Bumped into Sandra who said she wasn’t coming over and thankfully she had a camera with memory cards unlike me! I was ready to stomp and cry because I was in charge of photos for Janine and I and the camera didn’t work.

Well tonight was the night. Sandra had gotten friendly with the captain and we had been invited to dinner. Even missed the old time singalong for this occasion. The saddest bit was that Janine was heading back down the seasick path and was unable to make it to dinner. Captain Ravera is a lovely man and a delightful dinner companion. I was trying to be all proper and order everything (fussy eater I am) and he orders bbq sauce for his chips. I, unfortunately started laughing about his order. He talked about his life and family and we saw some pictures of his kids.

We bolted back to the cabin to change for island night. Captain had said he would go up and have a look around and see us then. Decked ourselves out in our gear and headed up to be greeted with the sounds of Agadoo playing. Joined in all the traditional cheesy dances and made our way around the pool area in the conga line. Had our “island affairs” in our flashing cocktail cups. Chatted to the captain again (what a lovely friendly man), had some photos taken and then headed off to bed. Unlike another person that staggered in at 4.30am!!! hmmm

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2/11 – Sea Day

Not much happening. We did the usual trivias, finishing touches on our horse and just lazed about. Think this was the day that Janine had her second needle.

Tarted ourselves up for 2nd formal night and went off the past passengers party. Managed to get 1 free drink, how do others get more is what I want to know. Dinner was fun and loved the parade and chicken dance.

Watched Gday Gday and had a laugh. Except of course for the haunting “and the band played Waltzing Matilda”. The entertainment crew did their traditional if I were not upon the sea. What a hoot. The ending was different from the last times I had seen it. Instead of the cha cha dancers there was the naughty nurse. These young girls sitting near us were ready to leave after the show and I convinced them to stay. They were glad.

3/11 – Last day

Boo hoo. Took horsey up for his last run on the treadmill and then he had a relaxing massage at the beauty spa (yes photos to prove it). Packed and unpacked and generally got in each others way.

It was race day!!! We had our horse cloaked by this stage in top secret training. We knew that even if he didn’t win he was the best looking horse around. Prize money for the winning horse was $1220 and unfortunately it wasn’t ours. The winning horse was Nads (I think) and it jockey was an Asian transvestite called “wun hung lo” - what a hoot.

The owners had the first 2 rows of the showlounge reserved and some of us got dressed up for the races with hats and all. Had a few bottles of champers (thanks Janine’s prize) and we brought up the rest of our trick or treat lollies to share. There were 6 horses in all. Our jockey was Oz, Kezza’s hubby and someone donated a spectacular rainbow cap for him.

This was our last night together. We met some lovely people and now have many email addresses. Wandered about the ship having final cocktails and saying goodbye. Headed off to bed but got back out again when I discovered you could see land. I have no idea what time I got to bed but know that “bloody Sandra” forgot again to fix her phone and tried getting me up at 4.30 instead of 5.30.

4/11 – off home

Out of bed around 5.30 and out by 6.15. Not a bad effort. Janine was first off the ship and managed to get aboard an earlier flight (for a cost) home to meet the family. Sandra, Robyn and I toddled around and were one of the last off about 10ish I think. Had no probs at customs. Kezza took my extra smokes as Janine had accidentally forgotten them. The smokes and alcohol keep my neighbours happy and my lawn mowed. Not to mention the stunning checked shirts for C&W night.

Dropped out luggage off at airport. Sandra made 20kg exactly and I was too. Robyn however had one suitcase of 26kg and another of 15. Alright I helped with the second. It was easier than shoving it into one. This time we did get hit with excess. $30 for the second suitcase.

Had lunch with a friend of Robyns and then vegetated on our flight home. Lo and behold there were 2 others on our flight from the cruise and they had been sitting at Witchipoo’s table. Hubbys met us and I got flowers and Robyn (once home) a roast pork dinner.

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Umm, all the things I have forgotten. I think that the horse was the most fun we had. We got permission to take him on a tender boat (only for a photo) and carried him around. This certainly enabled us to meet people. Had lots of fun making up a story and painting him as well. Thanks to all how contributed with supplies, money and fun.

We sat at a table for 6 for dinner and our companions were Stan and Peg. Initially I thought oh no here come the old people (how rude of me) but they were great value. Have been married for 47 years and used to live in Newcastle (me too originally). Were real live racehorse trainers and of course were the official ones of our beloved Pistol Star. Stan was a bit of a flirt and always had a lovely thing to say to the ladies about how they looked.

I joined in the mini Olympics (TT footage) and also the triathalon. They were lots of fun and no cheating going on – much. It was funny, I had just had a shower and was feeling all clean and comfortable playing cards when Sandra rocks up and says get over to the pool and watch the triathalon. On arrival discovered that she had signed all of us up for it. After talking to Troy and telling him I had just had a shower he assured me that it wouldn’t involve me getting wet etc and I could do it holding my beer. LIAR!!! Ok, there was no swimming but the effort of everything else left me breathless and shower ready again.

I am afraid I really don’t have any juicy goss on the TT team. I didn’t even know they were on the ship until we were in Vila and somebody told me. Then the captain made the announcement and there were really cheers everywhere. So many people congratulated him and others for the way in which they handled them.

The staff were lovely, our cabin stewards were great. They had everything spotless and knew our names on the first night. Also were very concerned about Janine. As I said waiters were only so so but Giri made up for it. The cruise staff were good, Michael not as friendly as others but ok. I liked Troy.

They had the morning show each day (except for the day they put the wrong tape in and played the first days) and it had a “name that tune” and a trivia type question. Our cabin always entered and many a comment was made about the same handwriting and how many people live in the one room. Janine was somehow even declared to have gotten married in Vila – news to her and us. Oh there were 4 or 6 weddings.

One of the things on the morning show was to collect all the starsigns of the entertainment staff. We succeeded and even got the captains. Still waiting for a prize. Lol A girl from work headed off today for a QLD cruise so I sent some photos for Troy and a note hassling him about the starsigns.

Oh, have forgotten the drinking. This time discovered that Dukes is a great place to have a sort of quiet drink as it is non-smoking unlike Casablanca. Lee the bartender there was a great guy and remembered our drinks.

Can’t think of anything else. Think hubby expects me to do some housework now. Any questions just ask!!


Photos will come soon.

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Yes but probably not next year. Hubby and daughter are heading off to Europe for his mum's 70th in November, so I am not sure when to fit it in.


Hubby says he has had enough of the existing Aussie ships but will go on the Dawn. I think he got spoilt on the US ship. Hope to have another trip over there in July to take up our free cruise offer.

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Where do you plan to cruise to ADF? Do you have to cruise with Celebrity or can you sail with RCI with the cruise credit??

I received the new Celebrity and RCI brochures in the mail yesterday, as well as the P&O one.

It is quite difficult to pick up these brochures in Australia, but you can order them through Discover the World Marketing, which is Celbrity's and RCI's representatives in Australia.

Good luck in deciding you poor thing;)

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aussiedisneyfan, thanks for your review.


We are gettting quite excited now as we depart for our cruise on the Star Saturday 18 November. We were out at Portside today to watch the sailaway and cannot wait until our turn.


Can you remember the prices to have your hair done. We were wondering about having ours done for formal night also.


In regards to your pool hammock, did you take these yourself or are you able to hire them on the ship?

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Where do you plan to cruise to ADF? Do you have to cruise with Celebrity or can you sail with RCI with the cruise credit??

I received the new Celebrity and RCI brochures in the mail yesterday, as well as the P&O one.

It is quite difficult to pick up these brochures in Australia, but you can order them through Discover the World Marketing, which is Celbrity's and RCI's representatives in Australia.

Good luck in deciding you poor thing;)


It is Celebrity only, 7 nights or less. I ordered brochures from DWM yesterday. They still owe me money after 6 months!!!


Sounds like you have a lot to choose from lucky thing. I admit I'm jealous!


I realise that I am a very lucky girl. Reckon my daughter is luckier. I have to work to get these hols :D


Can you remember the prices to have your hair done. We were wondering about having ours done for formal night also.


In regards to your pool hammock, did you take these yourself or are you able to hire them on the ship?


My hair is still too short to be put up. It was $43 for a wash and blowave. I think long upstyles are either $50 or $55 maybe from.


I took the pool hammock with me, the ship has nothing like that. It was about $25 from either BigW or Kmart. Was well worth taking, especially if you had kids, they could snorkel then too without needing to be able to swim.

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Sandra first bought one. It is an oval shape about 1.8m long and 1m wide. Mesh netting in the middle surrounded by an inflatable tube which keeps it afloat, it also has some sort of flexible frame. It twists up into a circle kinda like those sunshades for car windscreens and comes with a carry bag.


It is being dragged underwater in this photo



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